Knight stepped directly into the nearby Fire Wall, and everyone saw Knight's health dropping faster and faster.
"Enough," Li Yao frowned slightly.
Knight quickly sold the Fire Gun, and then Starfire's four Elemental Pets surrounded the boss.
"Flame Burn can increase the damage of other skills, and it seems that each layer can increase the damage by about 20%, so everyone pay attention to your own status, and try not to get hit by the boss's other skills while burning, otherwise, you might be killed instantly," Li Yao spoke while attacking, "Spread out now."
The group from Starfire quickly began to disperse.
"You foolish creatures, why do you resist me?"
With the Earl's words, she spread her arms wide, and the whole sky turned a fiery red.
Li Yao's eyes turned blue as he looked up at the sky.
"Run towards me, Starfire," Li Yao said.
Starfire immediately abandoned her Spell and ran towards Li Yao.
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