The raucous cawing of the carrion crows and the sound of their wings slicing through the air added to the chaos, frustrating and distracting everyone even further.
As they watched the carrion crows swooping down from the sky, everyone except Li Yao swallowed hard; it was just too thrilling and frightening.
In the game's ancient era, with technological advancements, many top players or those with special methods could already farm monsters in groups, but that was just a handful of them, a few or perhaps a dozen or two, who had those special methods.
In situations like this, where the crows blotted out the sky, it was no different from courting death.
Though they had spent half the night gathering materials for Flash Bombs, to be honest, they had no choice but to trust Li Yao, although they didn't really have much confidence in reality.
Everyone's complexion looked terribly unsightly, and if it weren't for Li Yao's unfazed demeanor, they might have been tempted to run away.
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