After Winston finished pounding all the fish meat, Bai Qingqing asked them to place the paste into a large stone bucket. The fish paste filled up half of the stone bucket the size of a bathtub.
After adding ginger, garlic, and the appropriate amount of salt, they started stirring the mixture vigorously.
As the fish meat was still raw, its smell alongside with the various condiments could be detected. Bai Qingqing actually felt that it would be delicious this way.
Wasn't there such a thing as sashimi? There oughtn't to be a problem eating it raw, right?
As the scent was too tantalizing, Bai Qingqing wanted to secretly eat a little. Who knew, when she looked left and right, she saw Parker swallowing his saliva, and Winston—although his expression was stern—had his lips tightly pursed, his countenance looking abnormal.
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