Black Howler, the eager master, had the worst timing. Although it was probably for the best that he'd stopped young Jaybird from forging onward as it allowed him to avoid the spear that had been thrown at him.
Jaybird ducked. The spear's spade-like tip only grazed Jaybird's cheek. He wasn't allowed to feel the hurt, however as his master yelled for him to dodge the next incoming attack.
He rolled to the right as a war hammer — a massive circular stone head more than twice the size of Jaybird's own head — slammed the ground where he'd been crouching just a second ago.
"The hits just keep coming," Jaybird whispered right before he got back to his feet. "I'm going to need a little help here, master."
Black Howler was only too happy to oblige his apprentice. He slid into view on Jaybird's right with his greatsword swinging sideward, catching the enemy reaver in the gut and sending him crashing a good ten yards away.
Greetings, fellow reapers!
Don't forget to vote guys! XD Sorry, that's all from me today as I've got a massive migraine... In fact, I'm probably going to edit this chapter a bit... so please let me know if my pacing or transition between scenes was mediocre. :(
Ugh, Migraine's killing me... Gotta go. I'll reply to all comments by tomorrow!