the land known as Hell or more commonly to the denizens that live there Sheol.
it is a rough land of darkness and fire a reflection of Heaven and was known as the Greatest Realms in YGGDRASIL....
however, after each exchange after Lucifers and Lilliths fall, the coming gods in sheol fell to heavens armies... after the third great war of the great realms....
Sheol fell from the list, due to their power....
the land of sheol itself is one of variety, great forests of darkness with monstrous entities, to immense deserts, lands of hell fire and underground raveans of magma.... everything was in hell, due to its immense size....
in the middle is the Ribcage of God where the throne of hells god resides... in a show of their past glories.
awaiting for their god to return, for the land and denizens of sheol are feared even today, when they fell from the list.