Molly was picking flowers from the sea of little wildflowers when the shadow of an eagle beastman loomed over her. She raised her head, and at the sight of the eagle beastman exuding a valiant and mighty aura, let out a gasp of admiration.
Following which she said in disdain to Alva next to her, "Look at his valiant manner of flying!"
No idea if it was her hallucination, but she felt that this eagle gave off a more majestic aura compared to other eagle beastmen. This must be a powerful beastman even amongst the eagle beastmen.
"My colors are prettier than theirs!" Alva raised his head nonchalantly as he spoke. When he got a clear view of the eagle beastman above though, he froze, and all of a sudden, he was unable to rebut Molly's words.
Seeing Alva fall silent, Molly wondered if she had gone overboard.
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