Jiang Ying Yue's eyes shot open, "Excuse me?!!"
She was actually... a really stupid woman.
And besides that, she was incredibly clumsy-- all the time.
But, so what?! She was good at fighting! That was more than enough!!
She grabbed onto her sword hilt and widened her stance, "I'll show you!!"
Before she could show Krysaos how smart she was... she was blinded by a bright, gleaming smile.
It was like the moonlight shone directly on the sailor's face, making all his teeth sparkle...
"Oh, come on," He chuckled. "I'm sure you got lotttts of good traits~"
"I uh..." Ying Yue gulped as she spun around, giving Krysaos her back, "I've been called worse."
That man had a... very handsome smile. It made her think that... maybe he wasn't so villainous.
Attractive people can't be bad guys.
"I'm... really smart," Yue grumbled to herself.
It was a lie... but saying it out loud made her feel a little better.
Ying Yue - “This isn’t what it looks like!”
Tycon - “Brother-Krysaos, you should really keep your philandering to your off-time.”
Krysaos - “LT, stop staring and FRickin’ help me!”