Winston lay down for two days and then woke up slowly. Before he opened his eyes, he already smelled the light fragrance that was unique to his mate. He was instantly infatuated.
After appreciating it for very long, Winston gradually opened his eyes. As expected, Bai Qingqing was seated next to him, her curly long hair hiding the side of her face. He had no idea what she was doing.
His hoarse voice rang out in the bedroom. Bai Qingqing raised her head and a surprising smile beamed on her face. "Winston, you're awake? Curtis was right. Parker made light soup, I'll bring you a bowl. You're seriously injured and should eat lighter food."
As Bai Qingqing said this, she put down the needlework she was working on and wanted to get up. However, a big hand grabbed onto her arm.
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