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34.01% A True Beginning / Chapter 67: Ch.9

Capítulo 67: Ch.9

Sokar was a goa'uld with a unique position. He wasn't a system lord and yet he rivaled the power of the entire collective excluding me. He has nearly a hundred and fifty ships and while his territory is small it is heavily guarded. The system lords themselves haven't saw fit to challenge him as doing so would be suicidal and giving others a chance to wipe them both out in one go, potentially destroying the goa'uld empire altogether.

Even Ba'al, with his own fifty ships and as the largest fleet controller of the goa'uld system lords except for me, wouldn't dare challenge Sokar, who had faced Ra in the height of his power and lasting for thousands of years trading blows with him.

So as Illyria withdrew the fleet to only patrolling the boarders of the territory with Bra'tac and her returning to Chulak, she went into meditation to finally begin assimilating all of the souls and essence she'd gain during our war with Nirrti and all the souls she'd taken during her conquest of the galaxy.

I stopped by from time to time to check on her and Spike as he was having the time of his life with some female Jaffa vampires. They'd start a blood hunt on random planets and end in a blood orgy in his quarters of the palace.

His roaches were busy upgrading the dimensional ship with Asgard, Nox and Ancient technology. Hell, they'd even used what little I'd found of the curling technology but in the end the ancients really did build it best so during the upgrades they deferred to ancient technology and schematics.

The once scuttle pod for the roach species that had been ejected from the main ship to save it's passengers was now the size of an ancient war ship though still a lot smaller than the city ships.

I left them to it as they practically built a whole new ship from just replacing everything with upgrades. Seeing my empire at peace and safe for a time or as safe as can be with the Tok'ra doing terrorist runs off of one of the old planets, I decided that it was a time of rest and training for the army and people.

I announced that those patrolling the territory will switch out every other day for rest with their families until further notice while the replicator bots I had building defense satellites and charging me potentia continued their work.

I had them begin building another thirty war ships as spares that would stay in dry dock unless needed but other than that they were doing the same as always. I headed back to earth to pass the time now.

For the next eight months I helped out the SGC when I wasn't busy with the girls. Surprisingly a lot of the missions they went on were in my territory. When a bounty hunter nearly caught the team on one of my planets, I arrived not long after they'd destroyed the cargo ship with Buffy saying my name.

When I appeared the bounty hunter raised his gun on me. "Osiris! A system lord! Why the hell would you people call him here?"

I chuckled and waved a hand, knocking his blaster out of his hand and stunning him. "I pose as a system lord and goa'uld, that's true, but I am no more goa'uld than you are Aris Boch. I've heard many things about your dealings with the system lords and I have to say, I'm really curious as to why my mates don't want you dead."

I read his mind then sighed. "Never mind, I know why now."

I turned to Sam while the bounty hunter was still stunned. "The ancients tinkered with his peoples DNA in an effort to make them immune to all possessions and feedings. They had just lost the war with a terrible enemy and hoped to preserve at least one glimmer of the human race should that enemy manage to get to this galaxy. The side effect of the goa'uld being unable to possess them is a coincidence. As for the drug, give me a sample and I'll have a detox/cure made in a bit."

I released the bounty hunter from the stunning spell and took a dose of his drugs before he could move. He looked at me with both fear and fascination asking. "How is it you're able to stun me like that? Are you a witch like the lady that did it before? How did you confuse the goa'uld into thinking you're one of them?"

I snorted. "So many questions. No, I'm not a witch, not any more at least. I'm an actual god, not like the goa'uld who pretend to be gods. No I'm not someone you have to pray to and I can pretend to be one of them because I have the power to do so. Hiding as a goa'uld is easy when you can make them think and feel the presence of one inside you. As for my claims to being a god, I don't need to prove it to one who wanted to trade my wife and mate to Sokar. FYI, even if he sends his mothership here it will only be destroyed. This is my territory and as such he should've known better."

I looked up just as the cloaked space station detected the mother ship coming and blew it out of existence in a fiery explosion seen from the planet's surface. Chuckling I told them. "Sokar wasn't on it but his first prime was. He managed to get away as he was a Tok'ra and knew what would happen."

The Tok'ra with the team spoke up. "I came to this planet as it's the closest one not owned by Sokar with a stargate and is the last buffer between earth and his forces. Had I known it belonged to you I would've made my presence known to the locals."

I chuckled. "The Tok'ra are always welcome in my domain so long as they do not endanger my mates."

I turned to the bounty hunter. "You however have done so and if it weren't for my mates feeling sympathy for your plight you'd be wolf chow by now."

He frowned as did the rest of the team and I merely pointed to the woods behind them. There in the woods hundreds of wolves had gathered as they'd sensed my presence as their alpha.

The team turned back to me and I told them. "This is a food planet. Wild game is raised here to feed my armies and you all came here by accident or stupidity. They're in the middle of hunting for the armies as the wild game gets rather big thanks to my machinations. You're damn lucky Sam and Buffy are with you or you'd be food as well."

Sam asked. "Why is that? I mean, do they recognize us or something?"

Buffy snorted. "They're wolves. They smell him on us, that's it right?"

I nodded. "They know better than to harm those that carry my scent."

Jack said. "You mind telling us which worlds are the hunting grounds so we know not to send teams there? We don't exactly want to lose them or kill your wolves and create a problem."

I laughed my ass of and bent over laughing. Jack asked. "What's so funny?"

Catching my breath I stood up straight saying. "You could literally blow their heads off and they'd just grow them back. I doubt you could kill them even if I told you how, watch."

I growled and one came over. I turned to Aris Boch and the team. "Shoot it with everything you have. Well, except you Buffy, no magic."

They fired at the wolf who rapidly healed as the bullets fell out and re-healed when body parts were vaporized by the blasters. When they were done Jack through a grenade and still it healed. Finally they gave up and I told the wolf. "Go back to Chulak and tell Illyria or Spike I said to reward you with an upgraded house from the one your family is in now."

It nodded and trotted off towards the city ship location where they leave their clothes. The city ship would send him home through it's own stargate. I turned back to the group with a smile and asked. "See? Pretty durable don't you think?"

The rest of the wolves left after that and continued to hunt the dinosaur sized game on this planet while I headed back to the stargate with the now traumatized team and bounty hunter. A brontosaurus sized deer was seen by the gate as we passed it by. There we parted ways as I took the bounty hunter with me to get cleaned out of the drugs in his system and find a cure for his people.

It didn't take long for a cure to be synthesized and injected into him. Once he was cleaned out and fine I gave him enough of the cure and a ride to Sokar's mining planet where his people were. There I left him with a dozen cargo ships and a hatak class mother ship with cloaking abilities that I'd taken from Nirrti in battle.

When I finished there and his people were freed, liberated and off on their merry way, I teleported to the SGC. There I spent a while pointing out my worlds from the rest of the galaxy. They were simply stunned by the sheer amount of worlds I had. Hell, if Aris Boch hadn't portaled to the planet and given Sokar his coordinates, Sokar's ship wouldn't have been able to see the planet.

They were concealed from all those enemies to myself or the inhabitants of said world. Hell, If Aris Boch hadn't been neutral he wouldn't have been able to remember the right sequence for the gate address to my world.

As it was I had to point out the nearly seven hundred worlds full of food my armies used. That plus the hundred or so inhabited worlds that made up my territory were all pointed out. When I showed them a definitive map of the galaxy and pointed out all the worlds owned or ran by each goa'uld, they got a much better glimpse at what the galaxy was really like.

With most of the worlds already marked as goa'uld home worlds they now understood the power structure of the system lords. I went for quantity and quality while most others went for one or the other.

Jack asked about how I'd destroyed the mothership of Sokar's and I chuckled. "A satellite weapon, three in fact. There are three satellite weapons that protect each of my worlds. All of which have the capability to wipe out a fleet of goa'uld ships. No, there isn't one around earth. Like I said, you must grow in strength on your own. For that you need pressure, the threat of it at least."

Jack and Hammond looked at me and I sighed. "You all must at the very least grow to defend yourselves. I'm hoping you'll advance enough to spread out amongst the stars. Your planet can't sustain your numbers for much longer. Maybe another hundred years at most before decline is inevitable and permanent. This world wasn't meant to sustain billions of animals using up it's resources all at once and not dying out but growing in number still."

Sam sighed. "He's right. Eventually global warming will send us into another ice age or god forbid a super volcano erupts. It'd be the end of us as a species."

I nodded. "For now though-"

I released a lot of power into the earth, all of which dissolved the earths waste and trash into it's basic matter and reabsorbed it all into the earth itself. I couldn't refreeze the ice caps as Antarctica needed dig out for them to find the ancient outpost.

I did however clean the trash out of the oceans, rivers and lakes. I then cleaned the atmosphere and helped reinforce it against global warming, sending the natural gasses back into the earth pockets.

As I finished that a green glow surrounded me as I grew hundreds of millions of trees around the world. The planet itself was hungry for my power but I denied it as I didn't want to make a world seed here at least not yet anyway. Having denied it I cut off the flow of power as the green glow around me ended.

Sighing I told them. "I've cleaned up the planet temporarily and dissolved the trash dumps around the planet into compost and had the earth reabsorb it. I've given the planet a fighting chance that'll add a few years more to it's chances but no more than that. You all must do the rest, and FYI you're going to have a headache as garbage dumps world wide are now emptied and trees regrew in their place and all over the world."

Sam smiled while the girls did as well but the General while happy wasn't looking forwards to telling the president what had happened and why. Hopefully though it'll open his eye to the seriousness of the planet's situation.

The next planet SG-1 had planned to go to was one in Sokar's territory. When they got there they'd ran into a village stuck in the dark ages as Sokar's minions pretended to be devils that needed sustenance and hosts the village scarified each month.

When Faith killed the unas being possessed by the goa'uld and took the ring the village priest had and was using to keep the people in line, they turned to her for guidance and she summoned me. I appeared to her in the blink of an eye.

After getting a look at the situation I killed the village priest with a snap of my fingers saying. "False prophets get on my nerves. No god would willingly sacrifice it's followers to a demon or alien."

I looked to the villagers before summoning a weapon much like Thor's hammer and putting it next to the stargate saying. "I am a god, though I am not the one your priest worshipped or preached about. I am Osiris, god of the dead, rebirth, fertility and agriculture."

I grew a massive tree in the middle of their village with the symbol of a green Phoenix on it. "If you so choose you may pray to me before this tree with my symbol on it, a green Phoenix. I will hear your prayers and should I deem them appropriate I shall answer them. Either way your planet will not receive any more goa'uld, those you call devils. Barring Teal'c whom only carries one and is not possessed by it of course. Of this I swear."

With that I turned to Faith who smiled. I shared her look and the same with Sam before disappearing in a flash of green fire for dramatic effect. My hair was it's usual green as it'd stayed that way mostly since I'd met Lorne back in our home dimension so many years ago.

It still changed with my mood at times but usually went back to green in the end. It was a good color and one Fred and I had both shared a liking for. The next mission saw Alice and the team visiting a planet where most of the civilians were elderly and couldn't reproduce as they'd spread a pesticide into the soil that made them infertile.

I was summoned to clean the planet up and in return the nearly aged out people promised the planet as an inheritance to earth's people once they passed on. A week later they sped up the process by committing mass suicide.

It was a sad moment to be sure as Alice had told me not to eat their souls. A sad moment indeed. But a happy one for the SGC as they got a planet that was near them technologically.

They called it their beta sight and moved in a bunch of scientists and military after I returned the bodies to the earth and cleaned the planet up quite a bit. I did so in exchange for a nice sized tropical island in the Bahamas and a vacation for Sam and the girls.

Said vacation was cut short a week in as they were called back to base because some idiotic Tok'ra, aka Jacob Carter, managed to be caught and sent to Sokar's prison world.

That may sound a little harsh and self absorbed but I was enjoying my time on the beach with my girls and he had to go and get captured to ruin it all. Martouf and Jolinar lead the briefing on the mission in question.

I lounged about before listening to the plan they'd come up with. They intentionally planned to send my mates to a planet synonymous with hell. Snorting I told the group and the room at large. "Fuck that!"

They all turned to me as I stood up. Jack asked. "You have a better plan?"

I grinned. "Better than sending Sam and my wives into hell? Yeah, that's not happening. I'll just declare war on Sokar myself and make a pact with Yu and Cronus. They both hate him and since he's not technically a system lord they will be more than happy to be rid of him. Ba'al will swoop in to get some benefits I'm sure but then if he's that interested he can send ships as well."

Martouf spoke up. "Sokar has been amassing a fleet to destroy the system lords and take over as the single most powerful goa'uld. You want to send the most powerful goa'uld into bat take directly against him?"

I gave him a dirty look. "I'm not an idiot mortal. I intend to trade favors with them in exchange for their participation as to ensure they don't gang up against me when I wipe out Sokar. They'll think they each had a hand in it and as such won't think much on it when half their fleets die as well. I'll be weakening them and killing off Sokar in one move. I'll have to heal Yu of his dementia albeit temporarily and give Cronus parts of Sokar's territory but that'll be most of it."

Martouf nodded. "We can work with that."

I snorted. "Then you might want to make sure your people are on the capital ships and none on Sokar's ships at all. I'll claim Netu and Delmak as my territory then. As for Ba'al, he'll probably want the mining planets or a favor in return later. Either way if he asks for to much I can kill him as well."

That cut the meeting short as I teleported off to set my plans in motion. The Tok'ra scrambled to get their people out of harms way while I called a meeting with Cronus, Yu and Ba'al.

I gave them the intelligence that Sokar was amassing his fleet to wipe us out and gave Yu a temporary relief for his dementia. I told him it was an inoculation from a planet that had experienced much the same in my territory as an experiment to ensure I never became like he was.

I described how they killed themselves off to avoid their continued fate as I didn't give them the cure beyond a few inoculations. He found it both amusing and a bit disturbing but accepted my proposal. Cronus and Ba'al wanted the mining planets as I declared both Netu and Delmak would be mine.

Our ships gathered and with my fleet of seventy, Ba'al's fleet of fifty and Yu's thirty, we nearly equaled Sokar's fleet or at least what the Tok'ra had reported to start with. Adding on Cronus's fleet of near thirty ships and we were ready for big game. At a hundred and seventy ships strong we surrounded Sokar's fleet.

With Illyria at my side ready to take in the souls with me I declared our intentions to Sokar whom revealed his real fleet of over a thousand five hundred ships strong. And several billion souls aboard. I wasn't daunted the Ba'al looked ready to flee. I ordered all ships to fire while protecting the motherships of our fleet.

Seeing my ships fire and protect their man ships they ordered theirs to fire as well. Even Ba'al grew confident once he saw my ships taking damage for him and returned fire. For over an hour our battle raged as my ships circled the main three ships of the goa'uld on my side and my own as to make the shields more believable.

Sokar's fleet took massive losses almost instantly and stayed that way while the ships not protected by my fleet were lost under the heavy fire power as well and while some fled per the system lords orders half their fleets still perished.

I had to modify their minds to see my ships taking heavy damage and being destroyed as well. I even had to alter their radars as some of my ships cloaked themselves to appear destroyed and account for the numbers.

As the last of Sokar's fleet and his mother ship in general tried to flee we all four surrounded him and opened fire. With the last of the pain in the ass goa'uld destroyed, only the system lords and Anubis remained. I hadn't met him in person nor have I read his mind yet, but I knew where he was hiding and amassing his fleet.

I paid off the system lords and they thanked me for my help in defending themselves. My fleet had appeared to be cut down to the size of a regular system lords of twenty now while theirs were around ten strong apiece except for Ba'al's who equaled mine now by appearances at least.

All three goa'uld still couldn't believe we'd survived against such odds and none of them had the exact numbers we'd faced down. They did however revere my tactics in using other ships in patterns to take the brunt of the damage while we fired back.

I sent the fleet back except for those still visible while I finished absorbing the souls Illyria was unable or fast enough to. She'd taken in nearly a hundred million while I'd taken in billions. I helped her crush and digest the ones she'd taken in before doing the same to mine.

The taint was rather heavy as they'd committed countless atrocities but it was used up in the cycle that powered my essence and magic from their souls. Soon enough I too felt a bit heady from all the essence I'd gotten from it. It was more than even the hell dimension i'd absorbed had retained.

When they'd decided on what planets they would get we split up and I headed to my planet and moon I'd gotten out of the deal. They thought me as sadistic as Sokar for wanting those particular places and nothing else. They clearly thought I wished to replace him as the new satan of the galaxy.

When we arrived I found Jacob and beamed him aboard along with the few Tok'ra there. The rest were either goa'uld's or just as evil. I destroyed the planet and the moon after turning both into naquadah reserves. Those that died from the resulting blasts as I cracked both the moon and planet into resource clumps were absorbed into essence by yours truly.

All return to the cycle eventually even the evil ones. I left the system from there and sent my fleet home before teleporting to earth with Jacob and the Tok'ra I'd rescued. We appeared in the same meeting room as before where Egeria had now joined Martouf and Jolinar.

Jacob and Selmak in turn bowed to Egeria while Egeria in turn bowed to me. I told them. "Sokar's force was over a thousand and a half ships in size. I had to edit Ba'al, Yu, And Cronus's memories for make the battle realistic. Sokar is dead and half their fleets are destroyed. How the hell did he hide such a fleet from your people's eyes?"

Egeria flinched but Martouf answered. "We has no idea because Sokar's planets don't have a stargate. We've had to risk a lot to get in spies to his territory and as you've seen they tend to be very easily caught as he tortured his own people for amusement. After years of even you would-"

He screamed and hit the ground as I growled. "That's where you're wrong bug, no matter the torture I've never broken!"

His screams were brought on from him reliving my personal memories. I let up at Alice's request and he apologized. I just snorted. "Whatever, it's done. The strongest of the system lords is weakened to manageable sizes. The one outlier is destroyed and the system lords as a whole are significantly weakened, congratulations and you're welcome."

I sat down and lit a joint while I grabbed a glass of bourbon. I pulled out a few dozen glasses and bottles saying. "Drink up, it's a party I guess. I took in several billion souls and I'm feeling rather generous right now."

They each grabbed a glass of their preferred drinks while Jack asked. "Good enough to help us with our own ships?"

I gave him a critical eye before saying. "Why not."

I waved a hand and focused on the F-303 they designated their space ship and the F-302 they called their fighter pilot space jets. With a bit of tweaking and a lot of power to do it from this distance I molded and completed the hull of the ships and wiring of it adding a finished hyper drive to the mix, completing their own product and upgrading it a bit.

I pulled out one last thing as a gift and tossed it to Jack. "Most of your ship is completed. That's an accurate star map of this galaxy and a program that'll allow you compress massive amounts of data into a smaller system. It's the peak of the ancient's technology and the last help you'll receive from me on the ship front. It's mostly built all you need to do is install the gravity dampeners and the navigation system with the propulsion system and weapons of course."

I saw Jack's look and snorted. "I'm not giving you weapons Jack. I gave you a hyperdrive upgrade and a nearly completed ship that would've taken you humans months to fix and get right."

Sam asked. "Hyperdrive upgrade?"

I nodded. "It's not Asgard grade but it's faster than any goa'uld technology and will run with the power source you're using. Though Naquadah generators the way you have them won't be very useful for shields, at least not in a drawn out battle. I even helped your F-302 project along though you'll have to complete the rest of them. I don't suggest you mimic the thing you call the F-301 project. It has a goa'uld homing and recall beacon in it that your scientists have dumbly added to the mix."

General Hammond stilled and left to make a call and have it removed. I sighed as I released the power I'd been using as I sat back and relaxed. Egeria mentioned spawning a few asking for my genetic makeup to which I declined while under my wives glares.

I chuckled towards the end saying. "Not to mention my mates are a bit particular who breed with thanks. I doubt your race could withstand my genetic makeup anyway, it tends to be dominant and powerful. Each of my daughters have qualities of my powers in each of them and they're all immortal by birth only stoping their aging process around their twenties. It takes a sturdy genetic makeup to withstand what I bring to the table."

Daniel asked. "You have kids?"

I chuckled. "I'm immortal and I've been with my wives for a long while now. Add to that the fact that I'm technically a fertility god as well and you'd expect differently?"

Each of the girls told them about our daughters. Teal'c mentioned Rya'c and his growth while Jack brought Charlie into the mix. Hammond mentioned his granddaughters and I felt a bit guilty saying. "Time runs differently in each dimension so I could be a great grandfather by now or it could be a month since we left."

The girls each gave me sad looks and I sighed. "We had to leave eventually and we'd be missing out something anyway. They're as immortal as you all are and protected with my strongest magic's. There's very little that can harm them and none of those things would risk pissing off my mother who adores those girls."

Egeria asked. "Your mother?"

I sighed. "The goddess Gaia, and I'm not talking about some goa'uld either. She is a goddess of creation and one of the seven most powerful beings in all of creation. She was there for the birth of each of my children as an avatar form anyway. She blessed each of them and so long as they don't piss off a god of destruction or creation on my mother's level there's nothing that would risk harming them."

Teal'c asked. "What are the other gods of creation and destruction called them?"

I sighed. "Lucifer is the only other god on her level that I've met. He's decidedly a god of destruction. But as for the others there's Apollymi and her mate Archon, as both destruction and creation in turn. And Pan, the last of the gods of creation he deals in mostly beasts and wildlife. Last but not least there's Apostolos, a god of destruction in his own right and rumored to have a mother and son kind of relationship with Apollymi. Each of them have other names and forms they go by at times but none of them are anything you want to meet in a dark room."

Daniel frowned. "I can understand not wanting to meet a god of destruction but why not the other three?"

I snorted. "I'm sure you've heard the saying mother nature's a bitch right? Well you certainly don't want to meet her without having a reason to be on her good side. As for Archon he's a right bastard from what information my mother's deemed to share with me. He tends to rape women as he likes to spread his own form of creation but if you think your safe from him because your male, you're wrong. So long as he can fuck you he will."

They all grimaced while I continued. "Pan's a different story. His very presence has a sort of aphrodisiac like effect that brings you in willingly and there's a reason they call it pansexual when you're willing to fuck anything."

More grimaces passed across their faces while I sighed. "I've met Lucifer all of once when I died my mortal death. He and Gaia are the ones that sent me on this life and he gifted me-"

I grimaced myself now. "- an interesting life as he put it. I've no doubt he was behind the demon Maloker's obsession with experimenting to create a perfect vessel. All because my death and suffering so much before hand amused him so much. An odd ball even amongst gods as he draws pleasure from watching the mortals suffer horrible deaths. As for Apostolos, from what I hear he's the only one you'd ever want to meet willingly. Apollymi is much like Lucifer but Apostolos, well, he's a different breed altogether."

Sam asked. "How so?"

I grimaced. "He has a unique outlook on life and is intimate with the mortal coil. He does his duties sure, but he takes no pleasure in the destruction he causes. Word is he sympathizes with the human condition and would rather not cause harm unless you piss him off. In a way he's much like me in that regard as his family is his trigger. That's all I know of him and from what Gaia says it's all I need to know until I can hold my own against god kings."

When they went to ask what a god king was I simply told them. "Nothing you'll ever meet. Even if you became immortal they're outside of reality and no that likely to come to this reality. This reality didn't even have magic which as far as I can tell is a far more versatile energy than what this reality does have."

I held out a hand a fireball hovered over my palm. "The energy this reality has is more complex sure, but doesn't encompass nearly as much."

I reached for the newly formed pale blue star of energy inside me and created a fireball with it. It was hotter for sure but much harder to use and I couldn't increase it's temperature as easily. The magic fireball's temperature though increased easily. It changed to plasma as the humans closed their eyes or looked away. I created barriers around the balls of Fire to dim their brightness and protect the mortals from the heat.

They looked again as miniature twin suns orbited my palms. "Both are powerful sure but the energy of this dimensions far harder to use as it requires me to fully understand everything about it down to the spark that lit it up to the amount of oxygen it takes in and releases as heat."

"With enough understanding it is just as powerful and effective as magic but not nearly as versatile as I can create entire realities with magic by fiddling with time magic, whereas it would take me eons to fully understand every single particle and it's effect on the reality I'm creating and how it would work into the reality as a whole. That's not including the process of how to create a reality to start with that I'd need to know."

There eyes were glimmering as they asked questions about how to manipulate said energies. Snorting I told them. "The Nox are aware and manipulate the energy of this reality but as for the Asgard? They haven't come close yet. The ancients, those that built the stargate has the ability to manipulate said energy to perform many things. They manipulated their own DNA to achieve such an evolutionary state and grew from there naturally after they locked their encoded DNAwith a genetic lock."

My words shocked them more as I continued. "When they once ruled this galaxy as it's elder race and created the alliance with the Nox, Asgard and Furlings they lived here on earth. That's where the first stargate came from but fifty million years ago an enemy they'd thought was forgotten and gone reared it's ugly head and sent a plague to this galaxy. It targeted the Ancients and the human like physiology. Eventually they were forced to flee, activating a device they'd built to plant the seeds of life in this galaxy hundreds of millions of years before."

My words sent a shock wave through them as I sighed and continued. "They fled to a nearby galaxy as their device wiped out all life and with it the plague, resetting and restarting life in this galaxy once more. Ten thousand years ago their descendants came back fleeing from another enemy in the galaxy they left to."

"They came back to earth, there numbers severely depleted and dwindling as the war in the galaxy nearby went bad for them. From there most sought to ascend like their ancestors had learned to do. To become apart of this energy they were connected to and have their minds and souls ascend to a higher plane of existence. In reality and what they still don't understand is that they only achieved what gods would call a partial ascension."

Sam frowned while Daniel asked. "What's a full ascension then?"

I smirked. "First a partial ascension is where the mind is enlightened, the spirit is freed from the body and absorbs enough of this energy to become one with the energy. A sort of half way mark for gods. When a god fully ascends we take our vast souls, or essence as we call it-"

I revealed a bit of my essence in my eyes as they turned bright green and power thrummed throughout my being. A response was felt in each of the mortals and my wives as their souls responded and their eyes shined dimly.

I continued. "Others call it the souls will or willpower. We use our vast power by whatever name to vault us even higher, outside the reality in question. There we absorb the essence of a reality just outside it's borders and form our own eternal essence. Sort of like an energy body. From there we can reach back into realities, from the void of creation where gods live, and create an avatar body . Sort of like a body made from the elements of nature that carries a large part of our essence and will while in that reality."

Daniels sighed. "Fascinating. What happens if your avatar dies then?"

I shrugged. "For Glory, the hell goddess I killed and ate, she was forced entirely into an avatar body and fused with a human one to be safe by the gods she betrayed. She was permanently killed then by my hand. But If by some miracle a mortal managed to destroy a gods avatar they'd just be ejected from the reality and weakened for a while before they could return."

Buffy frowned. "The First."

I turned to her and nodded. "It took me a while to figure out but yes. Somehow he managed to become a god by absorbing the evil taint of a reality. To be able to do such a thing and come back so quickly, he's have to be a law god. Any stronger and he'd be able to immediately return and any weaker and it would be eons before he could return."

Daniel asked. "Can we go back to the essence for a minute? How do you get it? I mean, you can't have been born with so much of it."

I smiled. "You're not going to like the answer, no one does. Hell, I didn't when I found out but like many things I've learned to adapt. You see, there's only one thing in creation that has the same energy of a soul, or essence."

They all stilled now and I nodded when Sam answered. "Other souls."

I sighed. "See, not a pretty answer is it? I achieved enough energy to ascend when I ate a hell dimension and a realities version of the devil. Millions of evil tormented souls I shattered to bits and purified before absorbing. I'm neither dumb enough or desperate enough to take on someone else's evil. I no longer need to purify my self the magical way as my own power does it for me now but before it was a hellishly painful process that lasted some three odd years at the bottom of a boiling lake of oil to get all the evil energy out."

I grimaced with them this time and nodded. "As painful as you'd imagined but necessary as to not be infected with evil."

Daniel frowned. "What do you mean by evil?"

I sighed. "Evil, like good is not only a perspective but an energy all it's own. A sort of infection for the soul or magic if you practice it. Each reality itself has a sort of consciousness that judges your actions and condemns or uplifts your souls by your own actions. Only the soulless are immune as reality cannot judge the actions of an empty shell that cannot tell the difference between good and evil. Sort of like a points based system for those that screw up and know it."

The military personnel flinched as I continued. "During said action, in the moment of making that decision, the soul is steeped in guilt that attracts the evil energy or the good of they feel it's for the best. The soul will then take on a small portion of that evil or good energy depending on the heinous or righteous the action itself weighs on the soul. Hence the reason a soulless person can't be judged."

Jack frowned. "You say soulless like it's a real thing."

I snorted. "Jack if I took your soul right now with magic your body would still function like usual. Well, if I brought it back anyway. To take a soul means you need to crack it's container beyond living capabilities to heal. But if I brought the flesh back without the soul then your body would go on doing your regular routine like usual. It wouldn't feel emotions in any capacity and wouldn't be able to tell if what it was doing was right or wrong, it would rely on instinct alone and survive at all costs, including destroying entire worlds of innocents if that's what it took to survive."

He flinched and I nodded. "Natural soulless people are born as well. You call them sociopaths. They can't feel so they try but in the end all that they can feel is the energy given off by another soul when it's in agony or bliss. So they tend to lean towards causing the easiest one to feel temporarily as it becomes like a drug for their soulless mind. A contact high of sorts."

They shivered and I nodded. "Now, killing them off would instead have an effect on your soul as well since they are technically living beings. Your own soul still makes you feel guilt or sorrow from it."

Daniel asked. "So does all guilt-"

I shook my head. "It's a sort of scream that the soul does in the moment."

I turned to Buffy. "Angel's curse, bliss, was it's trigger but a severe act of violence so horrible that it would scar the soul like say parricide of any kind would've done so as well."

She grimaced and Sam asked. "Angel?"

Faith chuckled. "B's ex, Angel, had a curse on him. Any hip action meant bye bye soul. He was a decent guy if you didn't mind the broody silent type."

I sighed. "He was suffering at the time as any soul would suffer from centuries of killing people. He was a vampire FYI, gypsies in that reality cursed him for eating one of their princesses. Anyway, he reveled in the pain as he thought to feel anything else was an insult to those he'd murdered. Spike on the other hand understands life better, so he's not weighed down by the guilt as much."

Jack asked. "Spike, where have I heard that name before?"

I smiled and summoned the vampire to us. As he appeared I said. "This is Spike."

I saw the vampire's state of mid feeding and coughed. "Spike, guests."

He set down the mug of blood. "What bloody hell did you bring me here for?"

I snorted and waved a hand breaking several of his bones faster than the gem of Amara could heal. "Speak to me like that again and I'll send you to entertain the unas clans on the planet I visited with Illyria."

He paled and panted as his legs healed enough for him to stand. When he was finally on his feet again again I told them. "He's a vampire with a soul much like Angel is though he actually earned his back through a brawling demon trial. Unlike Angel he doesn't brood or mope about as he's more primal, more instinctual, a higher breed in my opinion."

Spike smirked. "I knew there was something about me you liked."

I snorted. "I dislike downers and whiners, there's a difference between my dislike for them and my appreciation for your lack of broodiness. Damon was much better than you and he was human for the last few decades."

Hammond asked. "So there's a cure for these vampires? Is he even a vampire at all?"

Spoke smirked and made with the demon face as his forehead went all bumpy and his eyes went yellow while his teeth sharpened and grew. "I'm not one for bragging but heck what am I sayin, I love to brag. Fancy a nip ole timer. I haven't had anything fresh in-"

I moved like the wind and appeared behind him, snapping his neck with an audible crack. I teleported him back to where I'd taken him from and sat back down. "Vampires like spike love to hear themselves talk and tend to eat everyone they can get ahold of. He'll be fine if you're wondering. He'll just have a nasty headache when he wakes up. As for a cure, one does exist but then that's not what I was referring to."

Alice spoke up now. "As a former vampire I can safely say their are three cures. One is a Mahra demons blood as it brings the dead back to life. Another is an elixir that any immortal can take to become mortal. And the last is to have the magic that make you undead drained away before being brought back through a different magic or if you're lucky, simple medicine like CPR."

Sam frowned. "How would CPR help?"

Alice smiled. "When the magic is taken away your body reverts back to the way it was before you were turned. A slit throat, drowning, snapped neck. All three are common as well as shootings or sickness. Whatever way you died before the vampires blood in your system kicked in and healed you, changing you from human to vampire. More magic can then be applied to heal the wound or sickness bringing you back to full health and human. In my case it was the Mohra demon's blood."

They looked confused and relieved in some cases as I picked up where she left off. "A vampire with a soul like Spike or Alice can be healed those ways but if a soulless vampire were to be healed after the shock was drained out then it would be a soulless human. Another spell to draw the soul from the ether if it's there, must be done then."

They asked a few more questions and the topics changed a bit to resources and help I could or would provide to further the stargate program and the Tok'ra's alliance. I mentioned them making an alliance to share information on actionable intel while the Tok'ra are forewarned of any of their major actions so that they may withdraw their people in time.

Egeria, who had all the sway when it came to the Tok'ra agreed to meet with the president of the United States to formalize it. Hammond asked if I'd be willing to join the alliance to which I snorted. "I've already done enough for earth and I continue to supply resources. If you expect me to kiss ass to a politician you really should be asking what I did to the last one who pissed me off."

He dropped it then and there as he knew I meant Kinsey and his lot. The government took a major blow as many of their people disappeared that day. Many major corporations lost their leaders as well while the Air Force lost dozens of officers.

I was unrepentant in my choices as I would've done a hell of a lot worse as well. If it weren't for my own ability to cleanse my essence and soul I'd be an evil god right now. As it was I merely got irritated by politics and I didn't hang out on Chulak for the same reasons.

Don't get me wrong, I've advanced the Jaffa and humans on my worlds to the ancient's level technologically while using their laws as a basis but I sure as hell wasn't about to listen to a bunch of greedy bastards try to swindle their way into my good graces when I can read the truth from their minds directly.

I'd rather avoid the political agendas of a planet I didn't even own. Seeing everyone drone off I decided a bit of time with the girls was in order so I teleported them to the bedroom with me. There we spent several days in ecstasy before they were off on some mission or other.

I was there when a SG-6 arrived from a back water planet or what appeared to be SG-6 anyway. When they started stunning and hooking people up I made myself invisible to their senses with my wives. Lexi was out with SG-1 at the moment but the rest of us watched them take over the base.

When SG-1 came back I revealed myself and killed all the aliens with a snap. Their heads exploded all over the base and in town. It was a very easy cleanup from there as I dissolved those in town while leaving the bulk of them in the base to be picked up and tested on.

Their souls went to me but I simply crushed and cleaned it all before siphoning the clean essence to my wives. When Jack asked what the hell was going on I left it to Lexi to explain. "There was a foothold situation and instead of stopping it Osiris and the rest let it happen."

Sam frowned. "Why?"

Faith spoke up. "To prove a point and to get their technology for your planet. The blinking lights on the dead body's are a type of hard light hologram that basically turns the wearer into whomever is wearing it's counterpart head piece."

"The headpiece in turn relays the persons image and memories to the wearer. A great infiltration tool the Tok'ra can use and even the SGC if used right. The point of course was that you're to lax in your security measures. If it wasn't for the fact that they used drugs and knockout gas the wards would've stopped them. But like Hammond has been warned before there are ways around them."

I sighed. "Hammond should at least devote some time to building a think tank to prevent such things. As for the technology, use it or trade it to the Tok'ra for mining crystal technology and some of their other gadgets. You'll need to of course retrieve the real SG-6 from the alien's home planet. By the way when I killed the aliens, I effectively wiped out the species as they were linked to their leader."

I walked to the conference room to wait while teleporting all the devices on the aliens to the conference table. There I waited for them to clean up the base and put the rest of the technology under lock and key.

When they came to put the rest of the devices away I warned them. "Be careful they have a self destruct capability that could rival several pounds of c-4."

The sergeant putting them away was very careful from then on as he was sweating bullets. When the briefing came about Hammond agreed to start a think tank to fix the loopholes the wards didn't cover. As for what to do with the tech, he decided they'd keep half for study and see if the Tok'ra would be interested in a trade of sorts.

I did happen to mention it wouldn't work on goa'uld or Jaffa but lo'taur's are easy enough to have them impersonate. I didn't pay much attention to it after that as it no longer mattered to me.

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