Slapping David didn't make him keep quiet, instead, David didn't stop smiling, gazing at him like he was stupid.
Alan felt something was wrong, but he couldn't say exactly what is.
"Young master, we should just check his ring and if he doesn't have it, he will be free right?" Gordorf frowned slightly as he said this. He only agreed to capture David since the young master said he would only check his storage ring and return it soon after.
David turned towards Gordorf, slightly surprised. "I thought you were stupid but it turns out you are just naive. Do you think he will let me live even if he doesn't find the key he's searching for?"
"I said shut up!"
David's neck snapped to the side and his figure flickered like a hologram. The young master's face changed slightly when he saw this.
"What's this?" he immediately stretched his hands and grabbed at David's ring. But while David's hands seem real, the ring on his hand wasn't.
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