Li Yao carefully watched every move of the teleporting demon in the projection window, saying, "Whether it's possible or not, I still want to give it a shot. It's a bit tough for current players to deal with this boss."
"Can't we handle it?" Angel asked.
Li Yao thought for a moment before answering, "Among us, Siren has the skills and her profession can hold up for a short time. But the one with the bedside-cabinet-for-speed definitely can't handle the teleport demon's attack."
"Damn it, stop calling me a bedside cabinet!" Angel yelled angrily.
Fruit Knight looked at him dispassionately, remarking, "Seems like you aren't satisfied with your life. Want to improve it?"
Your naming wishes have been granted, Bedside Cabinet.".
At that, everyone burst into laughter, looking at Angel with utter glee.
"Anyone who wants to learn about female subduing can chat with me in private." Fruit Knight suggested seriously.
A few of the women's eyes lit up immediately.
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