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38.07% A True Beginning / Chapter 75: Ch17

Capítulo 75: Ch17

John and his team landed nearby the wraith cruiser and got out when they saw the withered husk of my victim as I dropped him. I waved a hand. "It's all yours to play with and keep, though I suggest you turn off the beacon now as it can't be taken with us while it's on. The only reason no wraith found it is because the atmosphere is ionized."

McKay found it, managed to shut it off eventually and I, at their request, took it into my ring to be brought back for study. We left the planet and arrived back on Atlantis fifteen hours later.

After I off loaded the cargo I went to do something I should've done a long while ago, I destroyed the nano virus in the lab near the west pier. It was simple really. They needed energy to work and my cloak/pet fed on energy, so it had a small meal.

Sam was having a field day with the space station while McKay was doing the same with the wraith ship. The human corpses were returned to the earth as per Weir's request. The wraith corpses were given to Beckett to study the wraith physiology further.

I spent my days lounging about and on occasion teaching the Osirans. I didn't even know there was any new missions going on until an ascended showed up with John and the team.

As soon as we laid eyes on each other I grunted and allowed her into my mind scape. (The last ascended I met I ate, are you going to try possessing someone as well? Because if so I think I'm due another meal.)

She shivered, not denying my claims but only asking. (What are you? You feel powerful beyond even me.)

John and the rest had no idea we were talking while I mentally chuckled. (I'm a god, while you're a puny ascended mortal. Of course I'm beyond you in some ways. Soon enough I'll ascend like you have and take it further, stepping out of reality itself and solidifying my essence into a divine form. When I do, if you've amassed enough essence, you and the others will be able to follow my example.)

My words were like thunder in her ears as she shook her head. (The others would never-)

I snorted. (The others have realized they cannot stop my ascension. As such they've begun planning their own. They've settled on the Ori as the source of essence they'll use to ascend. If you're interested then might I suggest using the essence the wraith carry? There's plenty of them to help both you and my own plans for ascension.)

She stilled mentally as John introduced us outside of the mental plain. He called her Chaya and said she was a high priestess. I shrugged off his physical cues that suggested he'd like to mate with her as I waved them off. "Whatever, I'm going to pull Sam away from the Satellite for a while. I'm feeling the urge to mate for a while."

The ascended thought it was and excuse as I left the mortals their gaping at my clearly honest words. I headed to find Sam while I booted the ascended out of my head. Sam of course managed to crawl away from my clutches the next morning after insisting she needed a break from sex or she feared I might break her hips.

I of course cast multiple healing spells on her and messaged any discomfort away before slipping in one slow and sensual rhythmic quickie that ended in a very happy smile on my face and another shower for her to clean out the leftover seed.

When I found Buffy, she scowled at me and shook her head saying. "I'm heading to a meeting. I don't have time right this second for your lustful-"

Put her hand on my chest and she warmed up to the idea before biting her lip and shaking her head. "Nice try but I'm resolute right this minute. I want to actually make this meeting."

Sighing I followed her in and sat beside her, ignoring Chaya and whatever nonsense the mortals were doing. When Rodney called her an ancient though I turned my attention from the curve of Buffy's breasts and chuckled. "Took you lot long enough. I knew the moment I saw her. She practically reeks of power and wisdom."

Chaya rolled her eyes. "Says the being with more power than any ascended I've ever met."

I smiled. "If that was supposed to tip my hand, you've clearly not been paying attention. They know I'm a god and I watch their struggles for amusement. In return I occasionally help them in return. You're the one who was hiding what they were."

She looked around to their faces and John scratched his chin. "I meant to tell you what he was I swear, it's just I didn't want to go about ruining the evening with talks about another guy."

I chuckled. "That's tragically cute John. The reason she came to Atlantis was for nostalgia and you. Mostly you FYI, she's attracted to the Alteran presence you give off. It's like saying your sex on a stick for ascended women."

Rodney snorted. "Oh please, what does that make him, Kirk?"

I frowned. "Is that a fish?"

McKay gave me an annoyed look and shook his head. "It's a Star Trek reference."

I shrugged. "I've not had the time to watch it. Anyway, if that means it's because she's an alien by your standards then no, he has a good deal of Alteran DNA in him. More so than even Jack, so ascended females, those that can sense the power and connection to the potentia energy inside him, will feel connected to him and will want to get close."

Buffy frowned now. "Why isn't she attracted to you then? You've way more energy inside of you."

I chuckled. "Because love, my potentia energy is being masked by the massive amount of magic and essence inside me. The rest is covered by creature here."

I held up my cloak end that came awake at my attention. It struggled to lunge at the ascended in the room but I pressed it's greedy little wants down and forced it to behave. Chaya shivered. "What is that thing? It feels wrong."

I chuckled. "For every action there is and equal and opposite reaction. When the first of your kind found ascension, they basically made a dimension of potentia energy. When doing so a negative effect happened as well as another sub space dimension was opened up."

"The Lantean's later found a way to pull one of it's inhabitants out for study in learning the full process to ascension. This creature here is what they pulled out. Don't worry, it can't harm you as it's completely bent to my will. A negative ascension slave of sorts. It has no real feelings or emotions beyond the desire to absorb all energy in existence. I had to commune with my mother to find out more about it."

I turned to Buffy. "By the way she says the kids are doing well. Time's slower there so it'll be fine."

Buffy looked relieved and smiled now before swatting my chest. "Next time don't keep such news from us."

I nodded. "Fair enough."

It got a bit awkward for the ascended and the humans for a while until she took off. I followed and found two wraith ships and hundreds of darts flying over her world. I watched as John showed up in a puddle jumper and she destroyed all the wraith.

I collected all of the wraith's essence and stored it in a separate special jar. When she went down to the planet I followed. I watched in amusement as she and John had a moment and even shared themselves by her temporarily connecting their essence together.

When they were done and he left I appeared before her with the jar. "Here, in case you decide to follow my lead. I'm not sure how many of the others are going to do so with the Ori's essence, but at least you'll have a chance now. FYI, if you really wanted to escape this prison they've forced you into, all you'd need to do is become mortal once more. So long as you gave up your ascended knowledge, they could not do anything to you without breaking their own rules."

She gave me a grateful look as she never thought of it that way. When she took the essence jar I told her. "When you destroy the wraith all you need to do to take in their essence is open the black lever. It will suck up any unclaimed essence nearby. To use it, open the white lever and absorb it into yourself like you shared your essence with John and returned it to yourself."

I teleported back to Atlantis and got in trouble with each of my wives for not telling them about my dream chat with my mother about the kids. I was officially in the dog house now.

That was ok though as I had plenty to do, starting with finding an older version of Weir in a stasis pod. I was actually surprised there even was one. Not because of time shenanigans but because I was here. Her arriving at Atlantis and the power failing wouldn't have effected me coming here.

When I read her mind I sighed and informed my Weir and the rest of the Atlantis expedition. Weir, Beckett and a few others including John and Sam came running.

When they decided to let her out thinking she was an ancient I told them otherwise. "She's an alternate reality version of Elizabeth here. Even in her stasis I can reach inside her subconscious mind and view what happened. In her original reality I wasn't there to raise Atlantis from the ocean floor nor were there any failsafes to do so. The shield failed most of everyone drowned and she, Radek and John found themselves in a time machine that looked like a boosted jumper."

Rodney snapped his fingers. "She went back in time, creating a parallel universe."

I shook my head. "Yes and no. It's true she went back in time, but I wasn't in her original reality at all. Therefore she also hopped realities all together as her going back in time has no effect on my existence at all."

Rodney frowned but nodded while John asked. "Then where am I, I mean my alternate self?"

I dig deeper into the comatose Weir's mind before answering. "They came out in the middle of space above the planet at the end of the Lantean/wraith war. The time ship was shot down while your and Zelenka's alternate selves were in the forward section of the jumper, she was in the back. The blast sealed the section off as a preservative for the only surviving member. The ship fell to the sea below and she was recovered by an ancient who saw it laying on the sea floor from behind the city's shields."

Weir asked. "Is there anything we can do for her?"

I shook my head. "She's beyond what mortal technology can do for her now. She's essentially ten thousand years old. The only thing keeping her alive now is sheer stubbornness and the refusal to admit defeat. Once she's said her peace, her stubborn will, will fade and with it she as well. Not even the Lantean technology can stop that."

They'd already decided on pulling her out by now if only to let her know it wasn't all in vain. After they received the five gate addresses with ZPM's and the older Weir was about to fade, my Weir asked. "Is there anything you can do for her then? I mean, you said she was beyond mortal help."

I frowned. "If I help her both of you will feel temporal cascade failure. As it is the fact that she's dying and degraded so far is the only thing stopping that."

Sam commented. "What if she wasn't Weir anymore, or at least, not human?"

I frowned before telling both Weir's. "It's a risk. Both of you may die as a result and I won't be able to reverse that, at least not as I am. You'd have to wait until I ascended fully."

My Weir nodded. "Do it, it's worth the risk."

The ancient Weir frowned but replied. "I don't know what it is you think you can do for me but don't blame yourself if it fails."

I shrugged and put my hand over the ancient Weir's withered body. I hit her system with enough life force to reverse the aging process for her mortal body and bring her back to her youth. When she was at full human strength again I bit my wrist and shoved it into her mouth while focusing on what changes I wanted her to take on.

When she had enough of my blood in her system, I snapped her neck to the human's horror. Sam told them to relax saying. "It's apart of the process. Once she wakes up and drinks even a drop of human blood she will essentially be a vampire. Not like the wraith as she will be able to survive on animal blood. There are a few downsides to it but she should be as strong as one of the Jaffa warriors defending this city and never age again."

An hour later she woke up and Carson gave her a blood bag. When she drank it I had an amused smile on my face. Teyla asked. "With all these benefits, there must be a serious downside."

I sighed. "No kids. The process technically reanimates her dead body with her soul in tact. She can't have any kids and for the first few weeks or so she will need to be trained to hone her new body. That includes staying away from mortals until she learns not to break them with a light touch. Her body is about as strong as five wraith queens so the simplest touch could quite literally shatter the bones of mortals."

I called in Krishna and a few of his vampire subordinates. After giving them instructions to teach her like a new turn needs, I warned against showing her technology advancements. Krishna stayed while the vampires all left with the alternate Weir.

Turning to this Weir I said. "We should know in a few hours time if there will be cascade failure. You should know that my warriors have been ordered to kill her the minute one of you starts showing signs. It's not something you can hide so don't even try."

She set her jaw but nodded, knowing I wouldn't give her the option of sacrificing herself. I was still in the dog house so when Sam and Alice swayed away while giving me teasing views of what I'm missing, both mentally and physically, I turned my focus to another hobby.

I went with Teyla to the training room to work out a bit and loosen up. She had begun asking me questions like why I didn't just help the expedition outright while panting on the floor from the workout I gave her.

I sat there and sighed. "I am a god Teyla. I know it doesn't mean the same thing to you and your people as it does to them but, as a god I am inclined to help outright, as you ask, only those that prey and truly believe in me. In that moment they share a personal part of themselves. Call it energy or life force or even a piece of their souls. Whatever you call it, it means something more to me than they or you can possibly understand."

I waved Krishna over as he bowed and I turned back to Teyla before saying. "Watch and understand."

I turned back to Krishna and told him as I handed him a silver dagger. "Drive this into your heart. It is your only weakness, silver."

Without hesitation he took the dagger and shoved it into his chest, trusting me completely. Teyla gasped at the sight of my most loyal follower here died. When his body hit the ground I asked her. "Do you understand now? It's not the loyalty that I valued not his determination."

I pulled the dagger out before saying. "I'm that moment he had complete faith I would bring him back, or that my will was more important than his need to live one moment longer."

I placed a hand over his chest and revived him once more. As he stood up I handed her the dagger saying. "My warriors believe in me with all their hearts and minds. In return I would deny them very little. They have left their families behind on paradise worlds I've saw to the protection of. They follow me of their own free will and have faith in me never to lead them astray."

I touched Krishna's cheek as he bowed to me and I sighed while Teyla asked him several questions that ended in him telling her honestly. "I've served false gods, fought and killed in their names. I was prepared to die for a creature that had enslaved my people and brainwashed them into serving him. No, I don't care that my god isn't perfect, in fact it is his imperfections that he admits so freely, that make me understand and am more willing to follow him for."

He at my nod explained to her further. "I had no real understanding of what a real god is before and served blindly. Blind faith is hardly ever rewarded and never as you need or want. No, I willingly follow my god because I know, through his wisdom and actions, I will be rewarded as I need and want to be. He knows that in a way I am using him, and accepts it. As well I know he is using me and accept it as well. My god has shown me weakness and strength, mortality and immortality. I have no doubt that should I die permanently in his service it is only because he has decided to reward me further in a new life and body."

Teyla looked at me and I sighed. "I am a god of rebirth. The first time I helped someone with their own rebirth wasn't actually all that long ago. The second was just before I came to this galaxy. Her name was Janet Fraiser. She'd fallen in battle and was a doctor like Carson. I helped her soul release it's burdens and helped her find a new body and life ahead of her in the body of an infant that lacked a soul of it's own. Now she is just over a year old."

I turned to Krishna who bowed and went back to his post. I cleaned the bloody mess and Teyla asked me more about myself. I held very little back and spoke freely. After a while we practiced with the short sticks. I felt my attraction to her growing. I'd felt the alpha in her before and even sensed the wraith DNA inside her but now as she panted and out bodies got sweaty together, I felt a strong almost undeniable pull to her.

The give and take of our repetitive movements and the dance of our well homes bodies only served to exacerbate it. I felt her instinctual attraction to myself as well. With each thrust and parry her body opened up to my senses as I even smelled her desire.

My eyes glowed as our spar became a deadly dance where one mistake could see her dead. It was a beautiful and erotic dance that ended with her underneath me panting with the dual sticks buried in the floor to the sides of her neck in an X-shape. Her own sticks were I in her hands above her head.

Her body was exposed and panting while she was helpless to my wants and needs in this moment. Her breasts heaved and her breath caught when she her eyes met my gaze. Her legs were wrapped around my hips while her leather pants only served to increase my own desire as I could feel her need.

I heard a cough and growled as I slid off of her and she reluctantly released her legs from around my waste. I pulled the wooden sticks from the metal and matted floor, sealing it up. There John was in the doorway with his own training gear.

Krishna was beside him with an amused expression on his face. I gave him an annoyed look but he rolled his eyes. I knew there'd be a few more stories going around about my incredible apparent lustful nature.

The female Jaffa attracted to me had each tried and failed earning jokes amongst the warriors and in some cases starting fights until both sides ended up sleeping together. What can I say, Jaffa as a race are a passionate people, changed or not.

I tossed John the sticks I'd used, cracked in places as they were I repaired them before doing so. He caught them as I left. Teyla, now burning with adrenaline and a bit of her own denied passion, turned her sticks on John for a beating he wouldn't soon forget.

I found myself laying on the beach chair and watching the sky in absentmindedness until the alarms went off in a certain part of the command center. When they did Rodney announced. "There's a ship inbound."

Weir asked. "Is it wraith?"

I appeared next to him as he shook his head. "No, it doesn't appear to be. The systems say it's Lantean and apparently it's because of a recall that was activated a few months ago. The only reason we didn't detect it until now is because the hyper drives on it is damaged and it's hemorrhaging radiation!"

Weir asked. "Was the recall activated on our arrival?"

Rodney shook his head. "That's not possible, the long range sensors and communications were damaged at that time."

I sighed and they turned to me. "I recalled all Lantean war ships in the Pegasus galaxy to Atlantis. It must've been damaged in the war and abandoned adrift space in route to Atlantis. Even with the hyper drive off line the sub-light engines would carry it the rest of the way. Odds are it'd take time for you all to repair as no human could go aboard without risking near certain death from exposure. My warriors will effect repairs on the ship and turn it over to you all to defend this base."

I looked to Weir directly now. "You should know that most Lantean war ships are equipped with intergalactic hyper drives. In theory at least, it could take the war ship a few weeks to return to earth should you wish to do so. At the very least you'd be able to deliver your reports directly to your superiors."

They all stopped moving by my words before Weir finally asked. "How many more war ships are possibly out there?"

I shrugged. "The sensors and recall beacons indicate there is one more fully built Lantean ship on the outer edge of the Pegasus galaxy, it will have to be retrieved soon. There's another in dry dock on an abandoned outpost that isn't finished. As for those the beacon isn't activated for, your guess is as good as McKay's and I'm not looking."

Rodney looked up at me slack jawed before Weir called a meeting for the senior staff because of the news. The ship was docked in the uninhabited dock on the farthest pier from the mortals. I had Krishna send a hundred warriors to effect repairs of the ship.

I sat lazily in the chair while my wives looked at me with varying degrees of both annoyance and exasperation. They were blocking me out and I let them as they had a right to their privacy even if it was to be mad at me.

During the meeting Weir told them all about the Lantean war ship and what my warriors were doing to repair it. I decided it was time at least for the other ship to be towed in so I sent Krishna the order to go pick it up and use his warship to tow it with a barrier through hyper space.

The warriors reported the repairs were done on the first war ship by the time John and his team scouted the last of the worlds they could get a lock on with possible ZPM's. They of course found a lead to one of them that led them on a wild goose chase until the Genii and Kolya showed up.

When they beat the Genii and the new secret brotherhood that had taken over the original ones goes of protecting the potentia until the ancients returned tried to take it back with an ambushed, Faith who was on mission with them got angry and stunned them all with a spell.

The team came back with the ZPM and amongst other celebrations bad news was delivered. Three wraith hive ships had been detected on the way and a dart had shown up as a scout and scanned the city before blowing up.

Weir was a bit put out when two of her people were killed by the dart as it blew up a jumper sent to stop it. It didn't help matters that I'd told my warriors to stand down for now.

When Weir and John finally asked why my people didn't react, I told them honestly. "I want the wraith to come here."

They were stunned by my admission and even Sam had to question me. "Why?"

I sighed. "Krishna reported two days ago. They've arrived at the ancient war ship Aurora. The crew are alive for the most part and in stasis."

I looked to Weir as I said. "As you know their stasis wasn't perfect and ten thousand years is a long time. What you don't know is that the essence I used to revive your duplicate was my own. And to revive five hundred ancients from ten thousand years of decay would weaken me greatly."

I turned back to McKay who caught on. "You're going to use the wrath's essence that die durning the battle to revive the ancients!"

I nodded. "And replenish my own supply along with so much more. You see, Atlantis isn't the reason I came to the Pegasus galaxy. I have over seven hundred city ships just like it, all with the same exact data bases that Atlantis has."

McKay frowned before snorting. "Of course, the ancient repository. All the knowledge of the ancients and everything they've ever learned while they were human."

He received another nod as I turned to Sam now. "The weapon satellite you've repaired has been placed and cloaked in it's original spot. Once the wraith show up it should take out at least two hive ships before the last figures out where it is. Hopefully it'll take it out as well though I doubt it will survive or be salvageable afterwards. With that Atlantis will be safe for a time at least and I'll have the essence required to revive the Lantean's already in route."

Weir frowned. "What's taking them so long to get here then?"

Sam spoke up now. "They're rowing the damaged ship back as it's engines and main power supply is offline. The Aurora was at the very edge of the other side of the galaxy as a scout ship of it's own. Deep in the heart of wraith territory. Even with a ZPM boosting the ships power and adding to the fact that they're having to go around the active wraith areas, they'll only get back just before the wraith arrive two weeks from now. They can't use the intergalactic hyper drives while towing the war ship through hyper space and remain undetected by the wraith."

McKay took over. "Of course not! If the wraith knew we had ancient war ships they'd be sending a hell of a lot more than three hive ship."

I sat back and told Weir. "You've two nearly depleted ZPM's that can send a message back to the SGC and request instructions in case the war becomes full scale again soon. As for the Lantean war ship, it is in complete working conditions and is ready to be put to use now. Sam, as the ranking military officer of your expedition, has decided to captain it with the help of your scientists and expedition members."

Sam spoke up now while giving me a scowl. "As I've received the ancient gene and John will be needed here to control Atlantis's weapons chair, I'll be captaining the ship until the SGC finds an appropriate captain for it. I should be fine in any battles till then as I know how to pilot the ship and can do so telepathically. Atlantis and it's war ships all have technology that interfaces with telepathic abilities for targeting and uses."

McKay snapped his fingers. "Of course! The ancients were evolved enough that they had to make their technology compatible with their abilities. No wonder I've been finding it so slow to access the systems. They're meant to be used in conjunction with telepathic abilities."

I chuckled at his epiphany while Weir sighed. "Very well, choose your crew from those not necessary to run the defenses of this city."

I smiled. "Atlantis won't need a shield for the first battle. When the second wave inevitably comes my warriors will see just how capable these wraith are. They will defend Atlantis to the point of their own very unlikely deaths. As they are now they've captured the wraith you've yet to notice had beamed into the city while scanning it. It's in the detention holding cell now."

Weir frowned. "Why wasn't I told about this earlier?"

I growled in warning as Sam put her hand on my chest. When Weir saw she'd overstepped her boundaries she apologized. "I'm sorry, I meant no offense, I'm just concerned about what else is going on without my knowledge."

I snorted and walked away while John asked. "What was that about?"

Sam sighed. "The way Dr.Weir said it implied he answered to you or else was meant to report to you like he was your subordinate. As apart of his nature it's hard for him to ever accept others, mortal or not, that see themselves above or superior to himself. If you were an immortal or deity he'd have killed you for the insult. For now we, his wives, will have to calm him down so he doesn't do so anyway. That happens to mean letting him out of the proverbial dog house we've left him in for the last few weeks."

John chuckled. "A lot of good that did you, not that I'd ruin anyone's reputation but he's not exactly hurting for bed mates."

Faith snorted and gave Teyla a critical eye. "If you're talking about Teyla, she's one of the reasons he was in the dog house."

Teyla was shocked but Sam sighed. "It's not like you think. We're connected to him telepathically and we've been aware of his attraction to you since the beginning. You're much like us in that regard. Each of us are on some primal level possible mates for his more animalistic side. We've put him in the dog house to sort of curb it for a time at least as it's not been a year since he married me."

She took a deep breath and told her. "It's not that we've become unattractive to him. It's more like his sex drive is triggered more when he meets a potential mate and while he's already insatiable, we're trying to avoid becoming only a drop in the ocean of women he will eventually have. Hopefully we can find out how to slow him down at least."

Teyla sighed. "I do not know what to say-"

Faith waved her off. "Relax girlfriend, we're not saying don't go for it if you feel the same for him, far from it. We're saying it's best if we can at least limit the number of wives he eventually takes to avoid starting our own colony of wives as it were."

I'd truly wished to block out what I was hearing but I was simply too angry at the upstart mortals words to spare it a second thought. I was pacing the gym when Buffy, Lexi and Alice found me. Even with magic, they only lasted two days before Faith and Sam took over, curbing my raging need to do violence with more sex.

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