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100% Mikaelson Family Across The Multiverse / Chapter 59: Little Jackrabbit

Capítulo 59: Little Jackrabbit

The summer break was over, and today was the first day at school.

Today, Mystic Falls High would welcome some new transfer students.

Matt and Beth parked their car and walked in.

Their expensive car was bound to attract attention, plus Matt was famous. He was the quarterback of the high school football team.

The original Matt was dating Elena before she broke up with him, but it was during the summer break, and usually, the news wouldn't travel fast enough to reach everyone. However, Elena's parents passed away in a car accident, so everyone had heard about all her related matters.

Seeing Matt suddenly change his dressing style, getting off that fancy new car and walking in with a beautiful girl in his arms, for a while, all eyes were on the two of them.

"In all my years of life, I've never been in this kind of situation. This feels a bit weird, at the same time it's a new experience.", Matt spoke.

"Just look straight ahead and keep walking, you'll get used to it.", Annabeth advised him kindly.

"I'm not nervous, it just feels weird. That's all. Don't forget I'm still a king of a country... no, of a PLANET, now.", Kol replied.

In the school hallway, the students were busy with their lockers.

Kol, Cough! Cough... MATT noticed Bonnie and Elena. Elena was Matt's ex and his childhood friend.

"That's Elena.", Matt whispered to Beth as they walked towards them.

"Katherine is her doppelganger.", Beth had never seen Katherine, but she had heard about her, and she always wanted to meet her.

"No, she's Katherine's doppelganger.", Matt shook his head.

Beth shrugged her shoulders, "Aren't both of them Amara's doppelgangers? It doesn't matter who came first.".

On the other hand, Bonnie and Elena also noticed them.

"Well, he moved on quickly.", Bonnie commented sarcastically.

"Who's that, new girl?", Elena asked.

"Transfer student.", Bonnie replied, "And Matt's new style is kinda... hot!".

At this time, they reached in front of them.

Matt greeted, "Elena, Bonnie, hi!".

"Hi Matt!", Elena replied awkwardly with a guilty conscience.

After all, she did break up with him through a text message.

"Matt, aren't you going to introduce us?", Bonnie referred to Beth.

"Yes. This is Beth, we...", but was interrupted.

"Hi! I'm Annabeth Chase.", Beth offered her hand for a handshake.

Elena and Bonnie both shook her hand one by one awkwardly while introducing themselves.

"So you and Matt...", Bonnie asked while hesitating.

"I just transferred here, looking for the principal's office, can you tell me where?", Beth asked.

"Yes, it's just down the hall.", Bonnie hurriedly told her the directions.

All this time, Elena looked at Matt with scrutiny, her eyes saying, "I can see right through you.".

Matt was surprised. He was looking at Beth with his eyes saying, "What the hell are you doing?".

When Annabeth left, Elena couldn't help but say, "Matt, you don't have to do this, you know we've been friends since we were children.".

Matt turned his gaze back from Annabeth's mesmerizing walking away arse, and only then noticed the situation.

He hurriedly explained, "No, no, no. It's not like that. She's my girlfriend. I wouldn't lie about something like that.".

At this moment, Bonnie interjected, "Matt, you don't have to explain. I think I understand exactly what's going on, and it's perfectly normal.".

"It is?", Matt thought she might have some insight about Beth's sudden betrayal.

"Yes. you're going through the whole "You dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits" phase. That whole act just now was to make Elena jealous, and it would've worked if Elena wasn't serious about the break-up, but she is. This relationship doesn't have any potential... Just let it go Matt."

" ... ", Matt was silent.

Nosy much? And what phase? When did it begin? I'm not even the real Matt inside.

Elena sighed, "Matt, let's not play this game... let's just talk like adults.".

" ... ", Matt didn't know what to say anymore. He even suspected that Beth and they had some kind of tactical understanding and this was all being done on purpose.

But after all, he was a thousand years old being who was the king of a planet... even though he barely ever actually went there to manage things...

"So Bonnie, Elena, will you come to the party tomorrow?", Matt asked.

"Of course.", "Yep.", They replied.

"Great, so... see you there.", after this awkward conversation, Matt just wanted to walk away.

However, "Wait! Matt, what do you mean, party tomorrow? Aren't you coming to the Grill tonight?", Elena asked.

Mystic Grill was a famous restaurant, café, and bar where they usually went to hang out. It seemed the original Matt made plans to go there tonight.

"Nah I'm going out with Beth tonight, see you at the party.", Matt replied.

"Of course! You're going out with Beth! Your new girlfriend...", Bonnie quipped sarcastically.

Elena put her hand on Matt's shoulder, and spoke sympathetically, "Matt, whenever, or... wherever you wanna talk, I'll be there. I hope to see you at the party tomorrow night then. It won't help to keep sulking by yourself.".

" ... ", Matt was once again silent.

What is this attitude? What is "sulking by yourself"? Did he look sad? He was the one who invited them, so why did it feel like an intervention?



Not long after... During the history class.

Annabeth was walking down the empty hall.

When she was passing by the music room, an arm stretched out and pulled her inside.

It was Matt.

She smiled, "There you are...", and kissed him back.

Their arms were wrapped around each other as they battled with their tongues, indulging in each other's embrace.

But after a while, Matt suddenly remembered, "Hey! why did you leave me hanging there? Do you know how embarrassing that was?", in an accusing tone.

"That was to maintain your cover.", Beth smiled.

"Maintain my cover?", he was confused.

"Elena broke up with original Matt. According to his personality, and... capabilities, do you think he'd be able to get a girl way out of his league? And this soon? A new transfer student? Today is my first day here.", Annabeth asked.

"Hmm... it does make sense.", Matt spoke thoughtfully.

But then, "Whatever!", he once again held her in his arms and they started making out.

Beth was wearing a leather jacket over a crop top.

Matt picked her up and slammed her against the wall.

His fingers slowly slid down her waist and he opened the buttons of her jeans.

Then he put his hand in her panties and started using his fingers to play with her vagina.

"Haah! Haah! Haah ahaah!", she started to breathe heavily. Her eyes rolled back, and it seemed like she was about to come.

However, just then, they accidentally knocked down a drum.

"DHUMMM!!!!!", the sound was particularly loud in the empty music room.

"Who's there!!", they heard a shout from outside.

Matt quickly picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist, and they vanished.

They teleported to an empty school bus outside to finish what they started.



The next day.

It was a lovely evening.

The 'back to school' party was going on.

It was an annual bonfire where students from Mystic Falls High School gathered together in the woods to celebrate the beginning of a new school year.

They were drinking and dancing, some were roasting marshmallows by the bonfire, and some were in the corner, making out.

It was a celebration.

Matt and Beth came from the direction of the bridge and headed straight for Elena and Bonnie who were talking to some guy.

His back was facing them, so they couldn't see who.

Bonnie noticed them first, "Oh, it's Matt and Annabeth!", bringing attention to them.

"Hi, Elena! Bonnie! Call me Beth.", Beth greeted them.

They greeted back.

On the other hand, as soon as the guy Bonnie and Elena were talking to looked back, Matt's and Beth's eyes were fixed on him, they were dumbfounded and couldn't look away.

Because they knew him all too well, and... he wasn't supposed to be here.

"Hi, I'm Stefan Salvatore.", he offered his hand for a handshake.

According to his reaction, it seemed like Stefan didn't even recognize them...

Beth was wide-eyed but greeted him anyway.

But Matt absentminded uttered, "I know.", drawing eyes.

But soon came to his senses, "I mean, I saw you in class. History, and Chemistry.", he decided to play along.

But judging by their reaction as soon as they saw his face, Stefan wasn't convinced by this explanation.

He asked Annabeth, "Do we... maybe know each other?".

"No!", Beth shook her head.

Matt interjected, "It was just a natural reaction. She was mesmerized by your handsome charm that's detached from this mundane world.".

This immediately brought the topic in an embarrassing direction.

Stefan replied awkwardly, "Ok...".

Elena and Bonnie looked at Matt weirdly, wondering if he had any peculiar taste that they didn't know about.

But in fact, it wasn't unreasonable. After all, besides their magical blood, seductiveness was the only applicable supernatural power that doppelgangers had.



Tyler Lockwood and Vicki Donovan were making out somewhere in the woods.

She chuckled, "No, Ty, I'm not having sex against a tree.".

"Come on, it'll be hot.", he urged.

"For who? No, it's not gonna happen. Not here. Not like this.", she pushed him away.

But he didn't agree. He started forcing her.

"No. I said no. I said no! Ow! That hurt!", she screamed.

At this moment, "Hey! Get the hell away from my sister!", a shout came from behind.

It was Matt.

Tyler came to his sense and backed off.

"Matt!", Vicki exclaimed embarrassingly, her eyes were filled with shame.

The original Matt was best friends with Tyler, so as soon as he saw him, his young horney blood instantly cooled off.

"Matt, it's not like that, she's my girlfriend. We're together.", Tyler tried to defend himself.

Matt spoke, "It's alright. I know, I get it, it happens. We also came here cuz we had the same idea.", referring to Beth who followed behind him.

Tyler looked back and instantly understood as he nodded.

But Vicki only looked at Matt with suspicion, "Really?", she knew her brother all too well.

Seeing her reaction, Matt felt something wrong.

But thinking back on the original Matt's personality, he understood.

So Matt called out to Tyler, "Hey, Tyler! Come here, I have to tell you something you won't believe.", he decided to try and salvage this situation.

"Yeah, what is it?", Tyler walked over to Matt, who was standing beside a bush.

So soon as Tyler got close enough, Matt pulled him in front of the bush and punched him in the nose with just enough force to break his nose and knock him out.

After that, Matt threw him into the bush. Most likely, he'd spend the night there.

Just when Matt thought he successfully acted according to the original Matt's character, "Ty!!", Vicki screamed and ran over to help Tyler.

However, "Vick, stop!", Matt blocked her way.

"Matty, what are you doing? You didn't need to do this, I can handle myself.", Vicki protested.

"I know you can handle yourself, but you can't handle Tyler. That's where I come in."

"Handle him? He's just a little drunk, don't you think it's way over the top?", Vicki argued back.

"Maybe... I don't know, I'm also drunk... just like everyone else, yet I don't see any other attempts to rape happening nearby.", Matt spoke calmly.

This shut Vicki up, she couldn't find anything to say. So, she just turned around and took off into the woods.

As soon as she was gone, Matt breathed a sigh of relief.

He asked Beth, "So what do you think? That was good. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. Right?".

Annabeth looked at Tyler lying in the bush, bleeding from his nose, then she turned to look in the direction where Vicki ran away, and she was silent.

In the end, she replied, "I think you should stop worrying about what Matt would do and just be yourself.".

The moral of the story is - Nobody's perfect.



Vicki was walking in the woods with her head down, thinking back to what just happened.

No noticing the fog slowly creeping up, like it had a will of its own.

When it became a little harder to see, she felt a presence from behind.

She turned around, "Matty? Is that you?", but received no answer.

So she continued walking, quickening her pace.

More and more fog made it harder to see. It was eerie.

Suddenly, she felt someone standing behind her.

She turned around, "Matt?", but again, no answer. It was deadly quiet.

When she turned back again, she found a monster breathing down her neck.

The sclerae of his eyes were black, and around them were creepy veins. There were fangs in his mouth, like long, pointy terrors.


Vicki didn't even have time to scream, as her eyes opened wide, the monster grabbed her.



He left Vicki alive. She was just lying there in the woods when by pure accident, Jeremy and Elena found her.

Kol... 'Matt' always thought that in these thousand years, he had caused enough of the butterfly effect that the plot would now completely change. But unfortunately, he underestimated the inertia of time.

When Vicki was laid by the bonfire and Beth called the ambulance, Matt was watching Stefan's reaction.

The original Stefan had married Valerie and they were living happily on Venus with their children.

So the question is... Who the hell is this guy? Where did he come from?

Judging by his heartbeat, he wasn't human, werewolf, or a warlock. That leaves vampires and Dhampirs.

But seeing him helping Vicki, he didn't have any problem with blood, so not a vampire either.

That would mean he was a Dhampir, which should be impossible. If a doppelganger of his was turned by his bloodline, Kol would know about it.

Stefan should be the only one, and the sleeping Silas.

Unless it wasn't a "sleeping" Silas anymore.

If it was indeed Silas, then even Kol had to maintain caution. Not for himself, but for the people around him. The longer Silas was awake, the stronger he would be, and even at his weakest, he should be able to wipe out the whole town in an instant before Kol can kill him.

Thinking of all this, Kol couldn't help but smile subconsciously... he was starting to like this little game. Maybe after all this was over, he should reward this impersonator, whoever he was.



Later that night, Vicki finally regained consciousness. She woke up screaming, "Vampire! Vampire!".

Annabeth had already gone home, but good thing Matt was still here.

He pressed her down and used Telepathy, "No, it wasn't a vampire. You were attacked by... by a jack rabbit that got mutated from an exposed sewer pipe leaking into the woods.", he paused.

After thinking it through, he continued, "The water from that sewer pipe was radioactive because more than 70 percent of the American diet is processed food, so the shit that comes out after digestion is chemically induced shit.".

"Down there in the pipes, all these chemicals are aggregated and mixed to produce a new compound that can mutate animals into ferocious monsters."

It sounded like the plot of a really bad movie, but it could work here.



When Matt was done with Vicki, he flew into the woods, and landed in front of an exposed sewer pipe not far from where Vicki was attacked.

"Squeal! Squeal! Squeal! Squeal!", there was a squealing, struggling jackrabbit in his hand.

Matt waved his other hand at the pipe, "Bang!", removing its cover.

Then he looked at the jackrabbit.

In a white flash of light, the jackrabbit began to change.

It grew taller, more ferocious, struggling harder and harder in his hands, as fangs grew from its mouth, and claws became more deadly.

In the end, it because a three meters tall breast of terror.

"RHEAAAA!!", it made a creepy sound.

Matt instantly used Telepathy on it, making it believe that the sewer pipe was its home and human blood was delicious.

Now sometimes, it would go out hunting near the town, but with a catch.

It had a falw.

Unlike all the other jackrabbits, this big guy wouldn't care to hide its presence.


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