The great battle started, with countless players rushing into the range covered by the Different Dimension tunnel like a flood.
As the players delved deeper, numerous teams began to diverge, each selecting their own targets, every Chain Camp was a battlefield.
The Lizardmen players were likewise guarding each respective camp, the two sides erupted into intense combat.
Although separated by a vast distance, Li Yao and his associates could still see the dazzling brilliance of spells and skills bursting forth.
"It's really spectacular."
That was the first thought that popped into all heads, as intense battles erupted around the outskirts of the camp.
Although the Lizardmen's civilization was primitive, there were basic camp defenses available, with NPC working alongside the Lizardmen players, considering that the Lizardmen were initially stronger than the human players.
The combat that erupted initially held the upper hand, but there were just too many human players.
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