As usual, the head general Pual had left on one of his expeditions. This meant that the three other generals were left to run the military base, including the school while the others were away. Mike, the oldest and most experienced of the generals, was mainly in charge of running the base and other soldiers when this happened.
This was a task usually for the head general, but because he was often away on other work, Mike would be put in charge. What this meant was the remaining two Generals, Nathan, head of first years and Duke, head of second years were in charge of running the school.
Inside his office, Nathan had his feet up on his desk and was laid back in his chair. It was the first time he felt like this in a while. With the first years on the outing, there wasn't much for him to do at the moment, and for the first time, he could finally take a break.
As many of you know i recently decided to quit my job. I am a teacher at a school.
When handing in my notice today i was called into a meeting. The school said a sevreal things, one that they would not give me my documents needed to transfer over to a new visa (I work abroad)
2) If i was to go through with leaving they would tell the parents of the kids, that I was fired and did bad things. And said they would try thier best to make sure i could never become a teacher in another school again.
This is a very stressful tiem for me as i live with my girlfirend and need my visa to stay abroad. this was the reaosn for no chapter yesterday. hope you all understand.