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53.57% Yami : The Gamer Kage {Complete} / Chapter 15: The Land of Waves

Capítulo 15: The Land of Waves

We arrived In Tazuna's house that night, he knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and a middle aged woman with blue hair let loose opened the door;

Tsunami, Mother

Lv- 12

REP- 20

"Father!" she cried out as she hugged the man, "I was so worried!"

"I'm alright Tsunami," Tazuna smiled as he hugged her back, "these ninjas brought me here safely."

She looked over and noticed us. She immediately bowed, "thank you for protecting my father."

"It's our pleasure," Kakashi smiled, "not to seem rude, but may we come in? It's been a long day."

"Off course!" she welcomed us inside and quickly showed us to the dining room, the largest room in the house, "would you like something to eat? We have some rice and fish you like. I'm sorry we don't have anything else to offer, it's hasn't been that good this past year."

"Rice sounds lovely," Kakashi said as we all sat down in the living room, with Kakashi at the head and Tazuna sitting next to him. "Starting tomorrow I'll be training you three," Kakashi said, "I realised that you all are..woefully ill prepared for a fight, so, for the remainder of the mission you three will be training with me."

"What about me?!" Tazuna asked, "I still need protection! Gato could send more men after me!"

"That's where Yami comes in," Kakashi pointed at me, "he'll be more than enough to fight anyone off."

"The kid?!" Tazuna gasped, "b-but you're the jonin! Won't I be safer with you?!"

"Actually, right now, Yami is the best option for you," Kakashi spoke as he read his book, "he's the one who took care of our enemy ninja problem, not me. So you're in good hands, trust me."

"Yami did?" Sasuke snapped, "I thought it was you."

"Nope. All Yami. I didn't even have to lift a finger," Kakashi replied turning a page.

"Amazing," Sakura said as they looked at me.

I chuckled, "stop, you're making me blush. Plus Kakashi sensei is giving me way more credit than I deserve."

"No, I really am not," he replied, "anyway, Yami, you're going with Tazuna, keep him safe and keep an eye out. Like Tazuna said, this Gato man could grow desperate and hire bigger thugs, we won't know until he makes his next move, so until then, be weary."

"Right...hey could I borrow a couple of Naruto's clones?" I asked.

"Hmm? What for?" Kakashi asked.

"The bridge," I explained, "Tazuna, how many workers do you have on hand?"

The man scratched h beard, "depends. I have to get people onboard with the idea first, so far I only have five people willing to work with me. I'm hoping when I go into town tomorrow I can really more."

"Exactly, Naruto's clones can serve as a powerful workforce," I nodded, "hence Tazuna gets some much needed help and his entire bridge building process goes by a lot faster."

"Hm...fine, I don't see a problem with it," Kakashi waved my request.

"Hey! I'm not a pack animal!" Naruto complied.

"You're whatever the mission needs you to be Naruto," I smiled at him as removed my hood and mask, sighing, "God that thing's stuffy."

"Alright, foods ready!" Tsunami said as she walked in and stopped suddenly as she looked at me. She blinked twice as I saw her REP raise from 20 to 45. Hm….maybe I should stop wearing a hood and face mask?

The Next Day:

"How many do you want?" Naruto asked.

"As many as you can make without hurting yourself," I told him as we stood outside Tazuna's house, ready to start our respective assignments.

"You asked for it!" Naruto made the now familiar seal causing the entire property to be covered in smoke revealing an army of Naruto's.

"Let go Dattebayo!"

"I'm pumped! Yeah!"

Tazuna blinked, "t-that's a lot! How many are there?!"

"Around a thousand I guess," I shrugged as I made a shadow clone with 300 CP. It appeared next to me before jumping onto the house's roof and disguising itself as a bird.

"Why did you do that?" Tazuna asked.

"In order to keep an eye on your family," I informed the man, "they're probably in danger because of Gato. If anything happens my clone will take care of it."

"That's smart thinking Yami!" Naruto said with a grin.

"Naruto! Come on! We have to start training!" Kakashi called out as he and the rest of team seven stood in the backyard.

"Right! Coming!" he turned to us, "good luck!" he then ran to the backyard, leaving us with a thousand versions of himself.

"All right you lot! I want you all to henge into a common looking civilian! The purpose is to make it seem like lots of people are onboard with this idea, prompting more people to take part! Make it a random person and make it plain, ordinary! Forgetful! And drop your henge for any reason unless I say so!" I ordered the clones.

"Right!" they cried out as they did just that. And now we had an army of civilians that looked ready for anything.

I turned to Tazuna, "lead the way."

"R-right," he nodded as he looked around before walking into town, "our first stop is the carpenter's guild in town. Hopefully I can convince the people there to come with us."

I nodded as we walked into town. The place was...well, garbage. The tow was broken down, buildings were either half broken or covered with mold. People were living on the streets, in boxes and wearing rags.

Things were bad, I could see it with my own eyes. Even Naruto's clones felt it, the pain. I turned around, "you know something Naruto? Technically, they're your people. So it's your responsibility to help."

"Right," the nearest clone replied, ""

I smiled, "don't worry, I'll help." The clones nodded as we moved into the heart of the town. We arrived at a large well maintained building in the middle of two where five people came out to meet Tazuna.

They talked for a bit, I stood close and watched as the serpent convinced the men to join up. Then the six went inside and talked to more people, asking them to join. Tazuna even played out trump card, the small labour force, and that got people excited.

Soon we had around twenty carpenters on board, all 20 followed Tazuna to the bridge site, which was currently just a slab of concrete and nothing else.

"All right then!" Tazuna said as he turned to face the small army of clones, "I'm guessing all of you don't know anything about bridge building yeah?"

The clones nodded. Tazuna sighed, "this is going to be a pain. I'll have to explain it to each and everyone of you."

"Not necessarily," I told him, "just explain it to one clone and the others will learn it automatically."

"What? Really?!" a clone asked amazed, "we can do that?!"

I nodded, "yup, Tazuna, you don't you divide them up into different groups for the task you need them to do. Then explain to one person from each group what needs to happen and they'll all learn, sounds like a plan?"

"Well, if they can really do that then yes!" the bridge builder nodded enthusiastically as he did just that.

I honestly wasn't surprised Naruto didn't know the thing about clones transferring memories, but hopefully now he would, and he would actually use that knowledge to become stronger.

Two weeks later:

"I'm so fucking bored!" I cried out from atop a pile of wooden beams. I grumbled as everyone ignored me by now even the clones started to get into the groove of things, working overtime, determined to make this bridge, to save their people.

I guess my little push worked a little too well.

The bridge was halfway done already, I know, amazing right? Two weeks of nonstop labour and the bridge was halfway finished, it would have taken much longer if NAruto's clones hadn't helped out, but luckily they were.

Tazuna actually managed to double the number of people working for him over the two weeks time, people were slowly getting hope back into their hearts and pride in their work. I could see it in their eyes. They still live in filth, but there was that spark, I remember seeing it in Naruto's eyes. I guess it's just a thing that descendants from Uzushiogakure have.

The kids training has been going well, like I expected Kakashi had trained them in tree walking, and since NAruto already knew it Kakashi taught him a new jutsu, a wind release since that's what I taught him.

Eventually thought Kakashi had determined enough training had been done, so the kids now had to come to guard duty with me, which is why Kakashi and Sakura now sat next to me overlooking the construction of the bridge.

"You know, if you're really that bored you could take a break," Kakashi said as he flipped through his book.

I groaned, "and do what?"

"Well, you could explore the land," Sakura said with a shrug, "you did say it used to be a ninja village yes? Maybe you can find something interesting."


Quest alert!

Find a proof of the Uzushiogakure village!






Do you accept?


I blinked, "that's it!" I jumped on my feet, "I've decided, I'm going on a treasure hunt! Kakashi, here," I tossed him a fanged dagger which he caught effortlessly, "throw it if you need me back and I'll do my best to arrive on time! I'll probably be gone for a few days though, this land in pretty big!"

"Don't die," he responded and with that I was off.

First thing's first, I needed information, the old kind. So I began asking around for the oldest person in the town and soon found an old woman, one Miezu Tomo, an old bat around a hundred years of age.

I found her house in the edge of town and walked to the front door, knocking, "hello, is anyone there?"

"Come in, it's open," came a sad voice.

I opened the door and walked in, the house was small, so small there was only one room and an old lady sitting in that room in a rocking chair. Her hair was blood red, her eye pale milky white, and over her head was a name, but it wasn't Tomo;

Misu Uzumaki,

Lv- 41

REP- 0

The woman smiled, "who is it? I don't recognize the voice. Is it a new child? Come to hear stories from grandmother Misu have you?"

I blinked, "you're an Uzumaki aren't you?"

"What?" the woman snapped with fear in her voice, "w-what are you talking about? Who are you?!"

"My name is Yami...I'm a ninja from Konoha," I told her as I walked in, "and you're an Uzumaki."

"Why do you say that little shinobi?" the woman asked.

"Your hair," I replied, "it's bright red...Uzumaki red."

"Oh that, oh no dear boy, I just dye my hair, it's nothing special," the woman laughed, but I knew she was lying.

"No, there's no way that's a dye, it's too...perfect. You're an Uzumaki, an Uzumaki is the only one who can live for so long and yet maintain the colour of their hair. They have been blessed with long life're one."

She began to grow angry, "I don't know what you're insinuating boy! I don't like your tone! I demand you leave my house at once or else I'll call for help!"

"No wat! Please, just listen to me for a moment! You're the first Uzumaki I've met! In fact you're the only Uzumaki in this town! There's another one! Right here!"

"What? Impossible!" she scoffed.

"It's true. His name is Naruto Uzumaki, he's an orphan from Konoha and he's been assigned to protect Tazuna the bridge builder. He's staying just a few streets away….could you possibly met him? He doesn't have any family're the closest thing he has to a grandmother."

The woman was silent, for a long time she said nothing. And then she opened her mouth, "why do you care so much for the reunion of two Uzumaki's?"

"Because Naruto's like a brother to me," I told her, "we were both orphans, and we both grew up together. I may not be his brother by blood but...I am his family, the only one he got….well, until now," she looked away, I sighed and continued, "please, I'm begging you. I swear I won't tell another living soul, just...just met him."

She said nothing, looking down, in shame or regret I couldn't say. And finally, after five minutes, she spoke, "very well...take me to him."

I nodded, " you have a wheelchair or something? Or do you wish me to carry you?"

"I can walk," she got up from the chair, using a cane to hold herself upright, "I'm old, not a cripple."

I smirked, "right...shall we?" We walked out, she set the pace...which was slow, like a sloth. But I didn't complain, I couldn;t. Eventually though the silence got too much for me, I had to talk. "So...where you a ninja for Uzushiogakure?"

She looked over at me, "why do you think I'm a ninja boy?"

"You feel like one," I told her, at her questioning gaze I continued, "I'm a chakra sensor, I can feel people's strength levels. You're around low chunin and you….you're unique chakra signature...that's another reason I thought you were an Uzumaki."

Lie successful!

She snorted, "and here I was thinking my ninjutsu was up to make," she folded her sleeves revealing a seal on her hands, "damn things must be broken if you can sense me."

I couldn't, I couldn't trace a bit of chakra from her. I honestly thought she was a civilian until I saw her name and level. "So you know Uzumaki fuinjutsu?" I whistled, "damn grandma, that's impressive, haven't seen that in ages."

She snorted, "of course you have, it's a secret for a reason...tell me, the Uzumaki you found, does he had a good head on his shoulders?"

I snorted, "Naruto's a moron. I tried to teach him seals, but he never took to anything more complex than an explosion tag. Honestly, that boy is dumb...but he is intelligent in other ways."

"How?" Misu asked.

"Emotionally intelligent," I told her, "he's one of the most empathetic people I know. He's not as good as I am with seals, but he does have a way with people."

" you're a wannabe seal master huh?" she snorted.

"Nothing about me is a wannabe you old hag," I snorted, "I'm probably the best seal master you'll ever met."

"That's quite a bold claim, especially when being said to an Uzumaki," she smirked.

"I reverse engineered the Flying Thunder God jutsu in five days. I'm pretty sure my claim holds water," I smirked back.

She faltered in her steps, "w-what?! Five days?! You figured out an S rank space time ninjutsu in five days?!"

I smirked, "not a wannabe now am I?"

"Show me," she snapped.

I raised an eyebrow at her tone but complied. I took out a dagger and showed it to her. She looked over at the seals and nodded. I then threw the dagger away before zooming over to grab it and then zooming back to her side.

"Interesting," she hummed, "you integrated the anchor matrix to one of control, not power. You would need to have phenomenal chakra control to be able to use your sealing matrix . But that also gives you an almost unlimited range, hm, very interesting."

I smirked, "finally, someone who speaks my language!"

We continued on our way to Tazuna's house, Misu and I compared notes and spoke fuinjutsu along the way. She wasn't very forthcoming with her clan's kinjutsu, but, I was very open about my seal ideas. She actually gave me a few helpful tips, hopefully they can lead to somewhere.

When we arrived in Tazuna's place she stopped. I looked at her, "what's wrong?"

"I-I can feel him," she said in awe as a small tear drop came from her eyes, "I can feel his chakra...he's an Uzumaki...another Uzumaki."

I smirked, "yeah...come on, let's meet him." We walked inside, "hey! I'm back! And I brought company!" I called out as we walked in.

Everyone was inside, sitting around the dining table sipping tea, they had just finished their lunch break. Tazuna sat at the head with Kakashi and Sakura in one side and Naruto and Sasuke on another.

"Hey Yami! What are you doing here?1 Kakashi sensei said you're going on a treasure hunt!" Naruto cried out.

"And I did," I smiled as I stepped aside revealing Misu to everyone, she immediately grabbed their attention.

"Old woman Misu?" Tazuna said looking confused, "what are you doing here?"

Misu ignored him, instead all her attention was on Naruto. She moved, her larger frame taking her across the room in seconds. Naruto leaned back a little, afraid, but Misu just smiled at him, her eyes slowly tearing up as she cupped his face.

"A-an Uzumaki," she said as she caressed his cheek, "a really Uzumaki."

"What's going on? Who is this woman?"Sakura asked curiously.

"She's Miezu Tomo, the oldest woman in the village," Tazuna spoke, "she's around a hundred years old. She used to tell us all stories about the village back in the past, about when it was the land of Whirlpools, when Uzushiogakure still stood."

"She's more than that," I told him, "she's also an Uzumaki."

Kakashi looked up from his book, "what?"

"An Uzumaki? Like Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"She's my relative?!" Naruto cried out in surprise.

"Yes, I am," Misu finally spoke, breaking the tension in the room, "and I have waited so long to see one of my people're may not be red, but your chakra, it's definitely an Uzumaki's."

I blinked, "wait, I thought you were blind."

"Then how did I walk all the way here without your help?" she asked.

" are a ninja," I shrugged.

She smiled and made the bird seal, her eyes suddenly turned form milky white to a raw powerful purple that seemed to peer into my soul, "a simple trick, guess you aren't as clever as you think sonny boy."

"Those eyes...they're exactly like my mom's," Naruto spoke in a hushed tone.

Misu turned to him, "your mother? What was her name?"

Naruto took out his pendant and showed her the photo he had of her, "her name was-"

"-Kushina," Misu finished with a gasp as she took the pendant with her shaking hands, "Kushina...the little tomato."

"What?" Naruto blinked.

"That's what we called her when she was born," Misu said with a choking voice, "her head was so perfectly round, her hair bright red, just like a tomato."

"You know my mother?!" Naruto asked.

Misu nodded, "yes, I did. She was my uncle's daughter. The youngest child in my home...and the youngest of the main household."

My eye winded, "holy shit."

"Oh...I did not know that," Kakashi said sounding very surprised.

"What? What does that mean?" Naruto asked.

"It means Naruto," Misu said his name with soft kindness, "that you are the last male heir of the main Uzumaki family, the heir to Uzushiogakure."

I blinked, "damn…so is Naruto's a prince?"

Misu blinked, "in the strictest sense, yes. He is."

"Alright!" Naruto cried out, "I'm a prince! Here that Sakura?! Wait, does that mean is Sakura and I get married she would be a princess?!"

"NARUTO! Don't stay stuff like that!" the pinkette blushed red while the others snickered, even Sasuke cracked a smile.

Misu sat down and we'll all listened to her story. She was a chunin when Uzushiogakure fell. She obeyed her Hokage's orders and went into hiding along with a few others. She survived till this date, hiding her origins and keeping an ear to the ground, hoping to see another Uzumaki. And now, after all these years, her mission was complete.

"That's so cool!" Naruto cried out, "I have a grandma!"

Misu chuckled as Naruto hugged her, she patted his back gently, "and I have a grandson," she turned to me, "and it's all thanks to you boy. Thank you."

I smiled, "don't mention it."

"Hey grandma Misu!" Naruto cried out, "do you think you can teach me some cool clan jutsu?!"

I snorted, "I doubt it. Naruto, you're clan specialised in fuinjutsu."

"W-what?! No way!" Naruto groaned, "now I can never learn it!"

"Nonsense," Misu huffed, "an Uzumaki that doesn't know seals? Impossible. I'm sure you just need the right teacher to help you along."

"But the last person to try way Yami! And if he can't teach me no one can!'

"Not true," Kakashi spoke, "Yami may be a seal master in his own right, but no one can challenge an Uzumaki when it comes to fuinjutsu. For the remainder of this trip you can train with her Naruto, learn whatever you can from her."

"Really? Thanks Kakashi sensei!" Naruto cheered.

"Kakashi? Kakashi Hatake?" Misu asked, "the son of the White Fang?"

Kakashi nodded, "yes. Why do you ask?"

"I met your father once," Misu spoke, "he was very kind to me. It's strange that both you and an Uzumaki great me at the same time...Yami, which clan do you belong to?"

I shrugged, "no clan, I'm an orphan."

"I see," her eyes softened, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Neah, it's fine, it's not like you killed my parents."

"But still, you have given me a lot Yami," she squeezed Naruto's hand, "if there's anything I can do, please, just ask."

"Hm, could you teach me some Uzumaki seals?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm only allowed to teach members of the Uzumaki family," she replied, "it's a clan rule."

"But Yami's practically family!" Naruto cried out, "he's my brother!"

"That may be, but rules are rules."


"-It's fine Naruto," I told him, "rules are rules. Keep your clan's secrets, it's fine...but could you by chance point me in the direction of the Uzushiogakure ruins? That was why I came to you in the first place."

"Why did you want to find the ruins?" she asked.

"Boredom," I told her with a shrug, "I was just curious is all. Not everyday you get to explore a land that used to be feared in over three great Lands."

"Hm, very well, I don't know what you'll find there though. The land has been burnt to the ground and people have been robbing it bare for the past half century, but, if you do find something you're welcome to it. Consider it a rewards for your efforts."

She put down the location of the village on a map and gave it to me. I thanks her and that night we all stayed for dinner with NAruto bombarding the woman with questions about their ancestral home.

The Next Day:

I left early the next day, like 4 in the morning early. I stepped out and took a deep breath, letting the cool morning air touch my soul.

"Swift Release: Speed up Times 10!" I charged up and zoomed off. This jutsu took up 100 CP every ten seconds. I produced 58% CP every thirty seconds, meaning I made around 2,800 CP every thirty seconds or 900 CP every ten seconds. More than enough to allow me to keep this speed up indefinitely.

And the next time I level up, I'll reach 1,000 CP every ten seconds, allowing me to move on to the next level, but for now, I would have to settle for this.

I moved south, the village was hidden in the south apparently on a cliff that looked over the ocean. I ran for about an hour when I finally reached my SP limit, forcing me to stop. Luckily though, I had already reached the coast line.

I waited for my SP to recover before I went ahead, looking around the coast for any sign of a a village existing here. I went up and down the area over a hundred times, it soon became night. I continued my search, but eventually even I got bored.

I found a small cover along the shore, the inside was bare, the floor was covered with water while the sides had a walkway made out of rocks. I settled onto the rockway for the night, using my coat as a pillow.

I looked up and found the night sky before me, the cove's roof was open wide. I honestly wasn't a bad place to come and relax for a while. Maybe I should make this place so that I could come again for a vacation.

I closed my eyes and let sleep take over, but I found the noise of the night poking into my head. The sound of crickets, the sound of the waves by the beach and the sound running water along...wait, running water?!

I got and immediately began looking around for the noise. I found a small spring in the end of the caev, tucked between two stones and so small one would not notice it if they didn't see it. The water fed into the cove's own water supply, I tasted the water, it was fresh, clean and fresh.

This wasn't possible, there's no way something like this could occur naturally...unless it didn't occur naturally.

I closed my eyes and allowed my chakra sensory powers to take over. I searched and felt the twinges of chakra just behind the stone wall before me. It was like something was growing inside, something strong. I need to break this wall down.

I stepped back and drew a fist, charging it up with chakra. "Fuck yeah!" I yelled, smashing it into the wall.


The entire stone surface collapsed. I jumped back to avoid the debris. Slowly The wall came down, releasing a cave entrance behind it. I smirked, this was awesome!

I walked in, the cave was dark, I used a fire jutsu to act like a torch as I walked in. The tunnel slowly grew bigger and bigger, until I came upon a small lake. It was huge, and on the other side was a hallway, an actually hallway.

I walked across the water and entered the hallway, the walls covered with Uzumaki swirls and other images, this must be a tunnel from the old Uzumaki village.

I walked further inside and found what looked to be a prayer hall, it had four large statues in it, each in one corner of the room with another hallway going out of the room. But the path was shut, collapsed from bedries, I think it must have been an escape route of some kind.

I looked at the statues in question, they were of people, each dressed in the old plate armour Madara and Hashirama used to wear,a ll making a hand seal, Tiger, Dragon, Bird and Hare. Below the statues were inscriptions, I walked closer and read it.

'Stands before you is Recca Uzumaki, the second Uzukage. His greatest creation being the discovery of the space and time branch of fuinjutsu.'

I read about this guy, his principles is what the second Hokage used to create the Flying Thunder God in the first place! This guy's a legend! I checked the other statues, the first, third and finally, the statue with the Dragon hand seal was the Daimyo, the Uzumaki that established Uzushiogakure in the first place.

I was in awe, even if I didn't discover anything else, this was worth it. But...I am a gamer, looting was part of the package.

"Alright," I cracked my neck, "show me your secrets..." I looked around, searching the entire chamber, but I found nothing, not a scroll, not a coin. The only thing I could find were the statues, hm, statues. Okay, let's go with that cliche shall we?

I stood before the Second Uzukage and made the Tiger seal which he had. Nothing. I continued before each only mirroring their poses, but once more, nothing. Maybe I need to do all four at once?

So I made three shadow clones and we each took our places, making the hand seals. And suddenly, the hall rumbled.

We all we on high alert as the center of the room began to open up. A pedestal came out of the ground and on it was were two storage scrolls.

I observed the pedestal and found no booby traps or tripe wires, it was safe to approach. I grabbed the scrolls and opened them up, finding something big sealed away inside of them.


Quest Completed!

Find a proof of the Uzushiogakure village!



Wings of Uzumaki

I blinked these must be what was sealed inside the scrolls. I put the bigger scroll on the ground and channeled chakra into it. There was a puff of smoke as a giant kite the shape of bat like wings appeared it.

The kite had a human harness on it, someone could actually wear it, though the wings looked too small to gain any lift to allow someone to fly into the air.

Wings of Uzumaki, A rank

Wings that were created by Uzushiogakure village to allow for flight. Channel chakra to activate.

Speed: 200 CP for 40 Km per hour

WARNING: Only an Uzumaki can use this!

I grumbled, great, so only Naruto could use this, just great. I sealed it back up, might as well have it as a gift for the brat. I then took the smaller scroll and put it on the ground, channeling chakra into it to release its content.

There was a puff of smoke as small rock with the kanji for 'key' appeared on the scroll.

Keyrune, D rank

Used to unlock a secret compartment, one use only.

I was surprised, so this was some kind of key? But where's the….I turned to the statues, I picked up the key and walked towards the Daimyo statue as slowly the stone began to glow. I stopped and moved towards the other statues, each gave off a similar reaction.

I can use this to unlock one of these statues...but which one? Maybe the messages on their statues would give a clue.

The second Uzukage's message spoke about his space time seals, so maybe it had something to do with that.

The first Uzukage spoke about how he defeated the armies of Kumo with a powerful water jutsu and the third Uzukage spoke about how talented he was with a blade.

The Daimyo however wa the most impressive. It spoke about how he single handedly protected the Land of Whirlpools from the Kyubi, bashing it away from the islands. If this wasn't propaganda, that mean this guy was strong enough to fight off the Kyubi! I had to have whatever he had stored away!

I approached his statue, the stone glowing brighter and brighter. I placed it on his statue and suddenly, I heard a click. The tablet with all the details of his life came open like a drawer, relating an object inside.

It was bracelet, a white bracelet the size of my face. It was thick, around five inches thick with a black stripe going down the middle. I narrowed my eyes and observed it;

Ring of Stars, S rank

A ring forged from a fallen star. It can absorb any amount of chakra and exclude it in the form of blades. It multiplies the CP given by 10.


DMG: 10 times X

Alright, now I'm impressed. And if something like this is in this storage contained, image what will be in the others?

I took the now inactive keyrune and let a dagger in the middle of the camber to come back later. I then left the room, back the way I came, and sealed the entrance I created by using a low level Earth jutsu to cover the tunnel once more.

I then walked out into the beach and took the Ring of Stars out. It was time to see what this thing could really do.

I held it in my hand, my fingers around the ring tight. I slowly channeled chakra into my hands, around 100 CP. I felt the ring stir up, the chakra in my hand began to pour out, seeping into the black line on the ring. It felt tight, like spokes on a wheel.

It began to push, forcing me to let go as the ring began to float down into my hand, spinning like a wheel with my hand being the axle.

And suddenly, three giant blades sprung out of the ring, blue, translucent, like the blades of a fuma shuriken. They spun with the ring, spinning in place. I smiled, drew my hand back and whipped it forward.

The ring flew out of my arm, like a bullet launched from a gun. It flew straight for about 20 feet before it spun off to the right, coming back to me like a boomerang. I caught it easily, and immediately it went over my arm again.

I threw it again, and this time aimed it at a nearby boulder. It coiled, blades first. The chakra ducked into the stone, like a drill hitting solid steel. Chucks of rock flew all over the place, I could see the energy the chakra blade took to break the stones apart. And suddenly, the Ring bounced away, flying over to me, almost leaping as it landed in my hand, no longer spinning.

The boulder was destroyed, broken apart, it was like something had crushed it with a giant hammer. The blades, they were strong, eerily similar to Naruto's Rasenshuriken.

The moment it ran out of chakra it stopped spinning, but it didn't stop when I just threw it. So did that mean it was only effected when it hit something? Could I spin it forever?

I stood on that beach, charging the Run up and throwing it into the air over and over again. My theory was right, as long as it didn't hit anything, it didn't cause any damage. And what's more I could channel more than just normal chakra into it, I could use other natures.

THe wind nature turned it into a cutting machine, while the normal blade acted like a drill, wind charak made the blades invisible and sharp, like a sword. Fire chakra made the blades light up, like with flames. It didn't do any damage whatsoever to the rock, but when I threw it at the water, the flames tore through them.

I tried lighting, which allowed the Ring to travel three times faster and hit hard, like when I used normal chakra. Scorch was similar to fire, except it also cut like wind. And Power….power was the most destructive.

The Blades light up with golden energy, I threw it, and instead of cutting into the boulder, it tore through it like a comet, and collided into the cliff side, exploding.

The ring came flying back into my arms, and in it's wake was a broken cliff side. I definitely had to be more careful with Power Release.

I left the coast at around noon, using the swift release to speed up 10 times faster. While I did find what I was looking for, Kakashi did kind of give me a leave of absence, so why shouldn't I do a little sightseeing while I'm free?

With that in mind I set off, using the swift release to make me ten times faster I took off into the countryside, looking at the lash green lands.

The land was criss crossed with rivers and lakes, a lot of water, and because of that most of the fauna were mangrove trees or some other similar variety. The land near this coast was fertile, lush with vegetation, I'm honestly amazed not more people farm here, or maybe it's too far away to do so.

I however soon realised something, there were no humans anyway here. It was like all those people were just stuffed into one village where there was so much room around? Hm, food for thought.

But then I discovered a fork in the road, one path fresh and often travelled the other molted, covered with grass. Hm, I think there's a poem about this from my world but...what? I don't….I don't remember….why….argh, stupid game.

But, the paths did intrigue me. There were two paths, yes, the one often traveled would lead me back to the village but the other one…, I grew curious and set out.

I followed the path at my increased speed and quickly came upon an abandoned village. I stopped at the entrance and was shocked, everything looked burnt down, destroyed even. It was like people had just left. It looked maybe 5, 10 years old? How did….why did….Gato.

I took off, I found four more covered pathways, I made three clones and we each took one. The path I took lead me to the coast, a village built on a cliff, I don't understand how I could have missed it it was.

The other clones popped, each of those paths lead to a village, except one, one lead to a harbour, a secret harbour which had a warehouse full of people coming and going. The clones had left a marker there, so I used a 100 CP and zoomed away.

I arrived behind a boulder, the dagger stuck between a few rocks. I took it and put it away, I looked out, the harbour was inland and had a small ship docked right then.

The people moving the boxes looked tough and most of them had one title in common, 'Drug Dealer',meaning the boxes was most likely drugs.

I closed my eyes and felt around, the warehouse was filled with around 50 civilians, no ninjas. This must be why Gato is so desperate to make sure the Land of Waves is crippled, it serves as a perfect transport hub.

I once read that the Land of Noodles was infamous for it's opium, meaning Gato probably transports the goods from there, to the island, from which he can provide drugs to the Land of Fire, Lighting, Forest, Water, Snow and even Iron. Damn, no wonder he wants it so badly.

I had to burn this place to the ground, only problem is I didn't have orders to do so. So I might as well get them.

I made two clones, each with a thousand CP each and I sent them off. One would flash over to Kakashi and the other to the Hokage himself, just incase Kakashi didn't approve.

I sat there and waited, logging in gaurd patrols and how many boxes of drugs were inside. The clone I sent to Kakashi obviously arrived first and dispelled. Long story short, he said no. He didn't want to agitate Gato.

A few hours later the clone I sent to the Hokage arrived, it soon dispelled, he also said no. So with a heavy heart I left, I couldn't do anything now, but I did leave a marker here, just in case.

I traveled through the night and reached Tazuna's place in the morning. I came in, "morning everyone!" I called out.

"Ah, Yami, back so soon?" Kakashi asked not even looking up from his book.

"Yup, was a nice trip...very informative, but not as explosive as I hoped," I sighed.

"Well, that's too bad," the man turned a page, saying nothing else.

"Was your journey fruitful?" Misu asked, it seems she was also in Tazuna's house these days.

"Kind of," I smiled as I sat down removing my hood and mask, "I managed to find the ruins of what looked like an Uzushiogakure shrine dedicated to the First, second and Third Uzukage, along with the Daimyo of the land. I didn't find much, but I did discover something cool."

"Like what?" Naruto asked a little excite.

"I'll show you, after breakfast," I smiled as he pouted, resolving to finish his food fast before forcing me to finish up quickly as well.

Soon the entirety of team seven, Misu and I were in Tazuna's backyard, the old bridge builder had decided to take a break today, so he and his daughter watched us from inside.

Naruto was jumping on his feet, "so? What did you find? Tell me!" he asked eagerly. I sighed as I took out the storage scroll with the wings and tossed it to him. He looked at it curiously, "what is it? A new jutsu?"

I sighed, "Naruto, it's a storage scroll, use it….you do remember how right?"

"Of course I do!" he cried out, "I'm not an idiot," he put it down and challenged chakra into it causing the wings to appear before us. "Woah," he said as he picked them up, "what are they?"

"They are wings," Misu said as she examined them before turning to me, "where did you find them?"

"I told you, in a ruin," I shrugged, "I figured you would know what to do with this."

"Yes...I do," she ran her fingers down the wings, "it only works for an Uzumaki, it grants the user the power of flight."

"Wicked!" Naruto said, "a item that only works for me?! That's so cool!"

I rolled my eyes, "don't let it go to your head Naruto, a good ninja isn't defined by his tools, but by his actions."

"Yeah yeah, can I try it on now?!" he asked.

"No," Misu spoke clearly, "that is too dangerous for you. You need to train first before anything else, do you understand?"


"-Do you understand?" she narrowed her eyes.

Naruto sighed, "yes grandma Misu."

The woman smiled, "good boy, now Yami, did you happen to find anything else?"

I sighed, "yes, I did. But I hoped I could keep this one, if you don't mind that is," I reached around back and unhooked the Ring from my belt and held it out, "it's called the Ring of Stars, it belonged to the Daimyo of this land, the founder of Uzushiogakure."

"T-The Ring? You found it?!" Misu looked amazed as she took it from my hands, holding it like it was a precious gift from heaven itself, "d-do you know what this is? What it can do?!"

"Yeah, I do. Took me a while, but I figured it out," I took the ring back and channeled chakra into it forming the three chakra blades around it. The Ring then began to spin in my hand I tossed it into the air, it harmlessly flew around before it came back to me, "it's like a fuma shuriken, instead of metal it's blades are pure chakra."

H-how are you doing that?!" Misu asked, "the last person who even tried to control that thing got his arm chopped off!"

I blinked, "really? It's that difficult?"

Misu nodded, "yes, there has never been someone who could control that thing since the second Uzukage! If they even would go out of control!"

I shrugged, "looks alright to me."

"Can I try?" Naruto asked.

"No!" Misu cried out, "there is no way you can try young man! This ring require precise control to control, you certainly do not have that."

"Maybe that's why Yami is so good with it," Kakashi offered while he flipped a page, "his chakra control is perfect, beyond normal even. If the Ring truly requires control to use, then Naruto is the worst candidate to use it and Yami would be the best."

"Hm, that might just be true," Misu nodded, "either way Yami, perhaps it is for the best you keep it. You've proven yourself a friend to the Uzumakis, this is the least we can do. Just..promise me that is an Uzumaki arrived who can wield that RIng, you'll give it to them?"

I nodded, "I promise, if that happens, I'll give the Ring back to their true owners."

Misu smiled, "thank you. Now, Naruto, let's get back to your training!"


"No but's!" Sakura chuckled as Naruto was dragged away, even Sasuke smirked, guess Misu was a hard teacher huh?

Two weeks later:

I got back to work, guarding Tazuna day in and day out. And once again, I got bored. But this time I got to have some fun, using the Ring as a discuss to see just how much I could manipulate it.

I found it obeyed every order I gave, before I threw it. IT didn't move when in flight, it was stuck in one path, but before, I could program it into any flight path, even to come back immediately after throwing it.

The bridge was almost complete, Tazuna and everyone in the village were excited as hell. So they threw at party at Tazuna's to celebrate.

"To the bridge!" Tazuna toasted.

"To the bridge!" the people cheered. There were around a hundred people out in front of Tazuna's lawn. The twenty people Tazuna managed to hire turned to fifty and quickly to a hundred. Now a days everyone in the village was on board and excited.

I also looked forward to the end of this mission, it honestly had gotten kind of boring at this point. I was so looking forward to going back home.

"To the ninjas!" a ransom woman shouted.

"To the ninjas!" the men and women cheered, Naruto blushing while Sasuke looking...confused. Guess he never had anyone thank him for something he actually did before.

"And to finally giving that bastard Gato the middle finger!" Tazuna cheered, this toast gaining the most attention.

"You're all going to die!" a scream tore through the crowd. Slowly people stopped partying and drinking. They all turned to see Inari, the little boy, standing in his house's doorstep looking angry. "You can't win! Gato will just kill you all!"

"Inari..." Tsunami tried to calm her son, but he didn't listen, pushing her hands away.

"Gato's going to kill you all! There's no point in trying to escape! Can't you see what you're doing is stupid?!" Inari cried with tears in his eyes, "you're all going to die!"

"The hell we are!" Naruto yelled as he came forward.

"Naruto-" Sakura wanted, but the blonde didn't listen.

"We ain't going to die, nobody's going to die," Naruto said in a hot tone, "I swear it!"

"Yeah? How are you going to fight all of his men?! How?! He'll kill you! Good people can't live in a world like this! If you try to fight back, you'll just die!"

"That doesn't mean I won't stop fighting!" Naruto yelled back, "I'll never stop! I'll protect the people I care for till the day I die! Just because I'll die doesn't meant I won't even try! If you don't try, what's the point?! You either die alone and useless or you stand your ground and fight!"

Inari was in tears as he went back inside, Tsunami apologised for her son and went in as well. THe party continued, but Naruto went off to think.

I smiled, I'm glad my interference hasn't clouded his personality, he's still the same stubborn boy. Which was good, he'll need that personality if he wants to save us all.

A week went by without incident, we were so clone now, it was almost done. But, on the last day of construction, I felt them, all of them. Hundreds upon hundreds of chakra signatures coming towards us from the village side, all just a little stronger than the average civilian.

I immediately jumped to Tazuna's side scarring the man, "what do you think you're doing?!" he roared, but I ignored him. I grabbed his shoulder and sent out three pulses of chakra, alerting Kakashi and the rest.

Ten minutes later they arrived, Tazuna still confused, but right next to me. "How many?" Kakashi asked as he put away his book.

"Over six hundred," I blinked, "yeah, around that man. They're over a hundred fifty feet away and coming closer. I think….maybe half an hour, maybe less."


Quet alert!

Defeated all 620!


+10,000 EXP



Main mission failed

Do you accept?


"S-six hundred?!" Sakura gasped, "w-we can't fight that many!"

"We'll have to try," Kakashi nodded, "Sakura get Tazuna and the rest of the builder's into town, we'll push the rest of them back."

"R-right," she nodded as she ran away with Tazuna in hand.

"Yami, can you litter the fields with your daggers? Mark them all?"

"No need," I told him as I cracked my knuckles, "they're just civilians, I can take them down easy with just Swift release. But, if I miss any you can take them."

"That's awfully cocky," he said lifting his headband to reveal his Sharingan. This caused Sasuke to gasp.

"H-how did you get that?!" Sasuke demanded.

"What?" Naruto asked looking at Kakashi sensei's eye, "woah! Sensei! Your eye is red!"

"I'll tell you both about it later," Kakashi promised before looking to me, "are you sure you can handle this?"

"Please, I need a workout anyway," I cracked my neck loosening my muscles up. We waited for them, a minute later the first of the enemies crossed the tree line stepping forward and glaring at us.

They were dressed like bandits and ronin, no armour, just pointy weapons. They looked mean, ruthless even. Most were above level 20, their average HP being around 3,000, meaning if I hit them with my chakra enhanced fists at a critical spot, I could kill them.

"We're from Gato's shipping company!" the head at the small army cried out, "and we're here to advise you ninjas to leave this land! You're interfering with our boss's investment! So give us the bridge builder and leave, and no one gets hurt."

I blinked, "well...that's interesting and all, really, it is, very kind offer," I stepped forward as I pulled my hood down and revealed my face, "but how about I make you a counter offer. Leave now, and I won't break you all within an inch of your life."

"Bahala!" the ronin laughed hard, "you? What are you going to do pretty boy?! Jerk us off?!"

I shrugged, "this is my last warning, leave, or don't, either way, I'm happy," I made the seals of the Swift release times ten.

"Fuck off!" he cried out as he drew his katana, "waste them all!"

Naruto got ready to move, Kakashi took a kunai out in each hand and Sasuke moved through the seals for a fire jutsu. I finished the Swift release and activated it, "wrong call," and I vanished before their eyes.


Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125


Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

I ran up behind the leader and gave a pat on each shoulder, dislocating it and leaving him with less that 25% of HP left. I then turned to the others and moved into the tree where the rest of them hide.


Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125


Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125


Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125


Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125


Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

It was like a pinball machine. I hit them all twice, making sure not to get a critical strike, aiming at their limbs. I moved through them all, using my senses to detect where they were.

In five minutes, that is for those living in normal time, I managed to defeat all six hundred of them. I stopped in front of Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke, all of whom looked both horrified and amazed by what they just saw.


Quest completed!

Defeated all 620!


+10,000 EXP

The enemies groaned in pain, all either on the ground of limping away as fast as they could.

"He's a monster!"

"A speed demon!"

"Help me! I can't feel my arms!" the leader of this small army cried out.

I walked over to him, and using my medical ninjutsu healed him up. I then pulled him up on his feet and grabbed him by the collar, "I want you to go and tell Gato what happened today. How one ninja defeated all six hundred of you. And then I want you to tell him that this Land is protected, now and forever. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes! Please don't hurt me!"

I threw him aside. He scrabbled to his feet and ran, ignoring the pleads from his comrades.

"Why didn't you kill them?" Sasuke asked, "you could have done it, easily."

I sighed, "I don't like killing Sasuke, a human life does have value. Maybe they could change, maybe they won't. But we won't try unless we try. This way they'll be too scared to try anything and they'll spread the legend about how they narrowly avoided death, spreading fear. If I had killed them...well, there would be no one to tell that story would there?"

"Sometimes Yami, you're too soft for your own good," Kakashi sighed as he lowered his headband, "honestly, you need to be little more ruthless, especially in this world."

I shrugged as I walked past them, "there's enough killing in this world Kakashi, maybe there should be someone who actually tried to bring people together, instead of tearing them apart."

Naruto nodded, and Kakashi sighed. But Sasuke...I think he was the only one who actually listened.

Just then Sakura came back with Tazuna in toe and behind him was the entire village all armed to the teeth, ready for a fight. However, they stopped halfway across the bridge, looking behind me at the destroyed army.

Tazuna dropped the bat he was carrying and looked in awe, "d-did you do all of that?"

"Yup," I patted his shoulder, "they're not dead, I would suggest not killing them. Let them suffer for a bit and then crawl back to lick their wounds. And let them go after Gato, the man who sent them on a suicide mission in the first place. Trust me, it'll be easier this way."

The villager nodded as they cleared a path to let me through. I then walked away, intent on finding some peace and quiet, and just then, I got another notification.


You spared the lives of 615 enemies! +615 PP, +615 Points!

615? Did five people die? Shit...wait, that's not important! I got 600 hundred points! WHAT THE FUCK?! Hell yes! When I first discovered 600 hundred weak ass bitches coming towards me i had this plan in the back of my head. I'm just so glad it actually worked!


I jumped on top of a tree and sat down, excited as hell for what's about to happen. I needed these points! I had to have them! Oh I'm so excited! ARGH! YES! THANK YOU GOD!

I opened up my status page and looked at my stats, first things first, level up all of my stats to hundred.

When STR rose to 100 I gained a new perk;

Doubling strength- Doubles your strength, Costs- 50 SP per second

This was useful, like really useful. Then came VIT;

Speeding bullet- Double your speed, Costs- 50 SP per second

Hm, this was eerily similar to the STR perk I gained, but then again when I hit 50 for them both I did gain similar perks then too.

I moved on to DEX;

8.0 Eyesight- Grants you an almost telescopic vision that also sees great in the dark

Okay, now this was useful as fuck! Night vision baby! Alright, then came INT, which I only had at 40, so when I doubled it to 100 I gained two perks instead of one;

Thinker's match- Allows a 40% chance for your mind to grant you a solution to an unsolvable problem

Memory Palace- Have an almost eidetic memory for knowledge and people

CHA leveled up easily;

Nature's Duality- Allows you to channel two different nature types at the same time

Since CC was already at 130 I didn't level it up. And then finally came luck, which was only at 27. I used 73 points to bring it up;

Lucky Day- Choose one day which you consider lucky- _

I blinked but selected the option of Saturday.


Lucky Day- Every Saturday your LUC stat gains +50

And the second perk I got was interesting;

Monthly lottery!- Gain a chance to spin a prize wheel every month! Gain a valuable prize!

And just as that appeared a new box appeared, this one with a lucky spin win with slots filled with question marks in it. I was surprised, but did as I expected and spun the wheel.

It spun three times around before landing on one box which came out in a puff of smoke and appeared in my hand. I grew curious and opened the box only to groan. I found the most useless thing in the world inside the

Around 10,000 Ryo. Useless! This is why I hate being a stupidly famous author, cash is just so boring! I put it away, causing the box to disappear. Hopefully I'll have better luck next month. I looked at my present stats;

STR- 100 (+5)

VIT- 100

DEX- 100

INT- 100 (+2)

CHA- 100

CC- 150

LUC- 100 (+5)

Points- 352

Hm, over three hundred points left. I should be spending them wisely, distributing them evenly. But I am planning on being a specialist, so I should only focus on what I need and level that up instead.

So I decided to put 50 in STR, 200 into CHA and 100 into CC, since I can't expect to level up more often now, I might as try and gain more control per level while I'm at it.

STR- 150 (+5)

VIT- 100

DEX- 100

INT- 100 (+2)

CHA- 300

CC- 250

LUC- 100 (+5)

Points- 2

This gave me new perks. One for STR;

Tekkai- Turn your body into iron, gain +500 Durability

And two perks for CC;

Superior sensor- Increase sensory range to 800 feet diameter

That was pretty useful;

Chakra God- grants 10% reduction of chakra cost in every jutsu

Holy shit! Oh my God! For everything?! For fuckign everything?! Does that much chakra do I have to spend on the jutsus that I have 100% control in?! Fuck man!

I then gained four perks thanks to CHA reaching 300;

Chakra Concealment- Make your chakra levels seems like that of a civilian. (Inactive)

Chakra Conversion- Convert parts of your chakra into HP or SP

Chakra Absorption- Absorb chakra from other people. Limit- 500 CP per person


For crossing over 300 stat points in CHA, you are now able to detect natural chakra!

Sage Chakra- Allows the detection of Senjutsu!

Oh yes, yes! I thought Chakra God was amazing, but this? This was a whole another planet! Sage mode was within my reach! Yes, I know it said I could only detect natural energy, but that was the first step in becoming a sage!

I know I need to be careful, obviously I can't become a sage without help, or else I'll turn into a stone statue. But at least I'm close.

I closed the boxes and felt the chakra around me. I could feel it...I could feel the energy around me, so powerful. I almost want to reach out and touch it but...I know that wouldn't be wise.

I sighed and opened my eyes again and shook my head, whatever, it's not like I'm not powerful enough as it is.

I then opened my perk tree menu. I had 624 PP, meaning I had more than enough points to get the eyes I've been itching for, the Sharingan!

Sharingan- Gain the legendary eyes of the Uchiha clan. (Conditions to unlock- Gain over 60 REP with a Sharingan user.) Cost- 50 PP

Buy now!


Are you sure you want the Sharingan perk?!


I pressed yes and;

WARNING: Once you obtain said perk the doujutsu, Byakugan, gets automatically locked! Are you sure?


Hm….well, I already did make up my mind. Not having two Dojutsus isn't that big a deal. I pressed yes;


You have obtained the Sharingan perk for 50 PP!

I smiled as suddenly I felt my eye ich. I blinked as slowly everything began to slip into position. I could see...everything. I looked at my hands and every movement I made was recorded. It felt...powerful.

I could see the chakra in my veins, nothing too concrete but it it was there, I could actually see it! This was amazing! And my reaction timing, oh my god! It was so perfect! I need to get used to this, especially in my Swift mode, but now, oh my God, it felt amazing!

I took out a kunai and looked at my eyes, red, bright red with a two tomoe in each eye.


You have unlocked a dojutsu! It will not be listed under the jutsu list but under skills!

Sharingan, Two tomoe, Lv- ⅔ (1%)

The dōjutsu kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan that appears selectively among its members.

CP cost- 200 CP per minute


Chakra sight

Clarity of vision

Copying jutsus

Visual Genjutsu gains +40% chance of success

I grinned, 200 CP per minute, I can cover that with just my regeneration alone! I don't ever have to turn it off!

I closed the boxes and kept my eyes active. I then opened the perk list up yet again, intent on gaining another perk when I saw a new one I hadn't seen before;

Mangekyou sharingan- LOCKED! (Conditions to unlock- Kill someone with 80 REP).

Technically, since I was famous in Konoha, the average person did hold 60 REP with me. So I can just pick someone up in random, talk them up and when they get 80 REP, slice their necks open and gain those eyes but...I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do it. So sadly, I dismissed that option. Besides, the more I use those eyes the quicker I become blind.

I then looked at the other options and picked the handful perks I wanted to buy;

Pokemon Breeder- Unlock the breeding function for all your pokemon! (Conditions to unlock- Gain over 50 REP with two of your pokemon.) Cost- 20 PP

Totally going to make me an army of Moltres's.

Hero maker- Every 10 levels, randomly obtain a power from one of the heroes you have fictions heroes you have made. (Conditions to unlock- Be published over 5 times.) Cost- 50 PP

Please, I need super speed! Or super abs, I'm fine with either or!

Pokemon talker- Speak with your pokemon. (Conditions to unlock- Have over 5 pokemon with REP higher than 50) Cost- 50 PP

Very useful! Duh!

Ladies man- +40% more success with the ladies. (Conditions to unlock- Have five women with over 60 REP.) Cost- 20 PP

I'm coming for you ladies!

Lightning Lover- +20 REP with everyone from Kumo. (Conditions to unlock- Gain +40 REP with someone from Kumo.) Cost- 10 PP

I'm coming for you Samui's boobies!

Weapons master- 500% more damage towards all ninja weapons. (Conditions to unlock- Gain over 60 REP with a weapons master.) Cost- 20 PP

Meh, why not? I have money to burn.

Nobel's tongue- Gain +30% success rate when trying to convince someone. (Conditions to unlock- Gain over 60 REP with a nobel.) Cost- 5 PP

Same reason as perk listed above.

Chakra Beast- Grants +50 XP every time you level up. (Conditions to unlock- Gain over 60 REP with Naruto) Cost- 10 PP

Because I need it. All this and I still only spent 185 PP, nothing more. I still had 389 PP left. I sighed, looks like I'll just have to make more friends or enemies and see where that get's me.

I closed the menu options and jumped down from the tre. By now it was getting late I'm sure Kakashi was getting worried even if he never showed it. I made sure to deactivate my eye before I left, don't want anyone seeing those. For now I'll keep them a secret, but one day, soon everyone will know, Sasuke's not the only Uchiha in town.

A week Later:

Team seven I looked at the bridge in quite relife. "I can't believe it's finally over," Sakura said in relief.

"Well, you don't need to sound so chipper...but yes," Kakashi nodded as he looked up from his book.

"Thank you, without the help of you four, this bridge wouldn't have been made," Tazuna said as he and the rest of the village stood at the mouth of the Great Hope bridge. They wanted to name it the Great Yami bridge but I'm not that vain.

"Inari," Tsunami said pushing her son forward, "isn't there something you would like to say?"

The kid looked a little happier, he smiled at me, "when I grow up, I want to be a ninja just like you!"

I blinked, "like me? Why?"

"Because' you're my hero!" he smiled.

"You all are," Tazuna smiled, "and please, apologise to the Hokage for me. I didn't mean...I didn't mean to trick anyone I'm more than willing to face the punishment."

"No need," Kakashi snapped his book, "I have already spoken with him. He said in exchange for a trade agreement he would be more than willing to look over this matter. As far as Konoha is concerned, we're square."

"So then...I guess it's time for us to leave huh?" I smiled, "take care, all of you. And if anything happens and if anyone even ties anything, remember," I pointed at the top of the arch over the entrance to the bridge where one of my daggers hanged, "just pull on that and I'll be here as fast as I can."

"Right!" Inari smiled as everyone gave us their well wishes, wishing us a safe journey.

We began to leave, eager to finally get back home, when Misu came running out with traveling clothes on, "wait a moment! Don't you dare forget me!"

"Grandma Misu?" Naruto blinked, "what's going on?"

"Did you think you could just leave me and go off little Naru? Especially now after I finally found another living Uzumaki? Oh dear God no! I'm coming with you!"

"You are?" Sakura asked in surprise, "but your home-"

"Home is where the heart is girls," Misu smiled, "and I'll be home as long as I'm with an Uzumaki, especially if that Uzumaki is my grandson."

Naruto blushed, "oh come on grandma, you're making me blush!"

"Good, now come! I have heard much about Konoha and have only ever visited it over thirty years ago!" Misu smiled as we walked, with her setting a reasonably fast pace for a civilian.

"By the way," I asked her, "where will you be staying?"

"Oh, I'm sure I'll find some place," she waved off my worry, "I have a bit of money saved up you know, I'll be fine."

"You could just move in with us," I shrugged.

"Really Yami? You won't mind?!" Naruto asked sounding excited.

"Oh dear I couldn't do that, it's not fair. I'm sure you have your own expenses to take care of," Misu smiled.

"It's not a problem grandma! Yami's rich! He can buy ten houses if he wants to!"

I rolled my eyes, "maybe not ten, but I can afford to live on my own. You and Naruto could use the place we have right now, I can move in next door, I'll have more room, some privacy too. It's honestly not a problem."

Misu blinked in confusion, "I'm sorry if I seem rude Yami, but I was under the impression you were an orphan, how come you are rich enough to afford your own place? Are ninja missions these days really that beneficial?"

"No, not really," I chuckled.

"That's because Yami's a famous writer!" Naruto blurted out.

"Oh? Anyone I know?" Misu asked.

"Yeah, he-MPH!" I covered his mouth with my hand shutting him up.

"Naruto, are you forgetting the fact that I told you that's supposed to be a secret?" I growled at the end.

Naruto blinked and immediately stopped struggling. I removed my hand and he sighed, "sorry Yami, I forgot. Sorry grandma, but Yami's sensitive about his work, he doesn't like people finding out."

"Oh? What genre does he write?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto tapped his chin, "mainly superheros, he-MPH-"

"-Not one word Naruto! Or I swear to God I'll die all your clothes pink!" I growled covering his mouth again.

"Is he Stan Lee?" Kakashi asked.

"You son of a Bitch!" I yelled before I glared at Naruto, "I'm going to make your life a living hell you bastard." The Blonde Uzumaki gulped as he began to sweat.

"Wait, Kakashi sensei was right?! You're Stan Lee?!" Sakura gasped, "oh my God! Ino is going to freak out!"

I sighed, time to do some damage control. Damnit Kakashi! And stupid Naruto! ARGH! This is just what I need right now!

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