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Capítulo 139: Tower (5)

Claire looked towards Katherine with conflicted eyes, on one hand, a part of her believed Katherine's words. But on the other, she had come to adore Lokee and distrust the Justice leagues way of doing things.

Katherine looked towards the sky and spoke with the same ancient tongue Lokee had previously used before going insane. "We both know this mutt should die. But please dad, let me find a better way. For this girl craves hope, so let me become that hope before killing the mutt."

Claire's eyes widened at Katherine's voice, unlike Lokee or Geralt. She spoke in a calming tone that didn't evoke a sense of the all-mighty. Her voice was something akin to a calming wave that brought all rage to a stop.

Geralt brought everything to a hard stop, before looking into Katherine's eyes. To spot the same reassuring look he and dawned time and time again. With the snap of a finger, his rage simmered, and the clouds rolled back.

Causing the now-infamous divine chains to lose their luster and transform into rusted pig iron, which snapped then sent Lokee, Claire, and Katherine careening to the ground.

The woman and girl were fine, but Lokee was not. His pride was shattered and reality sank in. The once-mighty god thought himself near infallible after surviving Ragnarök and all the battles that followed, and yet today. These gods, no these children of not even 100 years had beat silly then saved his life.

Katherine watched as Lokee's body reverted to its original state. The cameras zoomed in on his long disheveled yet charming hair, washboard abs, perfectly chiseled body, face, and legs before zooming in on his long, thick succulent cock.

Men, Women, boys, and girls all over the world fell in love with his stunning good looks, as they dreamt of servicing him in every way. Lokee spoke with a hypnotic voice that drove even the sexiest, manliest, most uncaring goddess and gods to lust after and dream of serving him.

Katherine scoffed, shielding her mind against his blatant use of magic. Unlike Circe, Lokee's natural appeal would never drive anyone, man or thing to drive after him in madness. And even Circe could never truly affect the most stall ward mind.

But that wasn't his goal, Katherine wasn't his goal. Lokee had lost this battle, but he had salvaged a bigger following and that would bring his plan one step closer to succeeding. And as for Geralt, a part of him would regret this moment in the weeks to come.

Lokee looked towards Katherine with a bright smile, which went along with a face pleaded thanks. Katherine smiled and stepped within an inch of his face, Lokee opened his mouth. But before he could say a single word, Katherine planted her fist deep into his face, driving his skull into the ground and canceling the spell.

Lokee's new fans screamed with indignation as they pleaded for Katherine's death, they watched him stand up with the same calming smile. Claire looked towards his slightly twitching hand and took a step back.

'She's afraid of him.' Thought Katherine, making sure not to slip her hand.

"How do you know, my language?" Asked Lokee, doing his best to control his highly unstable mental state.

Katherine said nothing, aggerating Lokee even further. The veins on his right arm briefly flashed before receding back into his body. See this Katherine grew curious and so decided to prob him.

"You clearly know the answer, even she does. See, her face says it all. So why do I need to waste my any breath further?"

Clenching his first Lokee grit his teeth, then took a deep breath before stating. "He wouldn't."

Katherine: "He did. And you really are another one of those delusional gods."

The cameras above them zoomed in on the veins bursting from Lokee's head. A few of them tried to fly closer to the ground, however, a single glance dissuaded them from entering his space. Halfway around the world Geralt was taking note of Lokee's behavior, but when looked towards his tainted soul.

His breathing turned ragged, his pupils dilated and for a brief half-second his power threatened to render Sri Lanka uninhabitable. For upon looking at Lokee's soul he saw the tormented remains of his now-dead family members.

But when he glanced towards Claire who couldn't help but gawk at in awe of Katherine, he thought. 'If we can undo the dmg done to this girl, we could cripple his chances of succ--.'

His thought was cut short as Brain gathered a bigger, more potent cosmic storm. Geralt clicked his teeth before turning his attention to the raid on Brains base, 'This fucker's powers are multiplying at a rapid rate. It must almost be time...'

Back in Brooklyn. Lokee who for a long moment was on the verge of losing control looked up towards the sky before telling Claire. "Keep her here, I'm needed back at Brains lab."

Claire dawned a serious face and stepped forward. Lokee, now behind her smirked as he bent his knees and bolted back towards Brains lab. Katherine, noticing the smirk thought 'there's definitely more to all this. A man like that wouldn't care about people--.'

"You're not going after him." Said Claire disturbing her previous thought. She bolted towards Katherine firing a sharp right jab, however, Katherine leaned back while asking. "Why do you fear Lokee?"

Disregarding her question, Claire fired a left hook towards Katherine's rib cage. But hit nothing but air as Katherine appeared a few inches away. "You're not going to hit him. So, let's ta--"

Before she could even finish, Claire had fired her heat-vision toward Katherine's face. But to her shock, the beam bent in two before making contact. Katherine dawned an annoyed look as Claire followed up with a thunderclap.

The clap did nothing to disrupt Katherine as she watched Claire dash within meters of her body and release a barrage of punches.

Claire's first hit Mach 10 speeds, unleashing a rapid barrage of shockwaves that devastated the surrounding area. Cars blew up, stores collapsed, the ground shattered, flinging cement towards the few nearby people stupid enough to stay in the around the area.

Katherine's patients plummeted as she repeatedly tried to talk some sense into Claire, who refused to listen. But instead, further increased her power output, Claire's fist released shockwave's that ignited the air and threatened to down a few helicopters.

Katherine released a faint pulse of energy that distorted the distance between Claire, her, and the surrounding area. Claire continued her failed assault, causing Katherine to wonder "why are you afraid of him?"

"I'm not afraid!" yelled Claire firing her heat-vision towards Katherine "I just respect and wish to serve him and his dream!"

Katherine teleported away from the beam that went on to reduce the upper half of an empty building to ash. "You say you're not afraid but your actions say other words. When his hand started twitching you backed away in fear. Hell, even at this very moment I can see a bit of that fear...

Your shaking is clear, the thought of him is causing your body to shake and yet you still defend him. Like a stupid little high school girl... you know Claire, I told myself I was going to talk sense into you. Before I skinned him alive, but if this is what that man brought you to in such a short stent of time. Then to save the many others he plans to doom I'm glad he dies now."

Claire's inner thought... 'Oh Lokee, give me the strength I need to execute your goal.'

#An: Claire, goes by Gotham girl. Like many in the city she wants to save, at the beginning, she believed and trained under Bruce. However, as time went on her brother died, and her belief in his way of doing this faded.

Bane captured then had her mind broken before bringing her to his side...but Lokee...he had her shattered before rebuilding her world...with him at hits center! And is ivy the same? Who knows.#

yooooooooooo yooooooooooo

I need to reread this arc.

But with this chapter, you're all caught up. Everything that comes after is what I've finished.

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