Squeak, squeak
The severely injured Baron instantly transformed into a bat and flashed toward the sky, knowing his cause was lost. Most of all, he dreaded Li Yao—this guy even dared to plot against a prime ancestor and had succeeded. It was bizarre beyond measure. Just seeing Li Yao made his skin crawl.
"Trying to escape?"
Li Yao's hand shot out a bolt of Magic Spider Silk, as fast as lightning. The bat he had turned into was only the size of a palm, colored pink, and utterly incapable of resisting the force of the Magic Spider Silk.
Immediately, he was pulled onto Li Yao's palm, where Dark Touch appeared, a dense web of threads binding him tightly, denying him even the possibility of changing back.
At the same time, from a distance, the Dragonhawk troops finally raced over. The General at the lead gave Li Yao an inquiring look.
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