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92.85% Yami : The Gamer Kage {Complete} / Chapter 26: The End 1

Capítulo 26: The End 1

"I cannot," Itachi replied, "since you seem to be well informed I'll tell you this...Pain, the leader of the Akatsuki, is planning something big. He requires all the bijuu to do it. I cannot leave until every single member is stopped."

"Then it looks like I have another mission," I sighed.


Quest Alert!

Defeat the Akatsuki! (1/9)







Do you accept?


I selected yes and dismissed the box.

"You cannot just destroy nine S rank level ninjas," Itachi replied.

I shrugged, "I already killed one so far. What's another eight? Either way I need to kill them," I turned to Hashirama, "what do you think?"

"Kind of blunt, but I like it!" Hashirama grinned.

"If you need anything summon us," Tobirama replied before dismissing himself, returning to the coffin and deactivating.

"Do you have the locations of all members?" Minato asked.

Itachi looked at him for a moment before turning to me, "why are you so set on bringing me back home?"

"You are a great ninja, you have sacrificed so it really surprising I want you rewarded for your actions?" I asked.

"You flatter me," Itachi sighed.

"Oh no, he doesn't give you enough justice if anything," Hashirama laughed, "you're a much greater ninja than me, that's for sure!"

"If you are going to do this...then you will need my help," Itachi replied, "even you can't take one eight of them alone...especially Pain."

"Please," I grinned, "I already have the perfect plan to get rid of them all. But...I wouldn't say no to help."

"I see...very well," Itachi threw a seal at me, "use that to contact me once your current mission is finished, as I understand it, you have one final base of Orochimaru's to destroy."

"One final one?" I raised an eyebrow, "I thought I got them all."

"No, not quite. There is a secret base he kept in Grass, in Kusa. It was a base he alone used and no one else. He once tried to lure me into is located in the woods somewhere, unfortunately I don't know any other details."

I nodded, "right then, thanks for the details," I put the envelope away and smiled, "Sasuke's going to flip."

"No...don't tell him."

I snorted, "oh please, and why shouldn't I?"

"I...I need him to hate me," Itachi replied, "he has too...if he doesn't, then he'll remain weka."

"That is a very depressing way to look about like Itachi," Minato replied with sad eyes, " can become strong without being depressed you know."

"I know," Itachi smiled, "but...I don't think I deserve the love Sasuke has for me...not after what I did."

"Maybe he should decide for himself, yes?" I asked.

"...Very well...if you feel it best, tell him," and with that, he vanished.

"What a strange guy," Hashirama whistled as we felt Itachi's chakra signature get further and further away.

"That he is," I sighed, "anyway...Akatsuki is going to make their move soon. My sources speculate as much. If they go by order they'll attack Suna first, then Kumo before trying to come after Yagura again, now that they know he's alive."

"Do you have a plan for that?" Minato asked.

I nodded, "yup. First we get rid of the last base of Orochimaru, then we target the members of the Akatsuki. I'm guessing we lay in wait for the one's going after Gaara. Hm...maybe I should send a message to Kumo to watch out...yeah, could be worth something."

"I see, then what about Madara?" Hashirama asked.

"If he catches wind of our plans? Then we'll be in danger...but I don't think it'll be too much of a hassle as it is right now," I sighed, "honestly though, the guy is so lame...I mean, he isn't even the true enemy."

"Oh? And who is?" Minato asked, the two hokages were now visibly tense, good, they noticed him as well.

I looked towards my left, "he is...isn't that right, Black Zetsu?" the venus fly trap like figure was peaking out of a tree off in the distance.

"Shit!" he cried out as he tried to sink back into the tree he was standing in in order to get away, only for Hashirama to collide into the tree, destroying it from the trunk.

The black and white zetsu leaped into the air and immediately divided into two, each half took off seperate directions.

I didn't even hesitate to go after the black one, Minato went for the white one.

It was about to leap into another tree and escape, I snapped my fingers, pouring chakra into my hands to form a black receiver in the form of a rod.

-1,000 CP

I threw it forward, piercing the goo like substance into the tree trunk. "SHIT!" he cried out, he realised just how fucked he was.

"Stop," I formed the ram seal, pouring chakra into his body through the receiver rod, stunning him. The black zetsu was just a mass of chakra, and not a very big one. It was smart though, but arrogant enough to think even after all these years humanity would just keep to ignoring him.

"H-how did you know?" he asked.

"Come on, are you really asking me this?" I asked as I summoned a clone to form a rasen nova blast behind me.

"How did you know?!" he asked.

"Hm...why don't you just die with the suspense?" I smiled as my clone charged forward, smashing the destructive ball into Zetsu's body. I flickered away as the entire forest blew up.


You have gained a critical hit! Damage increase times 5!

-400,000 HP!

Black Zetsu HP's: 0/350,000


You have made progress in your quest!

Defeat the Akatsuki! (2/9)

Nice. Now that this asshole was killed, I can finally focus preventing Kaguya from being reborn. He was the reason all of this even began, and now he was's almost too good be true...but whatever, I don't have time to reminisce.

I took off, quickly finding Minato with Hashirama, now standing over a defeated white zetsu. "Nice," I replied as I landed before them, "that's two down, seven to go."

"This one seemed easy," Hashirama frowned, "are you sure he's a real threat?"

"He was the spy," I replied as I began scanning the white zetsu, "he's chakra was almost perfectly blended with that of the tree he was peaking out, it would seem that he is composed of your cells Hashirama. I'm guessing this is Madara's doing."

"It does sound like something he would do," the First sighed, "my friend...what have you become?"

"I'll keep this away for further study," I replied as I put him away and opened my quest menu to see the progress I made on the mission I gained two years ago;

Save Oto!

Number of Orochimaru's bases destroyed: 164/165

"Itachi was right," I grumbled, "fine then...I'll summon you all later, I could use the help with the battle with the Akatsuki."

"Just call if you need us Yami," Hashirama smiled as he summoned himself.

"Yami...there is something I've been meaning to ask you," Minato spoke up.

"What is it Minato?" I asked.

" you know what happened the day I sealed the kyuubi away?" he asked.

"Which part?"

"The part where I split the fox in two," Minato replied.

"Oh...right, yeah. What about it?"

He unbuttoned his jacket and lifted his shirt to reveal the seal in his belly, "he's right here...the fox...I gave Naruto the Yang half, sealing the Yin within myself."

I hummed as I scanned the seal, very strong stuff, "what's the difference?" I asked.

"Very little," Minato sighed, "I just had to find a way to seal the fox away. It was impossible to seal all of it away while also designing the seal to siphon away chakra to allow Naruto to control it. So I was forced to divide it up, to make things easier. I wanted Naruto to be the child of prophecy...but now, I see a faster way for that to happen. With you by his side, Naruto will not fail...and so I wish to give you the Yin half to's better served with someone alive, then someone dead."

"Wait...what?!" I blinkey-you want to seal the kyuubi within me?! Are you fucking out of your mind?! I don't want that annoying thing in my head!"

Minato blinked, "r-really? I thought you wouldn't mind."

"Fuck no! I already have personal demons Minato! I so do not need more!" I grumbled, it's bad enough my brain is filled with ninja ideas and thoughts of whether or not this world is even real. I've been having an existential crisis every other day! And now he wants to add a talking nine tailed fox into that mix?! No thank you!

Minato chuckled, "alright then, I suppose that settles that...but if you change your mind, you know where to find me," he then vanished in a poff of smoke.

Damn that man, offering me power like that. Doesn't he get what I have to do just to remain human? All this power can so easily go to one's head, and he goes and offers me more? Fucking asshole!

I took off, heading towards Ta once more, by now the Oto ninjas outside the capital had gathered into a small army with Kimimaro at the lead.

I quickly put on my hood and mask and landed before him. "What's this all about?" I asked him looking at the assembled army.

"When your clones returned with Turtle and Suigetsu we thought you could use some help. I see that wasn't the case," Kimimaro commented.

I nodded, "yeah. Itachi managed to escape," I clicked my teeth, "anyway...let's go."

"Right," Kimimaro turned to his men, "stand down. The threat has been dealt with! Return to your posts but put up a patrol around us, we don't' want another surprise like that!"

"Yes!" the men responded as they did just that.

Kimimaro stayed behind to organise everyone while I returned to the daimyo's chamber where the man paced around nervously. The moment we stepped in he noticed me, "ah! You're back! Did you deal with Kisame?!"

I nodded, "yes, we did," I looked out at the men on the field, moving about to Kimimaro's orders. I smiled, "and by the way, about what you asked. Who would lead this group..what do you think of Kimimaro? Purple is very much his colour."

One week later:

"I hate you...I just want you to know that," Kimimaro replied as he stood before my team and I in a white and purple version of the Hokage robes wearing purple hat with the kanji for 'Second Otokage' written proudly on his back with purple fields of rice marking his sleeves and coat trimming.

"I'm sure you do...lord Otokage," I chuckled.

"It suits you bone fucker," Tayuya grinned.

"I'm sure you'll do fine," Turtle nodded, who made a full recovery thanks to my cellular healing.

"So you sure you don't want to come Suigetsu?" I asked the white haired boy.

The teen snorted, "no...after how that Itachi bastard kicked my ass I need to train, not run around on errands. If you guys need my help call, but until then, I'm staying right here."

"He'll be a jonin of Oto," Kimimaro informed me as he removed the hat, "you were right Light...there is more to this world than just servitude towards one man," he looked behind him at the oto ninja who he now controlled, "I am now their master...I just hope I'm worthy."

"You are," answered Jugo, who was now the Hokage's personal assistant.

"Well then...I suppose this is goodbye huh?" Anko grinned, "take care you three! Don't go invading Konoha you hear!"

"I have already dispatched an eagle to Konoha asking for an alliance," Kimimaro nodded, "don't worry, I don't' see our village being hostile towards each other any time soon."

I nodded, "that's good. Now...I suppose it's time to leave," I extended a hand which Kimimaro shock, "until next time Kimimaro."

"Yes...Yami," he smiled.

We took off after that, traveling towards the last of Orochimaru's hidden bases.

A week later:

"ARGH! I hate this!" Tayuya screamed as she ripped off her mask and smashed it into the ground, "we have been looking in this god forsaken land for that snake bastard's last base and we haven't found shit!"

Puma sighed, "you have no patients."

"Hey! You try fucking spending all your time looking around for something hidden from ninjas! It's fucking impossible!"

"I found it," Anko spoke pointing at a boulder, "I can feel Orochimaru's chakra coming off it, he sealed it away."

I turned and smiled at Tayuya, whose jaw was unhinged and hanging loosely. "And that is why we don't say something stupid that will eventually come back to bite us in the ass Tayuya. Come, let's finish this damn mission."

We arrived at the barrier and I activated my eyes, finding the seal anchor hidden underneath the stone. I applied a touch of chakra into it and suddenly the entire bolder began to shake as it moved to the side revealing a tunnel inside.

"Let's move," I walked in, Turtle following, Puma came next and then Flute and finally Sexy.

"So...what exactly am I going to do after this?" Tayuya asked as we entered deeper into the base.

"You could come with us to Konoha," Anko offered, "you can stay at my place, I wouldn't mind. And I'm sure when we tell the Hokage what happened he'll grant you citizenship in a heartbeat."

"Really?" Tayuya asked in surprise.

"Yeah, really. The old man owes me one, he'll not argue," I told her as we walked forward before stopping, my eyes widening, "wait...we aren't alone."

"How many?" Turtle asked as immediately we all moved into attack position.

"Twenty...but there's something wrong. They are all weak, almost dead, five of them are powerful enough, but one of the five is...well, for a lack of a better world, he or she is dying...we need to hurry, something feels wrong!"

I took off, leaving my team in the dust.

"Dammit!" Tayuya screamed, "wait for us shit head!"

"He's always like this when people are in danger," Yagura informed as they tried to catch up, but was too distracted to follow their chat.

I rushed through the corridors, they were designed in a similar manner like the rest of Orochimaru's bases, and after destroying over a hundred of them, you tend to figure out the pattern.

"NO! I don't want too!" I heard someone cry out and immediately I knew I had to hurry.

"Swift Release: Speed up times 1,000!" I zipped out of existence for the naked ey, reach the heart of the base. I kicked open the door, it came flying off in slow motion. I looked inside and saw the twenty people I sences.

Fifteen of them were bedridden. Five of them weren't, they all had the headbands of Kusa, Grass, and one of them was a girl with bright red hair, purple eyes and red framed glasses.

Karin Uzumaki, The Healer

Lv- 54

REP- 0

The four healthy male Kusa ninjas were rough handling her, her arms were bare and bleeding from bite marks that went all over her arms, throat, shoulders, legs and even parts of her stomach.

She wore a pair of latex shorts that hugged her hips and ended at her knees. Her top was covered by a black bra and nothing else. Her face was one of horror, I've seen it before, on the faces of rape victims. And it boiled my blood.

I charged forward, I grabbed the arm that was pulling Karin away and carried her in my arms, rushing back to the entrance to the room. I then cancelled my jutsu, returning to normal speed, allowing them to realise something had happened.

"W-what the fuck?!" the Kusa ninja cried out in shock.

"ARGH!" Karin cried out as she looked up at me, "d-demon!" she screamed, oh, that's right, my super scary mask. Karin was supposed to be paralyzed, thanks to the mask's abilities. But I'm guessing because she's an Uzumaki the mask didn't affect her, since Uzumaki's did make it in the first place.

"Are you alright lady Uzumaki?" I asked as I removed my oni mask, revealing my real face to her. Almost immediately she stopped struggling as she saw my real face. I smiled at her, though my facemask did get in the way, "I hope I didn't come too late. Are you alright?"

"I-I...I am," she nodded, her cheeks turning red.

"Hey shit fucker!" Tayuya screamed as my team appeared, "what's the big idea ditching-...where the hell did you find another chick?! You were gone for ten seconds!"

"W-who the hell are you?! How did you get in here?!" asked a Kusa ninja at level 67, chunin level.

I ignored him and smiled at Karin, "don't worry, I promise, I won't let them hurt you ever again."

Karin's eyes widened, "w-what?"

"What is with him and redheads?" Anko murrmered.

I looked at the way Karin was bleeding, at the bruises around her arms and...the feeling of foreign chakra near her neither regions. I didn't want to guess what they did to her. By killing Orochimaru...I condemned her to this fate. I did. If Orochimaru was still alive...he would have saved Karin and made her his soldier...and he wouldn't have been hurt.

"Here," I took off my cloak and tied it around Karin's nearly naked body, "this will keep you warm." Karin's eyes began to water, I don't think anyone has ever shown this much kindness to her. Once again, I felt guilt hit me hard.

I turned around, putting on my mask, "usually I would like to offer people a chance. A chance to turn around and walk away. But," my eyes flashed red, "you hurt an Uzumaki, and more importantly, you pissed me off," I took out Kusanagi, extending it to five feet of length, "so none of you will be shown mercy."

"Wait, what?" Puma asked in surprise. I don't blame her, I'm always about mercy. But no, not this time.

I vanished in a blur, activating my Swift Release. My team and Karin watched as I ripped into Kusa ninjas, the ones active, and the ones dying. Their blood flew out into the air, their heads and limbs rolled.

I could tell that Puma felt disturbed while Yagura's chakra remained stable and unfeeling. Anko was confused, but Tayuya just liked her lips in excitment. And Karin...well, that girl didn't take her eyes off the bodies even for one second.

It was over, in less than ten seconds they had all been carved up into pieces of flesh and nothing more. I stood before my team, my hands covered in blood, my sword, even more so. I made a single ram seal and immediately all the blood vanished from my body, a handy little trick I picked up from Tobirama.

"Puma, take Karin out of here. Turtle, you, Flute, Sexy and I will finish up here," I dismissed them with a wave.

"Yes sir," Puma's voice held respect like always but now with a hint of fear. She helped Karin to her feet and lead the girl out. The Uzumaki kept looking back, her eyes landing on me, glued to me form. I removed the mask and showed her my real face, smiling at her. For a moment I think she smiled back.

"What the fuck was that?!" Anko cried out.

"Justice," I replied sheathing my blade, "or are you telling me you didn't notice the dried up sperm around Karin's legs?"

Anko clicked her teeth and looked away. Tayuya grinned, "I didn't think you had it in you shit head."

"I am capable of a lot of things," I smiled, "you ll are honestly lucky I don't end up a serial killer or something. I could end entire villages if I want to you know."

"Well then it's a good thing we are your allies," Turtle replied as he took off, "I'll check for anything valuable on the base."

"Right, here, let my clones help," I made twenty clones and sent them with Yagura. Once they left I sighed and turned to Anko, "you disapprove?"

"I...I just don't want you to end up like him," Anko whispered.

I chuckled, "relax Anko, I'm far to sexy and straight to become like Orochimaru."

"Could have fooled me," Tayuya snorted.

I sighed, "seriously? That was two years ago! Are you still mad about that?!"

"Hell yeh I am! What?! Am I not good enough for you?!"

"You were drunk!" I cried out.

"And?! I still wanted to fuck you! What's the problem? Is my hair not red enough or something?!"

I grumbled, "it's not that! It's just that I would prefer it if people didn't have sex with me only because they were drunk! It's honestly embarrassing! What's the matter?! Is it me?! Is there something about me that makes women feel they can only have sexy time after getting shit faced?!"

"Oh please, when has that ever happened before?" Tayuya snorted.

I turned to Anko and raised an eyebrow, "yeah...I wonder where."

" way!" Tayuya's eyes went wide, "you?! You fucked him?!" Anko immediately vanished in a puff of smoke. Tayuya gasped, "get back here Sexy! I have questions! Come on cradle robber! You have to share the details!"

I chuckled, Tayuya never changed...well, I suppose she did a little. She was now five feet five inches, nearly a full foot shorter than me. Her breasts had grown too, now standing at a perky full C cup, she was much sexier than before, actually looking like a girl now rather than a drag queen...but I still don't date anyone with a cup smaller than a D cup!

An hour later:

"Burn," I made the tiger seal activating the explosives I had put into the base.


It all went up in flames, everything, the base, the dead Kusa ninjas inside, everything. I turned to my allies, "it's over...finally."

"Thank God," Puma sighed.

"E-excuse me," Karin spoke up from behind Anko, her tone filled with fear and respect, "w-who are you people?"

I smiled, "my code name is Light, I'm a ninja of Konoha! Nice to meet you Karin Uzumaki!"

"H-how do you know my name?" Karin asked in worry.

"Simple, because my brother is an Uzumaki as well," I grinned, "I learnt to pick up on your unique chakra very easily! Plus the bright red hair and purple like eyes kind of give it away!"

"B-but my first name. Karin, how did you know about that?" she asked.

I winked, "I can't reveal all my secrets now can I Karin? I am after all a ninja," she looked uncomfortable but nodded. I chuckled, "but, if you must know. I just read the name stitched on your pants," I pointed at her short. Which was actually true. I noticed it when I held her in my arms during swift speed.

"W-what?! Pervert!" she hissed, slapping me hard across the face, "what type of sicko looks on the inside of a girl's pants?!"

"H-hey! It's not like I wanted too!"

"Oh, so you just happened to notice the name I stitched on the inside of my pants?!"

"Yes! I mean...ah..damn it! It's like I'm intrested in you anyway! I only like hot older women with giant breast!"

"Yeh?! Well screw you too pal!" Karin growled.

I groaned, "Uzumakis, you all are the same. Short tempers and crazy logic."

"Wait...did you say you knew another Uzumaki?" Karin asked in surprise.

I nodded, "yes. Two in fact. One Misu Uzumaki and one Naruto Uzumaki. They both live in Konoha, which is where we're going to go. Would you like to come along Karin?"

"I….I suppose. I mean, I don't have anywhere else to go," she whimpered.

"Then it's settled underwear girl," Tayuya snorted smacking Karin up the head, "you can come with us!"

"Watch it!" Karin cried out.

"Oh quit whining! We're allowing you to come with us aren't we?!"

Ah, looks like this was the start of a beautiful friendship. And now I can stop feeling so damn guilty.

That night:

We left the hideout and reached a small village a little north of the base. We managed to find a room in an inn and settled in. Tayuya and Karin got along like a house on fire, it honestly reminded me of the fighting relationship Karin had with Suigetsu.

We took a single large room, six beds with a connected bathroom and a table with chairs.

"So what where Kusa ninjas doing in one of Orochimaru's bases?" I asked Karin the moment we all settled in.

The girl looked down in shame, "t-they discovered it a few months ago. We begun to use it as a lab or a clinic. I...they were trying to mimic my powers."

"The ability to share chakra to physical touch?" I guessed.

Karin nodded, "yes..."

I looked out the room window, I could feel several chunin level chakra signatures run around the village, but they generally avoided it. From what I could tell they were all heading towards the destroyed base.

"I can sense some of them moving towards the base," I spoke, "they haven't caught our scent, and I doubt they will."

"Y-you can sense them?" Karin asked surprised.

" can you I'm guessing," I smiled.

She nodded, "y-yes. But I can't...I can't really get a lock on them."

"Hm..your range is probably shorter...but I'm guessing it's a lot more accurate than mine. Can you feel our chakra's properties?" I asked.

Karin nodded, "yes. You all feel different," she turned to Tayuya, "you feel like a...well, you feel odd. You a song, but you have a little bit of a cold chakra mixed in with it," she looked at Anko, "you have a hint of the same scent, but the rest of's nicer, like a cold ice cube on a hot day."

She then looked at Yagura, "your chakra is like a seaweed, like sea shore," Yagura chuckled, she turned to Holo, "yours seems smaller than the rest. But...warm, like a spring's breeze."

And then she finally turned to me, "and feel an inferno being held back by a solid metal dam of mental focus. It the Earth," she gulped.

"How so?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I...I can't really explain it, it's like trying to explain someone's personality through a painting. But your chakra feels like a sea of magma being held back by a damn. Like you're controlling yourself every moment, every feels like if you give in for one second, we all will be destroyed by the magma. That we won't even last a second."

Anko's eyes winded, " I'm scared."

"I don't think I'm that I?" I asked.

"You're scary sometimes," Yagura nodded, "but other times it's like talking to a boob obsessed moron."

"Exactly!" Karin nodded, "when I first slapped you I didn't even feel the magma! It was totally covered by the wall, but then, when you began to use your chakra...I felt it. The was like you were two different people."

I hummed, "interesting," I looked out the window, "listen...there's going to be a change in plans."

"What?" Puma asked surprised.

"First light tomorrow, I want you all to take Karin and leave," I told them.

"What?! Why?!" Tayuya cried out, "what about you?!"

"I have another mission," I looked at the horizon, "a few miles West ward is the Land of Rain, Ame. I...I have someone I have to defeat."

"Who?" Yagura asked.

"A member of the Akatsuki," I replied, "their supposed leader...Pain."

"Akatsuki?" Karin asked, "who are they?"

"A group of S rank ninja, each strong enough to kill a hundred jounins by themselves," Yagura spoke, "and you want to fight the strongest one?"

"Their strength is greatly exaggerated, believe me, I killed one just a few weeks ago," I snorted, "I'll be fine.'s about time I fought someone who'll actually pose a challenge for me."

"That pride will get you killed Yami," Anko hissed.

I glared, "code names Sexy," I growled looking at Karin who immediately flinched. I sighed, "sorry Karin...did you sense the magma?"

She nodded slowly, "I...yes….I promise, I won't tell anyone, please don't-"

"-Relax Karin," Anko patted her shoulder, "he barks, but he never bites his allies. And the moment he revealed his face to you, you became his ally. And, between you and me," Anko stage whispered, "he has a weak spot for redheads."

I sighed, "whatever….either way, I'm going. This needs to be done."

"I'm coming with you," Yagura stated, "he's after people like me."

"Which is exactly why you will not be coming along, I'm not hand delivering you to that man," I growled shooting everyone a look, "none of you are. As much as you may not like to hear this, you aren't anywhere close to fighting this man. You can't defeat Orochimaru, who couldn't defeat Itachi, who is afraid of the man I'm going to face. So trust me, you will not be ready for this man."

"But you will?" Anko said in a challenging tone.

I nodded, "I was, from the first day of this mission I've been training for this moment. So trust me, I'm more than ready to take him on."

"And what if the Hokage asks us where you are?" Puma asked.

"Tell him I'm making sure my little brother doesn't die a very painful death," I told her, "and if he continues to whine remind him that he owes me one very big favour."

They didn't like it, I could tell as much. But I didn't care. I had been a good leader and good friend for over two years, now it's time to be selfish. And that's exactly what I was going to be. I knew in the end, everything would be alright but still...I had to try and end Pain's threat before it began.

The next day I sent them away, and after making sure they didn't try to follow me, I took off towards Ame. I ran a few miles using Swift Release before stopping and preparing for the battle.

I sat down under a tree and closed my eyes, slapping my palms against each other and closed my eyes. It took me a moment of perfect stillness to feel the nature chakra around me, and a moment more for me to access it through my special cells.

One can achieve sage mode in two ways, that I know off. One is to learn it from a summon that already knows it, like the frogs or snake. And the other way is unique only to two people, me, and Hashirama.

When I first began to teach myself wood release I was able to detect sage chakra instantly, but fearing turning into a statue, I didn't try and use it. Thanks to Hashirama's lectures, I was able to step forward into the realm of senjutsu with ease.

Since I controled trees, which produced nature chakra, I had an innate link with nature that didn't require coaxing like the toad oil did with Naruto. I was already linked with nature, so all I needed was guidance, which I got.


Select chakra conversion rate!

10%- 60 seconds

25%- 2 minutes

50%- 5 minutes

75%- 8 minutes

100%- 10 minutes

I selected 100% and waited the full ten minutes, molding my chakra with the nature chakra I gathered from the very air around me.

Slowly blood red lines began to appear on my face. Thick red lines surrounded all three of my eyes as a second pair of lines ran from my two normal eyes, down along the cheeks and around my mouth, meeting together under my lips to form a vertical line that went straight down my neck.

Two red dots then appeared on either side of my third eye before the extended upwards into my hair line, tapering like a set of horns.


Sage mode activated!

Time limit- 1 day if senjutsu chakra isn't active.

Sage Mode, SS rank

Sage Mode is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creating senjutsu chakra.


+5,000 Durability for general body


+100% stronger ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu

I opened my eyes, instead of being black, they were now a shade similar to gold. I sighed, damn, what a rush. I got up and activated my pseudo summoning seal, bringing forth Moltres out of it's pokeball.

"Mol!" it cried out, 'what is the mission now master?'

"I have a God to beat some sense into," I grinned as I stepped onto Moltres' back as we took off into the air.

'You are...far more powerful than normal master,' Moltres noted.

"A new form I've been working on. How does it feel?" I asked.

'Powerful,' Moltes simply replied.

We flew south west quickly, Moltres making great time. And slowly, I could see rain clouds in the distance, we were entering Ame. And using my 8.0 telescopic vision, I could see the village in question just inside the clouds.

I didn't need sage mode to sense the chakra in the rain water, it was so potent, like paint. "Take us above the clouds Hinnomaki," I ordered and moltres obeyed.

We broke the clouds before nearing the rain and we quickly began to fly high above the village hidden in rain. I reached out with my senses and felt seven powerful chakra signatures below the clouds. Or rather one insanely high chakra source that was divided up between seven people, one alive and six dead.

I directed Moltres to the point where I could sense Nagato's main body, or atleast what I hoped was his real body. When we were floating right above him, high up in the clouds I stood up and removed my cloak and mask, putting them away. I made a wood clone and began converting his wood cells into human ones.

In five minutes a perfect clone of me stood next to me, he felt around his body with chakra before nodding, "I'm real as I can be."

"Good, now close your right eye," I ordered as the clone obeyed, I quickly then opened my inventory and took out the right sharingan eye I took off Danzo, Shisui's right eye. It was leverage, my secret trump card.

I first cut of all the pain nerves for the clone, once I was sure he couldn't feel I think I took out his eye and put in Shisui's. I took a few moments, but he quickly adapted to the eye, pouring chakra into it in order to activate the mangekyou sharingan.

"Are you getting any notifications?" I asked him stepping away.

"," the clone frowned, "that doesn't make any sense, why doesn't it work? I'm a perfect copy of you, and I'm it because I don't have a soul?"

I grumbled, "fucked up game mechanics...fine, we'll deal with this later. For now, we have a mission. You think you can use the Kotoamatsukami?"

He frowned for a second, morphing between the normal three times and the four bladed shuriken silhouette. He nodded, "I think I can. Should be simple enough."

"Good. The moment I bind their chakra, I'll send out a pulse of chakra. Then, you begin," I instructed. The clone nodded in response. With that done, I turned around sighed, "Moltres...Sunny day."

"MOL!" it flapped it's wings, hard. There was a wave of heat that exploded outwards that went down into the clouds and suddenly they began to burn up. The ever present clouds that hanged over the village of Ame began to melt away as for the first time in decades pure unfiltered light came raining down upon the people.

There had been generations that lived and died in the rain. But now, for the first time, they were seeing sunlight. I could almost feel the confusion present in the hearts of people. And then, Moltres let out a loud scream that turned all heads to it.

I leaped off it's back and dived down, we were right above an iron tower, figures, Nagato would have wanted the highest point to have the largest range for his black receivers. I charged my fist, I felt power course through my senjutsu enhanced fist. I drew it back and punched at the roof of the building.

"HELL YEAH!" I cried out as the entire roof exploded upon impact.

100 X 285 = 28,500 DMG!

And then, the perk I gained at level 70 from Hero maker kicked in:

Wonder Woman's strength- All strength based attacks gain X 5 bonus!

28,500 X 5 = 142,500 DMG!


The entire roof gave away as I sunk right through like a knife through hot butter.

I landed on my knees cracking the floor of the top most chamber. The sunlight came shining down behind me as I slowly raised up to my full length and looked forward, spotting Nagato before me, his purple eyes widened in shock at the mere sight of me.

Nagato Uzumaki, Pain

Lv- 145

REP- -50

Nagato was thin like a skeleton with black receivers sticking out of him as if he was a pin cushion. And he felt weak, almost like he was dying, but I'm guessing that was just because he kept feeding so much chakra out through the receivers.

"So, I hear you have been searching for me Pain," I flashed my eyes, "or should I say, Nagato Uzumaki."

I immediately ducked just as a paper kunai flew over me. I leaped to the side and turned to see Konan came flying in through the balcony, paper wings attached to her back and a very cross look on her face.

Konan, The Angel

Lv- 81

REP- -70

Well, she hates me. I grinned, "Konan the angel, my oh my, you really are my type. What's say after I finish kicking some sense into Nagato's behind you and I go out for some ramen eh? I know this great place in Konoha!"

"Shinra tensei!" Nagato cried out as a wave of repulsive force came rushing out. But I was more than prepared for that.

I grinned as I turned and planted my feet firm on the ground as the familiar force of energy washed over me, doing it's best to push me back. But my senjutsu was far too superior for it to even lay a scratch on me.

Nagato growled as he kept pouring more and more chakra into pushing me back, the ground shattered and gave out, even Konan was sent flying away, though she managed to use her wings to fly.

And then, it finally ended, Nagato dropped his arms, exhausted. I grinned as I released the chakra on my feet and moved through hand seals.

"Sage Art: Swift Release: Speed up times 10,000!" It was an ability I could only do while it sage mode as it would normally put way too much strain on my normal body, ripping it apart by the ligament.

And this speed turned everything into a super slow motion. As far as I know, nobody, not even Minato could keep up with me while in this form.

But I had a time limit, I could use it for ten minutes of my personal time before sage mode is used up, and along with it all the senjutsu chakra, so I might as well make this count.

I first grabbed Nagato and ripped out every single one of those black receivers on his body, throwing them out the window. I then cut my arm and poured out 400 ml of my blood into Nagato's wounds, using my cellular manipulation to fuse it with his own blood stream before tying him up with chakra repression seals.

I then grabbed Konan out from the air using chakra threads and tied her up using the same chakra repression seals. They were strong enough to hold Yagura back, I had them made just incase the Sanbi ever tried to escape.

And then, I released the jutsu, just in time too as the last of my senjutsu chakra began to ran out.

I stopped as the red lines on my face vanished, leaving behind two captured members of the Akatsuki, bound and helpless before me. Immediately I sent a burst of chakra out, instructing my clone to begin using Kotoamatsukami.

Nagato's eyes winded, "h-how did you do that?!"

I sighed, cracking my neck as I found a chair and dragged it forward, resting my strained legs on the seat as Konan tried to free herself in vain.

"It's no use," I told her rolling my shoulders, "that seal is meant to hold back the Sanbi, I doubt even someone as skilled as you can escape."

"But I can," Nagato growled as he began to channel chakra into his eyes, I knew he was trying to use the deva path to blow the restraints away. Luckily I had prepared for that.

"Stop," I formed the horse seal, activating my blood inside his body, paralysing his entire chakra network.

"W-what?! How?! How are you able to stop me?!" Nagato cried as he struggled with his bonds, bt his physically weak body did less than nothing to help free him, meaning it served to only tire him out and nothing else.

"I have my secrets, like you have yours, Nagato," I replied, "now, will you stop struggling for one second? The fact that I didn't kill you means something you ripple eyed moron. It means I want to talk."

"And why should I listen to you?!" Nagato asked.

"Because I have an answer to your question of world peace," I replied, stunning the two of them.

"What do you mean?" Konan asked.

"World peace," I told them, "that's why you began this whole venture isn't it? To try and bring peace to an otherwise broken have been searching for an answer...I think I know it."

"Oh? And, what is it?" Konan asked, obviously not believe me.

I smiled, "it's simple. To destroy this world...we just have to give a damn."

Nagato blinked, "what?"

I chuckled, "have you read Stan Lee's books?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Konan asked.

"Just answer the question," I sighed.

"I...I have," Nagato replied, "what off it?"

I grinned, "what did you think? Of a world protected by super heroes and men that stand for justice and never falter?" I felt the clones foreign senjutsu enter Nagato's body, already it was taking hold. The moment it entered his body, the chakra vanished, even I couldn't detect its effect after that point.

"I think it's a dream," Nagato replied, "a foolish, foolish dream."

"And yet, over the past three years, I've been proving it can be done," I shot back. "I stopped the civil war in Kiri, forging an alliance with them for Konoha. It then took me some time, but I helped establish Oto as well, a land that previously hated Konoha with all their heart. This ability to create bonds, that is what can save people...that is the only way we can gain peace...don't you think?"

"I think...that it is a foolish ideal," Nagato growled, "so what's your plan? Go to each and every land and solve their problems? Hm? Is that what you wish to do?! How long will that take?! How many lives will be lost before that is over?! How many will die before that is over?! What if you die before it is over? Then….then it would have all been for nothing.

"The only way for peace to truly be achieved, is through pain. A shared pain so great it will unite the people of the world together, joining hands in understanding."

"No...there are other ways, less painful ways to do this," I replied, "yes, often times periods of great peace is gained through great loss. But that never lasts. Maybe one generation, maybe two. But then, the fighting will begin again, because people will forget, they will forget the pain. Will you be there to remind them? Will you Nagato?"

"With these eyes? Yes, I will," his purple eyes flashed.

I snorted, "you look half dead right now. And you're supposed to be an Uzumaki. You won't last another decade, less if you spend your nights with this beautiful woman by your side," I chuckled, "I'm guessing the reason you look like that is because she drys you up every night in bed eh?"

"P-pervert!" Konan growled, her cheeks blushing red, in a similar manner to Nagato's.

"I-I will survive! If I have too, then I can do it!" Nagato continued, ignoring my comment about his sex life.

I sighed, "Nagato, you know that it won't last. What's the plan then? Give everything you have, punishing the world by forming the juubi and then what? Do it over and over again? No. You aren't treating the diseased flesh, you are just cutting it out, and hoping you got it all so that it won't regrow. But it always will, and it will always come back more violent than the last time."

"H-how do you know about the juubi?!" Nagato asked, growing paler, "who told you?!"

I shrugged, "I know a lot of the fact that you both were disciples of Jiraiya himself, that you made Akatsuki as a group of freedom fighters, not hired guns. That the dream you carry one...isn't your own. But of your friend's, Yahiko...and I know deep don't actually believe that pain will bring anyone together."

"Yes I do! What do you know of pain?! What do you know of loss?! You were an orphan yes, but you have never lost anything! You don't-"


I hit him, hard, nothing with chakra, but still, my STR level was at 235, I didn't even use Wonder Woman's strength, however it still wasn't anything to scoff at. I think I saw a tooth flying loose as his cheek slowly began to turn purple.

"So what?" I asked him, "is it that only people with a fucked up past has a right to make the future a better place? Hm? Does that mean nobody with a tragic origin story can try and make the world better? Does that mean no matter how much good I do, just because I don't fucking understand, it makes it all worthless?"

Nagato narrowed his eyes, "what do you know?"

I reached up to my headband and untied it revealing my bare forehead to them both. Slowly my third eye opened up, revealing itself to them, causing them to stiffen a gasp at the sight of the red rinnegan.

"I know exactly what you are capable off Nagato," I spoke, looking right at him with all three eyes, "I know, but case I am capable of the very same. I know that if you want to unite the world through pain, you don't need the jubi to do it, you can just kill everyone right now with your powers. Just pop into one village after another and kill everyone there.

"Then the remaining ninjas will band together and fight you. People would be united through pain, just like you wanted. You can do that, though you might die, but then again, you have always been willing to do that. So...why didn't you Nagato?"

" wouldn't be effective."

"Bull shit it won't be effective!" I snarled, "I pretended to kill Yagura, the pirayeh of Kiri, and that brought everyone in that country together. You mean to tell me you honestly don't' think that can happen again? Huh? Are you really that stupid?"

"Their won't be enough," Nagato argued back.

"It will never be enough," I shot back, "do you know why? Because pain is never the answer. Because love, is a much more powerful tool than fear and hate will ever be. If you want proof, just look at the woman to your left."

Nagato turned to Konan, "Konan and I are united by pain."

"A pain you felt decades ago. Time heals all wounds. Can you honestly tell me Konan, that you're here with Nagato because of that pain?"

She looked at me with steel in her eyes and nodded, "yes I can."

I sighed, "you kunoichis are always such great liars. Very well, I suppose there is one way to get the truth out of you," I charged chakra into my third eye, activating it's abilities, "Naraka path."

-5,000 CP!

There was a tiny burst of fire behind me as the Statue of the King of Hell came bursting out of the ground. Konan blinked in questioning while Nagato gasped.

"I-it's real, you really do have the Rinnegan as well," he gasped.

I raised an eyebrow, "I see, so a rinnegan can see the statue, even if I'm not using it to revive people. Interesting," I noted as usually the King of Hell head was invisible for everyone except me.

I then turned to Konan. I grabbed her by the neck and picked her up, she kicked and coughed, but I didn't let her go, "now then. Let's try this again," her mouth was forced open as her tongue came flying out like a giant pink mass. The King of Hell opened his mouth as a thin purple arm shot out, grabbing Konan's tongue.

"Now I'm sure you have seen Nagato do this a thousand times to other people," I spoke as Konan's eyes widened in horror, "so you know what will happen if you lie."

"No! Don't'!" Nagato cried out.

"So tell me Konan. Are you with Nagato still because of your shared pain...or is it because you love a friend, or as a lover?" I added the last part to give her some wiggle room.

Konan looked at me in hate before looking at Nagato's stunned form. He looked regretful, but there was a part of him that wanted to know. And Konan knew she couldn't lie.

"I-I love him," she spoke, her voice muffled from the extracted toune, "I love him with all my heart and I can't stand to see him become a martyr!"

"That's enough," I ordered the King of Hell to release Konan as I dropped her down, banishing the summon back to wherever ti came from.

Konan coughed her throat sore, an after effect of the jutsu. I turned to Nagato, his eyes wide in shock, "how can you believe pain is the answer...when both your friends follow the path of love? Yahiko wanted to make friends out of enemies...and Konan loves you more than the pain she feels in her heart. So tell me you really still think pain is what will bring true peace to the world?"

Nagato looked to Konan, "Konan...but what about Yahiko?"

"Yahiko...he will always be in my heart, always," she looked away, tears welling up in her eyes, "but you're still here. It was you, not him that brought peace to this land. You're my friend and...i don't know, one day, I began to see you more than just a friend….I still love him...but I love you too Nagato."

Nagato turned to me now, "how did you know?"

I shrugged, "a beautiful babe like that with an anorexic dude like you? Either you must have a huge cock or she's crazy. Crazy in love," I snorted.

"He really does remind me on Jiraya sensei," Nagato said in a deadpan tone.

"He's worse," Konan replied with a snarl, "he's so much worse."

"Oh, you're making me blush," I chuckled, rubbing the back of my head. I looked down at Nagato and sighed, "so...what do you think about my answer Nagato? Is it better than yours?"

"I...I don't know," he replied.

"Well, then how about a test?" I suggested.

"What kind of test?" Nagato asked.

"The original owners of these eyes used to travel all over the Elemental continents and help people," I told the man as I released the seals around them both, "maybe you two should go on a honeymoon around the country...find those who require help and help them. Put these fucking crazy plans on hold for a while," I used chakra threads to grab their Akatsuki rings form their hands, "and if after a year, you still believe the juubi is the best way to go, come to me and we can fight over ownership of these rings. For if you really wish to try and destroy the world, I will be the first person you need to kill."

"So you wish to bargain for a year?" Nagato asked with a raised eyebrow as Konan immediately came to his side and picked him up, his anorexic body hanging off her thin frame easily, "a year where I go around helping people? Spreading love?"

"You got it," I nodded before grinning, "and hopefully you two will fuck and by the time a years up you both are too preoccupied with each other to notice the rest of the world around you," I opened my inventory and tossed both rings inside.

"I see…." Nagato coughed into his hand while Konan tried her best to keep the blush off her face, "and if I deny your request?"

I created a shadow clone and dispelled him. Immediately there was a loud bang as a flash of fire came crashing through the roof, blowing apart the rest of the tower's top revealing my real life clone and Hinnomaki above, with a rasen Nova Blast in the clones hands. I saw his eyes, no sign of Shisui's eye, good, that must mean it was effective.

"That blast has enough power to wipe out a village," I told Nagato, "without your chakra, your eyes are useless. I'll make sure to end I don't really think it's in your best interests to reject the offer."

Nagato snorted, "I see, so you were thinking several moves ahead of me...impressive Yami Uchiha."

I sighed, "don't call me that! I'm not a fucking Uchiha! I'm just Yami! Okay?! Yami! Now get your ass out of this god forsaken village and live a little! And I swear to god if I don't hear news of a beautiful blue haired angel and her anorexic ginger boy toy traveling the world, performing miracles, I'll fucking lose my shit!"

"Very well then, it would seem I have no choice," Nagato narrowed his eyes, "I'll see if your...method will work...though I doubt it will."

"Time will be the judge of that," I snorted, "now, before you go tell me, where is Madara?"

"Why would I give up my ally?" Nagato asked, "I may have chosen to go on this journey, but I am still in his debt."

I sighed, "fine...but when he eventually tracks you down and tries to kill you for deserting him and his plans, could you pass on one message for him from me?"

"What is the message?" the Uzumaki asked.

I smiled, "Rin would be so disappointed in him."

Nagato nodded, "I will tell him that, do not worry."

"Thanks," I then vanished in a streak of lightning , appearing on Moltres' back, "see you both later! Don't worry about the chakra block! It'll dissolve in an hours time! Until then, I suggest you two start packing!"

Moltres took off, leaving the village, Konan tried sending a paper plane to spy on us, but my clone, who was still in sage mode, managed to discover it immediately and destroyed it. I then took out Shisui's eye and sealed it away once more, putting it into my inventory before reverting the clone back into wood and absorbed him into myself.

It would take a year before Nagato and Konan realised I had already won. It was a cheap trick using the Kotoamatsukami on him, but it was worth it. Yes, I could just kill them and be done with it. But I liked him, he wasn't evil...he was kind of like Obito himself, a lost man who was taken advantage off by Madara...damn, looks like all the blame is coming on Madara huh?

Unfortunately I could only use it on one person. Konan would be a los string, but at least she's too loyal to Nagato to even questions his orders, especially if it meant allowing them to be together, for real.

Anyway, it's time to head home...finally.

That night:

I managed to catch up with my allies soon enough thanks to Hinokami speed. They were understandably pissed at my actions, but I just repeated the same thing, 'it had to be done'.

We all came into another village that night, renting two rooms to sleep in. I shred mine with Anko and Turtle, though in the middle of the night I snuck out into the woods, traveling far far away.

Once I was truly alone and used a summoning jutsu and summoned all three dead hokages to my side, each once again pouring out ash every time they were summoned.

"Have you managed to defeat Pain?" Tobirama asked.

I shook my head, "no. I had to secretly use Shisui's eyes to make him see the best in the world instead. We won't be seeing him on with the Akatsuki ever again."

"DO you think that it will really work?" Minato asked.

I shrugged, "I may have not had to test it, but I'm confident that it did work."

Hashirama patted my back, "don't worry. If you believe it's possible, then it might just be so. If this man really is as dedicated to peace as you say you are, then he won't turn away such a task. He would feel obligated to try everything path available to him...or be forced into it by the Kotoamatsukami."

"You know, you really aren't making a good case for being an irresponsible person Yami," Minato chuckled.

I groaned, "I told you Minato, I already have one voice inside my head Minato, I don't need two."

"You could just drown him out," Minato suggested.

"Now that would just be rude," I snorted.

"What is going on here?" Tobirama asked, "what are you both discussing?"

"Minato wishes to give me his Yin half of the nine tails chakra," I informed him with a sigh.

"It's for the best," Minato nodded, "I am nothing but a corpse, Yami will need the power of the kyubi if he wishes to try and take on people like the Akatsuki. And to be honest...he's far more powerful than I will ever be."

"Ah, if you didn't notice I just took on Pain single handedly and walked away. I don't need the power boost."

"Do you really believe you can just talk your way out of fighting Madara?" Minato asked with a raised eyebrow.

"If it's any worth," Hashirama began with a bright smile, "you would be an amazing jinchuriki Yami. I have never seen someone as true as you."

"There are parts of me that aren't like that Hashirama," I snorted, "dark depraved parts that want to kill and hurt...if I take on something like the kyuubi, I fear that just might enough to break me...I'm not sure I can handle it."

"You are our disciple," Tobirama snorted, "trust me when I say this. You are more than worthy of the kyuubi."

I sighed, "you know...we should probably ask what he thinks."

Minato blinked, "excuse me?"

"The fox," I pointed at Minato, "what does he think of all this?"

Minato closed his eyes for a moment before opening them once more, "he's not really saying much...but I'm guessing anything is better than being in a rotting body," Minato chuckled.

"So...what do you say Yami?" Hashirama asked.

I rubbed my eyes, "I so know I'm going to regret this but...fine. What the hell. At least now if the Akatsuki is coming for the biju they'll have to go through me as well. But," I grinned, "if I'm making this sacrifice...I want something from you."

Tobirama raised an eyebrow, "you want a bribe?"

I nodded, "exactly!"

"What is it?" Hashirama asked curiously.

I pointed at Minato, "you are coming back with me to Konoha! And I mean in a real body!"

"What do you mean?" Minato asked curiously.

"I mean, I have a rinnegan, control over the Outer path, and you have a body. So...let's make you a real body. Hashirama and Tobirama are well past their time. But you aren't Minato. You owe Naruto a father, and you have a chance to do just that."

"B-but you'll die if you use the Outer path!" Minato argued.

I shrugged, "I can just make a wood clone alive and have him do it for me. So? What do you say Minato? You in, or out?"

The Fourth turned to his fellow Hokages and gulped. They both nodded with a smile causing Minato to sigh. "Well… if it means seeing my can I say no?"

I grinned, "perfect! Now, first things first, put the kyuubi in me, then we can work on bringing you back to life."

The process was a long one. Minato and Tobirama worked in conjecture to create the seal that would store Kurama inside of me. It was the eight element seal, the same one Minato used on Naruto.

By four in the morning, we were ready. Hashirama used wood restraints to keep me held down while Tobirama monitored my chakra levels. Minato stood over me, reading the kyuubi for transfer, when he began, it felt like lava entering my navel. Or it did at first before Gamer's body kicked in and killed all the pain.

After twenty minutes, it was over.


You have acquired the Kyuubi (Yin half)!


You have obtained a new perk!

Jinchuriki- +100 CP every time you level up!


You have gained a companion in the form of Kurama!


Bonus- 20% to chakra regeneration.


Bonus- 20% to health regeneration.

I sighed as I felt my chakra coil around the seal, slowly fusing into a new power source along with my own core. I activated my eyes and looked down at the seal, my chakra paths were teaming with a foreign chakra, I could feel Kurama's might inside myself.

"How do I talk to him?" I asked.

"Meditate,"Tobirama explained as he vanished in a poff of smoke, asshole.

Hashirama chuckled, "don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine," he then vanished as well.

"When...when you wish to revive me, please, just summon me," Minato then turned away and vanished as well, I'm guessing he had a lot on his mind, especially since I basically offered to revive him.

But, they were right, it's time to focus on the fox inside my gut...damn it, I just realised I'm going to have to become friends with Kurama. Ain't that a pain in the ass.

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