It was as though he had been slammed by a moving train. His body was catapulted away like a ragdoll, slamming into the ground and then bouncing agasint the ground befoes the kinetic energy finally faded away.
The last person was momentarily shocked, but he was able to react very quickly.
Withiut using hand seals, he directed a large amount of mental energy outwards and the a large reddish Jaws appeared in mid-air, slamming towards David.
Hmph! David didn't bother to dodge. He sent his right fist that was already injured towards the large jaws.
The air distorted and David's face twitched from the pain but it was as though he couldn't feel anything from the pain.
He grabbed the young man by the shoulders and his jaws opened wide revealing sharp rowas of teeth and two huge canine.
Without warning, David directly bit at the young man's neck.
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