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12.64% Ascension or journey from world to world / Chapter 9: Beginning of the third year and dementors

Capítulo 9: Beginning of the third year and dementors

Unknown island.  Peverell Castle.

"Are you ready?" Ray asked, standing in the castle's lounge.

"Yes, ready."  answered Bella.

"Daphne, Astoria. You definitely do not want to change your appearance with the help of metamorphism?"  Ray asked, looking at Daphne and Astoria.

"No, I will not hide my new look." Daphne answered.

"I like my new hair color," said Astoria.

"Great. Let's go."  said ray


Platform 9¾.

With a flash of flame 4 people appeared.  They immediately began to attract attention.

"Mom, mom, look what beautiful girls. Why do they have hair of this color?" Said some little child.

"I don't know my son. But you do not need to point a finger, it is indecent."  Mom answered her child.

Similar conversations could be heard from many people.

Some men began to look perverse at Ray's wives.

Ray did not like this and he concentrated all his dragon aura on them.

"Let's go look for a compartment. Until you or Bella killed everyone here."  Daphne said grabbing Ray and Bella by the hands and leading them away.

"I don't like their views. Ray, may I burn them."  Astoria spoke with a flame in her eyes.

"Of course, dear, destroy them all."  Ray answered in a whisper.

"NO! You cannot create problems."  said Daphne leading everyone away.


"I understand why Ray wants to kill everyone here. But are you girls? You must be the voice of reason." Daphne said when she entered the empty compartment.

"I don't like how these pervert beetles look at my sisters," Bella answered.

"I am calm. I am calm. Until they cross the line, I will not break their limbs."  breathing in and out said Ray.

"* Sigh * what should I do with you?"  Daphne said with a sigh.

"Hahaha, we were just joking, Daphne. With your looks, we will always attract attention. And I prepared myself for this. Otherwise, I would have to kill everyone who looks at you."  hugging Daphne, said Ray.

"Good thing I don't need to explain it."  answered Daphne.

"Hehehehe" laughed Astoria and Bella.

"This year, the Hogwarts will be guarded by the Dementors. As long as you remain calm, they will not be able to harm you." Ray said.

"Ray, do you want to absorb the dementor?" Astoria asked.

"No. They suck souls out of the body. We are not ready to use such skills. This is a very complex law, only the laws of space and time are more complicated than that," said Ray.

"Ray, do you think I can freeze time with ice?"  asked Daphne.

"Yes, it will happen when you have a little understanding of the law of time. Or when your ice powers reach a peak." Ray answered.

"Ohhh, if Daphne can accelerate herself, or slow down the time of her opponents, then she will be very deadly with her sword."  said Astoria.

"You and Bella have a lot to strive for.

Fire can both give birth to life and take it away.

As for the shadows, they can devour.  But Bella still uses lightning, if she can make black lightning, then she will have tremendous power.  "said Ray.

"And you?" Asked Astoria.

"I own all your powers. Of course, not at such a level as you, but I will begin to develop them when the time comes. And now I want to study magic and achieve certain successes in it, then my mind will become stronger. After that I will train my body  and will. "Ray answered.

"When you begin to study our elements, we will help you," said Bella, kissing Ray on the cheek.

"Of course! This Empress of Flame will show you all the power of fire."  standing in the pose of the princess said Astoria.

"* Sigh * Astoria. You read too much manga." Said Daphne.

"I'll sleep a little." Lying on Daphne's lap, Ray said.


The weather was terrible.  It was raining.

Ray woke up when he felt the train stop abruptly.

"Already arrived?"  asked Ray.

"No, but it seems someone got on the train."  answered Astoria, looking out the window.

"Dementors."  Ray answered shortly.


After 5 minutes, Ray saw how the glass began to freeze.

Some sort of dark figure stood outside the compartment.

Dementor opened the door with his bony hand.  Then he began to inspect the compartment.

Daphne, Astoria and Bella did not pay attention.  They did not feel discomfort from the presence of dementors.

Ray raised his hand and said * expecto patronum dua * 2 dragons flew out and pushed the dementor out.

Ray waved his hand so they flew in opposite directions and kicked out all of these dementors.

"Students will need a lot of chocolate this year."  said Ray.

"So it was a dementor, I didn't feel anything."  said Astoria.

"It's just that you've become much stronger and your bloodline suppresses weak enemies."  answered Bella.


Before going to the carriages, Ray hugged and kissed Astoria.

"We will be waiting for you. Do not worry or be afraid."

"Nnn."  Astoria nodded and went toward the freshmen.

"Let's find an empty carriage."  said Daphne.

There were no empty carriages, but they found one with one passenger.

"Hello, can we ride with you?" Bella asked looking at the girl with blonde hair and silver-gray eyes.

"Hello, of course, if my company does not bother you." The girl replied.

Taking their places, they saw the girl's gaze.

"And I know you. You are Isabella Peverell, Daphne Peverell and Ray Peverell. You are both his wives, but there is one more, but I don't see her."  said the girl.

"Wow, how do you know that Daphne became Ray's wife?" Asked Bella, surprised.

"I just know. I don't know how it works."  answered the girl.

"I know you too Miss Luna Lovegood."  Ray said.

"I didn't think you know me."  answered the Luna.

"You are a very noticeable and unusual Luna." Ray answered.

"Because of this, other students from Ravenclaw don't like me."  sadly said the Luna.

"Tell me, they offend you?" Asked Ray.

"I ... no, it's alright. It's just a joke."  Luna answered looking away.

"Are you sure? If you are being bullied, we can help you." Daphne said.

"No, everything is fine. But, we .... can we be friends?" Luna asked hopefully in her voice.

Bella saw her gaze and moved to her.

"Of course we can be friends."  Hugging Luna, Bella said.

"Really? You will be my first friends ... I used to be friends with Ginny Weasley. But as soon as we started to study at Hogwarts, she stopped talking to me."  hiding her gaze in Bella's arms, said Luna.

Ray watched it all and made plans in his head.

[Mmm, I need to replace these bitches from Ravenclaw.  I remember that the main one who mocked the Luna was Zhou Chang and her friends.]


Upon reaching Hogwarts, they began to walk into the large hall.

Bella led Luna with them to the Slytherin table.

"You can eat with us. There is no rule forbidding students of other houses, not at their table."  said Bella.

"But I will not create a problem for you?" Luna asked.

"Don't worry, Ray will figure it out."  answered Daphne.

Luna looked at Ray for confirmation, to which he simply nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry, leave the problems to me."  said Ray.


Going to the Slytherin table, they took places.

Other students saw at Luna but did not say anything.

Many looked at Daphne's new appearance and were surprised.  The girls were frankly envious.

"Hi Ray, Isabella, Daphne. How did you spend the summer?" Asked Theodore Nott.

"Hi Theodore. The summer was very busy, we have made great strides in magic."  answered Ray, the girls answered the greeting, but said nothing.

"I heard that Lord Greengrass expelled you and Astoria from the family. Is that true?" asked Daphne a girl from the 6th year.

"That's true. Ray made him banish us, after which he accepted us into the Peverell family."  answered Daphne.

The girls crowded around Daphne and began to question her.

"So are you his wife now?"

"Have you already had IT?"

"They say the first time it hurts, it's true?"

"So your appearance has changed?"

Daphne just moved closer to Ray, and he hugged her hugging him to him.

"She is my wife. I won't answer other questions. You can read Muggle magazines on this subject. Unlike conservative wizards, Muggles are more free and accessible."  Ray answered.

When Ray, in the presence of everyone, called Daphne his wife, she was incredibly happy and blushed like a tomato.

Pansy Parkinson and the other girls looked enviously at all of this.

Bella certainly noticed.

[You can watch and envy.  As long as you keep your distance everything will be all right.]

At this moment, the girls felt an unpleasant sensation and began to look around.

[What was it ?  ]

Ray drew attention to this and realized that it was Bella.

{Honey, your aura is seeping.  You scare other girls.} Ray mentally said.

{Sorry.  Just a little carried away.} Bella answered with a smile.

Just at that moment, McGonagall called Astoria.

"Peverell. Astoria"

Everyone in the hall was silent and began to monitor its distribution.

5 minutes passed, but Astoria still sat on a chair.

Ray saw her eyes getting wet.

"I will burn you and throw your ashes in the Crying Myrtle's toilet unless you send Astoria to Slytherin."  Ray's cold voice rang out across the room.

"Slytherin. Slytherin !!!"  the hat screamed.

Astoria removed her hat from her head and threw it on a chair.  Then she ran to Ray and jumped into his arms.

"Ray. Ray !!! This smelly hat wanted to send me to Hufflepuff. * Uwaaaa * * Crying *" Astoria began to cry.

Ray stood up without letting go of Astoria.

"How dare you, damn fossil. I will burn you." Ray said coldly, stroking Astoria's head.

"Calm down, Mr. Peverell. The hat may be wrong."  Dumbledore began to speak, trying to take control of the situation.

"That's right. Everyone can be wrong."  Ray answered and began to look at Crabbe and Goyle.

All students followed Ray's gaze.

Slytherin students simply sighed with defeat.  Others began to laugh.

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other, not understanding anything.

Even Malfoy did not understand how they got on Slytherin.

Ray returned to his seat and sat Astoria on her lap.

"All is well, Astoria. We would have left school if you had gone to another House."  said Daphne softly, kissing Astoria on the head.

"It's true."  stroking the head of Astoria Ray said.

"Do you want me to destroy this hat?" Asked Bella.

"No. She wanted me to become more independent and offered to send to another house."  Astoria answered in a whisper.

"I think no matter where you go. No one would dare to offend you. Your husband would take care of that."  said the Luna.

"Husband!?"  Slytherin students shouted.

Ray continued to stroke Astoria and ignored everyone.


Conversations continued.

Astoria calmed down and just sat on Ray's lap.

Malfoy, as usual, was pouring mud on Potter, telling how he lost consciousness due to dementors.

{Bella, it seems to me that Narcissa does not raise him at all.  Or Lucius does not allow her. There is not a drop from the Black family in it. What do you think?  Should we deal with this issue and meet with your sister?} Ray mentally asked.

{I don't know, sometimes it seems to me that Draco is not her child.  It is just an intuition. But unlike Andromeda and me, Narcissa had a good relationship with her future husband, Lucius.  So I don't know if Malfoy controls her or not. But I can definitely say, judging by the words of Draco, which he told Daphne at the beginning of the first year.  Most likely Narcissa is just a beautiful Lady and that's it. It seems to me that Lucius forbids her to do what he considers unworthy of the Lady's behavior. Frankly, among the three of us, Cissi was the smartest and most talented, no, not in battle magic.  She was talented in the magic of healing and other sciences. But this does not mean that she does not know how to fight. I want to meet her. I'm worried about her.} Bella finished a little sadly.

Daphne squeezed her hand, giving support.  They had no secrets from each other, and Bella told them about her past life.  Daphne and Astoria supported her and said that they would never stop considering her sister.

"It seems the old man will make a speech."  Interrupting sad thoughts, Astoria said.

Indeed.  Dumbledore rose from his seat and began to say:

"Greetings to all! Greetings and congratulations on the start of the new school year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I have a lot to tell you.

Let's start with the most important and serious, so as not to come back to this.

This is not the most pleasant news, but today an excellent feast awaits us.  "

Dumbledore coughed and continued.

"As you already know well, several guards from Azkaban, the Dementors who are here on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, were sent to our school for a while. They searched the Hogwarts Express tonight."

They will be at all exits from the school grounds.  And while they are here, remember! No one should even try to leave Hogwarts without permission.  Dementors can not be carried out either by changing clothes, or by any other tricks, even invisible mantles will not help.  Dementors plead in vain, in vain to apologize. Therefore, I beg you, everyone and everyone, do not give them a reason to harm you.  I have already spoken with the wardens, they will ensure that no one ever starts a dangerous game with the dementors. "

After that, Dumbledore introduced two new teachers.

Remus Lupine is the new teacher of DADA.

And Rubeus Hagrid is the new teacher for Care of Magical Creatures.

Ray and the girls chose Care of Magical Creatures as an additional lesson.  Because it was not difficult and Hagrid would not give much homework.

Ray turned his head and looked at Hermione.

{This year she will participate in games over time.  I consider this the most stupid thing to do. I do not know how the timing works.  But I doubt that he returns time back. It is very likely that he sends a person to a parallel world, where certain events have not yet occurred.  After that, the person replaces himself and destroys his previous world.} Ray mentally said.

{Will we take her time-turner?  } asked Astoria.

{The most reasonable way is to wait for the end of the year.  Due to the constant use of the time-turner, Hermione will be exhausted and will not notice anything.} Daphne answered.

{Sounds like a plan.} Said Bella.

{That's it.} Ray said.

Having finished the mental conversation, Ray looked at Luna.

"Luna, dinner is over, shall we guide you?" Ray asked.

"No thanks. I can handle it myself."  Luna answered.


In the next morning.

Having breakfast in the great hall, Ray turned to Astoria.

"We will show you the location of all the classrooms. After the lesson, wait for us in the class, we will come and pick you up."

"Nnn, well."  Astoria nodded.

"Malfoy is showing his performance again."  looking towards Draco, Bella said.

"Do not pay attention to him. There are things that only time will correct."  said Daphne wisely.


Astoria's first lesson was transfiguration.  Walking along the corridors, they heard voices from one abandoned class.

"Do you think that if Peverell and his sluts paid attention to you, are you better than us now?" Said a female voice.

"We can lock you naked in a broom closet. Who knows, maybe some older student decides to visit you."  giggling added another female voice.

"I haven't done anything to you. Why are you doing this to me."  answered a voice similar to Luna.

Ray and the girls' eyes began to glow with a bright light.


With a noise, Ray opened the door and saw Luna in torn clothes with tears in her eyes.

Zhou Chang and Marietta Edgecombe stood next to her.

Seeing those who entered, this duo was scared.

Luna immediately ran to Ray and hugged him, starting to cry.

"It's alright, Luna, you're safe now."  stroking his head and clutching to himself, Ray whispered.

"Girls, you can deal with them."  Looking coldly at Zhou and Marietta, Ray said.

"Rrrraay, it was a joke. We were just joking. Actually, Luna and we are best friends."  Zhou Chang began to make excuses.

"* Slap in the face * How dare you pronounce the name of my husband with your stinky mouth."  Hitting Zhou, Bella spoke angrily quietly.

"So then you called us Peverell sluts."  Daphne spoke with a soft smile, looking at Marietta.

The temperature began to drop sharply and ice appeared on the walls.

"We can kill them and say that they were attacked by dementors."  said Astoria when her hair began to be covered in a small flame.

Hearing what these girls were saying, Zhou and Marietta were scared to death.

Bella saw a puddle begin to appear next to Zhou's feet.

"Oh oh, were you scared? I think little Luna was also afraid when you mocked her."  Bella said smiling.

"Nnnoo, nnnoo. We didn't mock her."  Zhou began to make excuses.

"You are disgusting to me."  said Daphne in disgust.

"We can destroy their appearance. I read in the manga that such bitches are proud of their appearance."  Astoria said with an evil smile.

"No, no. Please forgive .. please .... Luna, forgive us! Ask them to leave us alone."  prayed for Marietta.

"You don't deserve forgiveness ..." Ray's icy voice rang out throughout the class.

He felt Luna shake his head.

"No need. Let them go. No need to become like them."  Luna spoke softly, but everyone heard her.

"You are too kind, Luna. Sometimes people deserve punishment, otherwise they will not understand their mistakes. But we will not cripple them, do not worry."  said Bella, pointing her hand at Zhou and Marietta.

She used the usual * furunculus * spell on them.

Ray with Luna in his arms began to come out when Bella cast a spell.

A cry and cry began to sound from the room.  Ray cast a spell on him so that no one would hear.


Teleporting to their bedroom, they sat Luna in an armchair and handed her hot chocolate to calm her down.

"You didn't have to go this far because of me. Now you can be expelled."  said Luna.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter to us."  answered Astoria.

"You are a very kind Luna, and this is what people like Zhou Chang use. Sometimes you need to show your character."  said Daphne.

Ray and Bella simply nodded.

"I just wanted to learn and make friends." Luna spoke sadly while looking at the floor.

"You already have friends."  going up to Luna and stroking her head, Ray said

Luna stood up and jumped into Ray's arms, starting to cry again.

Ray sat in her place and sat Luna on his knees, just continuing to stroke her head.

Daphne and Bella grabbed Astoria by the arms and led her out of the room.

"But I want to stay." Astoria began to say.

"Give them space."  answered Daphne, starting to pull Astoria's cheek.

"Pooh! pooh, let go, I get it."  said Astoria, breaking free and starting to rub her cheek.

[I wonder if Luna will become our sister?  Or could it be Cissi? Ray, Ray, Ray. I just ask you not to collect girls like Kings and Sultans in the east.] thought Bella.


After 2 hours, Luna began to wake up.

"Thanks for all."  she said.

"I did nothing of the kind. We just ended up in the right place, at the right time."  answered Ray.

"Anyway. Can I still be in your arms?"  looking up, Luna asked.

"Of course."  answered Ray.

Luna smiled and fell asleep again.


Days passed, Luna began to spend more time in the company of Ray and the girls.

Ravenclaw students stopped mocking her when they learned what happened to Zhou and Marietta.

The professors said nothing.  Pupils themselves must understand their problems.


The day came for Hagrid's first lesson.

The weather was great.  Outdoor activities were exactly what Ray, Bella and Daphne chose this lesson for.

The disciples began to walk towards Hagrid's hut, where he was waiting for them with his dog.

"Come on soon!" He shouted as the students approached ten meters.

"What a lesson I have prepared for you! Now you will see. Everything is behind me, forward."

Ray knew that he would show the hippogryph and knew what was about to happen.  He will not interfere with events.

Hagrid led them towards the forbidden forest.  But they did not go too far. Right on the outskirts there was a fringe on which was a corral for animals.

Harry had Ron behind him and Hermione walked over to Ray.

"Ray, I want to talk to you about Sirius Black."  he said softly.

Ray nodded and replied: "Well, we'll meet tonight in the Crying Myrtle's toilet. You can take Hermione with you. But if you take the Weasley, I will not tell you anything."

Harry nodded and realized why Ray didn't want Ron to come with him.

When they reached the corral, they heard:

"I ask everyone to stand along the hedge!"

"So that everyone ... ehm ... can be clearly seen. And now, first of all, open the books ..." said Hagrid.

"What?" Malfoy marveled.

"How do you discover this?"

"Huh?"  did not understand Hagrid.

"You need to stroke the book, then it will open."  said Daphne.

"Right !! 20 points to Slytherin .. uh ... Miss Daphne."  shouted Hagrid.

Malfoy and Harry began to argue.

Neville fought a battle against the book ... ..and the book seems to have won ....

Hagrid left, saying that he would bring animals here.

The noise started immediately.

"Well, well!" Exclaimed Malfoy.

"The school goes to hell! This idiot will teach us! I will tell my father, he will be in shock."  He added.

"Why don't you want to tell your mother?"  asked Bella.

"Ah? What does she care. That doesn't concern her."  Malfoy answered scornfully.

Bella got very angry.

Ray saw this and squeezed her hand.

{Do not do that.  We will meet Narcissa and find out everything from her.  In the summer there will be a Quidditch World Championship, and there we will meet again.  You can use legilimency on Malfoy, but I doubt that you will learn a lot.} Stroking Bella's hand, Ray said mentally.

Daphne also grabbed Bella by the other hand and only nodded.

Bella smiled, she was grateful to them for their support.

{Thanks.} She said.

{No need to thank us, we are family.} Daphne answered.

Potter and Malfoy again started cursing like a cat and a dog.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Lavender Brown screeched, waving toward the far end of the corral.

From there, about a dozen of the strangest creatures approached them at a gallop.

The back was a horse, the front including the head was an eagle.

These were victims of chimerology - hippogryphs.

"Meet! Hippogryphs!"  Hagrid waved his hand enthusiastically.

"So how?" Hagrid rubbed his hands like a fly.  His face shone with delight.

"If you want, you can come closer."

Immediately everyone took a step back.

Ray just silently began to walk to one hippogryph, looking him directly in the eye and sending an aura.

"Stop !! Ray !!! We must first bow, hippogryphs are proud creatures."  Hagrid shouted and already wanted to run towards Ray to save him.

But something happened that no one expected.

Hippogryph lowered his head to the ground and lay down in front of Ray.  Thus demonstrating humility.

Ray went to the animal and began to stroke it.

"Bella, Daphne. You can stroke him."  he said.

Bella and Daphne immediately ran up and began to stroke him.

"His feathers are pretty soft. I wonder if he tastes like a horse or chicken ??"  asked Bella.

Hippogryph as if realizing it, began to crawl back.

"She is joking, do not believe her."  said Daphne.

"Well, let's give others the opportunity to get acquainted with hippogryphs."  said Ray, grabbing Daphne and Bella by the hands.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Hagrid shouted and clapped his hands.

All students started clapping too.

Then everything went the same as in the book.

Harry flew in a hippogryph and Malfoy nearly lost his arm.

"I am dying. When my father finds out."  Malfoy moaned when Hagrid carried him away.


In the evening of the same day.

Ray went to the toilet on the third floor.

Having driven out the ghost, he began to wait for Harry and Hermione.

5 minutes passed and he saw them enter.

"I am surprised that your jealous friend did not follow you."  Ray said.

"We said we'll go to the library. And we don't have to report to him."  answered Harry.

Hermione continued to stare at Ray and blushed a little.

With a wave of his hand, he conjured 3 chairs and invited them to sit down.

"So, what do you want to talk about? Remember, I won't answer all your questions."  said Ray as he sat down in a chair.

"Was that wandless magic !?" cried Hermione in shock.

"So you came to ask this question?"  asked Ray with a smile.

"NO! I want to learn about Sirius Black. Last year you said that he was my godfather."  said Harry.

Hermione looked at Harry with resentment.  She did not know about it.

Ray saw this and said.

"You can tell Hermione only when she takes an oath."  said Ray.

Hermione looked at Harry and he nodded.

"Regarding Sirius Black. Mmmm, he was your father's best friend. All in all, your father had three closest friends. Sirius Black. Remus Lupine. Peter Pettigrew."  Ray said.

"Remus Lupine !? Our new professor?"  Marveled at Harry.

"He is."  Ray answered.

"Did he really betray Harry's parents?" Asked Hermione sadly.

"You're a smart girl, Hermione. I see, you guess it's not so simple," Ray answered.

"He didn't betray your parents. It's a little complicated and I'm not the kind of person who needs to tell you the truth. You will soon meet Sirius and find out the truth. Until then, I recommend that you make friends with Susan Bones, she will help you in the future, so  she will become a great wife and Lady Potter.

If Hermione becomes Lady Gryffindor, then you will have two wives with intelligence and analytical skills.  Remember, behind all the powerful men are no less powerful women. "Ray said starting to leave.

Hermione widened her eyes and turned red like a tomato.

Looking at Harry, she began to say:

"Harry James Potter !! You will tell me everything !!!"

Ray was smiling fiercely as he went further when he heard a scream.


"Hahaha, good luck Mr. Potter."  said Ray and teleported to his room.


In the potions lesson, Malfoy took advantage of his injury and scoffed at Harry and Ron, forcing them to make a potion in his place.

Ray simply shook his head at this circus.

Malfoy began to say that his father would expel Hagrid from Hogwarts and force him to execute the hippogryph.

Later he began to talk about Sirius Black.

Neville, meanwhile, could not make the potion.

Hermione asked Snape for permission, but he refused.

In general, the potions lesson went as usual.  Nothing new.


After lunch was the first DADA lesson this year.  The students entered the classroom, sat down in places, took out books, parchment, feathers, and in anticipation of the professor began to talk

Ray and the girls sat in the far corner.

Lupine finally came in, smiled, and threw the old briefcase onto the table.  His clothes were the same, shabby and all in patches.

"Good afternoon."  he greeted the students.

"You can remove the textbooks. Today we have a practical lesson, leave only magic wands."  he said.

The students hid books and paper with feathers.  They had only one practical lesson on DADA, they remembered it well: Professor Lockhart brought a pixie cage, released them, they turned everything in the class and created real chaos.

"Well, are you ready?"  asked Lupine.

"Follow me."

Schoolchildren burned with curiosity.

They went out of the classroom after the professor, went down the corridor and turned around the corner.

There Lupine showed how to deal with Peeves.

He led them to the teacher's room.

"Well, here we are. Come in."  he said.

Opening the door, they saw Snape, who entered into a verbal duel with Lupine and insulted Neville, nothing new, again.

In the back of the room was a wardrobe.

"Boggart, yes. It is very unreasonable to demonstrate the fears of future Lords and Ladies." Said Daphne, but everyone heard her, including Lupine.

"Miss Greengrass, you need to be able to conquer your fears."  said with a smile Lupine.

"Peverell. I'm Daphne Peverell. Fears need to be conquered without the presence of strangers."  Daphne answered with her cold expression.

Ray slightly released an aura on Lupine, so that his inner beast could feel.

Lupine immediately felt the danger and presence of death.  This feeling disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"I will take note of this, Miss Peverell."  Lupine answered.

Looking at the other students, he said:

"As Miss Peverell said, there is a boggart. Boggarts love the dark. And most often they hide in cabinets, under the bed, in the drawer under the washstand, I found one in the floor watch case. This one appeared here only yesterday. I asked the director to leave it for our  today's lesson. Who will say what boggart is? "

Hermione raised her hand.

"Boggart is a ghost that changes its appearance. It turns into what a person is most afraid of."

"Great, even I would not answer more accurately."  praised Hermione Lupine.

"So, the boggart in the closet still does not look like anything. He doesn't know who and what will scare him. It's unknown how he looks, but if he is released, he will immediately become what we fear more than anything else."  said Lupine.

Lupine began to talk about the * ridiculous * spell and how to use it correctly.  Then he arranged the students in a row in front of the closet. The first was Neville Longbottom.

Ray pulled Daphne and Bella to the end of the class.  Many purebreds followed him because Daphne's words still sounded in their head.

Neville's fear was Severus Snape.  This did not surprise the rest of the students.  Snape really insulted Neville even more than Harry Potter.

Someone was afraid of spiders, someone was a snake.  Some were afraid of clowns. Fears were completely different.

It was Harry Potter's turn, boggart turned into a dementor.  Lupine immediately shut Harry down for fear that he might turn into Voldemort and the boggart turned into a full moon.

After that, Lupine announced that the lesson was over and the students began to leave the classroom, leaving only Harry Potter inside and ... ... Hermione Granger.?

Ray saw this and thought: [So they are beginning to realize their feelings for each other.  It would be really a huge loss if Hermione, as in the canon, married Ron Weasley. ]

With these thoughts, Ray left the office.







______Additional Information______

Today is the 31st of December.  Happy New Year.

What I want to say.  Mmm. This information is for people who don't like the harem or who expected a different plot development.

Initially, I planned to stay with three girls in the world of Harry Potter.  And add in each world for 2-3.

However, when I wrote about the <Goblet of Fire>, it so happened that there would be three more girls in the harem.

Why am I reporting this?  Well, this is necessary for those people who do not like this development of the plot.  Just don't waste your time. All the same, reading should give you pleasure, not negative feelings.

But let's be honest. Fanfiction about a multiverse without a harem is the same as going to a restaurant after a hearty dinner.

That's all.

Happy Holidays !!!

PerfyX PerfyX

New chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

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