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65.48% A True Beginning / Chapter 129: Ch.14

Capítulo 129: Ch.14

We wrapped up everything with Nagnok knowing to release my name as Old Ben and out me to the public at the end of the school year. Just before winter break I'd completed my apparation class and got my license. As I was already seventeen now I could go anywhere I wished, not that anything could've stopped me before.

I released a new set of school books with revised and recommended spells as well as possible side classes for those that wanted to learn more magic like household charms and the basic wilderness survival spells I came up with to rough it with.

I'd also updated and gave revised and suggested classes on wards, runes of alternate languages and all magical languages I'd learned. I knew mermish, Gobbledegook, giant, troll, ogre, and tons of beast speak thanks to Newt.

I'd even learned Draconic, though I'd had to cheat and read a dragon's mind to do so. And last but not least, a ritual of tongues through which I'd learned parseltongue thanks to Harry's help. It'd taken his permission and a blood ritual but I'd gained the real deal.

That didn't include all the mortal languages I'd learned like French and all that fun stuff. Each of the languages were explained except Parseltongue in my new books and I'd released gum balls that allowed you to speak and understand different languages but it didn't help with writing and reading.

For that I had special quills and glasses made for each language and sold separately. The gum balls only lasted a day per piece but it went international and everyone loved them.

All of it was published and made under the name Old Ben. I continued to publish books on lost magic's, laws, traditions and even updated muggle history for the public's consumption. The name Old Ben became synonymous with fame and wisdom.

So much so that it overshadowed even Gilroy Lockhart's name who was just becoming famous. I published more new aged healing techniques next and Saint Mungo's healers tested and confirmed better and more immediate results up to the point where through a mind focusing potion meant to help heal fractured minds and brain damage, the Longbottom couple had been healed.

Fame spread far and wide as the couple recovered by the day. Neville has been pulled out of school for a few days to see his parents. Through my potions a lot of the spell damage ward patients were recovering including Pandora Lovegood who'd woken up.

As Neville had left, so did Dumbledore's supposedly. Nicolas has done his job well and has turned over the failed philosophers stone and Quirrellmort was going after it. Harry, egged in by Ron had gone after it but not before warning me and asking for help. I'd trailed behind them, taking the Cerberus named Fluffy, the devil snare plant and meeting them in the wizard chess room, revealing myself as well as holding up Harry's cloak of invisibility.

"Harry, did you forget something?"

They all three turned to me and saw me holding up his cloak. Ron yelled. "Give it back Damien!"

I snorted. "Quiet poo boy."

His ears went red and his face flushed while I tossed Harry his cloak. "Take better care of it. It's a powerful artifact as well you know and I'll need it one day."

He nodded, stuffing it away. Ron spoke up. "Harry, you be the rook. Hermione be the bishop."

I snorted as he said. "And I'll be the knight."

They turned back to me and I told them. "Or I could just clear the path with a vanishing charm and we walk through unchallenged."

Ron's face grew red now and Harry apologized to Ron. "Sorry Ron but he's right, it's a matter of time not fun."

He gave me the go ahead and I waved my hand, turning half the board into rubble while the other half ceased to exist. I dusted of my hands. "Shall we?"

They were each looking at me with astonishment. It really wasn't hard as only Dumbledore and perhaps Snape rivaled me in pure magical strength and I'd yet to enter the third stage of my magical core, though i was very close.

We walked through and it was an unconscious troll I put away before proceeding to the potions room. I told Hermione and Ron. "There's only enough for one so you two should head back for a professor's help, Harry can go through and I'll follow with my own magic but I can't take others with me the same way I do so."

Hermione agreed not that Ron liked the idea as he hadn't had a chance to show off like they had. He was simply along for the ride it seemed and useless to boot. Harry took the potion and went through after they'd left and I shifted into my Animagi form, my green Phoenix, and flew through.

My own flames were hotter than any magical fire around and actually burnt the black flames on the door. I landed on his shoulder and he nodded happily as he faced off against Quirrellmort.

They bantered, I got bored and when Quirrellmort attacked via grabbing for Harry I told Harry how to beat him. A swift kick to the nuts and a fiery face smack saw Quirrellmort turning to ashes. I shifted back in front of him and he held up the stone.

I shook my head. "Not interested in the least. If I want immortality I'll make my own. Though, here let me see it real quick."

I tapped the floor of the room with it and turned the whole room into gold but stopped it from spreading further before tossing it back to a stunned Harry who tossed it at the turban on the floor. At that moment I heard a clap and Professor Dumbledore came out of his own invisibility cloak. "I'll be taking that."

It floated into his hand and I sighed. "So it really was a test, though I have to ask whom was it for? Harry? Quirrell or me?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I gotta go I've got a few NEWT tests tomorrow and for the rest of the week. Try not to get anyone else killed for your greater good while I'm busy."

I turned to Harry. "Don't take Professor Quirrell's death too hard as he was possessed and bound to die from that much of a bonding anyway. He chose his path as must we all. He was simply to weak in heart and mind to travel it without the aid of a master."

I patted his shoulder and left, heading to my common room. I contacted Nym and Charlie and told them what had happened as well. A week later the school was filled with rumors and lies spread by Ron about him playing a wicked game of wizards chess and beating Voldemort single handily.

In reality I showed them the real images of what happened along the way and Charlie berated Ron for lying and being a coward for a bunch of plants any first year who'd actually done their work would know not to be afraid of. His image as a coward solidified as Draco Malfoy had taken a copy of the image and plastered it across the whole school.

Ron was too embarrassed to show his face for a while, not that Harry and Hermione noticed. They were to busy fending off questions and thanking me for my help and advice to get the teachers.

As the Newt Scores were pre-announced when my own had gone beyond all records with an added three more to the already thirteen. Healing, alchemy and warding. Hell, I'd gone beyond that and had distinctions in all fields.

When I got my name in the paper for it, Nagnok released the news that I was in fact Old Ben. The media went crazy as they'd been trying to find out who old Ben was ever since my first potions revision book.

When I went to get my Animagi license as is necessary, I'd been accosted by journalists on the way out. The auror who'd done my testing for the license had even announced I was the first known magical beast Animagi, a green Phoenix.

My fame hit the stratosphere and many just wanted to know what I'd be doing next. I told them evenly. "I'll be disbanding the Lestrange family today and giving my father it's vote in the Wizengamot. Then I'll be going back to Hogwarts to study under the professors there to take my master's test in a year or two's time."

"Hopefully after that I intend to settle down and teach there for a few years and help the younger generation learn to go beyond mine. We should be working to improve ourselves and that's why I wish to stay out of the political side of things for the time being. It's too focused on keeping things the same."

A few asked if I was available but I told them my heart belonged to another whom wished to remain anonymous for the time being as she wanted to build her own carrier separate from mine and I'd agreed. Many asked if I'd be publishing more books and I told them I'd only just begun.

I left them there and headed to meet up with Charlie who was saying goodbye to his family before he entered his own training. After I dropped him off and helped him settle in I went to Harry's place and introduced myself as the secret investor in the Grunnings drill company that Vernon Dursley ran.

I told them plainly. "I'm willing to turn over all investments and make you really rich now if you'll move away and leave this house in Harry's name. If you agree, you'll never have to hear the word magic again and all you have to do is sign here."

I handed Vernon and Petunia who were stunned silly, a blood signing quill that would magically enforce the contract. They read it over and as it was straightforward, they signed it over stating they gave me full magical and muggle custodies of Harry and gave him the house in exchange for the investment portfolio and all it's monies which was stated on the contract at fifty million pounds.

They agreed right away and I had the money transferred by Nagnok into their account as I handed them the portfolio. They signed over the deed of the house to me in Harry's favor and I had the house legally declared a wizards domain. By the time they moved out three days later I had placed wards up and had the fireplace turned into a floo.

The house looked nothing like before as it was remodeled by house elves for Harry's style. The blood runs was put up and damned if it wasn't effective. Harry could now freely do magic as my wards made it unplottable except by spelled Hogwarts owl and house elves who knew where it was.

Over the summer I visited him. He lived there like it was one big bedroom and traveled by floo to the family manor to hang out with my sisters. I had him send his Phoenix to Hermione and told him to avoid OWL mail as it could be intercepted.

Hermione has visited him at his house with her parents a few times and Harry explained the legal process of having your house or home declared a wizards domain and the wards needed to prevent the trace from working. They promised to hire the goblins and specifically Nagnok for the work.

He really was an efficient goblin accounts manager. Harry, mine and my father's investments were insanely high and we were all making millions of galleons a year not including the family businesses. Harry had his own family businesses that were barely afloat before but were recovering.

They were mostly import and export businesses along with a few magical building companies around the world. The docks and channels for the Potter family businesses were seriously damaged from the war but now they were being rebuilt better than ever.

My father had been teaching him the political arena as it was guaranteed he'd have to enter it because of the businesses he had. Without it the Potter estate would flounder and crumble to dust. On the bright side he'd kept all the vaults separate so he just needed seven wives and he was set.

I'd already begun my own masters studies at Hogwarts and Nym at the Auror academy. She was on the fast track do to her proficiency and training from before. Soon enough she was apprenticed under Mad Eye Moody himself.

I'd been basically reading all summer except for the repeated stops at Burke's shop when finally he had what I needed just after the new bill was passed to search anyone's house or place of residence for dark artifacts if they were suspect.

Malfoy has sold him a bunch of dark objects and one was a book his instincts had told him to reject until he remembered me and my not caring if it was cursed or not. He bought it cheap but I didn't care as I offered him a hundred thousand galleons for it.

He'd went bug eyed but accepted right away. I put it under lock and key in my realm with the second one. In fact, I'd been so happy I'd went to Hogwarts and retrieved the third one and when school started up, I mentioned seeing Peter Pettigrew on my map a few times to Harry.

Harry had went bug eyed and I set the record straight for him saying that no one really knew what happened that night except Peter and Sirius black. Most of it was speculation and Black hadn't been given a trial as I'd indeed checked.

He made a plan as I reminded him that the names on the original map meant they were Animagi and from what Remus had mentioned, Peter was a literal rat. He caught Peter in a transfigured cage and brought him to me.

I delivered him to Nym with Veritaserum already in his system and him bound. She'd made sure to take her case to madam Bones and her teacher Mad Eye Moody. With my father's backing and eight major votes as announced by my father, he'd forced the issue of Black not having a trial and made them take the case before the court.

Peter was questioned and found guilty while Black was found innocent. Sirius was released to Saint Mungo's where they helped him both mentally and physically. A lot of Faith was lost in Minister Fudge's administration as he was supposed to have cleaned up after the war but instead he'd helped sweep it all under the rug.

Most of the full story of that night hit the daily prophet and Harry, thanks to Dumbledore's interference, declined an interview. Sirius received the same courtesy thanks to my father's help. He needed time to heal and rest to set his mind straight.

Peter has been stripped of his order of Merlin and given the dementors kiss right there in the court room. Back at school I'd went back down into the chamber of secrets and called the basilisk out.

I sent it to live with the other three per her request and cleaned up the chamber. The basilisk had been named Sashi by Slytherin and was in fact a child in mind while her body was that of a full grown basilisk beyond her prime.

I'd taken pity on her and filled her with lifeforce before feeding her a golden apple and promising no one would control her ever again. She hadn't shrunk but she no longer felt old. I'd gotten a gallon of venom from her as thanks and let her see the sun since her birth.

She played harmlessly with the three smaller basilisks and they were happy to have a new friend. I'd had to expand the continent they were on and filled it with more bears and dear that were perpetually breeding to feed the beasts.

I then cleaned up the hidden chamber and went and added it to everyone else's maps. I'd already searched the place but whatever had been in the hidden rooms before had been long taken by Voldemort and his ancestors.

Other than catching Lockhart in a lie and having him publicly defamed, the rest of the school year was boring. I spent the next summer doing the strenuous task of being possessed by three horcrux's and crushing the soul pieces to bits before absorbing the memories. Only the Diadem was of any real use as the others had been made before he'd learned all he had.

It was mostly dark arts and rituals with the occasional blood magic and potion tossed in. A lot of it I already knew and the personal crap and emotions or lack there of I'd brushed aside. It wasn't even a complete soul so it wasn't even worth turning into essence.

I'd released it into the either and put the two Hogwarts items in my family's vault. When Sirius had found and contacted Harry, I'd taken a crack at the next horcrux. I'd bought the Black manor from Sirius and even have him a country house not far from the Weasleys in exchange as well as enough gold to make a goblin blush.

He'd accepted and even given me Kreacher. I gave the property to Harry after my own house elves cleaned it out and remodeled it saying it would stay in the Black family as Sirius's first action after getting out was to make Harry his heir.

I'd already received the Slytherin's locket and took the awful wall down that had madam Black's permanent portrait up on it. I left the wall and Kreacher in the chamber of secrets.

Before the second school year since our graduation started Charlie contacted me and thanked me as his first year at the dragon preserve had gone really well. He loved his work and that's all anyone could ask for. Nym was an official auror now and it was time I finished my masters.

I took the tests and showed my new and improved ways and spells for each subject, receiving my masters in all the fields and I headed to Saint Minho's to do the last subject, healing.

There I realized my potions and spells may have worked a bit too well as half the hospital was empty. Most of the long term patients had healed and gone home. It didn't matter much as after I got my masters I'd had my bots open up hiring for the werewolves and healers that went through the extra training.

When I returned to Hogwarts Dumbledore had given me the option of defense against the dark arts and the care of magical creatures position as our agreement demanded.

I took care of magical creatures and told a sad Hagrid. "You can be my assistant. I've a lot to do and so long as you stick to the schedules provided you'll be able to teach the younger years in my stead on occasions. It'll also help that the magical creatures know you already. Think of me as the public relations that keeps you from getting into too much trouble for showing creatures that could hurt students."

He snorted. "Nonsense, no creature I'd show would attack a student so long as they were treated with respect!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Hagrid, you're talking about kids that can't treat each other respect and were raised to look down on magical creatures as dumb beasts. Besides, they may not seem dangerous to a half giant like you who has tough skin and can scare off trolls on occasions but if you show anything like a hippogriff or a manticore then you're not only going to be fired but possibly sued if they harm a student even by accident."

He went red as he blushed before muttering. "I suppose I could learns ta teach the youngsters before me I'm ready ter teach them meself."

I nodded and Dumbledore smiled. "Excellent. Any suggestions for the defense against the dark arts role?"

I shrugged. "Sirius Black, Remus Lupin or your pick of a hundred other graduates from my family's elite training program. We're not want for teachers actually. I've included masters training for everyone in the program as well so the quality will only go up from here on out."

He nodded with genuine cheer but I warned him. "Anyone you hire from the program has their own guaranteed wages that have to be met even by the school. I require a lot from those that enter the program and in exchange they're guaranteed the benefits of their labors and fruits of their training. So you might want to ask Lupin what each individual is asking for as they're all guaranteed higher than minimum wage earnings and health benefits."

He nodded off hand and left with a smile still on his face. I had the list of books and course work made up so now all I had to do was wait for the students to come. I told Hagrid. "Show me around the forest and introduce me to all the territories you're allowed to enter. I need to know what beasts we can call upon for the class and which ones I need to provide."

He agreed with a smile and along the way I mapped out the forest. He showed me the acromantula's first and the first thing I did when seeing Aragog, the king and leader and the size of a minivan, was to offer him. "I know you're a friend of Hagrids but I have an offer for you and your children. I have a preserve for all creatures where the land is as vast as need be and the food is never ending. If you allow it, I'll send most of your children there to grow and expand your line to never ending heights."

Aragog asked. "You would not allow me to go to this place?"

I shook my head. "Your time is limited from the aura you give off. I suspect you know as much. You have at most four years left before time takes you. Just like I suspect you'll want to be near your old friend Hagrid for the end."

The spiders all around clicked in annoyance and Hagrid who was shocked asked. "Is this true Aragog?"

The old spider sighed. "I did not want to alarm you my friend. I have lived longer than most of my kind should and I've felt my passing for a time. Your young friend's estimation seems accurate. I shall expire in perhaps three more years."

Hagrid looked hut punched and Aragog clicked a bit as he asked the colony for their opinion while telling them my offer. A chorus of agreements resounded and he relayed it to me. I nodded. "Tell them to come towards me and I'll send them through my connection to the preserve. If you wish it I'll even show you them as they arrive."

He agreed and I made a mental connection with him as he gave the order. I sent the spiders in by the hundreds and they appeared near the small colony they soon joined. The food was so abundant that they'd begun to spread out and breed once more while creating nests.

All that was left at the end was three of Aragog's eldest and his mate Mosag who would stay with him and eat him and once it was over they too would join the colony. Until then they would protect him. I collected all the spider silk with a thought as the forest lightened up a bit.

Only the territory dome remained and that would become mine once they were brought in. We left them there as I marked the trees. Next was the Cerberus territory and I'd already taken Fluffy so the trolls had moved in.

I marked the territory and continued onwards marking more and more of the forest until we reached the centaur territory. Hagrid introduced me to Bane, Ronan and Magorian. I greeted them and they straight up called me. "The child of chaos greets us at last."

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly. I just enjoy a bit of fun. Besides, chaos isn't my father, he's my grandpa."

Hagrid thought I was joking but Bane merely nodded. "The stars sing of your coming. You have thrown a great many things out of balance with your arrival."

I shrugged. "I don't care about prophecy and portents. If the stars don't stop talking behind my back they'll find themselves kicked out of the sky."

Bane smiled and nodded. "It is your place to do such as you will. We can only hope you do not turn your ire towards us."

I chuckled. "Hardly. I like centaurs. Such a brave and noble people even if they listen to the stars to much and forget they're on earth and not in the heavens."

It was as if a great joke had went off between the three and they relaxed a great deal. I smiled. "Tell your elders I wish to take in some of every magical beings to preserve them. This world is cruel to those of magic descent and those that have forgotten are filling up this world faster and faster. Soon there will be no space in it for any others but themselves before they destroy this planet."

They nodded and Bane agreed. "We will share your warning and offer with our elders and inform Hagrid of their answer."

I nodded now. "That's all a guy can ask for."

He snorted but the left after that. Hagrid asked what I was talking about but I simply said it was centaur talk. He showed me more of the forest including the Thestral, hippogriff, and unicorn herds before taking me deeper where a normal looking man presided only he had red irises and I sensed what he was, a vampire.

The cave behind him was filled with them from the feelings i was getting. I told Hagrid before he could introduce us. "I've got it from here Hagrid, why don't you prepare this list of creatures for the third year class and build a stables near the forests edge so the young witches can see and pet the unicorns up close and feed them their diets."

He asked with a frown. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Positive. Vampires hold no threat to me and I've sneaking suspicion their queen wants to speak with me alone."

He shrugged. "Suit yerself. Just send up red sparks if you need help and I'll come runnin."

I thanked him and once he lumbered off I told the scout as my own bearing and eyes changed. "Take me to your queen."

He could feel my pure vampire bloodline and bowed on instinct before leading the way. Deep inside the cave the bats above made noises but the oppressive feeling I was inducing in their bloodline was too much for them so they stayed away.

Soon we came upon a bloody chamber where a pool of blood lay. Moments after we entered the chamber the pool stirred and a nude female came out, covered in blood. I growled and she stilled before submitting a bit and asking. "How is your bloodline exceeding my own?"

I smirked. "I am the first vampire. The one all vampires came from. Your progenitor and the oldest vampire in creation."

My words stirred her heart before she asked. "How have we not met you before?"

I snorted. "Do not the mortals out there always wish to meet their precious god?"

She was stunned before gasping. "You're a god?"

I nodded. "I am the vampire god in mortal form. Should this body cease to be I'll make another and so on and so forth. Suffice it to say I just arrived came to see if you were interested in this."

I showed her the job opportunities I had in mind for the not shift of Frosthaven and the synthetic blood it would soon be making as well as the never ending supply of it. I offered them a chance to get out of these dreary caves with holy fire scorched glass that repelled the sun's rays and would let them appear to live like normal humans.

At night they'd find working as scientists and body guards rewarding. She agreed and gave the command to all her children to enter my realm as the sun there was muted not to hurt them. I gave them a kingdom built on an Atlantis city ship. There they could feed and study until they were ready to join Frosthaven.

The suitcases I'd amassed would allow instant travel back and forth as well. She was to spread word to the vampire clans around the world and with her fancy apparation style she went to do just that with her most loyal subordinates.

I summoned all the blood in the bond into my stomach as it instantly vanished and my form finished it's completion. My body strengthened the last bit it needed and my core began to evolve once more. For two days I sat there while everything settled down and my core finished.

My core became like a crystal slushy of magic in a small plum sized sphere. When I shifted for the first time into my vampire form I heard a whisper. "Glorious!"

Turning I saw the queen's return with seven more queens and their own protectors. I spread my wings and growled at her as my fangs extended like daggers. She couldn't help herself in submitting her neck to me, none of them could.

When I'd drank my fill, I changed back leaving them moaning while their body guards helped keep them standing. I waved a hand and sent them into my realm along with all their covens. From the memories I'd gathered these were the queens from all over Europe.

The rest I'd have to find myself or leave alone. I left the cave in my teacher's robes looking completely clean and normal except the vampires no longer lived in the forbidden forest.

I traveled around by flight next before marking the rest of the forest. The areas to be cautious about were the trolls, manticores and an area that was filled to the brim with Wampus cats.

It looked like they stuck to themselves for now but damned if they weren't dangerous. I'd marked and mapped the whole forbidden forest by now and it was time to return. I arrived back at Hogwarts just as Hagrid did thanks to my time turner. From there I made the excuse that I'd offered them a place on the preservation and they'd leapt at it as supposed to a gloomy forest.

Dumbledore wasn't too happy as there was a delicate balance in the forest and now the Wampus cats were in the majority and only kept in check by Aragog, the trolls and the centaurs. I offered to take the Wampus cats as well but that didn't make him happy either so I left it for now.

The acromantula's didn't belong there and neither did the Wampus cats if I'm being honest. As for the trolls and the rest, they were at home there and it was more like the vampire's prison than anything else. What I wouldn't find out until much later was that the headmasters had used each faction to keep the others in check as a last line of defense against non magicals.

A week later Harry's third year had started and I began my teaching career that to be honest wasn't much more work than I was doing for Snape the entire time I was a student. It went rather well as I guided the students and even Hagrid about proper protection and how to use the monster book of monsters.

No book dared act out in my class as I'd suppressed them with killing intent since they were monsters as well. They behaved to the student's relief and I sent a memo to the book shops to stroke the spines to calm them down.

I taught all grades how to care from everything from a grindylow to a Thestral and hippogriff. I talked about dragon raising noticed a sad moment for Hagrid. Harry had told me he'd called Newt and had him retrieve the baby dragon Hagrid had tried to raise.

I taught them how to care and nurture for every beast in the books and some that weren't or were going extinct. I taught them to recognize mating signs, signs of aggression and even signs of happiness and playful tendencies in each creature.

A few asked to see some of my personal beasts so I had Fiona come out and even Selene. Only Ron who apologized quickly had any reaction from Selene. The rest petted and felt her and when Malfoy commented after I put her away. "She doesn't seem so scary. Other than Weasley she didn't even react."

I chuckled. "He insulted her before but if you feel the same after you leave here then ask your father to get you one as a blanket. You'll change your tune real quick."

He looked embarrassed as his friends laughed with the rest of the class. I told him. "It's not a matter of looking scary to do damage. Hagrid looks scary but he wouldn't harm a fly. Neither would Fang, his dog, yet if you pissed off a hippogriff, they'd tear you apart with the talons on their front feet and rip you apart with their beak."

He paled and I nodded. "Just be careful what you say around beasts. Some are as smart as the owls you use and have worse tempers than a dragon when riled. Even wizards are the same. Out of all the teachers in the school, whom do you think Is the easiest to beat?"

He frowned. "Professor Flitwick obviously."

I nodded. "And yet he is a master duelist with multiple world championship dueling titles under his belt and after the headmaster he's probably the worst one you'd wish to face."

Malfoy paled further and the students looked at me in awe before Ron asked. "And where would you rank?"

I shrugged. "Professor Flitwick taught me all he knew on dueling and each teacher provided me with their own notes on each subject to further my own studies. Even the headmaster is no exception to that list. Perhaps in a hand full of years I will rank second but now I lack experience which is something each of these teachers have. If you remember nothing else then remember this, every teacher in this school is a master of their craft. They've been acknowledged as the head of their fields and could take on at least two of Voldemort's inner circle at a time."

They all paled as I said the dark lord's name and Neville nearly fainted. He gasped out. "Why did you say his name?"

I shrugged. "I'm well aware a taboo spell was placed on his name during the war to slow him to locate anyone who spoke his name but I don't fear him and this isn't war time. Even if he came before me I know those at Hogwarts would be brave, loyal, wise and cunning enough to win any battle he could wish to wage."

"Hogwarts is where the wizarding world made it's final stand and declared that those within it's walls would be protected and nurtured as our futures. If it's done anything, it's seen the various dark lords rise and falls over the centuries. It matters not who or when, all dark lords fall in the end as night gives way to the Dawn."

Sent them off to their next classes and waited for another. Like this the first truly peaceful year at Hogwarts passed. I did break the vanishing cabinet and give the second back to Burke while putting the first back where it belonged on the first floor.

I didn't want to miss killing a few death eaters and from my point of view Dumbledore needed to go. I visited my banker as the finals for the quidditch nationals was being played in Britain this year and I wanted to make a great fortune of other's misery.

I had my banker wait till the betting was at it's peak then bet nearly a billion galleons on Ireland winning but the Bulgarian seeker Victor Krum catching the snitch. It was a very specific bet as the score had to be 170-160 in Ireland's favor for it to pay out to me.

It was so specific in fact that it was a thousand to one odds as everyone wanted a piece of that action. Quidditch was too unpredictable and damned if the goblins didn't love the profit they'd make if I lost. What's more Ludovic Bagman had bet the opposite against me.

The only bad things for him is that he, unlike me, didn't have the cash to back it up if he lost and the second was that the goblins were making sure I get paid as I offered them a cut of the profits for going through the hassle.

I was goblin friend so all my words were as of gold in their eyes and damned if it didn't go as I'd expected. Nym had taken the evening off and watched it with me while Sirius had invited the Weasleys up to the minister's box. Malfoy was already here as was my family and the Tonks's.

Nym sat next to me, more secure in her career now as an auror and knowing I'd destroy this world if she were taken from me. Sirius had already let Adromeda and Nym back into the family so she was officially a Black again though it didn't matter to me.

When the match ended, I sent Bagman to the goblins with a thought and they picked him up to go to their payment center, ahem slave labor mines for idiots that can't pay. He'd signed over everything he'd owned and what's more I now had a trillion galleons as everyone who'd bet against me lost and that was a half the crowd by the looks of it.

Though they bet far less and weren't in Ludo's place. When the minister asked what happened to him I spoke up. "He bet the goblins a billion galleons and lost. He's probably skipping town as we speak."

The minister wasn't happy and neither was Fred and George as they'd bet him all they'd had and he'd screwed them too. It was fine though as they weren't allowed the real money so he'd only gotten two hundred galleons tops.

I left the way down for my family and the rest as we retired in our tents. I took Nym in my arms and snogged her silly until the screams outside started. I activated my family's emergency portkey's and sent them home while Harry and the rest met me outside.

I told them as Nym rushed off to help. "Death eaters. Go back inside. Harry, activate the emergency escape plans."

He nodded and led them inside while Billand the Weasley parents came to my side. "Molly, take the kids home and make sure they all go. I've already sent my family. The rest of us with back up the auror's."

They agreed and we joined Nym and Mad Eye as we brought down many in masks and saved a few of the muggles. When Nym was nearly blasted I got angry and roared sending out a blast of magic that brought the whole death eater crowd to their knees.

Magic poured out of me like a fountain as I snapped all their wands and sent a stunning blast, knocking them all out. Only the Auror's and ministry workers on scene had saw the whole thing. I snorted and saw the dark mark appeared in the sky. "There!"

I pointed and apparated to the place, blasting out with all the ministry workers at the same time. We hit an elf and I may have sent half a dozen trees falling over as my magic was just beginning to show it's true force.

The poor elf was detained and I recognized it and the wand. I told Barty Crouch sr. "The elf I'm sure you recognize as yours. I saw it saving you a seat in the ministry box. As for the wand, it belongs to Ron Weasley who was sitting in front of it.

Arthur gasped and looked pale while I turned to Madam Bones who'd arrived. "The death eaters on the ground may or may not have ingested a potion that produces the truth. I suggest you take advantage of it."

She nodded and gave the order to have them brought to her for questioning. Malfoy was missing from the lot but then again I didn't expect him to be there risking himself. Crabbe and Goyle were amongst those captured. As was several others that had once claimed the imperious curse got them.

At the very least my father had a lot of court time ahead of him. He'd already made me head of the family but I'd appointed him my representative on the Wizengamot like Harry had. Even though Sirius could sit in for him now and in fact had to sit in for himself and the Black family, he'd yet to change that.

Black followed Dumbledore's lead while my father cast his vote for his own beliefs and those Harry and I were raised on or partially anyway. Soon enough I left the scene with Arthur to return Ron's wand to him after it had been checked. Ron would have to go in and testify that he'd lost it or hadn't known it had been taken.

The only reason it wasn't Harry's instead is because I'd taught Harry to always use a wand holster that was strapped to his wrist. Not that he needed it much with the wandless magic he could do.

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