Winston said, "It's a pity that there's too much rain now and the food can't be air-dried. It'll rot if we can't finish it. Otherwise, we can bring back all the behemoth corpses, and it'd last us all the way to next year's light rainy season."
Bai Qingqing let out a "huh" and then asked in surprise, "Didn't you guys store the food?"
Winston's brows raised, immediately understanding that his mate had another idea. He was delighted and said, "We did. Many beastmen smoked the food in tree holes, but it takes a few days to get a piece of meat done. The speed is very slow, but we can still store some."
Bai Qingqing quickly said, "Isn't there a lot of salt in the village? Preserve them with salt!"
Winston gave it some thought before saying with uncertainty, "It's true that using salt to preserve food can allow it to be stored for longer. But it'll still spoil, right?"
After all, it was fresh meat.
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