By the time the king and the others reached the dungeon's entrance, Alex was already gone. They heard noises coming from the hole as they approached it. King Livius gritted his teeth as he looked down the seemingly endless abyss.
"Abigail…" he heard Alex's voice echo as he called out for Abi.
On the edge of the room by the wall, the princess started begging for her life.
"Mother, Father, save me… Alex… he's going to kill me!"
The queen ran to her daughter and she started weeping as she approached her chained child.
"Oh my god, Mira, what have you done?" The queen was extremely distraught. The royal family had done their best not to anger Alex and to stay on good terms with him all these years and yet, in an instant, all their hard work was burnt to ashes because this child of hers did this.
sorry guys, the second chapter will come a little late today TT
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