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0.35% The Legend of the Kyubi / Chapter 3: I'm the protagonist, right?

Capítulo 3: I'm the protagonist, right?

Naruto opened his eyes, to see his first images in this new world and was surprised to notice how different he felt.

"This place is so pure" - thought Naruto as he curiously observed everything around him.

He remembered that in the original story his parents sacrificed themselves to seal up Kurama inside him, but none of that mattered knowing that everything changed with the events that happened.

Naruto tried to move so that he could better observe the place where he was, but he could not because he was covered with something that prevented him from doing so.

"What's going on?" - He asked himself - "Why isn't anyone around checking my condition?"

He didn't know that while the three souls were merging, his mother and father left him there alone.

This was because Minato, noticing the new appearance of his firstborn, thought the Kyubi had taken over and wanted to kill him so he could avenge his son, but Kushina could not see how her husband was trying to attack her baby.

She knew that something had changed her son, but despite everything, she felt that he was still her son Naruto and not the demon fox.

Naruto was deep in thought until he felt someone enter the place.

She was a nurse, one who anyone could tell for sure was up to no good. This could be seen in her cold, hate-filled gaze, a gaze that presaged only suffering for the newborn.

"It's all your fault, you demon fox!" - cried the nurse as she approached the infant - "If it weren't for you... I wouldn't be suffering like this! If it wasn't for you... I'd have my husband or my father!"

The nurse was giving him an increasingly wild and unhinged look, to the point that Naruto was afraid to see those eyes full of madness and desire for revenge.

"You may have been Yondaime-sama's son, but we all know he no longer exists... all because you devoured him to live..." - The nurse had come to the little Uzumaki's bed and caressed his cheek, just to give him a little scratch - "So small... so fragile... and yet so full of evil and hate..."

Baby Naruto could only cry from the pain.

"Easy Midori" - said the nurse now called Midori to herself - "We can make him suffer slowly for all the damage and lives he destroyed"

Naruto was so scared that his diaper needed at least 10 changes.

"I'm the protagonist, aren't I?!" - cried young Uzumaki in his thoughts - "I should survive somehow! Plot Armor, Protagonist Aura or something else!"

"Well... I'd better get this over with quickly" - said Midori coldly - "Because if I don't do it now, I won't be able to do it later..."

"From what I hear, Kushina-sama doesn't want to see this freak die" - mumbled the nurse - "She still thinks this thing is her son..."

Naruto still didn't understand why all this was happening.

"Poor woman" - sighed Midori - "Giving birth to her son, only to lose him almost at the same time"

The nurse's words echoed inside the newborn - "Why does this crazy woman say my parents lost their child?!"

"The positive side of all this, is that Yondaime-sama gave me permission to take revenge on you," smiled the nurse. "If it weren't for Minato-sama, I couldn't have entered this place so easily"

Naruto was shocked to say little, he couldn't believe Midori's words.

His father... His father wanted to kill him!

"How did this happen?!" - thought young Naruto - "Didn't Minato in the original play love Naruto to the point of leaving a fragment of his soul in the seal so he could protect it in case the Kyubi escaped?! How come he wants to kill me now?!"

"Well Demon Fox Bye Bye" - said the nurse while making a Chakra Scalpel, but before he could continue, a great thirst for blood invaded the room.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU TRYING TO DO TO MY SOSHI, BITCH?!" - Kushina couldn't believe that while she was arguing with her husband, this... woman... was trying to kill her baby.

Kushina was furious that she had said so little and now she was about to prove her motive by earning the nickname Re Hot-Blooded Habanero.

"Ku..Ku...Kushina-sama?!" - shouted the nurse with fear - "What are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be with Yondaime-sama discussing what to do with the freak... I say, baby?"

"I felt something strange was going on so I came running over to make sure my baby was okay and look what I found..." - Kushina's anger was getting worse and worse - "But well... could you tell me what gave you the courage to try and kill my little boy?"

The nurse right now was as white as the Sannin Renegade.

"I'm sure there's someone behind all this" - continued the redhead with a squinted look.

"I don't know what Kushina-sama is talking about" - answered Midori - "I did all this by my own decision"

Kushina's eyes narrowed even more when she heard this.

"T-The Kyubi killed my husband and father" - continued the nurse - "And I wanted revenge"

"Hmm, I see..." - Kushina replied with a cool look - "Then it won't be a problem if I take you to the investigation and torture department"

"K-Kushina-sama! Th-That's not necessary!" - shouted Midori as her face turned whiter and whiter - "I told you it's a personal matter!"

Midori tried every way she could to tell her there was no one behind her actions but Kushina turned a deaf ear to every word she said.

Kushina didn't seem to care who the person responsible was, because she would punish him no matter who he was.

Slowly Kushina walked towards the paralyzed nurse, but before she could continue, a voice stopped her.

"Enough Kushi-chan!" - Minato said from the corridor - "It's obvious you just want to take it out on the poor nurse! Understand that she lost her loved ones too!"

"Are you crazy Minato?!" - shouted Kushina furiously - "She tried to kill my Sochi, your so...!"

But she couldn't finish because she heard Minato's cold words - "THAT'S NOT MY SON!"

Kushina could not believe her ears, Minato, her husband and the love of her life, said some words that hurt her more than the extraction of the Bijuu itself.

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!" - Kushina shouted to Minato with tears in her eyes - "You're the one who said 'let's seal the Kyubi in Naruto, so we can save the village'! How can you say that to Naruto, your son?!"

"I already told you that that's not my son, it can't possibly be my descent!" Minato replied with a firm tone.

Kushina could only feel her world falling apart.

She didn't know what to do.

Her husband said it in a tone that left no doubt that it was his last word.

"If that is what you think, Minato, no, Namikaze-sama... then there is nothing left for me to do but take my son and go back to Uzushiogakure" - with nothing more to say Kushina took Naruto and headed for the door with a neutral expression, but if you looked closely, you would notice that she was holding back her tears.

"Kushi-chan?! Are you saying you're going to side with that demon and not me, your husband?!" - Minato shouted with a face of disbelief that quickly turned to rage.

He sensed that the demon was using some sort of Genjutsu on his wife.

Kushina walked on without looking back as the tears began to stream down her cheeks.

She heard Minato scream at her, but continued to walk not only for her but for her baby as well.

Naruto did not know how to react.

He did not understand how all this happened, well, at least until he saw his reflection as he was carried by his mother.

His hair had gone from the blond he knew to a reddish-orange color like Kurama's fur. His eyes were different colors, one blue like the sky and one red like blood. The whiskers on his cheeks were gone, but now he had two fox ears on the top of his head and a small fluffy tail on his rear.

Naruto did not understand how these features had been overlooked, but now everything was clear. He understood that his new appearance was the cause of this misunderstanding and he understood Minato's posture, but that did not mean that he forgave the blond man. He held a grudge against Minato, but not because of him, but because of his mother.

Naruto could see how the redhead walked with heavy steps, how the tears didn't stop running, how she did everything she could not to stop and scream out all her pain.

"I'm sorry..." - thought the infant - "I'm sorry you went through all this because of me... but I promise to protect you so you'll never cry again... Kaasan..."

Upon leaving the hospital, Kushina headed straight for her home, her soon-to-be former home, so that she could get what she needed for her journey.

"Calm down my little Naruto" - said Kushina in a motherly voice - "I'll never leave you alone"

She quickly took a tent, cooking utensils, clothing and supplies needed for the trip, put them in her storage seal and left the house.

Kushina was aware of the dangers to reach her destination, but she could not let Naruto grow up in Konoha.

In his current form, everyone would rush to kill the poor infant and she could not bear to see him hurt.

"Come on Sochi, we have a long journey to Uzushiogakure," said Kushina softly. " It will be a somewhat difficult journey but we will be safe there"

As Naruto could not yet speak, he did the only thing he could to cheer up his mother, he gave her a little smile that slightly cheered up the sad mother.

"Thank you little one," smiled Kushina as she kissed him on the forehead.

After leaving the house, Kushi went directly to say goodbye to his old friend Mikoto, his disciples Kurenai and Yugao. She told them that one day she would return to the village.

Kushina would not lie, she was sad to be separated from them, but she knew that if she stayed in Konoha, everything would be much worse.

As she walked towards the exit of Konoha, she saw a young woman with light brown eyes, purple hair tied in a ponytail.

She was alone while being harassed by a crowd.

Kushina recognized her at once, she was none other than a trembling Anko.

The young Anko Mitarashi was the student of the now renegade Sannin Orochimaru.

As she was the student of a traitor, everyone treated her like dirt. Insults rained down on her as well as beatings, there were times when they even tried to rape her, but miraculously she was able to escape.

Kushina could no longer see what was happening so he turned to the purple-haired girl as he unleashed a murderous aura on all those around her.

Anko didn't know what was happening, so she could only look up and see Kushina approaching her.

"Hey, young lady, why do you let them do all that to you?" - Kushina asked young Anko, who could only reply in a sad tone - "If I fight back, they'll call in some ninjas, and if they come, I might end up losing my purity."

Anko was scared more than anything of that.

After feeling her teacher's betrayal and the hatred against her, she hoped to find someone who would love her.

She couldn't bring herself to agree with those who insulted her and treated her like a whore.

Kushina could see how the young woman was shaking, so he gave her a little smile - "Tell me, young lady..."

"You may already know, but my name is Anko... Anko Mitarashi" - said the young Anko who was still scared.

"Well Anko-chan, my name is Kushina Uzumaki and I'm heading to Uzushiogakure. Would you like to come with me and leave your sadness behind?" - Kushina asked with a smile as he gave the young girl his free hand.

Anko was surprised that the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero was asking if he would like to accompany her.

To tell you the truth, she didn't want to suffer in Konoha anymore, but she stood her ground because she wanted to tell everyone that she was not just Orochimaru's student. She was a Kunoichi of Konohagakure, but Kushina's offer was tempting.

Kushina only looked at the young purple-haired kunoichi trying to come up with an answer. She wanted to leave Konoha quickly but could not leave a young woman alone who might suffer more than just physical injuries.

"I accept Kushina-sama," the purple-haired young woman replied.

"Good, Anko-chan! But just call me Kushina because the "sama" makes me feel old" - said a smiling Kushina - "We'd better go to your home and get the necessary things for the journey"

When he finished talking, Anko went home with Kushina following him.

After all their preparations were complete, the two kunoichis set off for the exit of Konoha where a serious-looking Minato found them.

"H-Hokage-sama?!" - Anko exclaimed in mild fear as she hid behind the redhead.

Minato only saw her for a few moments before nodding and then looking at his wife.

"Kushi-chan don't be fooled by that demon... that's not our son," said the Yondaime with an almost painful expression.

"I'm sorry, Namikaze-sama... Could you please let us pass? We want to advance enough to reach our destination as soon as possible..." - replied Kushina with a cold look.

Minato couldn't take this anymore and exploded - "KUSHINA THAT'S NOT OUR SON!"


"KUSHINA IF YOU GO WITH THAT, I WON'T CONSIDER YOU MY WIFE ANYMORE! NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, YOU'LL ONLY BE KUSHINA UZUMAKI!" - ended Minato, giving his ultimatum. That said, he walked in the opposite direction but not without looking back in hopes that his wife would awaken, but his anger grew when he realized that he did not get what he wanted, he only got a woman full of sadness and loneliness who was heading for the gates of the village.

That was the moment he knew he had lost his wife, the woman he had always loved and might never get back. He could only watch as she slowly drifted away, unable to do anything.

"Come on Anko-chan," said Kushina in a soulless voice as a sad young Anko followed close behind.

Already far from the village, Kushina could not hold back her cries, tears welling up as if rain were falling from the sky while infant Naruto could only watch her in anguish.

"I swear mother that I will do my best not to see you cry... and if it happens... I promise to make the person or persons responsible pay" - said young Naruto to himself mentally.

The infant could only use his little hand to tell his mother that he would be with her forever.

Kushina seemed to get the message, but she would not deny that she was surprised that her son understood the situation. For a moment she thought it was the Kyubi, but she quickly dismissed that idea, for she knew that the demon fox knew only negative emotions.

Anko could finally see little Naruto and when she saw those fox ears sticking out of his head she thought it was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

"Aww~ how sweet~" - said the purple-haired girl as she gently squeezed the baby's ears, making Naruto shudder.

"How cute, come, Foxy-chan... come with your Anko Onee-chan" - said Anko as she tried to take baby Naruto.

Kushina could only smile as she listened to Anko and watched Naruto try to escape - "Ara? My little Naruto's not even a week old and he already has a girlfriend?"

"Abu" - babbled young Uzumaki as he watched his mother laugh. He was happy his mother finally came to her senses.

"Ara? Foxy-chan, if you want to have a relationship with me, then you have to treat me well~" - said Anko with a happy voice as she continued to stroke Naruto's foxy ears.

"It seems that the trip won't be so boring," though Kushina as she watched Naruto do his best to try to escape Anko's hands.

So the days passed for the three of them until they reached Uzushiogakure.

Uzushiogakure was a beautiful and prosperous village that was recognized by everyone in the shinobi world, but many feared its power. Their strength was such that only 100 Uzumakis could stand up to 10,000 ninjas, all thanks to the power of the Seals. This potential brought four of the five great elemental nations together with the sole purpose of destroying them, but it did not go well.

While they won, they had to pay the price for their shares. Over ninety percent of the ninja sent out never returned, and the surviving Uzumakis had to find another refuge.

The allied nations destroyed all of Uzushiogakure, but they were unable to take the Uzukage mansion, as it was protected by a very powerful Fuinjutsu that could only be opened by an Uzumaki descendant.

The enemy Ninjas did not learn of this, until after the battle was over and the surviving Uzumakis had left the village. Unwilling to continue, the ninja left Uzushiogakure, which still maintains that post-war state.

Going back to the beginning, we see Kushina with Naruto in his arms and Anko following them as they walk through the ruins of the Land of Whirlpool.

Kushina had a sad face when he saw the state of his home village, but she quickly put it aside. This was not the time to drown in grief over the state of Uzushiogakure. She now had a son to care for and rebuild the Uzumaki clan could wait.

"It's big..." - Anko muttered as he saw the large mansion in front of her.

"Go back a bit," said Kushina as she bit off a finger to make it bleed and make a seal. Slowly, a hole formed in the barrier, showing the entrance to the mansion.

"Anko-chan, take this Uzumaki amulet, with it, you can go in and out of this barrier" - said Kushina to a very hyperactive Anko who just wanted to go in and investigate.

"Hai~ Kushina-san!" - replied an Anko who was already about to explode with excitement

"Ara~ Ara~ Anko-chan's in high spirits, isn't it, Naruto?" - said Kushina with a smile on her face.

"Abu~" - replied Little Uzumaki, bringing an even happier smile to Kushina's face.

"My little Naruto, here we will continue our life," said Kushina. "When you turn eight, we will return to Konoha.

"?" - Naruto gave him a confused look.

"It's so you can get into the ninja academy" - smiled the redhead - "I know you can understand me and the situation we're in, I don't know how but I guess someday you'll tell me"

"You may not want to have any relationship with Konohagakure, but I want you to remember that you were born in that village," the woman continued, though her face showed various emotions.

Kushina started singing to little Uzumaki, who began to close his eyelids to the sound of the lullaby - "Sleep my baby, tomorrow will be a new day"

Kushina, seeing Naruto's calm face in his sleep, couldn't stop thinking that what he did was the right thing to do.

Her baby is not the demon fox, her child is not a weapon.

And so, days became weeks, weeks became months and months became years, four years later.

Here we see a child with orange-red hair, long up to the elbows, with two fox ears coming out from the top of his head and eyes of different colors, one red and the other blue. He was wearing a kimono of the same color as his hair, and for his size, you could tell that he was 6 years old, although he was only 4 years old.

Despite his young age, he had a mature air around him and his different colored eyes gave him a wild and untamed look. If someone were to measure his chakra, they would be surprised at how huge it was, although if they knew his origin, they probably wouldn't, as he is one with the Kyubi no Yoko.

Since he has been able to communicate, he had been asking Kushina to teach him chakra training, as he was aware that the official training, started at the age of 5.

If he did it before, it could affect his growth and well, I think nobody would like to be called shorty, wouldn't they?

Naruto was finishing his daily meditation and was thinking of going to Kushina to ask him if he could finally train. His body was comparable to a six-year-old, but before he could continue, he slowed down because he felt the presence of someone familiar.

"Foxy-kun~ comes with your super sexy Anko-chan~" - could be heard approaching a happy Anko Mitarashi, who has been living with them since they left Konoha. Maybe it's for the change of life or better nutrition, but Anko was a little more developed than in the Original Work.

Naruto wasted no time in hiding. Not that Naruto didn't enjoy Anko's settlements he felt like he was in paradise, but his fox ears couldn't stand the 'training' of the purple-haired girl.

"Foxy-kun~ if you don't show up~ you'll get an even worse punishment~" - Naruto knew that this 'punishment' would be a continuous journey between heaven and hell.

The young Uzumaki tried to sneak away as quietly as possible, but Karma is a bitch because when he stepped back, he didn't notice and stepped on some leaves - "I'm fucked"

"I~found~ you~!" - said Anko as he caught the hairdresser.

"AOW" - and that's when the howl of pleasure from the young Uzumaki Fox was heard since his ears are his most sensitive point.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Clarification: Anko is not a Shotacon, she just enjoys seeing Naruto's expressions when he's teased.

Secondly, that's Anko's way of being, flirtatious with a slight touch of seduction while talking but at the same time sadistic, that's why she enjoys teasing the protagonist.

I'm clarifying this because I've received comments on this subject and it was better to make it clear. She is like those aunts who always teased their nephews when they were children, the ones who pinched their cheeks and talked as if they were babies, only she takes it a little further, not to mention that even though he has a mental age of 12, his body has not developed its sexual capacity so something like this can't happen.

Second, that they sleep together or bathe together has nothing to do with it, since this is normal since we have all gone through similar situations, the only difference between those situations and this one, is that the protagonist of this story is aware of the differences between men and women, thanks to his mental age. Remember that he was 'born' with 8 years of experience even though he does not remember them very well.

GenoXX GenoXX

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And if you understand Spanish, you can read my second story or the original version of this

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