As we made our way to the Dwarf Country, the temperature quickly started to drop. From the hot desserts to the snowy landscapes, it was quite the surprising change in temperature, and as we made our way deeper across the skies into the mountain range leading to the mountain the dwarves inhabited, things became even colder.
"Bbbrrrrhh… It is so cold around here!" Elfina cried. "Achoo!"
"What with this sudden temperature change?!" Fiere was surprised.
"Ugh, our dessert clothing are now our worst enemy, brother!" Ariant cried. "Uuggh…"
"R-Right…" Eriant sighed, trembling from the cold.
"You are a bit too weak, aren't you?" Luminous sighed. "This cold breeze feels good in the scales."
"Honestly I don't feel it that much…" Brunhild said.
"You guys are just so big that cold doesn't even affect you!" Sighed Elfina.
"I think I've figured out a way." Sol said. "{Warm Aura}"
Check "The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually the Strongest"!
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