On the summit of Taniquetil, the highest mountain in Arda, was Ilmarin, the palace of Manwei. Today the palace was agitated by the arrival of many important personalities. The Valars and many Eldars came to witness the judgment of Sauron, main calamity of the Second and Third Ages.
12 of the 14 Valars were present today. Yavanna will join them soon with the traitor. As for Aulë, he refused to attend the trial not wanting to see his fallen former disciple.
In the throne room, Manwë and Varda sat on thrones of dazzling beauty. In truth, the entire building was Arda's finest design, showing in its architecture as much beauty and grace as it did power and authority for a divine palace.
Among the guests were also the main rivals of the Dark Lord who caused his defeat. Having recently landed in Valinor they were brought in urgently to witness the last moments of their cursed enemy.
Gandalf the white, new chief of Istari, Elrond, Galadriel and Frodon Sacquet, the first hobbit to have been authorized in Valinor.
Everyone was impatient to attend the judgments, but some people looked worriedly at one of the walls of the room. There, there was a small space, no larger than a door, but which reflected no light. In this frame, was the gateway to nothingness. According to some, if you concentrated enough you could hear Morgoth roar in anger.
The discussions turned into whispers, as the large mithril doors of the palace opened to let the main guest in this trial enter.
The first person to introduce himself was Yavanna. Behind her were many Eldars in heavy armor. In the middle of the group was a Maia dressed in royal garments. His hands and feet were chained and he wore a collar around his neck connected to three sticks which three guards wore to guide the prisoner.
Even chained, Sauron kept a certain presence. Normally, he would never have been able to return to physical form after the destruction of the ring, but Ilmarin was the only place where this rule did not apply. Several Eldars recognized this form, like the one he wore when he was called Annatar.
The procession led his prisoner to the central square of the room. Yavanna went to join the other Valars, while the guards dispersed in a circle around Sauron. The only exception was the three guards who held the restrictive sticks on his collar. They forced the Maia to kneel before its judges.
Herald: Sauron, formerly known as Mairon the Admirable. You have been found guilty of numerous crimes against the sovereignty of the Valars. First of all, you betrayed the Valar Aulë to serve Morgoth as his first lieutenant, during the First Age you faced many times the Noldors and murdered countless number, this act is continued until your recent capture. Then you have ...
Sauron: Stop wasting your saliva. All the acts that I have done and that you see as atrocities, for me, they are my glory.
No one answered the Dark Lord, but many Eldars looked at the Maia with hatred, some Valars and Maias had a sad expression, remembering the being he was before.
Gandalf: Mairon, I remember that in the past you were the best of us. I can't ... I don't want to believe that you've become a power-hungry being.
The fallen Maia turned her gaze to the old man with the white beard. His gaze seemed bored until he saw his little companion. Seeing the semi-man, his eyes widened slightly.
Sauron: Ah, Olórin it's been a long time since I last saw you, or should I call you by your new name, Gandalf the White? Tell me, is the companion next to you the one who wore my ring?
Frodo was frightened by being before him, the creation of the latter had traumatized him for the rest of his life. Seeing his expression, the Dark Lord moved the knife in the wound.
Sauron: You remember him, don't you? Even if it is destroyed, I am sure it occupies all your thoughts. Do you regret having destroyed such a magnificent gift?
Gandalf advanced in front of the hobbit, protecting him like a grandfather would protect his grandson.
Ulmo: Stop spreading your poison, snake. Remember who you are standing in front of.
Turning his gaze to the Valars, the prisoner's expression demonstrated a mixture of hatred and fun. The more he spoke, the more hollow and influential his voice sounded, as if the Dark Lord had never lost his power.
Sauron: ha, ha, ha, Ha, HA, HA! How can I forget who I am in front of? I stand before the Valars, deities who have feared me for thousands of years and for longer than Melkor himself! Beings with much greater power than me, but who never dared to stop me personally. You let me spread death and ruin, not for fear of me, but for the future of your precious Arda. Your actions disgust me, you proclaim yourself as those who protect this world, yet when those who need you, beg your intervention, you sit still and do nothing.
Tulkas: Shut up sneaky, you're not worthy of our leniency. You are nothing before us!
Sauron: Me ... nothing? HAHAHA! I am the shadow you never pay attention to. I am the nightmare that keeps you from sleeping at night. I am the Lord of the Rings. I AM SAURON !!!
Everyone who heard him make this statement felt fear to their bones. Even if he is a prisoner, defeated and weakened, Sauron's pride had not diminished and he will not bow to anyone.
Manwë: Your pride has gone too far, servant of Morgoth. For the crimes you have committed I condemn you to eternal exile in ...
The king of Arda could never finish his sentence, because at that moment, the palace seemed invaded by a somber presence. A heavy atmosphere crashed over the whole building, the sunlight seemed to vanish over the whole island of Valinor and dark smoke spread in the throne room.
Varda: Impossible! It cannot be ...
Manwe: My brother !!!
Smoke spread around Sauron. Suddenly, she violently pushed the soldiers around him, leaving him without a chain or necklace. A dark and inhuman voice spread, leaving the Valars incredulous
Melkor: Speak well my disciple, I was right to choose you and to show you the truth about this world. You did not disappoint me.
Sauron: Master? It's you? I thought you were gone in the Void. How can you interact here?
Melkor: Don't worry disciple, you will soon allow me to take back the throne that is due to me.
At these words, black smoke seeped into Sauron's body. The latter felt the greatest pain of his existence, worse than the destruction of the ring. His mind was fighting against an invader who wanted to take over his existence.
Only one spectator reacts to this event, the others were too shocked to intervene.
Manwë: Never again will you walk on this world, my Brother !!
With a wave of the hand, dozens of lightning fell on the two evil beings. It did not take long for the smoke to disappear and with it the strange phenomena.
To everyone's shock, Sauron had disappeared, many thought that Manwë had caused this event, but seeing his hateful face, they knew they were wrong.
Several Valars immediately made their way to the Voidwalk. Everyone was relieved to feel that Morgoth was still locked up, although his aura was extremely weak. On the other hand, Manwë showed great anger, Sauron had managed to flee before his eyes, right in the center of his territory.
Manwë: I don't care how long it will take, I order all the servants of the Valars to capture and bring me this traitor !!!
Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. What did Melkor try to do to Sauron? You will find out in the next chapter.