It's been about two months since we adopted the dog. It turns out my wife is pregnant too. We're driving her to the hospital to have an ultrasound. We're really excited and hopefully prepared for new life. We pull in and get it taken care of. The doctor said that the baby was growing nicely. "Wat would you like for dinner"? I asked, "I don't really care babe up to you". I start thinking what does a two month pregnant woman like for dinner. I have no idea. "Does beef stew sound good"?. "Yeah, that'd be nice seems to how its still pretty cold outside". I pull into the driveway of our cabin. We walk in. She sits on the couch next to the dog, we ended up naming her Sherly. I walked into the kitchen to start dinner seems to how it'll take awhile to cook. (A few minutes later). I walk into the living room and sit in my chair. "Do you have any baby names"? She asked me. "Yeah, i was thinking Mathew if its a boy and Alice if a girl" i proclaimed. I figured I'd let her pick the middle names. Mainly because i had no ideas for a middle name. As I put more wood into the fire i sit back down and start reading, at this point i was just rereading the same books over and over again. I haven't anything to do, the bad weather closed my work for a few days, So ive been home with the misses. I pet Sherly, I put my book on the coffee table and write my page number down, then doze off into sleep.