When Winston got close to the village, the poison acted up again. Affected by the Flos Eriocauli, he entered in a daze and was stuck there for a while.
He saw Bai Qingqing's figure everywhere, looking at him from a short distance, smiling at him. She was so quiet that she was like a plant that emitted a floral fragrance.
He carefully got closer, but "Bai Qingqing" turned into a long and thin plant.
No! Those "Qingqings" were all fake. They weren't real.
He was thinking of this when the toxicity seemed to get increasingly intense. Winston had even heard the familiar and crisp voice.
She was calling his name.
It was fake! A hallucination!
Winston's gaze sharpened, and he rapidly pounced toward the direction of the voice.
Bai Qingqing gasped and fell to the ground. However, she saw that it was Winston and thus wasn't afraid.
Bai Qingqing opened her mouth and said in pleasant surprise, "Winston? You're finally back!"
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