The scorpion king turned into his human form and looked at Winston with great pity. "You're very strong, but it's a pity that you got hit by my poison. You won't be able to live."
Winston turned into his human form and stumbled a little before standing steadily, speaking in a coarse voice, "Location!"
"You're on the verge of death, yet you don't forget about your initial intention." The scorpion king was surprised, but he kept to his word. "I'll send a scorpion to invite him here. But we'll have to see if you'll be able to hang on until then."
After saying that, the scorpion king instructed a member of his tribe to head for that tribe right before Winston.
Winston changed back into his beast form and slowly walked out of the stone castle. His steps were slow and heavy, emitting the disposition of one in power. Others weren't able to see how distorted the world in his eyes was looking now.
The damned scorpion poison was acting up again.
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