Four people stood there, shocked. Leo, Mia, Chloe, and Jeremy.
The last thing Leo and Mia had expected was to be welcomed by a half-naked Jeremy, who looked like he had been bitten all over my bugs.
Jeremy was even more shocked to see the two. He didn't need to ask which of the King's twin this was, because he knew it was Leo.
When his brain registered that, he took a step back.
"Tell me you were beaten by a bug." Leo said in a very quiet voice.
Jeremy stepped back again when Leo entered the room with Mia beside him. Mia looked a bit embarrassed to witness this.
"Uh... I think we should return later." Mia suggested but Leo shook his head and looked further inside to see Chloe standing there, flustered and surprised to see Leo was back. But that wasn't the main thing at the moment.
The exposed parts of Chloe's body looked almost similar to Jeremy's.
"Oh my God! You two had sex!" Leo screamed.
"You have been sleeping with my sister?"
"Stop it." Mia pulled him back to her. It was already too embarrassing for the couple, why couldn't he just let it go?
"Leo, calm down. You are overreacting."
"I am overreacting?" Leo asked Chloe in disbelief. "You two look like you have been attacked by bees, and you say I am overreacting?" He scoffed.
Chloe went to stand in between Jeremy– who was looking for the best way to reach for his shirt, and Leo, who was glaring at him.
Mia quickly went to pick up Jeremy's shirt and handed it to him with an embarrassed smile.
"I know I'm your younger sister, but I am an adult. I don't freak out when you have sex with ladies."
Leo quickly looked at Mia, who was frowning at the mention of that.
"Why are you bringing that up? Besides, this is different!"
"How is it different? Jeremy is my boyfriend!" She yelled at him angrily.
"Chloe." Jeremy held her hand and shook his head. He didn't want her to quarrel with her brother.
He was a guy who had a younger sister and knew he would also freak out if he saw his sister in this kind of scene.
"I'm sorry you saw us this way, but that is the only thing I can apologize for. I love Chloe and whatever happened between us was as a result of our love for each other—"
"Oh God! I am going to kill him!"
The house turned noisy as Leo tried to attack Jeremy, while the two girls stood in-between, trying to stop any fight from breaking out, and also yelling their lungs out.
After a while, everyone was calm. "Come with me." Leo said to Chloe as he started walking towards where he believed was her bedroom, but he ended up in the kitchen.
She looked at Jeremy once and followed her brother.
"What do you think you are doing, Chloe?" He asked her with a frown of displeasure.
"A few days ago, when I asked about Jeremy, you blew off the question. I noticed you have been sad and too emotional lately, and I am sure he is the cause. So what are you doing?"
"Stop freaking out. Besides, this was our first time!" She didn't want to mention she had been pissed because Jeremy had refused to have sex with her. It would only make matters worse for her.
"Makes it even worse! Did you agree to do it with him to keep your relationship? Are you desperate?"
"Do not say that about me." She frowned deeply at him. "We love each other."
"Are you sure about that?"
"He loves me! Why can't you just be happy for me and stop being negative?"
"I am not being negative! I am your older brother and I want you to be happy. If you believe Jeremy doesn't love you as much as you love him, you should let him go. Don't try to start doing what you—"
The two looked at the door when Jeremy entered. Jeremy looked at the siblings and settled his gaze on Leo, who was frowning at him.
"Please excuse us, Chloe. I need to speak with Leo."
Chloe looked at him in alarm.
"What? No—"
"Trust me." He stopped her.
She didn't look too sure, but she gave Leo a pleading look before she left the kitchen.
"What do you have to say?" Leo snapped.
"That you should stop treating Chloe like a child. And stop scolding her. I don't like it."
Leo's jaw dropped, and he blinked several times in disbelief.
Did he just hear him right? "You... don't like it?"
"I know you are her older brother and you care about her. As much as you do not want to believe this, I love Chloe, probably even more than you do. If you are worried about one of us hurting each other, then you should be worried about me, because I would rather die than hurt her. You love Mia, so you should understand."
"You love my sister more than I do? Are you insane?" Leo yelled at him.
Soon enough, they began to argue over who loved Chloe more.
"This is so embarrassing!" Chloe, who was in the living room, buried her face in her hands.
"You think? Imagine how I feel listening to my boyfriend and one of my best friends arguing about who loves you more." Mia said in a light tone, causing the two of them to laugh.
"I cannot believe Leo is acting like a saint now. You two have been dating for a long time. Haven't you—?" Chloe bit her lip.
Mia blushed and looked down before shaking her head gently.
Chloe looked at her in surprise.
"Really? You mean it?" Chloe asked in surprise.
Mia nodded and looked at Chloe with an embarrassed smile. "I guess you and Jeremy beat us to it–"
"SHUT UP! I swear to God, I am going to find your little sister a boyfriend just like you, so you'll know how frustrated I am!" They heard Leo's loud voice.
"I am sure we would get along because I am not like you!" Jeremy replied.
Mia turned to look at Chloe with an amused smile.
"If you ever end up having a wedding ceremony, you should choose between your brother and Jeremy, who you'll be inviting."
Chloe laughed. What was a wedding without the groom?
"I think Louis can stand in for Leo and himself. Leo won't be getting any invite. But do not tell him I said so." Chloe said lightly causing the two girls to laugh aloud.
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