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83.81% My Self-Insert Stash / Chapter 409: My SI Stash #9 - Across The Way by Victortoery12 (DxD)

Capítulo 409: My SI Stash #9 - Across The Way by Victortoery12 (DxD)

-One of da dudes powers is save states, in DxD! Nuff said~

Synopsis: An SI born to the Agares family. A DxD SI/OC that will feature multi-cross.

Rated: M

Words: 33K

Posted on: (Victortoery12)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

I admired my blond-haired, pink-eyed, handsome self in the mirror while drifting in idle thought.

There were limits to the amount of energy a structure could withstand.

My house in Kouh wasn't made to withstand the amount of energy I was outputting during my daily training.

Had I not been cheap this probably wouldn't have been a problem, but as it was the house was near collapse and I'd probably have to have a new one built.

My desire not to burden the clan made me a burden...

"Hehe..." I let out a humorless chuckle and migrated into the living room.

Devil construction in the DXD-Verse only took a few minutes but was costly and only reserved for the pillar families or those who were extremely wealthy.

The clan wouldn't have a problem with the price but the elders would on my tail about wasting resources.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of another lambasting from the elders.

As weak as the elders were, they sure knew how to drive someone to suicide through disgustingly boring speech.

I huffed in amusement and went about gathering my uniform, as I had to arrive early, so I could make a good impression.

Or so I was told...

I doubted the queens of Kouh would be happy about another Devil infringing on their territory despite our friendship. A good impression wasn't likely to matter.

"Restore State." I shrugged and with a wave of my hand the house was tidy, everything had 'reset' to the state is was in earlier this morning.

Dishes were in the cupboards, food was uneaten in the fridge, and my clothes were off my body and back on the couch where I had left them yesterday...

"Fuck..." That was almost a cool moment.

But I bumbled it...


"Good to see you Sona." I gave her my best cheery smile.

She didn't seem to apricate my effort as her gaze was still impassive.

"Surnothal Agares, your late." Her face remained impassive.

I was ten minutes early...

"I ran into a black cat and had to take an alternate route, I wouldn't want to start my first day of school with bad luck, now would I?" I ignored her frown and kept my cheery smile. "How about I make it up to you?"

I winked at her while ignoring the disapproving gaze her black-haired queen was giving me.

"I'll fix anything around the school that needs fixing." I continued before she could speak. "And kill anyone that needs killing!" I smiled a little too widely and with a little too many teeth.

Sona's passive expression broke and she scrunched her nose in distaste.

"I'll be sure contact you should I have something that needs 'fixing' or 'killing'." She held a folder out to me

"Excellent!" I took the folder from her hand. "I look forward to our jolly cooperation!" I opened the folder and absently browsed it while mentally debating whether to leave the room or to continue the conversation.

I was put into the second-year and not the third year like Rias and Sona even though we were similar ages, it was a little insulting.

But that was probably the point.

"Do you have any candidates for your peerage?" Sona took the choice to retreat from me.

I shrugged. "Yes." But I wasn't interested in sharing.

Sona frowned at my answer, she seemed to have wanted more so I obliged.

"I've gotten a queen already, I'm just waiting on her training to finish." Not that the training would be that useful, Etiquette wasn't all that useful to any of my goals.

"It's been a pleasure, but I've got to pay my respects to Rais before she seeks me out and causes a scene." Sona nodded and started towards the door, I let Tsubaki go ahead of me and trialed behind the duo as they left the room.


"Rias, good to see you." I nodded at her. "Seek told me to say hi as well."

Rias smiled and nodded back. "She's doing well?" I smiled wearily in response.

"She's been better, the elders are on her case right now. They don't like that the Spare is stronger than the Heir." Rias nodded sympathetically, while I smirked. "She's been working on a space-fairing Mobile Armor though." Against the wishes of our parents and the elders who didn't want their heir 'wasting time'...

"Have your eyes on any of the students here?" I said trying to weasel information out of her.

Rias smiled enigmatically but didn't answer.

I rolled my eyes as I already knew who she was after, her silence meant nothing.

"Do you or Sona want those Fallen in the church taken care of?" Rias shook her head causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"We don't want to start a conflict, so we're observing them for now." I nodded and was about to speak when the bell interrupted me.

Ring* Ring* Ring*

"Seems like it's time to go." I started towards the double doors, as I wasn't eager to earn Sona's ire on the first day.

It wasn't wise to be late on the first day.


Classes were boring, as most learning that was forced upon you was.

It was nice to have a refresher after twenty-five-plus years of being out of human school, but I wouldn't waste my time here had I not had an interest in the 'plot'.

Not that DxD was plot filled...

"Sigh..." I sighed quietly and ripped my eraser into smaller pieces.

I took one of the pieces and flicked it, nailing a chubby boy in the back of the head.


"OW! Who did that!" He shouted drawing the attention of the entire class.

I smirked but quickly put on a look of confusion.

I didn't realize he was one of the 'Perverted Trio'...

He looked around for a moment before huffing and sitting back down with a look of annoyance on his face.

I rolled a hunk of eraser between my fingers while choosing my next target, Kiba looked like he could use some excitement in his life...

With a smile, I flicked the eraser chunk at him.

Thunk* Thunk*

It bounced off his head and hit a second student with its ricochet.

Kiba didn't react but the other student gave the students behind him a mean stare.

When he turned around, I smiled to myself as I had found something to entertain myself with.

Was it wrong to bully the hapless humans?


Was it fun?


With a smile, I grabbed another chunk of eraser and started rolling it between my fingers.

I should probably stop so I don't get caught...

But a little mind magic could ensure my escapades lasted for as long as I wanted...



I leaned into my armchair and with a snap of my fingers, time was reversed and my uniform was neatly folded on the couch leaving myself bare, only covered in underwear.

"Sigh..." I leaned deeper into the chair and tried to mentally prepare myself for the 'night' ahead.

I took a deep breath and became surrounded by magic circles baring the Agares crest.

"Temporal Lock." I 'locked' my consciousness outside of time and thus it was no longer affected by it.

"Temporal Loop." My body and soul were put into a time loop, renewing any energy spent and essentially giving me infinite Magical and Physical power while Temporal Lock stopped me from looping and losing my memories.

Every five seconds I 'looped' essentially giving myself infinite power.

"Quick Time Bubble." My Demonic Power was sapped and replaced in quick succession while I poured my power into the bubble.

The house and its surroundings were separated from the local time stream and time was sped up within the bubble.

I made sure to put enough power into the spell to last for a week or one night in 'earth time'.

I stopped feeding the spell and dropped the Time Loop.

Time powers were bullshit...

With that final thought, I returned my consciousness, and thus I was once again vulnerable to the passage of time...

And what a thought that was...

With sufficient power, Time was your bitch.

Time was easy to manipulate so long as you set a boundary or whatever you were manipulating was inorganic.

Anything outside of that required an insane amount of power...

Which was available with lots of temporal cheating...

It didn't make sense but it didn't need to, when 'imagination' was the only limit to what you could do, it didn't matter how time was supposed to work. Time worked however the hell you wanted it to with sufficient power...

'Time powers were bullshit...' I mentally repeated.


I clapped to get myself back on track.

It was time for my 'nightly' training...


School once a week was easily more tolerable than school every day.

If I didn't feel like being alone for a week, I'd still give myself two or three days off of school each night.

"Hmmm..." I nodded as I thought that was ideal.

"What's on your mind Surn-kun?" Rias pursed her lips and blinked innocently at me.

I rolled my eyes at her and didn't answer.

"Awww, don't be like Surn-Kun." She pouted at me while continuing to blink innocently.

I blew an amused breath from my nose and leaned deeper into her couch.

"I was just thinking about my queen, she should be arriving any day now." I said with a fond smile.

Rias looked interested as did her queen who was standing behind her.

"What's her name?" Rias continued to blink at me.

I rolled my ankles and scrunched my toes in preparation for my retreat.

"Her name is Valerie Tepes." I rolled my neck and shoulders.

I stood and gave the king and queen a cheery wave.

"It's been nice, but I'm heading home." Akeno's purple eyes met my pink ones and she smiled.

It wasn't a friendly smile, so I decided I was indeed right in retreating.

"Bye, see you tomorrow." Rias smiled and gave me a wave of her own.

I nodded. "See you tomorrow." I returned Rias's farewell and retreated.

With a final cheery wave, a magic circle appeared beneath me and I was whisked away in a flash of light.


I wasn't too sure what I should be doing, other than training and waiting for my queen to arrive.

My mother had abducted her for 'Etiquette' training, I thought I'd have her to myself but mother kidnaped her and was now training her to be a 'proper queen'.

So, no Sephiroth Graal for Surnothal Agares...

It took so much planning and effort to kidnap Valerie and my mother went and kidnapped her in return...


I winced at the sudden headache.

"Sigh..." I kicked my shoes off and pushed myself deeper into my armchair.

I had done a lot of planning and built up a lot of momentum but then mother went and screwed everything up.

How was I supposed to be mysterious and powerful when my mother could come and ruin my plans whenever she pleased...?

I had a very short amount of time I could use to exploit my 'canon knowledge' and mother was screwing me over...

I had the Graal in my hands and then I didn't...

"Ahhhh..." I stared at the ceiling and groaned.

Gimme my grail...


Dammit, he stabbed me in the back...

"DIE, SHITTY DEVIL!" I ignored the exorcist's insane screaming and dodged a swing of his Light Sword.

I stumbled upon him murdering a family, I had intended on leaving and pretending nothing happened but he wouldn't get off my case and visited my home the next morning to kill me.

"DIE!" I sidestepped a flurry of Light Bullets and telekinetically ripped the Light Gun out of his hands before he could continue his barrage.

"Die, shitty bastard Devil!" He jumped at me and swung the Light Sword at me.

Finally tiring of his screaming, I pointed my index finger at my mid-air enemy and curled it, snapping his neck with telekinesis.

He landed in a heap in front of me and I got a closer look at his face.

I just screwed the plot.

"Ahhh..." I facepalmed and groaned into my hand.

Why was the exorcist so annoying...?

I wouldn't have killed him had he been sane and not annoying...


I barged into the Occult Research Club with a cheerful smile on my face.

"Rias look at what I've got." I waved my newly acquired Light Sword around, horrifying the surrounding Devils.

"Where did you get that!?"

I ignored Rias shouting for a moment and twirled the Light Sword around.

"I met a nice guy named Freed who was in the middle of eviscerating a family." I nodded to myself while ignoring Rias's gasp.

"He had a Light Sword and I didn't, I couldn't let that stand so I killed him and took it for myself." I gave the Sword a little wave.

"I told you we were observing the church!" Rias yelled at me looking indignant.

I rolled my eyes and let the Light Sword extinguish.

"I never went near the church." I jabbed the handle of the Light Sword into my chest causing Rias to flinch. "The Fallen won't care about one exorcist they have like twenty there." I slid the Light Sword into my pocket. "Besides, why are you so angry." I smiled menacingly at her.

Rias scowled at me but didn't speak.

"Truthfully I wouldn't have bothered had the guy not chased me down the street." I would have left him to his own devices but he stabbed me in the back and then chased me while I tried to lose him so he could be spared...

He annoyed the wrong person...

"Anyways, it's been fun but it's nearly time for class." I pointed to the clock, which exposed my lie as it wasn't anywhere near time for class.

"Cya!" I waved and made my dramatic exit to avoid questions.


I was perched on the roof of the school and watching the perverted Trio as they were savagely beaten by the Kendo club.

Was this the start of canon?

Or was this just the usual 'Perverted Trio Beating'?

The kendo club relented after releasing their wrath and left the comically twitching, beaten, and bruised trio on the ground.

"Hmmm..." I hummed and rubbed my chin.

There wasn't much for me to do, other than creep on Rias and co.

I could try and figure out how the Fallen were extracting Sacred Gear's...

But I didn't have any intentions of messing with my soul beyond the use of the Sephiroth Graal...

And Sacred Gear transferring probably entailed soul shenanigans...

Ring* Ring* Ring*

The trio collected themselves and started limping towards the school as lunch was over and it was time for forced learning.

I turned and my eyes met Rias's who had been making her way into the school.

"Sigh..." Troublesome...

I just needed to mind my business for a little longer, at least until Valerie got here...

Then I could see what the grail could do...

It seemed to do whatever canon wanted it to do, and hopefully, that applied in this universe...

Time would tell...


I was quite close to my goal of removing my weaknesses and strengthening myself with the Sephiroth Graal.

And now I was feeling slightly empty and bored.

I've spent years working my way up to Ultimate Class and was close to using grails bullshit powers so I could jump into Super Class or whatever it was called...

But I've never felt emptier and more alone.

Achieving my long-sought goals seemed to be more of a detriment and less of a boon.

What would I do when I didn't have to train anymore?

Would I indulge in women?

I doubted it.

Maybe I'd make the world a better place?


The Oppai Dragon would probably do that for me, I didn't know, I wasn't an avid Dxd fan...

What would I do when my only goal was accomplished?

I've been striving for power since birth, and soon I'd get that power...

But then what would I make of my life...?

Would I just exist for thousands of years?

That's what most of the Devils did...

"What am I going to do...?" I asked the air, begging for an answer of some kind.

Sadly, no answer came.


My moment of existential crisis was interrupted by a flash of light, signaling the arrival of a Devil.

The light faded and I was left staring into Valerie's dull eyes.

"Valerie good to see you." Valerie nodded mechanically which put a frown on my face.

I could have saved her, had I acted sooner...

I pushed the unpleasant feeling in my gut down and tried my best to ignore it.

"How was your 'training'?" I asked as Valerie hadn't spoken.

She smiled for a moment but the smile faded and her usual blank look returned.

"It was nice." Her voice was a soft monotone, and it made my chest feel heavy.

I took a deep breath trying to rid myself of the feeling.

"That's good, I'm happy it went well." I smiled at her and she tried to smile back, but her smile was stiff and fake.

The feeling was back and my chest felt heavy again.

"Come sit, I want to try something." I moved over to the couch and patted the cushion beside mine.

Valerie obliged and took a seat next to me.

"Alright, let's see how this goes..." I took a deep breath through my nose and opened my mouth.

"Temporal Lock." My consciousness was 'locked' outside of time. "Temporal Loop." My body and soul were put into a time loop.

I placed both my hands on either side of Valerie's head, magic circles appeared and hovered above the back of my hand.

"Restore State." A spell made to return anything living or non-living to their optimum state in time.

My mana was drained and I stared into Valerie's eyes, noting that they were still blank.

Of course, it wasn't that easy.

"Mind Restore." A spell made to restore memories. The memories are restored to the point that its as if they never lost them in the first place

Valerie's eyes were still blank and the little hope I had for an easy solution shriveled and curled into itself in a corner in my mind.

"Future Past." The spell returns an object, person, or place to its 'future' state.

I let the spell drain my energy for a few minutes before stopping.

Valerie's body physically aged before me and her eyes regained some 'light' but I could tell it was next to nothing.

Prolonged use of the spell might help her, but it would also age her.

"Hmmm..." I hummed and mentally ran through my repertoire of Time Bullshit.

I could 'rewind' her 'time' but she would lose her memories, there was also no grantee that her soul would be affected...

I didn't want that...

At least not yet...

"Temporal Lock." I 'locked' her consciousness. "Temporal Healing." A spell made to heal, by rewinding time to erase the damage from existence.

Valerie's Queen Piece rocketed out of her and hit me in the chest while her body visibly shrunk in a matter of seconds, and the light visibly returned to her eyes.

I paused the spell. "Do you have your memories?" Valerie's eyes watered and she smiled while nodding.

With a nod of my own I continued my work.

My chest didn't feel heavy anymore.

The power of good deeds?


I blew a breath out of my nose and focused on my spells.


aweirdweeb aweirdweeb

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