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64.86% pokemon fanfiction / Chapter 24: chapter 31

Capítulo 24: chapter 31

 As Ash slowly opened his eyes he found that he was looking up at the ceiling and laying in a bed, he felt his chest and felt his heart beating so he assumed he hadn't died, he sat up in the bed and looked around the room, he saw Brock sitting in a chair next to him and beside him was Misty both were sound asleep Ash smiled to himself a little. He looked around and saw Dawn asleep on the green couch that was by the window.

Ash slowly got up to go to the bathroom to splash some water on his face, when he entered the bathroom he found a fresh pair of clothes by the sink, he set them aside and took off the hospital gown reveling a large row of stitches across his chest and a bandage around his waist he touched his chest it didn't hurt very much anymore and wasn't purple "I guess they fixed me up." Ash said to himself as he continued to put on his clothes blue jeans and a black T-shirt and his trainer gloves the last item he found brought a smile to his face he held up his black fedora and then put it on his head cocking it to the right.


Ash turned on the sink and splashed some water on his face to wake up, when he walked out of the restroom he found that everyone was still asleep he thought about waking them but instead quietly opened the door and left to find May.

He was stopped by nurse joy at the front desk who informed him he needed to sign out "How long was I out?" Ash asked signing the release paper "Oh about three days I think." She said taking the paper from Ash, Ash was shocked that he had been out for three days "Has a May Maple come through here?" he asked, nurse Joy thought for a moment then said " Oh yes she was probably the most frequent visitor she was actually here not too long ago." "Thanks." Ash said returning the pen and turned to leave "We hope to see you again." Nurse Joy said smiling "What a terrible thing to say at a hospital." Ash said to himself as he walked out.


It was colder than most days in Febuary and Ash shivered a little as he walked home "Times like these I wish I had a jacket." Ash said to himself rubbing his arms, when he reached his home he opened the door "May…Max…Mom!" Ash called out, his mom came running out the kitchen "Ash your awake!" his mom said running over and throwing her arms around her son tightly

"Mom your killing me."Ash said trying to breath "Oh I'm sorry dear." His mom said letting go of her son "I'm just so happy that your okay." Ash smiled a little but changed the subject "Mom have you seen May?" Ash asked "Oh yes Drew took her down by the lake…He didn't look to happy though." His mom said Ash nodded at this and started to walk out the door, as he was walking out he noticed his dads old black leather jacket he took it and put it on it fit perfectly "You look just like your father." His mom said when she saw her son in the leather jacket, Ash then procedded to walk out the door and headed to the lake.


When he arrived at the hill overlooking the lake he looked down and saw May with Drew they looked as if they were arguing about something and Max was sitting under the tree with Pikachu watching with a almost fearful look on his face.

Ash quietly approached them but they were so angry that it didn't matter how loudly he approached they wouldn't hear him. When he was only about ten feet away he could hear what they were saying "Well At least he tried to rescue me Drew I didn't see you there!" May yelled "I had other things to attend to!" Drew yelled back "You had more important things to attend to do you realize I could have died!" When May finished yelling this Drew looked at her angrily "Yea but you didn't." he said flipping his hair May looked at him with disgust and shook her head "I cant believe I thought I loved you you're such a coward." "What did you call me?" Drew said approaching her "You want me to say it louder you're a COWARD Drew a COWARD!" May yelled getting in Drews face, Drew's hand shot out and grabbed her by the collar and held his fist up in a threatening manner

"HEY!" Ash yelled walking closer to Drew "Ash your awake!" May said surprised, Drew let go of May and turned to Ash "Hey this isn't your business Ketchum!" Drew said walking over to Ash "It just became my business Drew." Ash said standing his ground, Drew scoffed at Ash and then hit Ash's hat off his head having it land beside him "Go ahead Ketchum pick it up." Drew said pointing at the hat, Ash looked at Drew dead in the eye and then grabbed him by the collar reeling his fist back about to strike him in the face but May stepped in between the two causing Ash let go of Drew's collar and back up a little.


"Maybe we should all calm down and just take a breather." May said trying to ease the tension, Drew took Mays hand off him "No I think Ash here wants to fight don't you Ash." Drew said approaching Ash, May again tried to keep Drew away but this time Drew grabbed May's hand and then with his right hand slapped her across the face sending her to the floor "May!" Ash exclaimed, kneeling down and picking her up in his arms "May are you ok?" May whimpered a bit but nodded with tears in her eyes "Shouldn't have gotten in the way May." Drew said popping his knuckles Ash went and gently set her down by his hat.

Ash reached over and grabbed his hat and put it on cocking it to the right, he slowly stood up and turned to face Drew "You knocked her down now why don't you try knocking me down." Ash said slowly walking over to Drew. Drew ran at Ash trying to tackle him but Ash was quicker sending out a right hook to his face knocking him to the ground, Drew quickly stood back up Ash came after him throwing a straight jab to his face followed by a left uppercut to his stomach then a another right hook he finished with a left cross, Drew fell to floor with the wind knocked out of him. Ash looked at Drew for a second then turned back to May who was pointing behind him "Ash watch out!" May yelled, Ash turned in time to see Drew's fist make contact with his nose Ash stumbled back Drew took advantage of this and tackled him to the ground, he got on top of Ash and started to hammer Ash's face, Ash was trying to keep his guard up but couldn't "Not…So…Tough…Now!" Drew said in between hitting Ash, Ash managed to roll back and put his feet around Drew's neck and pulled him down to the ground giving him the chance to get up, Ash stumbled back up and tried to rub the blood away from his face, Ash looked down at his hand it was covered with his blood Ash looked at Drew who was walking over about to hit Ash, he came at him with a left hook, Ash caught it catching Drew off guard and leaving him open giving Ash the opportunity to start hitting his ribs and lungs, Ash started to uppercut in Drew's lungs knocking the wind out of him and finally pushing him to the ground. Drew was on the ground trying to breath but looked like a fish out of water Ash turned back around to May, Max was now by her side watching the whole thing unfold


"Hey Max how you doing." Ash said walking over wiping his face "He's doing a lot better than you'll be Ketchum!" Drew yelled, he came up behind Ash grabbing him in a tight bear hug constricting his breathing Ash yelled out in pain but Drew kept squeezing Ash managed to throw his head back onto Drews causing him to loosen his hold allowing Ash to get out and reverse it he picked Drew up and threw him on the ground head first causing Ash to fall a little also he stood up quickly and backed up a few feet, Drew getting up held up his guard and walked towards Ash, Ash threw two jabs and a cross on Drew's chest and face stunning him, but still Drew came at Ash with a right hook making contact with the side of Ash's head Ash dropped his guard giving Drew the opputunity to hit his stomach and face, one particular punch hit Ash right below the eye cutting him.

Ash walked back a little with his left hand holding his eye he held up his right hand as if to say stop. Drew smirked at this and started hitting Ash in the face with four right hooks Ash trying to stay conscious gave Drew a haymaker (Type of punch) sending Drew to the ground with his hand on his face Drew got up but this time Ash was determined to end the fight and with all his strength hit him with a left hook to the side of the head a jab cross combo to face and chest and then an right uppercut under his chin sending Drew in the air and landing on the floor un conscious.

Ash looked at him breathing hard then said "That was for making me waste 25 dollars on ice cream." Ash turned back to May he walked over to her limping a little. "Come on lets go home." Ash said holding out his hand for May to take, she looked at it then smiled and took it "Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed jumping on Ash's shoulder "Hey there Pikachu it's good to see you also." Ash said petting his Pokemon "Well guys what do you say we all go home." Ash asked "Sounds great to me!" Max said eagerly running ahead of Ash and May, Pikachu even jumped off of Ash's shoulder and ran beside Max as he took off back to the house "He sure is eager to get home." Ash said smiling "Yea we probably shouldn't let him get to far ahead." May said, Ash nodded and the two began walking toward the house.

Back at the house Ash and May were standing on the porch talking "So it might not be any of my business but why exactly where you and Drew fighting?" Ash asked standing on the porch with May by his side, May smiled a bit "Drew was angry because I told him that we need to break up because I'm starting to fall for another guy who is sweet, charming, funny, good looking, and brave." She said leaning in closer to Ash "He sounds like a keeper I guess I don't have a chance do I." Ash said leaning in closer to May, May smiled and together they gently touched each other's lips Ash pulled May closer to him and together they stood there embracing each other in a warm passionate kiss where time itself seemed to stop. Ash slowly pulled away and looked deep into May's beautiful sapphire eyes "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." Ash said May smiled and leaned in for another kiss but was interrupted "Well would you look at this Misty." Brock said approaching the two lovers "Hey Brock thanks for ruining the moment." Ash said to his long time friend "Anytime." Brock said with a bow, he and Misty climbed up to the porch and stood in front of them "You should of told us you were awake!" Misty said hitting Ash in the shoulder "Oh yea sorry about that." Ash said apologetically "Hey kids do you mind giving me a hand." Mrs. Ketchum said holding an arm full of groceries, Brock and Misty ran over and took the groceries from Mrs. Ketchum's hands and walked in with them Mrs. Ketchum followed but stopped in front of Ash and May "Ash I know she's pretty but try to come inside soon ok." She said, Ash blushed a little embarrassed, when his Mom went in May let out a giggle "Come on Ash better not keep her waiting." She said giving Ash a quick kiss on the cheek and opening the door, Ash looked at her for a little bit "Well are you coming?" May asked holding the door, Ash smiled and putting his arm around Mays shoulder walked inside.

Back in the lake shore Drew sat up and groaned rubbing the back of his head "Ketchum will pay for this." Drew said standing up "Yes your right he will." A dark voice said Drew turned and saw a dark figure wearing a trench coat with yellow eyes that seemed to pierce his soul "Who are you?" Drew asked "I'm the one who has an offer for you." Shadow said Drew looked at him suspiciously "What kind of offer?" Shadow smiled "An alliance." He replied darkly.

It was the last battle for Ash in the Hoenn league.

Everybody gasp as the last two remaining pokemon gave their final attack.

As the smoke started to clear away everybody could now see who the remaining pokemon is left.


"And the winner is ASH!" cried the referee as he held up a red flag to indicate that ash was the winner. Cheers started all over the place as the stadium grew so loud that you could get your ears exploded.

"YEA I WON!" cried a boy who is now twenty years old, jumped into the air with his fist up in the air.

"PIKA PI!" cried pikachu as it standed on top of the fallen Marshstomp that it just defeated

"Pikachu we did it we won were the new champions!" cried ash as he ran to his most valuable prized pokemon(which obviously "not" for sale...or is it...) and gave it a great big hug, then ash was tackled by a smaller boy known as max. "Ash you did it you really won you really one!" yelled out a crazy max,

"good job ash" as brock gave ash a hand shake, then ash heard someone screamed out his name.


Ash was then tackled to the ground by a girl that is now knowned to almost everybody in the world for her master rank contest winnerand ash's girlfriend for years who happens to be May."Ash you really did-" may was cut off as ash gave her a champions kiss, as the video camera men's came closer the world knows what ash's action is.

All the people in the audience went awww as they watch the two couple kiss.

After a few long minutes the couple broke the kiss for breaths, "I won because of you may, and i will always win when your by my side". "Pika!" pikachu said in a what seems to be a angry voice, " And you too pikachu" said ash as he quickly caught on to what pikachu meant.

"well Ash it seems that your the winner" said Brendan as he held up his hand for a handshake(Brendan is the one that lost to ash) " you were a real tough opponent brendan it was a pleasure to battle the son of the famous professor birch(I don't know if birch is famous but i'll just says he is)" said ash as he held up his hand to take the handshake


Then the crowed started to cheer another big cheer because of the greatest battle that they saw by the champion of Kanto versus the champion of Hoenn. As the crowed cheers started to fade ash wanted to do the most hardest thing thats he everdone in hi life but first of all he neede the crowed to be quiet. "Could i get everybody in the crowd to be quiet please! I know your all excited about the match and all but i need to do something very important!" ash cried over the microhone that he snatch from the referee. As the crowed started to quiet down ash began his important thing by turning around to may, " May in all my life that i've known you, you have always been there for me, you were always in my thought, you have been there when i feel down or upset, yo-" " ash just what are you trying to say?"

As the crowd got quieter trying to hear what ash is trying to say and the video camera's are now up close for an exellent view.

"May what i'm trying to say is that" ash got down onto one knee and pulled out a red ring box, opened it to reveal a twenty-four carrot gold ring with pure diamonds surrounding a bright red ruby in the middle, " May Maple will you marry me?" Sc he said yes I will marry you it was the day of the wedding 


~ Introductory Music ~

Welcome Statement

Minister: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here on this beautiful day to witness the union of ash and may in holy matrimony. This is a day of great celebration and reverence, on which we come together before God to recognize and commemorate the sacred love and dedication shared between these two people. It is wonderful to have family and friends here to join us today. The Groom and Bride would like to thank their guests for being here, and would like you to know that each of you were invited here on this day because you have played an integral part in their intertwining lives.

As the Bible reminds us in Corinthians, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails."

In the time that Ash and may have spent together, they've built the sturdy foundation for a lifelong relationship. After a great deal of thoughtful consideration, they have decided to bind themselves to one another for the rest of their lives.

May you all remember and cherish this sacred ceremony, for on this day, with love, we will forever bind Ash and may together.

Family Blessing

Minister: Who gives this bride today?

Kukui: I do.

Speak Now

Minister: If there is anyone in attendance who has cause to believe that this couple should not be joined in marriage, you may speak now or forever hold your peace.

Wedding Sermon

Minister: (Addressing guests) Marriage is a sacred ceremony. Today we observe the union of these two people with the respect the occasion warrants. What we honor with reverence, however, we also celebrate with great joy! For married life – a shared life – is a tremendous blessing. Now, as Ash and may embark on this journey together, they will be able to nurture a love that makes each of them better versions of themselves. Marriage is, indeed, the perfect garden from which to sow and harvest personal growth.

(Addressing couple) Ash and may, learn to work together, to laugh together, and to love together. Don't get caught up in worldly things that will draw you apart. Instead, focus on your shared devotion and turn inward. As your relationship strengthens you will find that you come to share a remarkable love; a love that is both abundantly given and freely accepted.

The joy you'll find as you pursue your shared lives will fuel you to face head-on the challenges you'll encounter on this Earth. On your journeys together, keep your spouse in the space of highest priority in your heart. The love you share must be guarded and cherished, it is your most valuable treasure.


Minister: Under the eyes of God, I solemnly consecrate these matrimonial proceedings and the sacred covenant you shall both enter into on this day.

Marriage is an ancient rite. As you enter into this union, you are choosing to take part in a historical human establishment and are pledging your commitment before the witnesses present here today to enter into that tradition with honor.

As Jesus said: "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female," he also taught that, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

Exchange of Vows

Minister: Ash and may, the sacred vows that you make to one another today present you with the opportunity to express your love in your own words. I would at this time invite you to publicly declare these vows:

Ash, you may begin.

Ash: I, [ash], take you, [may], to be my lawfully wedded [wife]. I take you with all your faults and all your strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and all my strengths. Before these witnesses I pledge to share my life openly with you, to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to show up every day and try. I promise to honor and care for you, to cherish and encourage your own fulfillment as an individual through all the changes of our lives. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

Minister: may, you may now make your promise.

may:I, [may], take you, [ash], to be my lawfully wedded [husband/wife]. I take you with all your faults and all your strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and all my strengths. Before these witnesses I pledge to share my life openly with you, to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to show up every day and try. I promise to honor and care for you, to cherish and encourage your own fulfillment as an individual through all the changes of our lives. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

Declaration of Intent

Minister: Ash and may please face one another and join hands. Under the eyes of God, Ash, do you take may to be your lawfully wedded Wife? By making this commitment, you are joining in the sacred covenant of marriage.

Do you promise to honor her in love, to be sensitive to her needs, to comfort her in difficulty, and to put your full and complete trust in her, so long as you both shall live?

Ash: I do.

Minister: Under the eyes of God, may, do you take Ash to be your lawfully wedded Husband? By making this commitment, you are joining in the covenant of marriage.

Do you promise to honor him in love, to be sensitive to his needs, to comfort him in difficulty, and to put your full and complete trust in him, so long as you both shall live?

may: I do.

Minister: Very well.

Glass Stomping Ceremony

Ash and may, take a moment to recall every magical moment in your life that led you to this point. All the smiles and tears endured, all the meticulous plans that went awry and the happy accidents that got you back on course. Everything that has ever happened has led you to this miraculous moment, right here. While the words you have spoken have sealed your union, it the smashing of the glass that truly seals your spiritual union. It is tradition that as the glass is smashed, the message of "Mazel Tov" is shouted.

As the officiant speaks the words above, the best man should place the glass (typically wrapped in a white cloth) before the couple. The couple may then stomp the glass.

The glass, once broken, may never be truly re-assembled. The change is permanent. Likewise, the bonds you have formed today are permanent and spirit-altering. Having entered into the beautiful institution of marriage, your lives have been changed irrevocably for the better.

Exchange of Rings

Minister: To commemorate this union, you may now exchange rings. The circle formed by each ring symbolizes your eternal love and commitment to one another. Let these rings remind you always of that love, and of the promises you have made here on this day.

Will each of you please repeat after me as you place the ring on your loved ones hand?

Ash: I, Ash, give you may this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I thee wed.

may: I, may, give you Ash this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I thee wed.


Minister: By the power vested in me, by the Universal Life Church and by by the state of Minnesota, I pronounce you, Ash and may as Husband and Wife, lawfully wedded before God.


Minister: Ash, you may now kiss the bride, forever sealing your union.


Minister: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Maple !

It was another sunny day as Ash and Co. travel the Hoenn region. But the weary travelers has been traveling nonstop for the last two days hoping to get Ash's next badge as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the perfect time to rest and have Brock cook his stew like always.

Of course, their Pokemon got to enjoy the sun of course so Ash, May, and Brock got out their PokeBall one by one having the Pokemon get a possible little tan and Max, standing at the sideline wishing he was a Pokemon trainer.

Since the lake was right beside them and there were tons of space for you to play around and just camp and have a nice time, Ash and Max went to the other side and just have fun with Ash's Pokemon while this left May and Brock looking after the beautiful and lovely stew Brock is cooking.

May looked at Ash and her brother and looked Brock, happily working on his stew with no worries and his Mudkip happily humming along with him. So since Brock is in such a good mood she decided to start a descent conversation with him.

"Look Brock. Look at Ash and Max having so much fun. They can never get enough." May sighed at the afternoon sun shimmering down at them.

"Yeah. They sure are having fun. You can go ahead and bring your Pokemon and join them." Brock is still very involved in his cooking and didn't really feel like being disturbed for the next thirty seconds, and so didn't Mudkip - who is very invovled in the lovely cooking his master seems to be working on.

"Brock? Can I ask you something?" Besides, May's the regular 10 year old who can always be a possible nuisance so Brock gave up and just left his stew at its own pace and sat down on a rock with Mudkip at his side.

"Okay, what's up?"

May took another glare at Ash and Max and said, "Do you want to know something?"

"Well, sure. What is it about?" Brock was not curious at all. He left all his brain time thinking about Pokemon breeding, new cooking recipes and Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy. He wasn't really paying attention to May. It wasn't his thing. But alright, since it's such a beautiful and lovely day, May's not the only nuisance. The image of Ash and Max having so much fun leaving him watching over a stew was very irritating for him.

May sighed and looked at Brock, "Well, you know a lot about boys since I see you flirting with Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny so much. What makes you feel that way? Do you think Ash feels that way about someone too?"

Brock chuckes in sligh embarrassment. He didn't expect this to come out of May but the thing about Ash - he's not that sure. He didn't know what to say so he said in a very quiet voice, thinking Ash would probably freak out if somebody that travels with him would be curious of such a thing so he said, "Well, I don't know about Ash but you can ask him."

ASK HIM? Those words traveled though May like a bullet and she blushed slightly and said, "Oh no. I can't do that. It's supposed to be uh - a - thing I was sort of wondering. It's just something I was just thinking - yeah. It's ok."

Brock has the slightest idea that something was up but he didn't really care. It was just about a little girl talking about ridiculous things that didn't seem like his business. He just wanted to stay out of all this stuff if possible. But he's curious - these are the people he's TRAVELING with ... so, well, he doesn't want it to be his business, but it's already sort of his ... but he couldn't care less or more.

Ash and Max were two busy with the Pokemon they're hanging out with to even bother with lunch. May is again stucked with Brock, talking about other things like Pokemon contest and Pokemon breeding. None of them even bothers to go back to the subject they were once discussing because it wasn't that important.

... about 5 hours has past. The Ash/Max training was over. Ash and co. are watching the stew in the middle of the fire like they usually do. They watch as Brock gently stirs the stew. Ash said, "Hey Brock, the stew looks delicious."

May looked at Ash and said, "And it smells delicious too." She smiled. Ash blushed a bit, but since they're around the fire, nobody really notices. Everybody is stuck to the stew.

Max says, "Yeah. I agree with both of you." He smiles at the stew. He is very innocent as a young boy and takes pride of who he is.

Ash turned to Max and sort of cracked a smile. He couldn't help himself. Max is too concentrated on the stew to know anything that is really happening around him. Ash thought, Well, that's a great brother.

They ate they rested. Soon enough it was night. Everybody went straight to bed. Ash's eyes were wide open. He was worried that he didn't put in any training time today. He was afraid that he would be defeated for his next page. He doesn't look losing in front of everybody, especially ...

He looked at how bright the stars are tonight, and the beautiful golden moon shining above them, he noticed the glistening lake. He looked around him, trying not to wake any of his friends up - put on his pants and walked up to the lake and sit down by the rocks and under the stars and moon since he can't sleep.

May and Pikachu opened their eyes, since they seem to notice Ash's departure from his sleeping bag.

Ash was sitting there, thinking - he misses his mom and he thought about his friend and rival, Gary. He's thinking about everything. He wants to know if Gary discovered any new facts about Pokemon. That would be exciting, he thought. "Hey Ash." he hears a voice behind him. He turned around. It was May and Pikachu.

Pikachu jumped on him and said a happy smile, "Pika Pi!"

"Pikachu!" he turned around, "May."

May sat next to Ash, who has this clueless face on him. "The moon are sure bright tonight, dontcha think?" May asked his clueless friend. "So is the stars. And the lake. It's all very beautiful."

"Yeah," Ash said, "What are you doing up?"

"What do you mean, what I'm doing up? What are YOU doing up?"

"Well, I -" Ash is thinking what to say to such an question. "Well, I'm up because I am thinking about training."

"Well," May said cheerfully, "I have to train for Pokemon Contests too." May smiled with a sigh, "Besides, we all need to train once a while." She looked at Ash, trying to change the subject, "Remember the day I first met you? When Pikachu burned my bike?"

"UH!" Ash said, in the shocked way whenever May talks about her bike. Then he and Pikachu looked down and said, "We're sorry about the bike."


"I forgive you for that. I still want my bike back but I saw how close you were with that Pikachu. Trying to save his life and everything. You were very caring - and I can see that you really liked Pikachu and you're an awesome Pokemon trainer," May said, still, not looking at Ash.

"So that's why you decided to travel with me?" Ash asked.

"I guess so. But there's always more than one reason. I think it's for us figure it out ... "

MEANWHILE, Team Rocket was spying on "the twerps" again behind the bushes. Meowth smiled and said, "Look at those two lovebirds. Up at twelve midnight. What a perfect time to catch Pikachu."

"Those two doesn't even look cute together!" Jessie says. "Those two are ridiculous lovebirds. PATHETIC!"

James smiled and said, "Calm down Jess. I totally disagree with you. They may be twerps but I think they're the perfect match."

Jessie hates people disagreeing with her and she said in a stern whisper, "Does not!"

"Does too!"

"Does not!"

"Does too!"

"Does not!"

"Does too!"

And on and on it went, then SCRATCH

"BE QUIET YOU TWO!" Meowth whispered. "Let's start Plan A right away."

"Right," Jessie and James replied.

The snuck up on the two friends, having a descent conversation by the lake. Behind the bushes Jessie whispered, "Prepare for very quiet trouble."

"And a very quiet double," James whispered after Jessie finished her line. "What's the point? Meowth, send the trap!"

"Righto!" And he pressed the button and there's Pikachu in the net."

"Ugh! Pikachu!" Ash shouted.

Then up goes the Team Rocket hotair baloon, just twelve inches from the ground. Ash doesn't think for a minute. He know he doesn't have his pokeballs and hurries to do what he needs to do - catch up to Team Rocket. He tags onto the net and May shouts, "Wait for me!"

"I'm not going to let you steal Pikachu! Pikachu, thundershock!" Ash shouted.

"Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Chuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

"Ugh! It's not working!" Ash and May both said together.

Jessie, James, and Meowth started to do their evil laugh, "Hahahha! Today's special is the SAME special from the last time we attempted to capture Pikachu. We went for the thunder-proof this time, once again," James said happily.

May held on tightly but Team Rocket gained speed so she started falling and Ash saved her and shouted down, "Hold on, May!"

Back at the camp, Max's eyes immediately opened and saw the drama in air. He saw his sister clinging on to Ash for life and saw the Meowth air balloon clinging on to a net with Pikachu inside it. He quickly grabbed May's PokeBalls and ran to the scene. He noticed the Brock was sound asleep, smiling at his dream - maybe it's about girls or something like that, Max thought.

He ran to the lake area and yelled, "I'M COMING! I CAME TO SAVE YOU GUYS!"

May, finally pulled up by her hero, Ash, looked down from fifty feet and exclaimed, "Hey, Max's awake!"

"Huh?" Ash looked down and smiled. "Hey he is! Max is awake, with PokeBalls! Awesome!"

Max looked up and sent out Beautifly. "Beautifly! Fly and get close enough to use stringshot on Team Rocket's air balloon!"

Beautifly quickly knew that her friends were in trouble and tried the hardest to save them.

Jessie and James, still smiling saw Beautifly and Jessie looked quite shocked that the "mini-twerp" would gain control of the Pokemon. She got irrtated and sent out, "Dustox, I choose you!" Jessie gave a mean smirk and said, "Dustox, poison sting attack!"

Beautifly was well-trained and quickly dodged it and Max, down below gave a slight, "Yeah!" Beautifly send out her stringshot successfuly and was only able to pull May safely down.

Ash smiled and said, "Nice being ontop with you."

"You too," May said, and she gave a little wink.

When May finally got to the ground she sent Beautifly with a tackle and down comes the air balllon. By the time they got down, Ash broke the net. Team Rocket was shocked by the results (are they always?) and Ash demanded, "Pikachu! Thunderbolt them!"

"Pika, chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

The whole balloon blew up and sent Team Rocket flying.

"Well, at least we were close," James said wearily.

"Yeah, that counts for a few points," Meowth replied.

"Anyways ... " Jessie says.

"Team Rocket's blastin' off again!"

"Yay!" Max said. "We got them!"

"No," Ash said, "YOU got them. We should thank you."

"Yeah," May agreed, and smiled at Ash. "Good job Max."

"Heheh. It was nothing you guys."

"Pika chu!"

"Now we should really get some sleep," Ash said. "It's probably one by now."

"Well, Team Rocket would be having a very painful night's sleep then," May said, looking into the sky.


"My beauty sleep is ruined," Jessie said.

"This is going to be a long night." James said sadly.

"I know. The mini-twerp and the two older twerps beat us this time. I wonder where the other guy was," Meowth said.

"He was having his beauty sleep," Jessie replied.


"Oh, be quiet!" Team Rocket said together.

We've been waitin a long time. You don't thi-"

"Max don't even think that! May's gonna be fine. I know, I just know okay. What we probably need to do is get some rest and wait for your mom to come. Just try and calm down."

"You're right Ash, May is gonna be okay, I just gotta keep my head."

"Well let's all hope you keep your head young man, we don't want your sister to worry when so gets better now do we?" a familiar voice said.

"Mom! I'm so glad you're here!" Max said as he rushed to hug his mother.

"Don't you worry about a thing, now that I'm here, everything's going to be fine, you just wait, okay honey? She said

"O-" sniffle "-Okay. Yeah! May's gonna be alright!" he said with reassurance.

"Caroline, after Max got off the phone with you he said that you didn't seem so surprised that May had gotten sick. Has this happened before?" the breeder asked.

"Yes, in fact it has. This happened before Max was born. When May was about two years old she got sick just like this. We didn't know what was wrong. One morning we came to wake her up, and she wouldn't wake up. Her forehead was warm, but her body was cold. She was sweating and shaking drastically. We didn't know what to do. We took her to every doctor in the region, but they all said that same thing, nothing. We finally decided that the only thing we could do was pray that she would be alright. That night both Norman and I prayed to God that she would wake up again. The next morning she opened her eyes but she was very weak. Although it only lasted a day she looked like she has been sick for weeks. Now that its been longer, I'm starting to worry. We don't know what it is or how she got better, all we know is that it never came back until now. I was worried that this sickness was going to come back while she was on her journey, and now the nightmare has come true."

The hall filled with silence as they awaited an answer from nurse Joy on the condition of May. Heads went down in prayer as the waited. Horrid thoughts went through their heads thinking of what this sickness might be.

The silence was broken when the red light went off signaling that either the operation was a success or a failure. The suspense was slowly killing them.

The pink-haired nurse walked out of the ER with a bland expression on her face.

"We did all we could-"

"-and your friend-"

"-is going to be just fine. She's awake now if you would like to see her. Just make sure you don't move around too much, and stay quiet."

They rushed into the ER to see that what the nurse had said was true. May was awake and already looking much better.

"Hey guys, what happened? Why are you all staring at me like that?"

"Oh May darling, you're alright. I'm so glad. I was so worried." her mother cried as she hugged her daughter.

"Mom- what are you doing here? What's going on?"

"May you were really sick and Ash brought you to the pokemon center so the nurse could operate and, well now you're better and that's all that matters. Just try to rest okay sweetie?"

"I got sick? Wow, I don't remember getting sick. The last thing I remember was being lost in the forest and the rest is a blur. I feel so weak. What was wrong?"

"We don't know. You probably don't remember this, but this has happened before, way back when."

"It has? I don't remember ever being this sick before. I'm just- really tired." With that she fell asleep.


"No Max, let her reset. She needs to after the day she just had. Come you guys let's go."

"No, I'm gonna stay here." Ash said.

"But Ash?" Max asked.

"It's fine, I'm just gonna stay here with May, I can do that much."

"Alright Ash we'll just be staying in one of the rooms if you need anything. Just try to get some rest."

"Okay, G'night." Ash said "May, I'm here and I'm not gonna let go this time. I promise."

Ash opened his eyes to find himself in what looked like an interrogation room. A spot light fell from the ceiling and it reveled May. She looked back at him with life gone from her eyes. No emotion, no feeling just blue. She had a dark expression on her face. She turned to him and "You said you weren't going to let me go, you let go. And now…I'm letting you go." He had a terrified look on his face. The floor shattered beneath him, he screamed "May No!"

He jumped from his sleep, sweating, and thinking about what he had just dreamt. He looked at his surroundings, he was still in the hospital room with May.

"Hmm…I must've fallen asleep waitin' for May to wake up." He said.

"Ash…what's up?" Came a low quiet voice.

"May? You're awake!" gladness overcame his body as he looked into those sapphire eyes to see that the life was still there. "How do you feel?"

"I don't know, tired I guess. What are you doing in here?" she asked.

"Well…I stayed in here to make sure that you got a good night sleep, I guess." he slightly blushed.

"You did? That was…sweet. Can you tell me what happened? how'd you guys find me and how'd I end up here?"

"After you fell in the river we came looking for you. When we found you, you had passed out in front of a big tree in the forest. You had a high fever and you were shaking a lot. I carried you to the PC as fast as I could. I brought you in where they nursed you back to health. I gotta admit I was feelin guilty about what happened."

"Why?" she asked.

"When I grabbed your hand after you fell in the river you said, Don't let go Ash, but I let go" He hesitated to go on. "And back when I was carryin you I thought I heard you say it again. If I just could've held on, you wouldn't be sick. It's all my fault."

"Oh Ash." she grabbed his hand to cheer him up. "It's not your fault. If it hadn't been for you, things would've turned out much worse. I might not have made if you didn't carry me here. You go above and beyond my expectations all the time. I couldn't ask for more even if I wanted to." she paused and continued.

"You always come to my rescue whenever I'm in danger. You never hesitate to save me or protect me. I really appreciate that. Thank You Ash."

"Your welcome May, now you just get better, okay?"


The sweet moment was interrupted by the gurgling of both their stomach's. They both let out a laugh.

"I guess some things never change huh?" May said.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll run down to the cafeteria and get us something to eat. Any requests?" he asked.

"Could you get me some ramen please?" she asked sweetly.

"No problem, I'll be right back. Get some rest okay." he said.

She silently dozed off again after he left.

Ash was quickly walking down the hall making sure not to keep May waiting. As he entered the cafeteria he saw Caroline, Max, and Brock all sitting at a booth. They all looked up at the same time as he approached them.

"Hey Ash! Did ya sleep well?" Max asked

"Yeah, I slept fine. How'd you guys sleep.?" he asked.

"Well…how well can a mother sleep when one of her children is sick. I just couldn't keep my mind off of May. How is she?" Caroline asked eagerly.

"May is just fine, I came down here to get her something to eat. She said she was just really tired, but hungry."

"I'm glad." she said.

"What about you Ash, how are you dealing with this?" Brock asked.

"Much better actually. Before I left I talked with May and I don't feel bad anymore."

"Feel bad? About what?" Caroline asked.

"This whole thing started when May fell in a river not too far from here. I grabbed her hand trying to save her. I heard her say don't let go, but the current was too strong and I lost my grip on her. I'm guessing she floated down the river and on to shore. When we found her has was passed out in front of a tree. I carried her to the PC to get her medical attention. On my way there I thought her say it again. I felt worse. I just couldn't help feelin that this was all my fault. If I had held on longer then May wouldn't have got sick." He stopped and sadly looked at his feet.

Caroline stood up and gave the boy a hug.

"You are an exceptional young man who has a big heart. You have no reason to feel guilty what so ever." she looked at him and continued.

"May and Max are lucky to have you around, especially May. Ash…you have protected her in more ways than one, and with that, I say thank you so much." she said with tears streaming down her face with compassion in her eyes somewhat like May's.

"You're welcome, and…thank you too." he said as he retuned the compassion. He left the table to go get May's ramen and his food too.

May laid awake in the quiet room looking up at the ceiling. She felt a warm feeling inside that kept her calm. She continued to stare into space as thoughts raced through her head.

"Ash…he's always…looking after me." she said to herself. "What's this feeling I'm getting? Whenever I think about him…my stomach feels weird. What is it? Do I…like Ash? No, of course not, never. Maybe. I don't know." she sighed with a troubled look on her face.

Ash slowly opened the down and crept in quietly. May was wide awake with an uneasy look on her face. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice him enter the room.

"May? How do ya feel?" he asked quietly.

She gasped in fear. "Ash!…You scared me. Still the same, with hunger on the side." he giggled.

"Well I got your ramen if you're ready to eat, is chicken flavor okay?"

"Yeah" she said as she struggled to get up. "My strength is really gone. I can barely…sit up." she panted.

"Here's your ramen and chopsticks." he set it down on a platter connected to the bed.

"Thanks." she grunted trying to break the chopsticks apart. "This is hard, I don't even have enough strength to break these chopsticks." she sighed sadly.

Ash couldn't watch anymore. "Here, I'll do it." he broke the chopsticks apart with ease and smiled back at May. "Here ya go, now you can eat." he said.

"Thanks mister muscle." she said sarcastically. Yet again, she needed help gripping the chopsticks, the noodles, and putting in her mouth. This was becoming very annoying to her.

Ash was about to engulf his hamburger, when he saw her struggling again. He felt sorry for her when she had that pouty look on her face.

He looked at her with a sorry look. "May? Do you want…me to do it?" he hesitated to ask.

"Huh? Do what?" she said knowing what he was offering.

"You know," he blushed slightly. "Uh…do you want me to…f-feed…y-you?"

"Feed Me? Do think I'm really that incapable of doing it myself?!" she asked angrily.

"NO! I was just asking! You seemed like you were struggling a bit, and I'm just offering to help." he fired back. "But if you wanna keep trying then forget I even asked." he said.

"Alright, I need your help. Could you please…feed me?" She said with an angry tone as a crimson blush crept upon her cheeks.

"Sure, you don't have the strength do you?" he asked.

"No, I don't and it discourages me when I can't even feed myself." she said as a tear came down her left cheek.

"May, don't cry." he wiped the tear from her face. "You'll be better in no time, I know."

"Thanks Ash." she said.

"No problem. Okay." he said as he placed the noodles in his hand. "Open wide."

May sighed as she opened her mouth. He slowly placed the noodles in her mouth again and again until the bowl was empty.

"There, all gone!" he said. "Was it good?"

"Yeah, but I will always prefer Brock's cooking." she said with a yawn.

"I think we all prefer his cooking. Hey May-" he said. He looked up and saw her sleeping peacefully.

He sighed with a smile as he slowly tucked her in. She looked so innocent when she slept. He reached over and kissed her on her forehead. "Sweet dreams, May." he said as he reached for his unfinished hamburger. He made quick work of that and left the room.

As he walked down the hall way he heard a lot of screams and shouts. He continued down the hall and the noise grew. He turned the corner to see a large group of people all standing in one spot. He walked closer to see a familiar face.

"Hey Norman!" he shouted.

"Please excuse me. Hello Ash. How are you?" he asked.

"I'm doin' just fine. Are ya hear to see May?"

"Yes I am. How is she?" he asked with concern.

"She's well but she's really weak and tired. She's sleepin right now."

"Oh, can you show me to her room?"

"Sure. Do know what's wrong with her?" Ash asked.

"No, I don't. But I will find out."

They quietly entered the room where May was slightly snoring in her sleep. She still looked innocent in his eyes.

"I'm so relieved." Norman said as he sighed happily.

"What's up?"

"Oh, I'm just glad she's alright. I'm relieved that it's nothing serious. The joy a parent feels when the child is alright is just overbearing." Norman said.

"What is this guy talking about?" Ash thought to himself.

Norman saw the confused look on his face. "You'll understand when you become a parent." he laughed.

"Ssshhhh! You don't want to wake her honey." Caroline said as she walked in the room following Max and Brock.

"Dad you're here! This is-" "Shhh!" he was quieted by his mother.

"-great!" he said in a low whisper.

"I'm glad you could make it Norman, May will be glad to see you." Caroline said. "Come on, we probably should leave, that means you too Ash." she demanded.

Ash had an uneasy look on his face as he left. After they left the room, they scattered to different parts of the center. Brock went to flirt with nurse Joy. Max was talking with Norman, and Caroline sat in the lobby and a read a book.

When she opened her eyes, she was surrounded by darkness. She saw a figure in front her. She quickly recognized it to be Ash with his back turned to her, but for some reason she didn't feel right. Suddenly she began to sink into the floor like something was pulling her into the darkness. She called out to Ash for help but he couldn't hear her. She cried out to him as loud as she could, but no response.

Ash couldn't get May off his mind. "Maybe if I train then I won't think about it." he said. As he headed for the door he noticed that his backpack was gone. "I must've left in May's room.

He slowly opened the door of the room. He quickly spotted his backpack on the floor next to her bed. He reached down to pick it up when he saw May struggling in her sleep.

"Ash, no come back. Please don't leave me!" she screamed through her nightmare. Ash began to shake her awake. "May wake up! It's just a dream!" he said. She opened her terror filled eyes to find Ash looking at her with a concerned look. "It's okay, I'm here and I'm never gonna leave you. I promise." Ash said as he embraced her with a hug. Heavily breathing and tears steadily flowing, May calmed down and went back to sleep. "Man, that must've been some dream. May, get better okay." he said as he left the room.

He headed out the door and into an open area. "Okay, Aipom I choose you!" he threw the red and white ball. It revealed a purple monkey like pokemon happily bouncing on its tail. "Ei ei ei po pom pom!" it said as it greeted it's trainer.

"Okay Aipom, use swift!" he commanded. "Ai-pom!" it exclaimed as it jumped in the air and shot yellow stars from its tail. "Alright! That was awesome Aipom, keep it up!" he shouted in praise. "Now, use focus punch!" he shouted.

Its tail began to glow as it focused its energy. Then in slammed its tail into a big nearby rock. It split the rock into tiny pieces. "Wow Aipom, you've gotten a lot stronger." "Ei pom!" screamed. "I think that's enough for today, return." he recalled his pokemon." As he walked back to the center he heard his stomach growl. "Ah man, hungry again? Well, when the belly calls, right buddy?" "Pikachu!"

May was still sleeping peacefully when nurse joy entered the room quietly to check on the patient. "Well it looks like what ever it was is gone now. She should be better the day after tomorrow but she gave me quite a scare." she said as placed the clipboard back on the bed. Then she left the room.

The sun slowly crept over the horizon signaling the beginning of a new day. Everyone was asleep in their rooms sleeping quietly. The pokemon center was quiet and almost completely empty with the exception of Ash, May, Max, Brock, and May's parents. Ash opened his eyes and let out a big yawn. He looked around to see his friends still sleeping. Pikachu also let out a yawn and stretched then jumped on Ash. "Good morning pikachu. Did ya sleep well?" "Pikachu!" he exclaimed. "That's good, come on, let's get ready for the day." he said. He lept out of bed and put on his usual attire. He quietly left the room to avoid waking his friends. "Hey pikachu, I've got and idea. Why don't we surprise May with breakfast, that'll make her feel better for sure! What do ya think?" "Pika pika!" He walked down the hall to the cafeteria. He picked up pancakes, eggs, bacon, and orange juice and set it all on one tray. "May can be as big a eater as me sometimes, so I hope this is enough." he said.

He slowly entered the room to find May sitting up trying to get out of bed. "May what are you doing? You shouldn't be trying to get out of bed." he said with concern. "I have to…I have to go." she said struggling to stand. He quickly put the tray down and tried to lay her back down. "No May, you should be resting, you can't go anywhere." he said. "But Ash…I really, really, have to go." she put an emphasis on the second really. "I'm sorry May but you have to stay in bed." he said. "No…I mean I..I have to-." he interrupted. "May just lay back down." "Ash, Listen!" she yelled. He had a surprised look on his face. "I have to go to the bathroom." she confessed. "Oh" he blushed slightly. He left the room embarrassed. "That Ash, he worries too much. I do feel a lot better than yesterday but I don't think my strength is all the way back though. What's that smell?" she scanned the room and saw a tray of food. "He must've brought me some breakfast, he's too sweet." she thought to herself. She slowly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom in the room. "This floor is cold!" she felt her legs begin to wobble, so she held onto something the rest of the way.

"Ms. Caroline, may I have a speak with you for a moment?" asked nurse Joy. "Yes, how's May?" "May is just fine, she'll be out in a couple of days. She may have some trouble walking though, so she'll probably be in a wheelchair until she gains her strength back. Other than that she's in perfect health." "Oh thank goodness. Thank Nurse Joy, you don't know how much this means to me." "It's no problem, it is my job after all." she giggled. "Well, you do a great job, may I see her?" "Why yes of course, right this way."

The two women walked down the hall towards May's room. They opened the door to find May struggling to get back in bed. "May honey, do you need some help?" "No mom, I got it, thanks." "How do you feel?" her mother asked. "A lot better than yesterday. How's everyone else?" "They're all doing just fine. Your father is here too." "Dad's here? That's good." "Oh I've got good news. Nurse Joy said you should be out in a couple of days, isn't that great?" "In a couple of days? That doesn't sound so bad." "You might be in a wheelchair though." "Okay." "May there's something that I have noticed." "What is it" "It's your friend Ash, I think he has a crush on you." she said slyly. "W..why would you think that?" she asked nervously. "Well I saw how much time he spent in here with you making sure you got better. Do you like him back?" she asked with a big grin on her face. "Who me? Hehehehe." she laughed nervously and then let out a fake yawn. "Really tired, going to sleep now, G'night mom." she said at a fast pace and pulled the cover over her head and blushed. "Well okay, sleep tight honey." "Oh mom, you can be so embarrassing sometimes" she thought to herself and sighed. She heard her stomach growl and remembered the food Ash had brought. "Yes, time to dig in!" she quickly scarfed down her food when she heard a knock at the door.

"Ms. May? Your received flowers from someone." said the nurse. "Really? Come in nurse Joy." She opened the door with a purple vase full of red roses in her hand. "They are very beautiful and they smell divine, you are very lucky." she said as she placed them on a night stand and left the room. "These can only be from one person, Drew." she picked up the card and read it. "Hey May, heard you were sick and thought I'd send you a pick-me-up. Get well soon so I can beat you at the next contest. Your rival, Drew. "Wow. That was, really nice of him." Then there was another knock on the door. "It's me again." said nurse Joy "Come in" "I brought a wheelchair in case you want to get some fresh air. You've been cramped in this room for two days now." "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, I could use some fresh air." She hopped out of bed and into the wheelchair. Nurse Joy rolled her out of the room and into the courtyard. "Ah" May sighed. "It's feels so good, I could stay out here forever." she exclaimed. "Well let's no get carried away. Would you like to see your pokemon?" the nurse asked. "Would I ever! I bet they're all worried about me."

Meanwhile on the other side of the center Caroline was spreading the good news to Ash, Max, Norman, and Brock. "Really! That's wonderful news!" Norman shouted. "I formulated a plan. The day she gets out of the hospital, we should throw her a party." she suggested. "I'll take care of the food." Brock added in. "This is gonna be great, a get well party!" Max exclaimed "Yeah! May's gonna love it!"

"May's gonna love what?" a voice said. "May! You're alright!" Max exclaimed as he ran to his sister. "Of course I'm alright silly, you didn't think I'd be sick forever did you?" she winked at him. He just smiled and continued to hug her.

With another passing day came better results from May's condition. The party that was being planned had almost been complete. It would just be Ash and the gang and May's parents but the other people in the center would be welcome to enjoy the food prepared by no other than Brock.

It is now the day before the party and everyone is very excited. Of course there will be gifts presented to May, but the real question is…

"…What should I get May?" the young trainer asked himself. "I know were going to be going our separate ways soon but I want to get her something she'll remember me by." He was very deep in thought. "Clothes…she has enough."

HOLD ON! Since when does a girl ever have enough clothes! HELLO!


"She's too old for toys and dolls." He then looked to his yellow friend and was struck with genius. "I know! I'll get her a pokemon! And I know which one too." he quickly ran over to a video phone.


We find May in her hospital room reading a magazine. "I cannot believe that outfit is back in style! Oh well." she sighed placing her hands behind her head looking up at the ceiling. "I wonder if what mom said was true? Does Ash really have a crush on me?" she was very deep in thought. "Do I like him back? I don't know, I guess he's kinda cute, and funny. We are alike in a lot of ways. But do people think I copy him? I don't mean to, that's just the way I'm am. Can I help it if my appetite is out of control?" she thought.

"What about pokemon? I didn't mean to catch the same ones as him. Bulbasaur and Squirtle practically wanted to come with me, and I didn't know Ash had a Snorlax when I caught Munchlax. Maybe great minds think alike?" she giggled. "Maybe I do like him, but I could never bring myself to tell him." She sighed sadly, dozing off again.

Back with Ash…

"Thanks Professor! When will it get here?" "It should be there tomorrow morning. If you don't mind me asking, why do you want a pokemon?" asked professor. "It's for a friend." he said not giving the name. "For May I presume?" Ash was shocked. "How'd you know it was for May?!" "Who else would you be giving a pokemon to?" "I guess your right." He said scratching his head. "Just don't tell anyone." "Your secret's safe with me, goodbye!" "Bye professor! Aahh! What's up Brock? You scared me."

"Sorry about that pal. I think it's time talked." he said placing his hand on Ash's shoulder. "Okay, about what?" Ash asked confused. "About you liking May." Ash's eyes widened. "I don't like-" "I've known you for too long, and you know you can't lie to me. When did it happen?" Ash sighed "I guess I started to like her whenever she needed my help. Whether it was advice or protection or whatever. It made me feel important and strong. The more and more we traveled together the more she started to grow on me. Traveling was more exciting because we had something else to do, go to her contests. I loved cheering her on and seeing her smile when she won." he paused.

"And I liked to be there for her whenever she lost. Were also a lot alike too. I was amazed when I saw her love for food and how she always kept up with me when it came to eating. I guess you could say, I like her a lot." he confessed. "Is there anything else that you like her about?" "There is one more thing. I've been known to have a temper at times, and May keeps me cool. I know Misty did it too, but May is gentler and kinder when she does it. She knows just what to say to calm me down."

"Do you ever think you could tell her?" "I've thought about it, but I don't know if she feels the same way for sure." Ash said sadly. "Look Ash, if anyone knows about rejection it's me. You should tell her how you feel, preferably at the party tomorrow." he suggested. "But what if she doesn't like me back?" "If she doesn't like you back, what can you do really. But if she does and you don't tell her, you'll never know." "I guess your right." "Anywayz, maybe she likes you back."

"Yeah, maybe."

Standing in a grassy field on a windy day, a young girl awaits the new day. Little does she know she is being watched. Across the field is a young man watching the girl from a distant, admiring her beauty as the breeze brushes her hair. As the sun creeps upon the horizon the boy inches closer to the girl. Once in reaching distance, he taps her on the shoulder. She turns her head to reveal her beautiful sapphire eyes that glow with the morning sun. The boy and the girl, now side by side, watch the sun rise bring a new day and a new opportunity.

"Yawn! What a dream! That was amazing. Hey, I feel better today!" May said being energetic for the first time in a long time. "Good morning honey! How do you feel?" Her mother asked. "I feel a whole lot better thanks." "Well I went to the store and got you a new outfit to wear today. You want to look pretty when you're released."

"Okay mom." she said nervously. "Wait 'til you see it, it's so cute!" Out of the shopping bag came a red zip up, sleeveless shirt, with a black collar. A red skirt with pokeball insignias, the classic black biker shorts, white gloves with black finger tips, red, black, and white clad shoes, a green fanny pack, and a green bandana to top it all off.

"Wow! You're right! It is cute! It looks almost like my old one." she exclaimed. "Well here try it on and come down to the lobby when you're done." she said leaving the room. At first she had a little trouble putting on all the clothes but eventually got them on. "Wow! I look great, if I do say so myself." She said making poses in the mirror.


"Hello? Professor Oak? Do you have it?" Ash said anxiously. "Hold your horses young man, and yes I have it. I'm sending it to you now." he said placing a pokeball in the transfer machine. In a few seconds, the pokeball had arrived. "I got here okay." "That's good, tell everyone I said hello." he said. "Alright, thanks Professor! Bye!" He said turning off the video phone. "All I have to do is give it to her, right buddy?" "Pika, pika!" he answered back.

After leaving transfer area of the center, he headed towards to lobby where the party was being held. "Hey Ash! Hurry up and get over here!" Max exclaimed. "What's up?" he asked confused. "May's comin' any minute! What's in the pokeball?" he asked. "It's a surprise, you gotta box I can wrap it in?" "Here, now hurry!" he handed him tiny blue box with pink ribbon.

Back to May…

"Well, better get out THERE, mom's probably waiting." May said dressed fully in her new outfit, from head to toe, literally. She positioned herself from in front of the mirror to towards the door. "I hope I didn't keep her waitin too long." she said turning the knob.

She slowly walked down the hallway. "Where is everyone?" she said getting nervous. As she turned the corner all of the sudden…

Back to the Party…

"What's taking so long?" cried an impatient Max. "We're waiting for May, remember?" his mother added. "Well, where the heck is she?" he fired. "Young man! You will watch your mouth, or none of Brock's dessert!" she scolded. "Okay! Okay, I'm sorry, please don't take the dessert!" he cried.

"Ssshhhh…she's coming! Quick! Get in you positions!" They all hurried to their places and waiting for May to come around the corner. "On three. One, two, three…SURPIRSE!" They all yelled in unison.

"What's all this?" she asked, surprised (duh!) "Well, we thought we'd throw you a party, since you got better." her mom exclaimed. "So all this, is for me?" "Yep, it sure is kiddo!" her dad added. "Dad! You're here!" she said rushing to hug him. "Oh, and please don't call me kiddo." she said once in his arms. "Hahaha! Sure thing kid- I mean May." She laughed. "We also bought you gifts. The outfit is me and your father's gift." said her mother.

"Here's my gift sis." Max said handing her his present. "What's this?" she asked curiously. "They're programs you can add to the PokéNav. One's a game, the other a map of Johto, and then there's Match Call where you can all anyone as long as you have their number." He said with superior smartitude. "Aww! This is a great present lil' bro!" she said hugging him. "Alright, alright! Enough of the mushy stuff. Sheez!" he said pushing her away. "But I'm glad you got better May." he said hugging her again.

"I'm glad that you're better too May, here you go." Brock said handing her a box. "I know how much you love my cooking so I made all your favorites and put it in there. I hope you like it." he said. "Thanks Brock, I would expect anything else from you." she added with a smile. "Hey May?" she looked up to see Ash right in front of her. "H-here's my gift." He said nervously handing her the small box. The box was tied cutely around it. "Thanks Ash." she gently pulled the ribbon to undo the knot and took the lid of the box to reveal a minimized pokeball. It baby blue on one side and light pink on the other.

"A pokeball?" she said. "Open it and see what's inside." he said. She maximized it to the size of her palm and released the mystery pokemon. Nobody knew what it was except Ash, who was now smirking.

Once out of the ball it materialized to be…

AJ: Well that's the end of this chapter really hope you liked it.

QT: AJ! It's not over yet! And you interrupted the chapter you numbskull! Sorry about that. Please continue reading.

Once out of the ball it materialized to be…

A Pichu curled up in a ball sleeping. "Gasp! It's so cute!" she gasped as she cradled it in her arms. "I knew you'd like it." he said with a triumphant smile. "Like it? I love it. This is the best gift ever Ash. Thank you." she said embracing him in an affectionate hug.

Just about everyone in the center did the classic "Aww" As they broke the hug. Once all the presents were opened, the long awaited dinner was served. "Everyone dig in!" And of course, that's what everyone did especially, you guessed it. Ash and May.

"Oh, Brock at his best." Ash said with a full stomach (for once!) "You can say that again." May said right next to him. "Hey May can I talk to you in private?" he asked. "Sure." He grabbed her hand and led her outside. By now the sun had gone down and the Moon and Stars were out.

"Wow. It's really beautiful tonight. It's so romantic." she said. "Yeah it is." he added. The both gazed at the stars, overcome by the sereneness of the night. "Have you ever wondered how many stars there are. I mean what if someone just stopped to count them all." she thought.

"I don't think it's possible. It'd be like trying to count the sand on the beach. She giggled. "Yeah, you're right." At that moment she blushed. 'He's still holding my hand.' she thought with a smile.

"May? There's something I need to tell you." She lifted her head, still smiling. "What is it Ash?" she asked sweetly.

"I love you."

Happiness over came her body as her smile grew.

"I love you too."


I do not own Pokémon (do I really need to comment on this?)

On the way to Cerulean city our heroes got caught in the rain while walking through the forest. As they ran through the forest heading for the nearest Pokémon center May started to tremble. As an act of kindness and sympathy Ash took off his jacket and placed it around her shoulder she smiled meekly at him and he smiled back as they continued to run. Finally they reached Cerulean city and they headed for the Pokémon center when things took a turn for the worse. May's uncontrollable trembling sent her careening to the ground. Ash turned around to see his friend lying on the pavement shaking like an earthquake

"May?" he asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder

"It's so cold… but I feel so hot…" she mumbled

"Come on May. We can't stay here" he said and he tried to help her to her feet but she couldn't keep her grip on the ground.

"Alright, come on May. We're getting out of here" he said and placed her on his back and started walking

"Do you know where's the hospital in the this town?" he asked

"There is no hospital in Cerulean. Remember the time you had Magicarp poisoning? May had to go the gym to get the antidote for you from the gym because there was no other option" said Brock

"Well is there a clinic somewhere nearby?"

"Not anywhere close. Our closest bet is the Pokémon center"

"Great…" said Ash through gritted teeth as they walked through the doors of the Pokémon center. Nurse joy saw him carry May on his back and rushed over towards him

"What's wrong, is she alright?"

"She's sick. Nurse Joy, you have to help us…" said Ash and set May down on a stretcher. Her face was almost as red as her bandana and she was breathing deep, hollow breathes. Nurse joy placed her hand on the girl's head

"She's burning up…" she said in a concerned voice

"Alright I'll do what I can. You guys can wait in the lobby"

"Wait, Nurse Joy is she going to be…" began Ash

"Alright?..." he finished as she disappeared behind the treatment room doors. He lowered his head sadly. Brock placed a hand on his friend's shoulder

"Don't worry Ash. May's in good hands"

"Yeah…" he suddenly felt a shudder and realized he's cold

"We'd better change into some dry clothes before we all get sick" he said.

The three youngsters spent the next few hours sitting in front of a lit fireplace, curled up in blankets. Ash sat there staring by the fire in silence, letting its buzzing warmth and heat consume him… finally he heard a sound and looked up.

The doors to the treatment room opened and nurse joy wheeled May out of it. Ash got up quickly and walked over to look at her. She had an IV tube in her arm, sending cold fluids into her body via her vein. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing a little more peacefully now but her face was still red.

"How is she?"

"She's better now, but her fever is still high. I'll be placing her under observation for the night. I'd like to keep an eye on her but I have other obligations…"

"I'll do it" said Ash automatically.

Seeming slightly surprised by his quick eagerness to help Nurse Joy gave him instructions on what to do in case of emergency and with that she wheeled her to a dark room where May would spend the rest of the night. Ash pulled up a chair and sat down beside her. Wanting to give them some privacy, Max and Brock went to sleep in a separate room, leaving ash and May by themselves…

Ash spent the next hour holding May's palm as she slept; and the next hour and then the one that came after that. Before long he started feeling tired. He struggled to keep his eyes open. He rubbed his eyes and sighed. He looked out the window and saw the sky was pitch black. Beside May's head, lay Pikachu, curled up in a ball as he slept. Ash extended his hand and scratched his little buddy behind the ears.

"Cha…" he purred in his sleep. Ash leaned back against the backrest of the chair and sighed again. He looked at his wrist watch.

"One thirty in the morning…" he said softly. He shook his head in an attempt to wake himself up. The results were only temporary and short lived. He could feel the soft mattress calling for him and without noticing he slowly set his head down on the bed beside May. Next thing he knew he was out; but not for long.

Ash was woken up by hearing May cough sickly. He looked up and saw the fluids bag was empty. He hurried to the refrigerator and replaced it. He could see and hear May wince as the cold water reentered her body but he sighed with relief when he saw she stopped couching. He checked his watch again.

"Four thirty in the morning…" he said and sighed

"Another fifty minutes till morning…"

"I'd better check her temperature…" he said and placed a thermometer in her mouth. Shortly afterwards the little device beeped its signal and Ash removed it.

"42 degrees C… still not good…" he said and helped May swallow some medicine. He then sat back down and looked at her. He felt sorry for his friend. He's not used to seeing her in such a hopeless state. He placed his hand on her palm again and rubbed it slightly

"Hang in there May… you're gonna be alright…" he said and withdrew his hand. He sat there for a while looking at her as he slowly drifted to sleep again. But once more his rest was short lived. He heard May groan and he woke up. He saw she was uncomfortable and was trying to move. Then she opened her eyes. Those little blue orbs moved in their sockets for a while, observing their new surroundings until they rested on Ash.


"Yeah, May. It's me. How do you feel?"

"Horrible. Where am I?"

"You're in the Pokémon center. You blacked out remember?"

"I did?"

"Yeah. It was raining last night and you got sick"

"That explains why my head is throbbing. But how did I end up here?"

"After you passed out, I realized you couldn't walk so I carried you here"

"You… carried me?" she asked surprised by his efforts


She smiled

"Thanks Ash. That's really kind and sweet of you"

He smiled back

"You're welcome" he said.

After an eerie silence May spoke,

"Hey Ash I don't suppose there's any food in the center is there?"

Ash's smile broadened. May getting back her appetite is a good sign

"Sure. I'll go get you some breakfast" he said

"Thank you" said the girl as he left the room

"What a sweet guy… it's no matter I love him… wait, did I just say I love him? Or is that the fever talking?..."

"Nah…" she dismissed the thought and waited patiently for Ash to return and so he did with a tray of food containing, an omelet, toast, salad and some orange juice.

"Here you go May" he said and placed it on her lap

"Thanks, Ash" she said meekly trying to hide the blush on her face and tried lifting her arms but they were too heavy. She tried using one to pick up the other but even that was too painful. Feeling terribly embarrassed by what she was about to ask, her blush intensified.

"Hey Ash?"


'You think you could… help me?" she winced

"Help you?"

"Yeah help me. I'm so week I can barely move my arms. You think you could help me out?"

Feeling sympathy for her condition Ash smiled

"Of course, May" he said and poked the fork with her beaten eggs and placed it in her mouth. She chewed slowly and swallowed

"That tastes good" she smiled

"I'm glad. Come on here's another" he said and helped her eat the rest of her omelet and did the same thing with her bread and salad. By the time she was done eating she was able to drink her juice by herself, to which she was thankful.

"Thank you Ash. You're the greatest" she smiled, looking a little perkier now.

"You're welcome May" said the boy and set the tray aside.

"Now let's check your temperature" said the boy and placed the thermometer in her mouth. When it gave him the signal he was relieved by what he saw

"40 degrees C" he smiled

"Isn't that a little high?"

"It is. But earlier your fever was 42 so we're making progress"

"Well at least that…" said May and yawned while placing a hand over her mouth.

"Well I think I'm gonna take a nap. Thanks for being so good to me, Ash…" she smiled

He smiled back.

"You're welcome…" he said as his friend turned around and curled under her blanket. Ash then realized that he was tired too. He looked at his watch

"7:20 AM" he yawned

"Maybe I'll take a nap too…" he said and rested his head on the mattress and fell straight to sleep. As the two slept, Nurse Joy came in to check on them. She smiled when she saw the two youngsters sleeping beside each other. Her heart broadened when she saw that the boy brought breakfast in bed for his friend

"What a gentlemen… she's such a lucky girl…" she thought and replaced May's infusion bag and placed a hand over her forehead and was glad that her temperature went down. Nurse joy picked up a blanket from a nearby bed and placed it around the boy's shoulders' tucking him in

"You did good Ash…" she said softly and left the room. In the hallway she was greeted by the others

"How is she?" asked Max

"She's doing better. Her friend is very devoted to her. She's a lucky to have him"

"Yeah…" agreed Max

"Can we go see them?"

"You can but be quite. They're both sleeping. They both seem really tired"

"Right" said the boy and they entered the room. When they did Max smiled. He could see Ash had his head on the mattress but May had her palm placed gently on his. He crossed his arms.

"Looks like you finally got it figured out big sister…"

They stood there for a few minutes observing the two lovebirds before heading out to the lobby to get some breakfast themselves.

Ash and May slept till noon. When they woke up it was time for lunch and once again Ash brought her lunch in bed. Thankfully she was strong enough to eat by herself but not strong enough to walk. By dinner she was able to sit up while eating instead of lying down. That night Ash fell asleep with his head on her stomach. When they came to the next morning they didn't react as embarrassed as they thought they would. Instead they just blushed and smiled and laced their hands in one another and went back to sleep; only to be found by Nurse Joy, who couldn't help but smile. After breakfast Ash took May's temperature again and was glad it was almost back to normal. Just half a degree left to go. That night May slept more peacefully than she did in days and when she woke up the next morning she felt good as new. She opened her eyes to find the room dark again. She looked at the clock on the wall. It read 2:00 AM. She looked down to see Ash having his head resting on her belly again. She stroked his hair slightly as he stirred and woke up. He looked up to see her smiling at him. He got up and faced her

"May, how do you feel?"

"Never better" she smiled and he smiled back

"I'm glad"

After a short silence she spoke

"Listen there's something I want you to have…"

"What's that?"

"Close your eyes…" she instructed and he did. Unbeknownst to him she was moving closer to him until their lips met, thus electrocuting him. He could feel the adrenaline and passion go through his veins. After a second or two he relaxed and kissed her back. He placed his hands around her neck as she did the same with his. Finally they parted.

"I love you Ash… you're the best…"

"I love you too… May, I love you too…" he said and they hugged each other tightly. Before long they fell into a deep peaceful slumber only to fall asleep in each other arms….

And they couldn't be happier about it…

And they lived happily ever after…

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