On the airship, people were idly wandering back and forth, full of curiosity about this item that only existed in the magical world.
"Which direction are we heading this time?" Tongtong asked Li Yao as she stood next to the helm.
Li Yao replied, "It's been several days since we left the base, let's go to the tank base first and see. We can get some tanks to bring out for sale."
"Er, can tanks be loaded onto the airship?" Tianxiang paused before asking, "Aren't tanks too heavy?"
"It's alright, we can fly a little slower. These airships have excellent propulsion systems," Li Yao explained.
Soon after, the airship flew directly to the tank base, only to find, unexpectedly, that there were no leftover tanks.
It turned out that the players that bought tanks, understanding their benefits, arrived early at the base. Every day, people were reserving tanks, causing a shortage.
When Li Yao arrived at the base, an Angel gave him a stack of silver military medals, which surprised him.
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