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65.34% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2679: MOVIE NIGHT

Capítulo 2679: MOVIE NIGHT

I decided to write series of stories, so this is an update of 'Movie night - a gift for our son.' It's a little different, but not much.

I am using my husband's account. I should have started my own, but I only thought I was going to write one story, it's too late now.

I wanted to write a story from a husband's perspective. This is the culmination of a lot of sexy discussions I have had with my husband over the years. I hope I got the male response right. That's as far as reality goes, the rest is fantasy.

"If you want 10" cocks, women who orgasm in 10 seconds flat, simultaneous orgasms or gallons of cum then I'm sorry, but this is not the right story for you. I like to write about ordinary people with ordinary sexual appetites in slightly out of the ordinary situations. I try to keep the plot lines as near to reality as I can.

I try to keep the sex as true to my own experience as possible. I love to write about kissing, stoking, how sex feels and sex as an encounter which involves all the senses. I do like to 'get dirty' but only in the height of my (and my character's) arousal. All my stories have my own experience in them, but they are not autobiographical.

No one in this story is under the age of 18.

Constructive feedback welcome. I am from UK, so UK spelling applies. Thank you for reading my story.


We are an ordinary family. Not especially open minded, not especially conservative, just ordinary. My name is Bob and wife's name is Madeline. We had our son, Harry when we were young and so we are both in our mid-thirties. Harry has only just turned 18.

I am proud of my son. He is tall, athletic and academically bright. He plays all sorts of sports, has loads of mates and is well on his way to his dream of being a veterinarian.

He enjoys a party and is always smiling. Always surrounded by joking mates and giggling girls. Ideal you might think.

Act 1 -- The problem

Harry was out at a party one Saturday night. Maddy and I were cuddled up on the sofa, with a glass of wine watching a mildly erotic 'chick flick'. I was a little horny and kept taking sneak peeks down Maddy's top. She broke my cosy erotic haze when she sighed and said, "I'm worried about Harry".

It took me a few moments to come back to reality. There was no place in my erotic daydreams for my son. "Oh, in what way?"

"He shows no interest in girls, do you think he is gay?"

I hesitated; It was an important question and one I wanted to properly consider.

Maddy repeated slightly irritated. "Are you listening? Do you think he is gay?"

"Truth is, Maddy, I don't know. I'm not sure I care that much. I just want him to be happy and he seems happy to me."

"He's not, Bob, something's eating away at him."

I spluttered out a laugh. "You must be joking; he is always laughing. He is out a lot with girls and boys, but he works hard because he has a dream. You are imagining it."

"Yes, but when there is no one around, just him and me, there is a sadness about him."

"As I said, I think you are imagining it Maddy. Your little boy is close to flying the nest and you don't want to lose him."

"Fuck off Bob, don't be a prick. I want him to achieve his dream and I know he isn't a little boy anymore."

I don't know why but my mind drifted back to sex. "Not a 'little' boy, eh??"

It was Maddy's turn to splutter out a laugh. She had not meant that comment in any sexual way, but it had sparked a picture in her head. "Indeed," she said, "not little at all."

My ears pricked up. "How do you know?"

"I walked into his bedroom a few weeks ago. I should have knocked but I didn't. He was in his bed wanking but very quickly pulled up his sheets. I pretended I hadn't noticed anything, but I had seen his manhood in all its glory. It's quite big."

Maddy turned to me and kissed me. Softly at first and then with tongues. "I'm bored with this film, let's go to bed. Do me a favour, though, next chance you get just observe Harry when no one is around."

"OK, but let's stay here," I said as I pushed my hand into her crotch. The crotch of her jeans seemed a bit damp, it couldn't have been the film, but I didn't think anything of it. Looking back the signs were there! Needless to say, we made love on the carpet in the middle of our living room. I was reaching climax when we heard a key in the door. Instinct kicked in and I tried to keep going.

"It's Harry" she said in a loud whisper. I knew who it was, but my cock didn't care, and I tried to continue thrusting into her. She pushed me off and got up just as Harry walked into the living room. His eyes turned into dinner plates as he saw his mum full frontal. Her black triangle of pubic hair, her middle-aged breasts, her body; slim but curvy. Maddy didn't know where to put her hands but settled on one cupping her pussy and one across her chest. She turned and ran out of the room.

By this time, I had pulled on my underwear. All I could think of saying was "oops." Harry didn't speak as he starred at the doorway where 5 seconds earlier his naked mum had been. Not a single detail had escaped him. I recalled Maddy's words. He did look sad. I said, "I'm going to bed." I couldn't think of anything else to say that made sense.

Without waiting for a reply, I gathered our clothes and went upstairs. I left Harry motionless in the middle of the room. His gaze didn't change even when I passed him. I suppose if I had looked, I might have seen the bulge in his trousers, but I didn't.

Act 2. -- In bed

"That was a fuck up;" Maddy was obviously angry.

"Lighten up, Maddy. This is our house. He isn't a boy anymore and any case you've seen what he has got. Seems like payback to me."

"Fuck off you, twat."

All I could do was smirk. "Oh, come on Maddy, it's not the end of the world." I tried to change the subject. "Anyway, you were right. After the shock disappeared from his face, he looked very sad."

"Told you," Maddy said, almost triumphantly.

I followed up. "I don't think its's man trouble, I think its girl trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"He almost devoured your body. His eyes were everywhere. It's only when you went that he looked sad. I can't imagine he is gay, but who knows."

"I think you need to have a man to man with him."

"OK, I will but for fuck's sake don't be all embarrassed around him tomorrow. Either laugh it off or don't mention it. He will be sensitive and embarrassed."

"and I'm not?"

Act 3. -- Man to man

As luck would have it Harry and I were clearing some dead trees from our garden the next day. Lots of sweat and manly activity.

After about an hour (I knew something was on his mind) Harry blurted out. "I'm so sorry I burst in on you and mum last night."

I laughed; a bit forced I think but I didn't want to start this conversation on a serious note. "Harry it isn't a problem. Your mum was a bit embarrassed but she's over it now. Your eyes were like dinner plates."


"Son, you're a man and she's a woman. Instinct just takes over. Don't worry about it." He smiled. I had just given him permission to enjoy seeing his mum naked. "Besides which it seems like payback to me. She caught you wanking a couple of weeks ago and saw everything."

"Oh no, dad. That is so embarrassing. I don't know how I'm going to face her now."

I left him alone with his thoughts as we worked for another hour or so. He was muttering to himself and had a 'face like thunder'.

Finally, I couldn't put up with his miserable face any longer. I was quite stern when I said, "Harry, will you think of something else please. Your mum was embarrassed last night. You are embarrassed because she caught you wanking. You two need to get over yourselves. There is nothing wrong with naked bodies. Sex happens otherwise you would not be here, and everybody masturbates.... OK?" He didn't reply but seemed to lighten up.

I continued, "while I'm on the subject of difficult things to talk about. Your mum says there is something on your mind that you are not talking about. I noticed a sadness wash over you last night. What's up?"

"Nothing." He tried to change the subject. "You are right dad it is pretty childish to be embarrassed about seeing my mum naked."

"Especially when she has such a hot body." I grinned.

"That's not helping dad, it's really not helping." Then almost as an afterthought and slightly under his breath, he said "even if it's true." I smiled; 'that's my boy' I thought.

We worked for a few hours more. Then we sat for a break. "So, what's troubling you, son."

He looked up at the trees. "Nothing."

"Yeah right, I've seen it, your mum's seen it and when I ask you, you stare into the trees. Spit it out son. Your mum and I have no problem with you being gay." I had a feeling he wasn't, but I wanted to flush him out.

It worked. His eyes came down from the trees. "I'm not gay dad, I'm just useless with girls."

"But you have lots of pretty girls in your group of friends. I see them making eyes at you. I see them giggling with you. Relax, your time will come."

"I know, dad. I'm not short of offers. I just don't know what to do. I know I'm popular, I know I'm good looking. I'm just so afraid the girl I choose will feel let down by my lack of experience. Worse still she will laugh at me and spread stories. I have spent so much of my spare time studying I am over a year behind everyone. None of my friends are virgins, but I am."

I didn't know what to say. "Your time will come son."

"Fucking brilliant, how long do I wait? This feeling of inadequacy gets worse every day not better."

I nearly admonished him for swearing but didn't. He kept talking. "Then I saw mum naked and all I could think about was her body. I went to bed and wanked about her. I'm so desperate I even imagined losing my virginity to my own mum. I am a pervert."

"Slow down son, you are not a pervert. You are a teenager with a body full of hormones. It is completely normal in your position with no release that you pick on the nearest female to fantasise about."

"Oh yeah, like you fantasised about fucking your mum."

"Stop swearing son it doesn't help. You are working yourself up over this instead of thinking about a solution. You are wrong as it happens, when I was your age, I did masturbate over having sex with my mum. It's normal. I wanked myself silly over that fantasy. I wasn't as lucky as you. I never saw her stark naked."

He smiled, "you bloody pervert, dad."

I grinned from ear to ear. "I don't know what the solution is Harry, but let's think about it. Try not to be so down hearted about it. I'm sure we can think of a solution and in the meantime, you can wank yourself silly thinking about your mum."

"You are such an idiot dad but thank you. Don't tell mum though."

"Don't tell mum what?"

"Any of this."

"Sorry son, I tell your mum everything and if I have one piece of advice to you. When you find someone, you love, try very hard not to keep secrets. Don't worry your mum will understand." I could see he wasn't happy. "She will be better than me at thinking of a solution especially from a girl's point of view. You will just have to 'man up' over the embarrassment."

That was the end of the conversation and Harry seemed a lot happier in the following week or so. He was slightly embarrassed the next day when Maddy said to him at breakfast "we will sort something Harry, don't worry", but he got over it quickly.

Act 4. -- What do we do? -- part 1

Maddy was on her soapbox, "Bob I just don't understand his issue. He is a lovely boy, good looking, intelligent, strong and good fun to be with. I see how girls look at him. He should just get on with it."

"That's the problem, Maddy. He is so popular he doesn't want to embarrass himself. I suspect he has lied and told friends he isn't a virgin. He is frightened he will lose so much face if everyone finds him out." I continued to explain.

We talked for some time and in the end Maddy understood. "OK, I get it Bob, but what can we do?"

"I'm not sure but it seems the passage of time just makes things worse. Maybe we should find him an escort."

"That did occur to me Bob, but that's too cold and impersonal. He is so sensitive I want his 1st experience to be one of love not a quick fuck."

I replied. "I think you are right and anyway anyone good enough for our son would be too expensive. How about your little sister, she's single isn't she?"

"BOB, don't be ridiculous. I should phone her, yeah? Oh, sally would you mind coming over and fuck Harry for me please? Don't be ridiculous."

"I think she'd be up for it." I sniggered. "but I know you are right really. I've run out of ideas, Maddy. Let's give it some more thought."

Act 5. -- What do we do? - part 2

After a week Harry became even more moody to the extent that his studies started to suffer. He didn't go out much but didn't study either. It wasn't easy seeing my son in a downward spiral.

Maddy and I talked again. "I think I may have something to do with him getting moodier, Bob."

"I doubt it, Maddy, why is it your fault?"

"I have tried to snap him out of it, Bob. I've been getting a bit more 'touchy feely' with him, a bit flirty and showing a bit of cleavage."

"For fucks sake, Maddy, why didn't you bounce that idea off me. I am sorry to say but I guess you have made it worse for him. I told you he wanks over the thought of you. He must be more frustrated than ever."

A tear ran down Maddy's face. "I know Bob, I feel so stupid. What can we do? He has started to watch my every move. I may be wrong, but I think a pair of my knickers is missing from the washing basket. If I stop, he is going to feel even more rejected. I've fucked up, haven't I?"

"It's not good Maddy but we will see it through. We will sort this out as a family."

"You are a good man Bob, but I can't go back to 'non-flirty mum' he is going to feel even more rejected."

"So go forward, Maddy." She looked at quizzically. I smiled. "Take him on a journey, give him more." Maddy was staring at me with a blank face. Her mind was working overtime.

Eventually she said (very slowly and deliberately), "let me get this clear Bob. You want me to do more. You do know where that ultimately leads, don't you?"

"Yes Maddy, eventually you and Harry will make love. He will become a man. Problem solved." There was a very long silence while we both processed what i had said.

"He won't want to," she said. That was interesting I thought, she didn't say I don't want to.

I replied. "Yes, he will Maddy, you know he will. You have seen the way he looks at you. He is full to the brim with raging testosterone. He would fuck a frog if he could get it to stop hopping."

Maddy smiled. "You pratt, Bob, be serious for one minute. It's illegal. Its morally wrong and my relationship with him will change forever. Not to mention what it will do to us. No, Bob, it won't work."

I knew those words meant she hadn't written off the idea. In fact, all those reasons where why someone else might not approve, she didn't say that she didn't want to do it. I took a deep breath and said, "Maddy, it may be illegal, but no one gets into trouble if nobody knows. I don't care what some people think is morally wrong, I only care what works for us. Your relationship with Harry could well become even closer."

Maddy interrupted, "and you, what about you. How will you feel?"

I smiled and said "Maddy I don't own you; I love you. In the past few minutes, I have imagined seeing Harry make love with you. I can honestly say I feel no jealousy; I only feel love for you both. I don't want to see him like this." I looked her in the eyes and smiled. "In fact, the thought of it makes me quite horny."

Maddy burst out laughing. "You bloody pervert, Bob. You want to watch?"

"Absolutely." I grinned.

"Oh Bob, I don't know. It's a line no mother wants to cross. I guess plenty daydream about it, but the reality is a different ball game. We would have to sit him down and talk it through first."

"No, Maddy, just let it happen naturally. Don't be his mother, be his lover."

"Fair point. I'm not saying I will, but should we find a hotel room then, so you don't have to be there."

"Err, no Maddy, he must be able to see that I am OK with it. I hope even his raging hormones wouldn't allow him to think that it is ok to sneak behind my back. I want this to be a family affair. In any case I want to watch." I smiled again, although I was serious.

"You are serious about watching, aren't you? But won't he be panicked?"

"I don't think so Maddy, his hormones and lust will take over. We just have to ease him into it. Give you both ample opportunities to back out if either of you feel uncomfortable. My guess is given the right circumstances both of you will willingly succumb to your lustful instincts. Incest isn't normal in everyday life, but sex is completely natural regardless of who you are. The line gets crossed when mum-son turn into woman-man. We just need to give lust a chance to overpower logic.

She thought for a moment. "OK, can you get some condoms?"

"I don't think so Maddy, as long as you are OK with it I would rather his first experience was 'au naturale'. We can sort out a morning after pill, if necessary."

"Thought of everything haven't you? I must admit since your vasectomy I prefer the feeling of sex without a rubber jacket. I'm not entirely comfortable but, I admit, it does make me feel a bit horny. So how do we do it? Do I simply get more and more suggestive until he eventually jumps on me?"

"Don't be daft Maddy, he is too respectful for that. It could take years. I feel it's time for a family movie night."

Act 6. -- Movie night

Movie night had arrived I could see Maddy was very nervous. I opened a bottle of wine and gave her a generous glass to try and calm her down. We arranged ourselves on our 3-seater sofa with the surround sound quite loud. Maddy sat in the middle.

Maddy had chosen the 1st movie, a chick flick to get us in the mood.

Harry and I groaned at the choice and made 'amusing' comments every time someone kissed. Maddy 'ssshhhed' us but smiled. There was a very soft-core sex scene at the end when all of us went very quiet.

Then my turn. I had a surprise DVD. The titles rolled and it was called 'Marooned'. It told the 'story' of a mother and son marooned on a desert island. It became clear early on that the acting was useless and the plot even worse. Maddy was the 1st to spot it. She said, "Is this porn?" I grinned. "We don't want to watch this, Bob." She said like a disapproving school mistress.

"Who doesn't?" I said.

"Harry doesn't, do you, Harry?"

Without taking his eyes off the TV Harry said "well, we could see how the story develops."

"Men!!!" Maddy retorted and started to sit up. "I am off to bed then; I will leave this filth to the two of you." I put my hand on her shoulder and gently pulled her back to her seat. She was doing a great job of acting. So good I was almost fooled into believing she was going to leave us.

"Stay, Maddy, it might get interesting," I said. She didn't reply but settled back into the sofa, slightly closer to Harry, who had still not taken his eyes off the screen. Maybe Harry hadn't noticed that his mum's clothes were slightly more revealing that normal and that she had slightly more perfume on that normal. I certainly did, she smelt and looked great.

The film settled into the normal 10-minute wank cycle. The first scene saw all of us staring at the screen not daring to look at each other. We all laughed nervously at the rubbish acting and silly plot. We all went quiet and squirmed a bit in our seats as the first sex scene took place. When the sex scene was over, we all giggled nervously and refilled our wine glasses. Harry looked everywhere except in Maddy's direction.The second scene was much the same except no one laughed at the rubbish acting. We were all too intent on the building sexual tension both on and off screen. I noticed Maddy and Harry's eyes widen as the second sex scene reach its climax. It was the first time the on-screen mother and son had made love. It was quite tender at first but typical of most porn; it developed into screaming orgasms. We refilled our wine glasses. I wondered who was going to 'break cover' first.

As the 3rd scene started Maddy put her hand on Harry's knee. He jumped and nearly hit the roof. Maddy whispered "relax and enjoy the movie, you dirty bugger." Although he jumped his eyes still never left the screen, he didn't want to acknowledge that it was his mum sitting next to him, even when she touched him. I bet his cock was killing him. After a short while Maddy tortured him further by stroking his knee and thigh. She turned to smile at me, I winked back to her.

Her hand continued to stroke his leg getting closer and closer to his crotch. I turned the sound down a bit as I wanted to hear their reactions. I was rewarded by a small sigh from Harry as Maddy's hand started to stroke his inner thigh just below his balls. He looked a bit confused; turned on by the film and the leg stroking but conflicted because he knew this was his mother and his dad was on the same sofa.

You could cut the sexual tension with a knife, but Harry's eyes remained transfixed on the TV. The 3rd scene ended in an avalanche of cum and orgasm. Maddy withdrew her hand and we all breathed again. Maddy broke the silence, "Phew that was hot." Poor Harry, all he could do was nod. He looked around and I caught his eye and winked. He smiled. We all took a sip of wine; no words were exchanged, and the 4th scene started.

Almost immediately Maddy put her hand back on his thigh. This time he 'replied' by slightly opening his legs. She accepted his invitation and at the top of the stroke her hand very slightly nudged his trouser covered balls. On the screen the son was massaging his mother's injured thigh. Stroking Harry's thigh whilst watching porn was as far as we had planned, and I wondered how we would move it on. We didn't want Harry to do anything he might later regret, so we had agreed to go slowly and if he didn't respond to find another plan.

Harry 'answered', he followed the on-screen action and placed his hand on Maddy's thigh. He started to slowly stroke her thigh in time to the on-screen action. Maddy turned to me a smiled, her face flushed with sexual energy. After a few minutes both their hands were getting increasingly adventurous and animated. At the top of his stroke Harry's hand disappeared under Maddy's dress. She opened her legs slightly. At the top of her stroke, she was touching the base of his cock. I was getting more confident 'movie night' would work.

I was both nervous and turned on in equal measures. I was a little jealous; I never felt I 'owned', Maddy but here was another man stoking her in very intimate places. I looked at them both staring intently at the TV. I smiled, this was not a man, this was my son coming of age. My jealous thoughts evaporated in a haze of eroticism as I imagined him pushing his cock into her pussy. I wanted to see her in extasy.

The on-screen action was warming up. The mother and son were making love, again. Although stroking thighs and crotches is not what mothers and sons do, it was still a million miles away from what was happening on screen and how 'movie night' was supposed to work out. How would Maddy and Harry cross the Rubicon? Would they? Who would do what? It was fascinating but oh so frustrating. I wanted to prompt them, but Maddy and agreed that we would not talk. We would just let nature take its course and see what happens.

The 4th scene finished and both of them put their hands back into their laps. This time no one spoke. Three flushed faces, staring at a TV screen not daring to look around and break the spell. Two erect cocks and a wet pussy. The porn and the proximity were working, but next up was the on-screen finale, would it happen? I Didn't have another DVD. We all took another sip of wine and settled down for the finale. I was relieved to see that both Harry and Maddy resumed thigh stroking.

The finale was about 1/2 way though the on-screen mother and son were at it again this time with one of his friends making up a threesome, but all that was happening in our room was thigh stroking. It would need to happen soon on this sofa or there was going to have to be a very embarrassing discussion tomorrow morning.

Luckily Maddy made a move. With her free hand she pulled up her skirt. I was surprised. Then I understood why this move was not as forward as it seemed. Harry's hand was revealed; he had been stoking her labia and clit through her (now damp) knickers, naughty boy! He was so bold he didn't stop when she lifted her skirt. She took his hand away. He momentarily took his eyes off the screen and looked down at her crotch. Maybe he thought she was putting a stop to his game? Instead, she took his hand and pushed it down into her knickers. He looked at me, I smiled and nodded slightly. He didn't have a chance to react. Maddy released his hand and then wrapped her hand around his neck. She pulled his head, and he followed her invitation. Their lips met and a firework went off in my head.

I cannot tell you how turned on I was to see my son kiss my wife full on the lips while his hand was moving in her knickers. At first it was a gentle touch of the lips as they stared into each other's eyes. It quickly developed into a full-blown teenage snog and their eyes closed. Maddy let go of his neck as Harry shifted his torso to position himself over her. She slumped further down the sofa. In this position he could comfortably swap saliva and tongues with her. Another firework went off in my head as their lips slightly parted and I saw Maddy push her tongue into his mouth. So fucking erotic, my wife with her tongue in my son's mouth.

Harry's hand was getting too animated in Maddy's knickers, the kissing was increasing his passion. Too early for Maddy. She gently took his hand and slowed it down. She took his middle finger and pushed it into her. She moaned into his mouth. I wondered again how they would get from this position of being virtually fully clothed to naked and fucking.

I was surprised when Harry took the lead. He removed his hand from Maddy's pussy. She made a disappointed mewing noise. He unzipped his fly and undid the top button of his jeans. Something he had seen earlier on-screen. Maddy needed no further invitation. She pushed down his jeans and pants to reveal the top of his cock. She took it gently in her hands and started to explore it. Harry put his hand back in her knickers. He must have reinserted a finger in Maddy because she sighed loudly and blurted out "oh fuck" as her hips rose involuntarily. Maddy exposed more of his cock, broke the kiss, spat on her hand and resumed slowly wanking him from top to bottom. More kissing.

After a few minutes Harry broke the kiss as Maddy was gently wanking him and moved his head to speak. They were staring into each other's eyes. He started to say "mum." Her eyes never left his as she made a 'ssshh' noise, moved her head up to his and kissed him tenderly on the lips. At the end of the tender kiss, I saw her tongue push into his mouth. She was saying 'trust me, son.' Her head sank back to the sofa, and he followed. He relaxed into her as they resumed snogging; he trusted her.

I could smell them both. Her perfume mixed with a very familiar smell of a turned-on pussy. I knew she was very wet. I could also smell teenage armpit, aftershave and cock. Maddy loves sexy smells and I know she could smell him, and I know how much that would be turning her on. I was also incredibly turned on and had a raging hard on, but I was so engrossed in the unfolding erotic dance in front of me, I didn't occur to me to touch myself. I was too focused on wanting to see my son's cock erupt in my wife's pussy.

No one was taking a blind bit of notice of the DVD. The plastic moans and shrieks were starting to put me off. It wasn't real sex. What was unfolding in front of me was much more real, more taboo, dirtier. I turned off the TV and switched the surround sound to some relaxing background music. That was much better as I could now clearly hear every one of my wife's gentle moans and sighs. I could hear the sound of lips sloshing against each other and Harry's occasional grunts.

I know Maddy. I know the time had arrived. Sometimes she likes foreplay for hours and at other times just wants to fuck. This was one of those times. She gently pushed Harry off whilst giving him and encouraging smile. In silence, she undid his shirt and together they worked to get it off. She pushed down his Jeans and pants. He lifted his bum to oblige. She pushed the crumpled-up jeans, pants and socks off him. He was now stark naked with a magnificent proud erection point straight up.

Maddy stood up and without breaking eye contact with him, dropped her skirt and knickers. This exposed her neatly trimmed black pubic hair and a glimpse of her glistening pink labia. They had blossomed with Harry's attention. She languidly ran her fingers down through her black pubic hair and slowly masturbated the hood of her clit. Their eyes were locked as she took off her t-shirt to reveal her bra. She reached round behind and undid the catch, dropping it to reveal her slightly sagging 'c cups'. She cupped a breast with one hand and gently stroked her nipple with the other. I think she was saying 'this is how I want to be touched.'

Her hands then spent a few moments touching, massaging, and masturbating her body. Harry's eyes left hers and followed her hands, he smiled as his eyes toured her erogenous zones eventually settling on her pussy. He obviously liked what he saw because he started to fondle his cock while continuing to feast his eyes.

Eventually Maddy stopped touching herself and she held out her hands to him. Harry removed the hand from his cock, and they joined hands. Maddy pulled and he got the message. He stood up. Six feet to her four foot ten. She continued to pull him close as his cock pushed into her tummy and then sandwiched between them. He leant down and they kissed again. There were no tongues this time. It was as if she was saying 'In a moment I am going to give you my body, son. I am going to let you push that cock of steel into my wet pussy. It's wrong, but we both want this. I want to see you become a man.' He was respectfully accepting the gift and in return saying, 'I want you mum, I want to have sex with you, I want you to be my first, I want my cock in you pussy, I love you.' At that point it was more love that sex, but I was turned on equally by that. My wife and my son were about to make love. I had been turned on by them making out with a pent-up passion. I had seen them kiss while mutually masturbating. Now, he was about to push that magnificent young cock in her very willing and slick pussy, regardless of what is apparently acceptable in society. A union that is not meant to happen. I was about to see my own son fuck my wife. He was about to become a man. I wanted this as much as they obviously did.

She broke the kiss and stepped back still holding his hands. She bent her legs and sat down letting go of him. She lay back and opened her legs to reveal her glistening pussy in full bloom. He feasted on her and could not seem take his eyes off her pussy. At first, he did not see her hold her arms up beckoning him to lie on her. Her face and body were saying 'make love to me, my son. I give myself to you.' He hesitated and then moved down to her.

This was it. I was about to see it. I was about to hear it. I was about to smell it. I was about to witness real incest, not some plastic porn DVD but real-life incest.

He settled between her legs but did not try to enter her. I think he was still unsure. Maddy stroked his shoulders and back. She put her hands on either cheek and pulled his face to hers. They kissed again. This time they resumed full blown tongues. They moaned into each other's mouths; their faces covered with each other's saliva. Harry reacted instinctively by making small thrusting movements. Like a puppy dog trying to mount a bitch.

I think Maddy was enjoying the prodding. Maybe it was the knowledge that this hard steel would soon be buried in her to the hilt or maybe she was enjoying the friction against her clit and labia. Either way she seemed in no hurry to move on. With his mouth glued to hers he snorted, and she sensed his frustration. I saw her hand disappear between her legs and reappear between their crotches. She took hold of his cock, and he raised his bum. We all waited with anticipation, knowing what was going to happen next. The line was about to be crossed, there was no going back. The next few seconds would change our lives forever. He was unsure, nervous, and hesitant. Her honey was running, she was in control and very sure of what she wanted. She wanted her son to make love to her. She wanted her son's cock deep in her waiting love canal. She guided him into her waiting pussy. She was wet with anticipation and the welcome mat was out. Her labia closed around the bulbous head of his cock. He sighed heavily. He pushed but she had left her hand in place making it impossible for him to quickly impale her. She wanted to be taken slowly. She wanted all three of us to savour the moment our son lost his virginity. The moment they did what no mother and son are supposed to do; copulating and committing incest.

She let him move his shaft further into her. He was halfway in as her labia slid down his shaft. I saw a small amount of her honey escape from her pussy and dribble down her anus onto the carpet. She was so slick. I imagined her pussy feeling every ridge of his cock as it moved slowly into her. She took her hand away. He was a quick learner; he did not immediately plunge into her but continued the inexorable progress of his rock-hard cock penetrating her love canal, deep into to her. He bottomed out and his balls touched her perineum. I imaged her full of his cock. My own son's cock deep in my wife. Let me repeat that and savour it. My own son's cock deep in my wife. That magnificent steel organ getting ready to take her to heaven.

He was already in heaven. Her beautiful tight but slick pussy had welcomed him. I knew how he felt as she mashed her breasts into him. Her kissing became very animated; she was virtually licking his face. She never seems to care how much saliva gets spread while her tongue and lips mash across my face. He was getting the same treatment. I knew this was no show, she was very very turned on and I loved it. Her hips were gently rocking against him as if to encourage him to thrust. Maybe he was still trying to take it slow as he did not immediately get the message. They lay there; his full weight on her, her breasts squeezed to his chest, their hips touching and her pussy full of a magnificent virile cock.

She continued to rock under him and then began to gently writhe against him. She was making a sort of pleading mewing noise. The movement of her hips was magical, as were the glimpses I was getting of her pubic hair and her labia sucking on his circumference. Her movements completely betrayed her incredible desire to be fucked. She was saying ' Harry please fuck me, please fuck me, now, please fuck me now.' My desire to see them make love was turning into a desire to see her fucked, fucked by our son. I wanted to see his glistening shaft take her over and over again, gripped by her labia. I wanted to see his cum leak down her anus like I had just seen her honey. I wanted to see the expression on his face as he orgasmed and finally pumped his mum with his seed. I wanted to see her face transform from pure love (for the boy who currently had his cock buried deep in her) to pure lust; the desire to be filled by her own son's cum.

He finally understood her non-verbal que and obliged. He slowly eased out of her until the rim of his helmet was visible. I could see her hips, her hair covered mount of venus and her labia as they clung to his shaft. Her labia seemed afraid that he was going to leave her, but he did not. In one slow and smooth movement he thrust powerfully into her. She broke the kiss. "Fuuuck," she exclaimed as her head jerked with the power of him bottoming out in her. I studied the expression on her face intently. She was in extasy. His cock was so big and hard that it was causing her some discomfort, but her face said it was a beautiful erotic pain. I imagined her head was buzzing with the taboo nature of it all. Her son, yes, her son had his cock buried deep in her. It was totally wrong, but it felt so right. She loved him and he loved her. Two loving and consenting adults, but this was more than sex. A mind-blowing cacophony of love, lust, taboo. It was dirty and wrong but boy was it fun.

He stopped kissing her and started to fuck her. His face disappeared from view as he concentrated on not cumming. She turned her face to his cheek and started to kiss and lick his face, making rhythmical soft cooing noises in his ear. I wanted to say 'no, you will make him cum' but I stayed silent not wanting to intrude on their lust. He was slowly sawing his cock in and out of his own mother and I was content in my own world, watching my son's cock plough in and out of my wife. Her hips rising to meet his thrusts and sinking as he withdrew. A sex dance with all the accompanying sights, sounds and smells. My eyes were full of the vision; Harry's hard cock filling my wife, a ring of her cream near the base of his cock as he withdrew, the wetness of her labia. My ears were full of her mewing and sighing, his almost silent grunts and the slap of their bodies. My nose was full of their smell; teenage armpit, perfume, honey, pussy, cock and now the sweet smell of my wife's sweaty crotch.

He wasn't going to last much longer in fact I surprised he lasted this long. We all knew it. We had agreed we would not talk. Specifically, we agreed no 'mummy or little boy' stuff. This was love between two adults. Imagine my surprise when Maddy started talking to him. Not so much talking as filthy whispering of single words and phrases grunting between thrusts. "fuck....your cock is so hard.... Fuck....deep....I am wet for you......cum in me...fuck me hard.....fuck.....fuck me.....oh please cum in me,.... Please.... please"

All this talk had caused him to pick up the pace. He was pistoning in and out of her. His balls slapping her on the down stroke. He thrust hard on every down stroke as their pubic bones clashed. She grunted every time and spewed more filthy talk from her mouth. He raised himself up and she instinctively grabbed his forearms. It was time. They looked into each other's eyes as he thrust into her, bringing the moment ever closer. There was a bit of love in their eyes but mostly it was lust. Her eyes pleaded for his pulsing orgasm, fuck she wanted him, every inch of him, she wanted his virile seed. His eyes bored into hers with the intensity of laser beams, he wanted to give her his essence. Then he stopped. His eyes were asking permission; 'I can't believe my cock is buried deep in you, mum. I will never forget this moment. Can I spray my seed in you? You're my mum, but I want to fuck you until I fill your pussy with my sticky cum, can I?. She smiled an encouraging smile, nodded and her eyes answered, 'yes Harry, I want you. Your dad is watching, he wants us to do this. Now please fuck me deep.'

Harry started thrusting again as did Maddy, thrusting her hips to meet him. Sweat was occasionally rolling down his chin and dripping off, splashing on and around her lips and into her open mouth. Her head and sweat matted hair jerked with every thrust. Their eyes were wide, they were both feeling every inch of his cock in her. His helmet, as it scoured her pussy walls. They both felt the head of his cock as it nudged her cervix, every bump and every ridge of his shaft. I know exactly what it is like to fuck her, so I was feeling it too, I was part of this.Then he stopped abruptly. He had jammed his cock into her far as it would go with an animal grunt. I watched his perineum pulse over and over again, as he emptied his balls into her. He was pumping my wife's pussy with his virile cum and I was loving every moment of it. Her eyes widened further with his thrusts and the feeling of a large cock pulsing semen into her willing, fertile and very wet pussy. She must have felt it pulse and grow as she blurted out, "Oh yes, I can feel your cum, deep in me, I want it, fill my cunt."

He started to jerk into her quite hard. Her dirty words had spurred them both on to mate like dogs on heat. They both grunted with the rhythm. Her nails dug into his forearm and a drew a small amount of blood. I could see his perineum continue pulse, continue to pump her full of cum. Her words "fill my cunt" had transformed them from lovers to rutting animals. Oblivious to morals, laws or customs. At that moment he wanted his cock jammed in her. He wanted to pump his virile sperm deep into his mother. He was desperate to impregnate his mother; for his seed to find her egg. He was fucking her hard and he wanted to breed her.

In turn the gyrating of her hips and her pleas to be filled with cum betrayed Maddy's animal desire to be mated. At that moment her instinctual desire to be impregnated by this cock was overwhelming. The fact that this had turned from love making into dirty sex, the fact that this was taboo made her desperate to make a baby with her own son. She wanted her son to make her pregnant. She gripped his forearms as his sperm seeped deep into her womb. She jerked her hips against him, willing him to fuck her hard. She wanted Harry to fertilise her, his own mother.

Then he stopped. He collapsed in a sweaty pile on top of her. She grunted as the air was forced out of her lungs. Silence. It was over. The most erotic thing I have ever seen had happened in front of me. His cock was still buried in her, his sperm seeping into every crevice of her fertile womb as they lay there in silence.

What seemed like 10 minutes passed. His soft cock oozed out of her. Followed by a flood of semen and honey. I have to admit, I wanted to go and lick it up, but now was not my time, it was still theirs. "Get off me please, you lump." My wife smacked Harry's bum playfully. He obediently rolled off her and onto his back. Their bodies were covered in a sheen, their hair matted with sweat, his cock glistened with the mixture of their bodily fluids, her pussy was still gaping open, seeping honey and semen into a puddle on the carpet. They smelt wonderful. They looked totally and utterly relaxed. Maddy gently smiling and Harry grinning from ear to ear. Their momentary mutual animal desire for mother and son to produce a baby had passed and was replaced by cloud nine contentment.You probably ought to read the 1st part of this story although I have tried to make it 'stand-alone.' Also having reread my story I think a lot of the dialogue is too open and honest. Maybe you should regard some of the conversation as what is going on in the characters head's rather what is spoken.

I am using my husband's account. I should have started my own but I only thought I was going to write one story, it's too late now.

I wanted to write a story from a husband's perspective. This is the culmination of a lot of sexy discussions I have had with my husband over the years. I hope I got the male response right. That's as far as reality goes, the rest is fantasy.

"If you want 10" cocks, women who orgasm in 10 seconds flat, simultaneous orgasms or gallons of cum then I'm sorry, but this is not the right story for you. I like to write about ordinary people with ordinary sexual appetites in slightly out of the ordinary situations. I try to keep the plot lines as near to reality as I can.

I try to keep the sex as true to my own experience as possible. I love to write about kissing, stoking, how sex feels and sex as an encounter which involves all the senses. I do like to 'get dirty' but only in the height of my (and my character's) arousal. All my stories have my own experience in them, but they are not autobiographical.

No one in this story is under the age of 18.

Constructive feedback welcome. I am from UK, so UK spelling applies. Thank you for reading my story.

Act 1 -- post coitus

My son and wife lay side by side on our living room carpet. Their bodies were covered in a sheen, their hair matted with sweat, his cock glistened with the mixture of their bodily fluids, her pussy was still gaping open, seeping honey and semen into a puddle on the carpet. They smelt wonderful. They looked totally and utterly relaxed. Maddy was gently smiling and Harry grinning from ear to ear.

Nobody spoke, our eyes and faces said everything we needed to say. We had a threesome of glances.

Harry was 1st to move. Without speaking, he got up and started to get dressed. Maddy looked at me, a bit concerned. Had we gone too far? Had reality kicked in? Is he regretting what they did? Where is he going?

We needn't have worried as he only put on underpants and shirt then he sat down on the sofa still grinning. Maybe he was just a bit self-conscious being naked in front of both parents.

Maddy followed his lead, putting on knickers and t-shirt. I noted she didn't bother with her bra. She retook her place between the two of us. I fantasised that I was about to witness round 2.

Someone had to break the silence as it was deafening. Maddy obliged, "So Harry, how does it feel to lose your virginity?"

He was desperate to speak. He buzzed with excitement. "Oh, mum you have no idea. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel like a man. I can't wait to start dating."

Maddy replied. "That's great Harry, but you have a lot to learn."

Harry looked a little crestfallen. I feared Maddy was about to revert to mum and give him a lecture, so I intervened. "So, teach him, Maddy."

Maddy's eyes flashed daggers at me. "No Bob, I'm not about to start a love making school. Do this, don't do that, put your hand here blah blah blah. That's mummy, little boy stuff. Harry is a man; he will have to make his own way and find out himself."

I replied. "That's a shame." I changed the subject, "so, tell us what you enjoyed about it."

Her eyes softened and she looked at Harry. She had realised that her 'lot to learn' comment was a bit harsh. "I loved the semi planned nature of what we did, Harry. I loved the anticipation of being turned on by porn only inches away from you. I was so turned on by the unavoidable fact that you are my son, and this was wrong. I was excited by the knowledge that your testosterone levels were going through the roof. I loved it when your lust overcame your hesitancy, and your hand reached the soft skin of the top of my inner thigh. Electricity went through my brain as you gently stroked my pussy through my knickers. The world seemed to stand still while we kissed and played with each other."

"The next thing I remember is guiding you into me. Oh, wow Harry, I remember thinking my son has a very hard cock. That phrase sent my head in a spin. This was my son fucking me. I wanted your cock in me. I loved the danger of it. I was really excited because what we were doing was just plain wrong. The more I thought about it being wrong, being dirty, the more I wanted it. Then I remembered I was unprotected."

Harry interrupted. "Mum I am so sorry." He looked over her shoulder to me and I shook my head. He stopped mid-sentence.

Maddy continued. "That's sweet Harry but you didn't know. I'm a grown up. I make my own decisions and take responsibility for them. The more I thought about letting you cum in me the more turned on I got. It just made the feelings of danger and naughtiness even more real to me. I wanted you to ejaculate in me. I wanted to feel your cock pulse in me. I wanted your seed as deep in me as you could get it. I can't explain it. It was totally primeval." By this time Maddy was slightly squirming in her seat. I knew she was very turned on. I could see Harry's tent and I knew if I got the next move right were in for a fun night. I slowly leant forward as if to kiss her but at the last second diverted my mouth to her ear. "It's always been your number one fantasy to have a threesome with two men. What are you waiting for?" I moved my head away, looked her in the eye and grinned.

"You shit. Oh, you think you know how to press my buttons don't you Bob?" She said in a semi growl, she was not smiling. I caught a glimpse of Harry. He looked, rightly, confused. I held her gaze and raised my eyebrows, still grinning. Time stood still.

The next few minutes were a blur of action. She grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. She hooked her left knee over mine and her right over Harry's. I accepted her invitation and slid my hand down her tummy. Her knickers were tight across her hip bones with gaps either side of her mount of venus. I slid my hand into her knickers and across her pubic hair. I gently rubbed two fingers over her labia, gathering honey, and then made my way up back up to her clitoris. There was a sharp intake of breath from her as I lightly massaged it with my fingertips. Her tongue pushed into my mouth. Our jaws and lips became very animated.

This was going well, I thought. Then she slightly froze. I felt mild panic and opened my eyes. Harry was touching her breasts. Not a problem in a threesome you might think but he was mauling them. Her breasts are very sensitive, she hates being mauled. Should I do something? Should I say something? She didn't want this to be a mummy, little boy training session. I was relieved when she took control. In one continuous movement she stopped kissing me, put her hand on the back of my head and pushed me down. At the same time, she lifted her t-shirt which had the effect temporarily stopping Harry from mauling her. Then she pushed my head to the same breast, putting a stop to his mauling altogether. I felt her turn towards him slightly. She had pulled his head down and was now kissing him, washing his mouth with saliva. Next, she dropped a hand to his pants and started to massage his cock.

We continued like this for some time. Me, tenderly licking and sucking her nipple with my fingers working her pussy. Harry kissing her while she massaged his manhood. I felt her move again and turn. I had to sit up and disengage from her breast although I continued to play in her knickers. She turned to me and started to undo my shirt. Harry's hands moved to her breasts. He had learnt that lesson. He was softly caressing them while lightly stroking her nipples. He was doing a good job as she was having difficulty concentrating on getting my clothes off. Getting them off while sitting was going to take too long, so I stood up.

I was stripping as fast as I could and watched Maddy turn back to Harry. They hurriedly removed each other's clothes as I stripped. We all wanted sex and we wanted it now! Their lips re-engaged, her fingers closed around his cock, and he continued to pay attention to her breasts. I sat back down and stroked my wife's back as she snogged our son. Her hand was again full of his cock. I stroked her bum, I was enjoying the feeling of her smooth skin while watching her pull his foreskin down to reveal his helmet.

I loved her being in control. We were there to serve her, and we knew it. She moved again, she disengaged from his lips and lowered her head to his crotch. His face was a picture. Full of surprise and wonder until she engulfed his cock in her mouth. His face changed, his eyes closed, and his mouth opened. All expression disappeared from his face. He had gone to heaven. I watched her head slowly bob up and down on him. In my opinion she gives the best blow jobs in the world. She is so smooth and languid. I love the way she uses her tongue on my helmet, ridge and foreskin. Harry was enjoying it too. I wanted to help her, so I moved up closer behind her in a sort of spoon position. I pushed her leg forward to give me access to her pussy. I resumed my gentle stroking up and down her labia. Harry put his hand on the back of her head and pushed her head further down his cock. 'Not good Harry,' I thought, 'she doesn't like that.' She took his wrist and placed his hand on her breast. Another silent lesson for Harry.

She has a small mouth, so I knew her jaw was going to ache soon, especially given the size of Harry. She moved again. She got up and laid on her back with her head in my lap. She pulled her knees slightly up and to one side opening her pussy to Harry. I got a waft of the scent from her pussy as she opened her legs. He started to move toward her, but she opened her fingers in a sort of 'wait' sign. Her fingers moved to her pussy, and she started to masturbate. I love it when she masturbates, especially when she brings herself to orgasm. She spat on her hand and used the palm of it to make big circles on her labia, causing her pussy to bloom like a rose in full view of her son. With the index finger of her other hand, she strummed her clitoris. Her hips were slowly moving up and down. Her eyes were closed, and she was gently gasping. Harry's eyes wandered all over her body. Another lesson for Harry I thought.

Her eyes slowly opened, and she met Harry's gaze. Her hands continued to work her pussy as a sexy flirty smile spread across her face. She looked down to her pussy and Harry's gaze followed. We were all transfixed by her hand movements. Her hands were slick with sticky mess and were making wet sounds as they moved across her pussy. She was enjoying being watched as spread her legs and manipulated her pussy like a nymphomaniac slut.

Although she loves spreading her legs and playing with herself to an audience, I guessed she would not want a solo orgasm. Especially as she had two willing accomplices. She held up her hands to Harry in a motion inviting him to join hands. He took that as a sign that she wanted his cock in her and started to manoeuvre himself. Just as his head was level with her pelvis, she took hold of his head and pushed it down. I nearly laughed at his puzzled expression. He quickly realised that he was supposed to eat his mother's pussy. His expression said 'I'm not sure I'm up for this' and I nearly giggled again. I thought 'tough shit son, it's your job and anyway I think you will like it.' After slight hesitation he got into it. Maddy guided his head and gave him slight moans of encouragement when he hit the right spot. Maybe he got the idea from her slobbery kisses, but he was soaking her pussy with his saliva. His face quickly became sticky and wet. Her undulating hips told me she loved it. All this time I was gently stoking her breasts.

She kept us guessing as, after a while, without saying a word, she pushed Harry's head away and got off the sofa. Slowly and deliberately, she knelt, doggy style, on the floor with her bum facing us. We could both see her pussy like a blossomed dew coated rose, ready and willing. She looked around at us as if to say 'who is going to fuck me then.' Harry moved to get up but then sat back down. He looked over to me and smiled. His testosterone was driving him, he wanted to fuck her, but he wanted permission. I nodded my head towards Maddy as if to say, 'go on son, fuck her.' He got up and took up position behind her. He was learning fast. He didn't need to be guided in and he entered her carefully. He still gave her his full length, but her head hardly jerked at all as his cock head reached her cervix. So here we were again, my son with his ample cock buried deep in my wife. As his instinct forced him to move it was different than last time. More loving, just as strong and deep but not so violent. It allowed them to build a sympathetic rhythm together. They were making love. It wasn't just him slowly moving in and out, she was able to reciprocate the movement. His cock glistened with her juice and his spit. Her pussy squelched with his spit and his cum. She sighed and he stroked her back, moving his hands back until he held her hips.

The smell of their lovemaking grew again and wafted into my nostrils. The gentle rhythmic slap of their bodies interspersed by almost silent sighs, grunts and 'mmms' was hypnotising me. I was loving every minute. I caught Maddy's eye, she smiled. Her facial expression said, 'fuck I'm enjoying this, his cock is marvellous.' Her smile disappeared and her eyes widened every time he bottomed out as her eroticism reached a new height, but came back again as he withdrew. They made slow and steady love for some time, enjoying the consideration they were giving each other. The soft sounds of their lovemaking were intoxicating and the way they did everything slowly so they enjoyed every second of each other ensured they truly were lovers.

Maddy continued to hold my gaze and then ran her tongue slowly over her top lip as if to say, 'what are you doing up there, come down here.' I did what I think she wanted me to do and took up position at her head. I held my cock, and she engulfed the head. Moving her lips over the ridge of my helmet. I pulled my foreskin back as an invitation to lick and suck the bell end of my cock. Harry had stopped moving. Maddy was rocking gently but purposefully backwards and forwards on our cocks. Alternating being filled in her pussy and then mouth. I stroked her shoulders; Harry stroked her bum. We both watched the other's cock move in and out of her. It was hypnotic.

I have a favourite position with Maddy, and I wanted Harry to experience it. I pushed her shoulders back towards him. At first, she resisted, trying to keep me in her mouth, but then I think she realised what I was trying to do. She moved back into Harry forcing him to sit on his heels. She then proceeded to move backwards and forwards. She was fucking him while he remained still. When she does this to me, I always feel every rib and bump of my shaft in her pussy. I think it is because she has to use all of her pelvic muscles to move, which cause the muscles in love canal to tighten. Whatever it is I love it. She does too; it puts her in control and always makes her wetter.

They made love like this for a few minutes, Harry staring at his cock moving in and out of his mother, Maddy working on her sons cock. Her sweat matted hair hung over her face. She was grunting every time she took his full length. I noticed she was getting a little more animated and a little rougher. She was transitioning from smooth lovemaking to fucking. Harry looked like he was enjoying this position as much as I do, I guess his cock was hardening. Then the giveaway, he started to echo her grunts. Maddy responded to him and moved faster and harder on him. She wanted to help him to cum again. She was moving hard on him now, her long brown hair swaying backwards and forwards. Her sweat covered breasts swayed deliciously under her. Her body sheened with sweat and her smell (pussy and sweat) was becoming very powerful.

I thought maybe their coupling would remain a picture of beautiful but forbidden love making until he finally ejaculated in her, staring into her eyes and sharing a tender kiss, but it was turning animal again. Maddy's filthy mouth started again. The smile had disappeared from her face and she spoke in short grunty sentences as she moved back on his cock, staring into my eyes like she wanted me to feel every emotion in her voice. "Your cock is so hard Harry. I can feel every part of it. I am so full of your rock-hard prick. Cum in me. Please cum in me. I want to fuck you until I feel your cock pulse your seed in me." I held her gaze, whilst watching them both it was so erotic; they were becoming more like rutting dogs by the second.

Then Harry spoke. Maddy didn't often talk dirty, but I never guessed Harry would. He looked up and, as he spoke, held my gaze. It seemed to me he wanted me to feel the mountain of lust he had for my wife, his mum; I was so involved. "My prick is deep in you, and you love it. You know this is wrong, mum, but you are so fucking dirty. You should not want you son's fertile cum in you unprotected pussy. But you want it, don't you?"

"mmm" was all she could manage at that time. She worked herself on him forcing him deeper into her. Harder, faster her tits were violently swaying under her. She pushed back and sat up on his cock. Her movement became now more up and down. Bouncing on his hard cock. His hands instinctively cupped her breasts. Her hands moved to her crotch. She split the fingers of one hand and moved them up and down her labia either side of the monster cock that was pistoning in and out of her. Her other hand was tucked behind with her fingers strumming her clit. It didn't need lubrication. She was already dribbling a combination of honey from this fucking and cum from the last one onto the carpet. Her tits bounced up and down and her sweat matted hair was now stuck to her face. Her mouth was wide opening catching her breath, her eyes wide open looking at me but focused on infinity. "yes, yes, yes" was all she could say.

Harry spoke again. "I'm close. Your cunt aches for it. Tell me what do, tell me what you want, beg me."

"Please, Harry, I want your cum. I want your seed. I'm going to fuck hard you until you fill me. I want you. You are a dog and I'm your bitch. I'm your dirty bitch, smell my pussy, lick me, taste my sweat, it's for you." He lowered his head to her neck and started to lick her sweat. He had some difficulty as her bouncing motion was getting very strong. She was still staring at me though, her eyes were saying 'look at me, I'm a rutting animal, I'm a bitch on heat, I'm so full of lust I want to make a baby with my own son, what do you think of that?'

Harry spat the words out in her ear between attempts to lick her neck. "You want my baby, don't you?"

"Yes, don't hold back, I want your baby now, cum in me. Cum."

"Not yet. Whose baby do you want? Who do you want to cum in you?"

"You. My son. My own baby. Harry please cum deep in me. I can feel you pushing my cervix. Spew your spunk deep in me."

"Yesssss. I'm going to make you pregnant, so fuck me harder, mum. Fuck your son so hard he sprays seed in deep your cervix. Slide your cunt up and down my hard cock, you stink like a filthy bitch. Fuck me like the bitch you are."

"yes I am your bitch... please...please, fuck your bitch, yes." She was a stinking fountain of sweat and spit. Her breasts constantly on the move as she bounced. Her face plastered with her wet hair as she fucked her son as deep as she could.

"You are my bitch mother, you stink of sweat and my cum, you are a bitch on heat. You are such an animal you want a baby with your own son. I came out of this soaking pussy and it is full of me again. Tell me what you want, beg for it."She was still staring at me though her matted hair. By this time, I was wanking furiously. Every word was taking all three of us to more lustful places. Her lip curled and she almost spat the words, "I'm not going to beg. You want it too. You want me to make a baby with you, my own son. Cum in me Harry. Spray your seed and make me pregnant. We are both dirty animals and I want our baby. Fuck.... Fuck... fuck cum in my cunt, now."

"Oh fuck I'm cumming. I'm cumming in my own mother. I am making our baby. I'm inseminating you. Our baby is in you. You are mine. I am going to own you." His head dropped to her neck, and he started to 'love bite' her. Marking his territory. His hands gripped her tits very firmly, digging in his nails. I could see he was hurting her, but she wanted the punishment of this pain. She couldn't stop even if she wanted to. She rode him, milked him, fucked him, impaled her cunt on him. She made no attempt to stop him biting her neck or gripping her tits. She wanted it, she wanted to be made pregnant by her own son and she wanted the world to see the marks of ownership on her body. In that moment she wanted to be his completely, hurt, fucked and owned. She was enjoying the pain as she milked every single living sperm from his balls.

Her tits bounced within the prison of his hands, his nails dug into her soft flesh, her hair flew everywhere, her mouth was wide open, her eyes continued their laser stare into my soul. Her eyes said 'look at me. Look at his cock in me. It's our son's cock. I'm pregnant and I want him to hurt me. I want the world to see that he has marked my neck. I'm proud to be his bitch. He can fuck me hard anytime he likes, I'm his.' She banged down hard on him and then stayed there, hips twitching, impaled on his cock while his balls pumped her, his hands gripped her, and his mouth sucked her. She was his. At that moment he owned every cell of her body, pumping her with cum. Everything slowed until all that was left was his twitching balls filling her.

Eventually, she fell forward, his cock plopped out of her, a river flowed, he let go of her tits and neck. She rolled over on to her back totally exhausted. Her tits had red finger marks on them, and her neck had a huge red hickey on it. She was a stinking quivering mess of sweat and cum, but she had not orgasmed, and I wanted her to. At that moment I experienced an overwhelming feeling of love and lust for her. I moved over her body and sunk my mouth onto her sloppy wet pussy. I tasted her. I tasted him. I heard her 'mmmm'. My cock grew in her face, but she did not have the energy to do anything, I didn't mind, I wanted to extract the ultimate pleasure for her. I went to work on her pussy. I know what she likes. Long strokes of her labia, pushing a tongue into her and then rhythmically lapping at her clit. Paying most attention to her clit but moving around. Her hips responded almost immediately, and I knew this would not take long.

At first, she gently moved her hips whilst making 'mmm' noises with her mouth closed. As I continued to work on her she got more animated, their mixture of fluids smeared over my face. I could smell and taste them both, it was so dirty I loved it and my cock grew. Maddy was moving a bit more and the 'mmm' noises were being made with her mouth open. I continued the same rhythm; I knew what to do. I didn't think it was possible, but her pussy was getting more lubricated. I suppose it could have been Harry leaking out of her, but it tasted and smelt more like her honey. Her hip movements were getting smaller and more infrequent. Then I heard a sharp intake of breath, her hips rose off the floor; she was holding her breath. Then the release. She let out a load moan and her hips jerked and rolled uncontrollably. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into her. I was struggling to maintain contact with her clit as she mashed my face to her open pussy. Her hips continued to spasm without any sort of rhythm. She was making regular quiet gasp type noises. They sounded a bit like pain, but I knew she was feeling the opposite of pain. After about 10 spasms, her hips relaxed back to the floor, but her hands held me (albeit a bit more gently) in place. I knew what to do, I kept going. Slowly rhythmically lapping at her labia and then rubbing her clit with my tongue. She was quiet and her hand relaxed.

I kept going. Then it happened again. She held her breath, pushed her hips up and pulled my face into her, mashing me into her pussy. Then the release. She breathed out with a loud 'arrrr'. Her hips jerked and spasmed making if difficult again to stay with her clit. My nose ached a bit as she pulled my head hard into her clit. I had pushed my tongue into her. Her legs were so far apart that her labia were mashed into my cheeks, spreading more of their combined sex fluids over my face. My nose and lips were in her pussy. She jerked and moaned for some time and then went silent. I continued to lap her until she whispered "stop."

Epilogue - 1

[authors note: what follows is just tidying up of the plot line]

After a long silence, during which none of wanted to break the spell, Maddy said "I think we should all go to bed."

I woke about 3 in the morning, Maddy had been fidgeting, huffing and puffing for so long it woke we up. "Maddy, do you need to talk" I said very sleepily.

"Sorry to wake you, but yes"

"So, spit it out," I said.

"I said lots of things tonight in the heat of the moment I that regret."

"Why regret, what did you say to regret?"

"Bob, I was pleading with another man to cum in me. When we started, I wanted to make beautiful love with Harry, lots of kissing and cuddling with slow beautiful sex. Of course, I wanted him to cum in me, but I wanted it while staring into my eyes, not me spewing filthy words in a haze of sweat. That's not what I imagined, but the more we did together the more animal instincts took over. It was all so dirty, dangerous, and taboo that my head became overwhelmed by the lust of it all. Of course, I don't want to be pregnant least of all by my own son but at that time I was trying hard to get pregnant. I can't explain it, I had an animal desire to get pregnant, after all that's why animals have sex. Worse still I didn't want just anyone to make me pregnant I wanted it to be my son and there is a very good chance he has succeeded. I worry how you feel."

"I thought so. Maddy, you were in the throes of very exciting sex. I don't think I have ever seen you so turned on. I am so proud you made our son a man. You were fantastic together. I found the whole experience so erotic. I can see it did something to you, it transported you to a very erotic place and you were so comfortable that you let yourself go. It was not real life, it was fantasy, it's why I went down on you. If I thought you really wanted to be pregnant by someone else, I would have snapped out the fantasy, but I didn't; I licked another man's cum out of you."

Maddy giggled "that was very dirty Bob. Are you sure you are OK with it?"

"I'm sure, I have absolutely no regrets tonight and I don't think you should. Our son is a man, and we had some fun, didn't we? We discovered things we didn't know about ourselves and each other."

"Yes, and you are a lovely man, Bob. I want to talk to Harry in the morning, can I do it alone? I think he will be less pressured. By the way, has a lovely cock."

"Dirty cow!! Seriously though, by all means talk to him alone, but when you do just make sure he knows I'm OK with everything."

Epilogue -- 2

"Morning, Harry, want some coffee? I've just made some fresh."

"Yes, please mum." She handed him some and sat down opposite him.

"So, how does it feel to not be a virgin?" Maddy smiled.

"I am so grateful to you and dad. I feel ten feet tall. I can't tell you how great I feel."

"Good, I was proud to help you son and as you can tell I enjoyed it, but we need to talk."

"I thought this was coming, mum." The smile left his face.

"Don't misunderstand, Harry. I want you to know that your dad and I don't regret a single second of what we did last night, but some things happened which need a bit of explanation."


"I am not going to say that we will never do that again because that sounds like I regret it and I don't. It's just not normal and I don't want it to become normal. In any case you need to find a girlfriend. Do you understand?"

"I think so mum."

"Good, also don't think that every girl you meet will want dirty talk and hard sex. I have to say that my language even surprised me. I used words I've never used before and don't expect to use again. I can only think that the taboo nature of what we were doing was heightened by the fact I was not on birth control. I was out of control, I enjoyed it but only as a one off. It was just the circumstances we found ourselves in. For god's sake be gentle with you girlfriends, take time to find out what they like. Don't assume; make sure you listen and watch for the signs. You have seen then, I've shown you."

"Yes, mum I've seen the signs. They are still in my head. Wow!"

"Indeed, be attentive and considerate but be confident. If any girl says you are not capable of turning her on, it's more likely something to do with her than you. Lastly, I will fucking kill you if you ever mention a single word of what we did to anyone; ever."

"ooo mummy, please don't swear." He smiled broadly and paused for dramatic effect. "I totally get that mum. I respect you and dad so much, thank you. If the lecture's over, can we plan our next movie night."

"There may not be another movie night, now bugger off you silly sod."

"May not or will not?"


"I'm gone."

Epilogue -- 3

That day Madeline took the morning after pill as she was certain Harry had made her pregnant, call it woman's intuition. Our son resumed his studies and re-joined his circle of friends. It wasn't long before he had a steady girlfriend, Emma. Wow, what a looker, what I wouldn't give to get into her pants.... Joking (well sort of).

Unsurprisingly Maddy and Harry became very close physically and developed a real connection. They sometimes have to remind themselves, in public, to stand a little further apart and not touch each other quite so much. It doesn't bother me as my relationship with Harry has grown. We shared my wife and that gave us a common bond. We loved her emotionally and now we had loved her physically. Maddy and I remain very close if not closer. She occasionally calls me Harry and talks very dirty to me when we are in the throes of sex, which I find horny.You probably ought to read parts 1 and 2 of this story although I have tried to make it 'stand-alone.'.

I am using my husband's account. I should have started my own but I only thought I was going to write one story, it's too late now.

I wanted to write a story from a husband's perspective. This is the culmination of a lot of sexy discussions I have had with my husband over the years. I hope I got the male response right. That's as far as reality goes, the rest is fantasy.

If you want 10" cocks, women who orgasm in 10 seconds flat, simultaneous orgasms or gallons of cum then I'm sorry, but this is not the right story for you. I like to write about ordinary people with ordinary sexual appetites in slightly out of the ordinary situations. I try to keep the plot lines as near to reality as I can.

I try to keep the sex as true to my own experience as possible. I love to write about kissing, stoking, how sex feels and sex as an encounter which involves all the senses. I do like to 'get dirty' but only in the height of my (and my character's) arousal. All my stories have my own experience in them, but they are not autobiographical.

No one in this story is under the age of 18.

Constructive feedback welcome. I am from UK, so UK spelling applies. Thank you for reading my story.

Act 1 -- the announcement

Harry left home, went through university, settled down in his first home and first job. He only ever had one girlfriend a lovely girl called Emma. They had known each other for 5 years when one day he dropped by to our house.

"Any coffee on the go, mum?"

"Yes Harry, sit down"

"Good there is something I want to tell you and dad about Emma and me."

Maddy's face dropped. "Oh no Harry, what's wrong?"

"Nothing mum, quite the opposite. We are going to announce our engagement."

Maddy stood up and threw her arms around him. I walked over and patted him on the back. "That's a smart move son, she is a lovely girl," I said. Maddy shed a tear of joy or two.

"Yes, but you can't say anything as she wants to tell you herself. So, can you come over next Saturday, and we will make dinner. Stay the night so we can all have a drink or two."

"Of course," I said we will be delighted and don't worry we won't let on.

Maddy was more perceptive than me. "You didn't come all the way over here to invite us to dinner though, did you?"

"I could never keep a secret from you mum even if I wanted to. I'm not sure where to start; this is a bit difficult to talk about."

"Take a deep breath and start at the beginning son," I said.

"As you know I have only ever dated Emma. I knew from the start she was the only girl for me. What I didn't realise when I first dated her is that she was a virgin."

"I hope you were gentle, Harry." Maddy interrupted.

"I was and I am, mum, you would be proud of me. I had a good teacher." They smiled at each other; the same vision was in all our heads. "Emma isn't one for rough or dirty sex, which doesn't bother me at all. That doesn't mean she is a prude, far from it, sometimes I think she borders on the nymphomaniac. We have a very, very healthy sex life." He smiled.

"Not sure what your problem is then, son," I chipped in.

"I think Emma sometimes wishes she had 'played the field' a bit before she met me. She didn't expect her first to be her one and only. Also like so many of our friends she assumes I have."

"Well tell her the truth, Harry. You remember what I told you about keeping secrets." I interrupted.

"Great dad. So I say ....oh Emma, actually, I wasn't a virgin before we met, but only because I had sex with my mum twice with my dad watching. I'm not sure that's going to work very well."

"I see what you mean," Maddy confirmed.

"But I want to help her get some experience."

"Have you discussed that with her," I interrupted him.

"Yes, and she says it would be nice if she had at least one other experience. We've thought of friends, but I must admit I don't trust them. I don't trust them to keep quiet and I don't trust them not to pester her for more. We don't want to hire someone as that would be too cold and we are not keen on a stranger. It all feels too sordid and a bit dangerous."

"Well, I am proud you have the sort of relationship with Emma where you can discuss these things, but I'm not sure we can help, Harry." Maddy said.

"I'm not sure you can mum, but dad can." My chin hit the table and my cock grew 2 inches!!!

I spluttered "yeah right, like I would be comfortable making love to my sons' girl friend and in any case, she wouldn't want to with me, I'm too old."

Harry frowned. "I'm not sure how that fits with the man who loved and trusted his son and wife so much he let them make love in front of him. When that turned into filthy language and animal sex, he still didn't bat an eyelid. Plus, I know she finds you attractive she has said so many times with her 'oh that's where you get you good looks from' comments."

Maddy said. "No Harry, you are both too young for this. Spend more time exploring each other before you try other people."

"Well, if you won't help, I guess we have no choice, but it does bother her and it makes her hesitate about marriage. Making a lifelong commitment with only one experience worries her. I sort of hoped it would be the icing on the cake of an engagement announcement. It would allow her to look to the future with more confidence."

I chipped in. "Oh hi Emma welcome to our family. Oh, by the way why don't you fuck your father-in-law." Maybe I was a bit too sarcastic with that one. I always thought Emma was very attractive in looks and personality and I just couldn't believe it would happen, so I tried to pour cold water on the idea.

Maddy chipped in to lighten the mood. "Your dad isn't saying he won't help, Harry."

"I'm not?"

"No, you are not. I've seen the way you look at her and I don't blame you; what's not to like."

Harry interrupted, "and how do you feel about that mum?"

"I can hardly object given Bob let me make love to you, twice. But even if I could object I wouldn't. I'm quite interested in the idea of seeing Bob make love to a beautiful girl."

"Good that's settled then," said Harry.

I shook my head (although secretly I was jumping for joy), "all bar actually making it work then Harry."

"I have an idea, Dad"

"I bet you do."

Act 2 -- the actual announcement

I was extremely nervous leading up to Saturday, in fact twice I suggested to Maddy we call the whole thing off. I was worried for Harry's relationship. What if it all backfired? Maddy calmed me down both times. She said we should trust Harry and in any case that I was a sensitive man; if I got any sort of negative vibe from Emma I would know how to back down. Harry was trusting us.

We couldn't help admitting to each other that the sexual tension was building. I asked Maddy if she was intending to have sex with Harry. She said that if the circumstances were right that, she would, but if it happened at all, she would want it to be more loving.

The night arrived and we found outside at Emma and Harry's front door. It opened and Emma welcomed us in. She looked fantastic. I again wondered whether Harry had chosen her for her resemblance to his mother when she was younger. She is only just under 5 foot with long brunette hair and a pert body to die for. She was wearing a low-cut black dress with spaghetti straps. Like Maddy, Emma doesn't have large breasts, but the wonder bra was working its magic! She had a pair of thin strapped open toed stilettos on her small but perfect feet... oh, and a broad smile.

Maddy said, "oh Emma that dress suits you so much, you look so sexy tonight, doesn't she Bob?"

"Maddy, to be fair Emma could look sexy in a bin liner, but yes, Emma you look jaw droppingly sexy. I will try to keep my eyes off you but feel free to remind me that I'm staring."

Emma blushed "Bob, you are just like Harry, very cheeky. I don't mind a bit of staring, but I do object to dribbling." We laughed; she had a sense of humour that perfectly matched our own. Regardless of what happened (or didn't) this was going to be a fun night, but then it always was with Harry and Emma.

After a great meal and quite a few glasses of wine, Emma made her announcement. We all got up. I shook Harry's hand, whilst Maddy and Emma hugged and kissed each other on the cheek. Emma came over to me with her back to Harry. Harry gave his mum a long kiss on her lips, very naughty and I tried not to betray them with my expression. 'Slight tongues' I thought. They had distracted me with their antics and by the time Emma was in my arms coming in for a kiss I misjudged the position of her cheek. I found I was kissing her on the lips completely by accident. My hands were on her hips and our bodies were only inches apart. She knew the kiss was an accident and to her credit she did not shrink away. She left her lips on mine for a split second. Not long enough to be deemed sexual but long enough to signal her willingness to kiss me on the lips.

We sat back down and continued chatting, but the kisses had an effect. Although we chatted together, Harry mainly talked to his mother, his eyes dancing over her cleavage. This left me spending time talking to Emma. Her dress was beautiful, and she was radiant after making her announcement. Her whole body smiled. I studied her lips as she spoke, I imagined kissing them again. Her breasts seemed even more smooth and curvy than before. I was hypnotised by them, their firmness, their shape and admit I wasn't really listening to what she was saying. Out of the haze I did hear, "you are drooling bob." Like waking from a dream, I looked at Emma's face, she was beaming.

"Oh, Emma I'm so sorry. That is so rude of me."

"Don't be silly bob, I'm really not offended. Truth be known I'm flattered."

Her underlying subtext was 'I quite like it', so I replied. "You are beautiful, and that dress just draws my eyes to your chest. I just can't help it, sorry. I feel a bit like a dirty old man." I was still staring unashamedly at her breasts.

"You are not a dirty and you are not old. I like it, bob. This dress makes me feel sexy."

"and you certainly are sexy." I replied as I shifted my gaze to her smiling and inviting lips.

The room had gone quiet as both Maddy and Harry had stopped talking; they were listening. Our conversation hung in the air for a second or two while everyone processed what we had said and what we had not said. Emma broke the silence, "let's start games night, shall we play trivial pursuit?"

Act 3 - Games night part 1

We all agreed. We adjourned to the living room and sat on the floor. The teams were Maddy and me v Emma and Harry. Maddy and I got off to a good start we were a number of 'slices' ahead. Emma was so competitive that when Harry got a difficult question right, she kissed him. From then on whenever a team answered a question correctly the team members would have a celebratory kiss. As the game went on the kisses got slightly hotter, a bit more than quick 'pecks', but not too sexy. When Harry and Emma won the game, their kiss was slightly more animated but in reality, not much.

After the kiss, Emma looked a little flushed with embarrassment or maybe it was sexual tension. She said "Oh sorry guys I got a bit carried away. Shall we swap teams? Shall we take on Maddy and Harry, Bob?" We all agreed, and I wondered if the kissing would carry on.

When Harry got the first question right, he picked up the dice to roll again. Emma frowned and said, "aren't you going to kiss him, Maddy, he got a question, right?" I loved the sound of that; thinking ahead to when we got a question right.

Harry said, "you want me to kiss my mum?"

"and what's wrong with that, Harry?" Maddy feigned indignancy.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that, Harry?" Emma chimed in. "She is beautiful, I would kiss her all the time if she were my mum." A very pleasant picture flashed across my mind.

Harry knew he was going to lose this argument. In reality of course it was an act. He was desperate to kiss his mother to 'spice up' the evening. He sighed (acting) and leant over to kiss his mother. It was tender and lingering without be overtly sexual. Maybe borderline sexual. They got two more questions right and the kisses became slightly longer every time. By the last kiss a silent hush enveloped us all.

It was our turn, and I am relieved to say we got the question right. Emma immediately leant over to me and kissed me full on the lips. I got a hint of her perfume and felt the heat from her body. The game proceeded and everyone got quite used to the kissing. It became normal. It was quite restrained as no one fondled breasts or probed crotches. The most that happened was an arm around a shoulder or a hand on top of a thigh (for balance). The kisses remained on the respectable side of sexy, but the tension was rising. I felt it bubbled under the surface. When we won Emma gave me a lovely kiss. Probably that was the end of it; very nice while it lasted.

Emma said "Let's play soothing different. Harry how about the game Paula gave me?"

"Is it any good?" Replied Harry.

"I don't know I haven't opened it; I will go and get it." She returned with a black box. It had a big red lipstick smudge logo on the front. She opened it up and emptied out the contents. It was a board game. It looked like you used some dice to make your way around a spiral to the middle. Some squares had a lip motif, some a pair of knickers and some the word 'fantasy'.

Harry read out rules. If you landed on lips, you had to kiss the person of your choice. If you landed on Fantasy, you had to act out a role play and if landed on knickers you had to take off an item of clothing. There was a silence as we all processed that. Emma said "that sounds like fun, but I don't think it's appropriate we get naked. Sorry to be a party pooper but it doesn't feel right." She started packing it away.

I piped up. "I have an idea why don't we play it but keep our underwear on. Boys keep their underpants, girls' bras and knickers. That would be no different to going down to the beach."

Emma didn't look totally convinced but she said, "OK that sounds like a plan. It does sound fun. I'm just a little nervous."

"It will be fine," Harry said.

[Authors note: I'm not going to go into detail as to who laned on what square, who took of clothes 1st, who kissed and when. I don't think it adds much to the plot; bear in mind the game can take over an hour to play. The game is 'fantasy for lovers', I don't know if you can still buy it. I have not played it with relatives, but I have played it with friends. It is super sexy. The first time I played it was with my husband, his best mate and girlfriend. I ended up in bed with his mate; totally unplanned and never repeated. We had great sex; it still makes me smile when I think of my husband's mate cumming in me without a condom.... Very naughty. Anyway, on with the story.]

We started the game. Everyone was very nervous probably for different reasons. We soon overcame that as the game was genuine fun. The stripping squares were mainly towards the end, so Emma had a chance to adjust. We had already all kissed, these kisses were not so different. The best bit was the role play, sexy but not sexual (I hope that makes sense) and the acting had us in stiches every time.

We all ended up stripped to our underwear. Emma had a fantastic matching black lace bra and knickers. Maddy a purple silk camisole and matching purple lace knickers. Harry and I had boxers. Emma won, she clapped her hands and said "yippee, what do I win?"

Harry looked at the rules. "You get to act out a fantasy."

We all went quiet trying to puzzle out what fantasy would Emma chose, bearing in mind our actions thus far had been mildly sexy but not overtly erotic. In the end Emma said "OK, I would like a long 5-minute kiss." Harry got up to oblige. "Not you Harry, I kiss you every day, it's my fantasy to kiss Bob." I grinned.

Harry feigned disappointment. "So, what are we supposed to do."

"Start the washing up," she replied quick as a flash. They complied and walked into the kitchen.

"So, it's your fantasy Emma, where do you want me?"

"I want you to lie on your back just here." She pointed to a spot in the carpet. Once I was lying down legs together, she lay on top of me, her legs on the outside of mine. This was incredibly intimate and much further that any of us had gone that night. I was very nervous, and I guess my face showed it. "Are you OK, Bob

"Yes, Emma I'm a bit nervous, I'm just not used to a beautiful young lady lying on top of me."

She giggled. "I am feeling naughty, but this is my fantasy not yours, so just relax and do your bit." She started to kiss me, and I could feel her firm honeydew melons pushing into my chest. I smelt her perfume again. She must have been able to feel my erection but showed no signs of acknowledging its presence. This kissing was quite sexy except there was no fondling, no writhing and no hip movements, just kissing. I went as far as stroking her buttocks, which she seemed to like. 5 minutes flew by and over her shoulder I saw Maddy and Harry return. Maddy's hair was a little messed up and her face was glowing. They had not been doing the washing up!. I whispered to Emma, "they are back."

Emma and I got up and sat on the floor with our backs to one sofa, they sat directly opposite us with their backs to the other. No one said a word. Then suddenly Emma jumped up and said, "I'm going to put some coffee on."

Everyone looked like they were going to get up and follow her as something was obviously wrong. I was on my feet before Maddy and Harry. I made a subtle 'sit down sign' and said, "do you want some help, Emma."

"Yes please, Bob"

She was filling the coffee machine with beans when I got into the kitchen. Slamming the draw shut afterwards. "Are you OK, Emma?"

"Yes, I'm fine Bob."


"No, I'm not."

"Come on, sit down and talk to me Emma." I said in a soft voice.

"Bob, we have had such a great night. I have enjoyed every single moment of it." She smiled at me when she said this. "I really feel part of this family. I don't want to do anything to spoil it."

"You are part of this family, a very important part so you won't do anything to spoil it. What's the problem?"

"Did you feel jealous when Maddy was kissing Harry?"


"Nor me, that's wrong, isn't it? I shouldn't let him kiss another woman let alone watch him. I am ashamed to say I enjoyed it."

"I did too, Emma."

"But that's not right is it Bob? We shouldn't have done it."

"Emma, I can't tell you what to think but I can tell you how I feel. I love Harry, I love Maddy, and I love you. All I want in the world is for the people I love to be happy. They looked happy to me. I think you were happy kissing me."

"I was."

"So, no problem. The happier they are, the happier I am."

"Ok I get that, Bob, but I actually wanted them to kiss. I felt horny watching them.

I laughed quietly, "So did I Emma. I will let you into a secret. I wanted them to go further."

"You wicked man." She laughed. "So did I, in fact it doesn't look like they did much washing up does it?." Then her face went serious again. "Bob, I want to tell you something about me which might explain my confusion. I was a virgin when I met Harry. I have always enjoyed sex from an early age but before I met Harry, I always had sex on my own, if you know what I mean."

"I can guess," I said, and I had a vision of this pert 20 something lying on her back using a dildo.

"So, I know we were all only kissing, but it feels like we all want to go further."

"Do you?"

"I think so but I'm very nervous. Also, I worry about Harry and Maddy."

"In what way?"

"doh! Maddy is Harry's mum. This is so weird; don't you think so?""Do you think Maddy is unattractive?"

"Of course, not she is hot."

"So again, I can't tell you what to think. I can only tell you what I think. I don't care about people's moral standards. I only care about my family. I want them to be happy. Harry is a man and Maddy is a woman. They love each other and it would be surprising if they didn't find each other attractive. I don't know how far they want to go. I trust them both that they will say if they are not happy. Whatever makes them happy makes me happy. I want to watch them be happy." I smiled.

"You are a good man with a wonderful family Bob."

"And you are part of it Emma. Look, Emma I might be overstepping the mark and if I am I apologise, but what man of my age would not want to make love to a beautiful woman like you." Emma blushed. "But you are part of the family now. Your happiness is my concern. If you are uncomfortable with any of this, we should stop."

"I am a bit uncomfortable Bob but mostly I'm very curious. I want to see Maddy, and Harry go further, and I want to go further with you. I just don't know how far."

"Emma let's forget the coffee. Let's take some wine back into the living room and join the others. We can talk and see what transpires. Harry will be worried about you. If at any time you want to stop, just say so. I will try to look out for you." Emma put her arms around my neck and kissed me softly on the lips. As her lips left mine her tongue swept across my top lip.

Act 4 -- Games night - for real

We walked back in the room with 4 glasses of wine. Harry and Maddy were still sitting on the floor with their backs leaning on a sofa. They both looked concerned. I gave them a glass of wine each and smiled a 'don't worry' smile at both. I sat down next to Emma with our backs to the opposite sofa. Emma smiled at me when she gave me my wine but did not make eye contact with Harry or Maddy. I'm not sure if she meant to raise the tension but she did. No one spoke for a minute or so, everyone was waiting for Emma.

Emma didn't speak with words, but she put down her wine and laid her hand on my thigh just above my knee. She moved it inwards and as a reflex I opened my legs slightly. Her hand moved very slowly up the inside of my thigh. Everyone's eyes including Emma's were glued to her hand. I couldn't help it, but I started gazing at her beautiful breasts, her firm honeydew melons, slightly bigger than a handful each. I got the scent of her perfume again and I took a deep breath. Emma looked up and saw me gazing at her breasts. She smiled. I continued to study every inch of them, while she watched me. I knew she was watching me. I wanted her to know I was enjoying them, and I swear she arched her back slightly to push them out further.

By now Emma's hand was about 4 inches from my crotch. It stopped its upward travel; she was gently stroking me. If the air hadn't been so sexually charged, I would have felt tickled, her touch was so light. She looked at me again. I was still staring at her breasts. She turned he head and whispered in my ear. "Would you like to stroke them?" I nodded. "Good, I would like that." She leaned forward and I undid her bra catch with one hand. She leant back to the sofa. Her breasts were so pert her bra stayed in place. I slowly slipped the strap nearest me off her shoulder and it finally fell forward to reveal the breast nearest me. It was exactly as I imagined. Perfectly shaped, beautifully soft with a smallish nipple and largish areola.

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