The palace was a hundred thousand miles long, a hundred thousand miles wide, and a thousand miles tall.
The palace was five-colored. Upon closer inspection, the palace was circular.
Magnificent and mysterious!
From a million miles away, one could feel the terrifying pressure of this palace. The entire world surrounded this palace.
Li Lingtian was shocked. It had been a hundred years since he came to the Five Elements World but this was the first time he had seen such a powerful and domineering palace. He never expected that there would be such a powerful and magical palace in this world.
Fairy Bishui brought him to that palace.
The closer he got, the more oppressive he felt. It was as if the entire world was pressing down on him.
" That's the Five Elements Divine Palace! "
Fairy Jade Water noticed Li Lingtian's shock as she spoke.
Actually, she was just as shocked when she first came here.