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36.47% Scarblade Goddess / Chapter 31: CHAPTER 30

Capítulo 31: CHAPTER 30

In another realm, the Hellion demon realm to be exact, Ira was with some abyss hooded male. Though, the male's hood had thin strips of gold on the edges. The two of them were in some sort of restaurant in a redlight district, since the ambiance was filled with carnal sensations that was very unholy to anyone's senses. Soon, Ira had finished drinking her crimson tea or was it blood,

"What is it now, MASTER? I thought you've already disowned me?".

Through Goddess Ira's eyes, she was seeing some sexy and gorgeous waitresses who were wearing erotic and skimpy outfits that would please any man's crazy desire. Honestly speaking, this is no place for a Goddess but instead, for a b*tch. Oh wait! She's a b*tch Goddess. It appeared the waitresses were demon girls, succubi to be exact. They had bat wings and horns. Men sure are gullible when it comes to sexy women. As Goddess Ira witnessed them, she was disgusted in her deep thoughts,

"Tsk! Typical of master, choosing a putrid place like this...".

It seemed the Celestia Gods and Goddesses can travel to the lower realms such as the Hellion demon realm, if ever they want to do private business or have a vacation. It's as if they were tourists. These Gods and Goddesses sure are carefree. Soon, the hooded male made an ungodly grin filled with interest,

"Is that so, well I'm just gonna say this. Do you remember the time when YOU'VE TURNED THAT GULLIBLE NASSUS INTO A FOOL?".

Ira made a nasty smile,

"Oh yes, I remember it clearly.".

Sooner or later, her eyes closed and she dove into her own sea of memories.

Her memory starts off, after the events when the adult Nassus was transferred to another world and failed to save her, in which she was now being carried by the guy in a black hood. Ira was awake but, she doesn't feel threatened, even though she was abducted. Rather, she was feeling a compassionate touch, since the hooded guy was the one whom she called master. Later, Ira looked at him and said like she was a pitiful princess,

"Are we away from him now master?".

Her master replied straight,

"Yes my dear Ira, so could you STOP ACTING like a damsel-in-distress? It doesn't suit you.".

"Hmmm, I see...",

she said. The hooded male put her down and let her stand. Ira removed her pitiful expression and masked a devious smile on her face. She walked around the white plane that was emanating powerful light beneath. A little while later, she expressed her opinions,

"Soon, Nassus will come back to SAVE ME with his brand of ENSLAVED GODDESSES...".

Then, her master looked down with a grin,

"But in all actuality, you were just PRETENDING to be kidnapped by me...".

She had stopped for a moment and made a crazy smile of a devil,

"Well yes, and his new brand of enslaved Goddesses could bring you potential GODDESSES who can become DISTORTED GODDESSES by your power, just like mois.".

Her master went near her and crossed his arms. Then, he complimented her,

"I must say, I have thank you for your amazing ideas and SUPERB ACTING, my dear Ira.".

Ira giggled and said with her slutty voice,

"Oh I'll do anything just to satisfy your desires, master...".

She caressed her master's cold face with her divine touch of a maiden. The hooded man was noticing that Ira's eyes were filled with passionate hearts, while she was wearing a perverted smile. Thereon, the mysterious male replied back with a grin,

"With that, I must reward you now, MY DISTORTED B*TCH GODDESS.".

Her enigmatic master vanished that sudden moment. Suddenly, he pushed her down. He was on top of her, such as he was a predator who was ready to feast on his prey. Both of their carnal smiles filled with lust had contact with each other. They were ready to commence their ritual of corrupted bonding. Though, Ira was engrossed in her thoughts, accepting her fate,

"There's no going back now. Sorry Nassus but, I just TOYED with you in order to satisfy my master. I'm just a MIND-BROKEN DISTORTED B*TCH GODDESS and I'm LOVING IT.".

It appeared Nassus was just tricked and manipulated by the grand plan of the said actress just to please her master. Soon, Ira was feeling the passionate embrace that came from the netherworld. Her inner core was seeped in the cold abyss and the warmth of burning desire. Their chaotic embrace of dark winds were surging throughout the place. Ira's symphonic moans of intense flames were bursting out, as she was having an intimate dance with her terrifying master. The falling petals weren't velvet but, they were dyed in the abyss that had streaks of crimson blood. Their forbidden ceremony took long that rattled the heavens above and made the angels cry as a Goddess was being defiled once more.

After a while, Ira had stopped swimming in her intimate bubbles of the past. Her soothed expression was gone, as she had witnessed that her former master was fondling a waitress's breast with great comfort. Although, the timid succubus waitress didn't react. In fact, she just let him do as he pleased. It seemed she was liking it too, since her cheeks were red in embarrassment. Really! These succubi are better than hookers! As usual, the abyss cloaked male was fascinated by squeezing the demon girl's marshmallow. Soon, he told Ira,

"I can see that Otorine and Yumine are taking a liking to you. So, what do you say?".

Ira was suspicious,

"What do you mean?".

Her master brought out pictures of Otorine and Yumine on top of the table. Then, he shove it to Ira's side. He had stopped fondling the breast of the waitress, letting the succubus to continue on with her business. Though, the succubus waitress bowed first before she had left. It seemed that offensive act was a nice compliment for a succubus instead. Soon, the hooded man held his own hands and negotiated with Ira,

"If you tell me more about these two from time to time, I'll let you and OUR second daughter back to my villa.".

As Ira heard the nice offer, she masked an evil smile of a demon queen. Her hand took the pictures and held them like these were a deck of cards. The hooded male grinned a demonic smile, as she was interested in his offer. Then, Ira said,

"I could say you've taken into a liking for them huh, you creep.".

Suddenly, Ira flung the pictures back to her master's face with powerful force. Due to the strange man's superb reflexes, he was able to grab the pictures by locking them in-between his fingers. He just sighed later on,

"I guess you've declined my offer then...".

He stood up and said his ultimatum,

"You shall regret this, IRA!".

Then, the mysterious male left his table and went elsewhere. His presence was totally gone, turning the place to be less terrifying. Ira was able to relax and calm her nerves. She shut her eyes and she was absorbed in her thoughts,

"Even if I weren't with those two that much, I won't betray them, since they're my friends now. Even though, Yumine wants to skin me alive.".

She wore a smile and continued to be engrossed in her thoughts,

"Besides, I could just feel immense pleasure from ANY GUY to be honest. Not only that, pleasing THIS EX-MASTER of mine is too much hardwork really...".

After a while, Ira was busy playing a game on her smartphone. She forgot that she was still at the restaurant. Sooner or later, a slim and beautiful succubus waitress showed the bill to Ira. Ira turned blue, as she was truly shocked beyond her wildest nightmares. There after, her hand smacked the table and blurted out with great agony,


Though, she was even more furious, as she had seen something absurd from the bill,


Now that's something unexpected, well maybe in a succubus restaurant that would be normal. Also, I could say her master is one d*ck, since he let Ira pay the bill instead of being a gentleman. Honestly, Ira what did you see in that guy before?

Meanwhile, the mysterious abyss cloaked male was in his modern-themed villa at Hellion demon realm. He was lying on his leather sofa casually. There were red and white lava lamps at the corners. His hands were fiddling on his phone, while he was looking at images of gorgeous women such as he was playboy. He looked-like a highly sought bachelor without any care for the world. Sooner or later, there was a knock on the door. He didn't open the door, instead he just said,

"Yeah, come in...".

Afterwards, Liliath opened the door. Her hood was down but, her cloak was still covering her luscious body. She went near to her master and told him,

"Master, I've done what you've requested.".

The cloaked man's ears clapped with immense glee, as he heard the good news from Liliath. He put down his phone on the glass table. His lazy posture was no more, as his body was now sitting upright. Then, he said,

"I see. Then, bring it to me.".

Liliath didn't give it like a normal person would. Instead, she removed her cloak gracefully such as she was professional model and stripper. The master's eyes were looking up and down, seeing the body that was carved by the heavens above was wholly revealed. Although, Liliath's body was dressed with lots of black leather strips and chains that would any BDSM woman would wear. She leaned her perfect body. In her master's view, his eyes were mesmerized by her melons that were ready to be squeezed tight with immense passion. Liliath was emphasising her breasts, while she gave out a spherical container that was filled with red energy that was surging inside the sphere. The abyss cloaked male, held her chin such as he was an esteemed VIP customer in a strip club. He accepted the container that Liliath gave him and he said,

"Thank you and you are free to leave now, my Goddess slave Liliath.".

Soon, Liliath had stopped leaning and she was already cloaked in her abyss shroud once again. She was at the doorstep and left out a passionate goodbye such as she was a satisfied concubbine,

"See you later, Master...".

She left and the door closed again. He glanced to the right window and saw that the crimson sky was visible such as it was truly the color of hell. He kept on tossing the sphere that he had received from Liliath such as it was a toy ball. He had stopped looking through the window and he was now focused on this ball filled with raging energy,

"So this is FALLEN MIRO'S piece of inner mana is like huh?".

He grinned,

"Seems there is bloody violence sealed inside it but, there is also coldness deep inside its core.".

He snapped his fingers and a glass box had emerged on the table quite suddenly. Inside the glass box there were three spherical containers that were similar to the one he was holding. Though, those three had their own colors. The first one had a golden yellow static energy. The second one had an earthly rock color and the last one had a natural green magical energy. Soon, he placed the red sphere alongside them. Then, he snapped his fingers and the glass box was gone. He held his restless hands such as he was scheming something vile. After a few moments, he heard a knock again. He said again,

"Yeah yeah, come on in.".

Soon, a tall hooded woman entered. Unlike Liliath, she bowed with great respect first. Then, she told him with utter seriousness,

"Master, the operation of DISTORTING ANOTHER GODDESS was a success.".

He raised both of his eyebrows as the statement was music to his ears. He nodded and said filled with deep interest,

"Oho? Really now, can I see her?".

The serious woman in the shroud replied back,

"Ofcourse, master.".

The master stood up and went near the cloaked woman. His eyes were focused on the luscious lips of the obedient woman. They didn't leave the place, instead the hooded male said,

"But first.".

He pulled down her cloak and the face of Head Blade Goddess Mara was revealed. She seemed to be the same Mara but, she was entirely obedient to her master. For a few moments, both of them had lots of carnal kissings such as they were aggressive animals in heat. Not only that, Mara was feeling the succulent intense touches, while her master was fondling her breast. The master's hold was tighter that would prove the molestation from before was just a mere farce. Their tongues were entwining, sensing each others needing warmth. Who knew that the always uptight Head Blade Goddess Mara had a dark side, a lustful one in-fact. She was feeling that her master was caressing on all of her parts, with his frigid but burning hands. Soon, the hooded male traversed lower into her nether parts. Suddenly, he had stopped the growing carnal session and he just said with a grin,

"Time's up...".

Afterwards, they went through a ruined corridor that was going down to the abyss. While they were treading, Mara was lonely and she just looked down, since she wanted to continue their forbidden intimacy. Sadly, she doesn't want to force her master, so she just pleasured herself unnoticeably, while they were moving down the hallways that was illuminated by red lights. Though, the abyss cloaked master was noticing that Mara was touching her piece of the heavens, so he just grinned such as he was a sadistic lover, who takes pleasure in his woman's suffering. Thereon, he was engrossed in his thoughts,

"That's what I like about you, Mara.".

After sometime, they had arrived at a crimson stained door. It's as if the door itself was beyond the doors of hell due to its terrifying appearance. They went through the door. There, their eyes witnessed that the slumbering Shunya was shackled in chains. From all over her battered body, she had lashes and whip marks that were fresh. Her clothes were destroyed, as her tattered clothing were all over the ruined place of torture. The terrifying miasma that came from the atmosphere and the strong effeminate scent coming out from Shunya had mixed. In turn, the whole place had a moist air of a Goddess being abused in the most unimaginable way as possible. The black cloaked man brought out his whip from the deaf-defying darkness. Then, he lashed out a few whippings at the almost-broken Shunya. The sadistic hooded master smiled with glee and expressed himself,

"Haaah...I needed that. Now to see if it was truly a success...".

He reached out his hand and cast out,


He was now wielding a huge blade that was bestowed by the heavens above, as it was carved from light. Sooner or later, Mara bowed down to her master and left him, leaving only him and Shunya at the corrupted place. When he can no longer feel Mara's presence, he grinned a ferocious smile of a demon lord, as he can now do as he pleased. The next moment, he stabbed Shunya. His sadistic eyes were seeing that the sleeping Shunya had dripped out ruby-like blood from her mouth. After a while he cast out, while the blade was still struck into Shunya's petite body,


His blade had broken streaks and released a powerful miasma of dark energy stream and light energy stream. Although, these energy streams were reacting as if they were unstable. Shunya's eyes awakened. Instead of feeling immense pain, she was feeling intense pleasure, as she was wearing a crazed smile of a mind-broken pervert. Her eyes were filled with intimate hearts that would love pain and pleasure in the most distorted way as possible. The master was pleased,

"My power is perfect.".

He was engrossed in his thoughts later on,

"I hope they'll have fun with my new Goddess slave.".

He removed the blade that was penetrating her small body. Even though, the wound was severe, Shunya's body had recovered at a rapid pace, it's as if her body looked good as new. The master revealed his smartphone and showed the screen to the insane-looking Shunya. Shunya's sight was seeing both images of Otorine and Yumine. Then, the abyss cloaked man told Shunya,

"Now follow my every order, my new Goddess slave.".

She replied back but, with a tone and a smile that came from the cosmic abyss,

"Yes, master.".

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