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58.87% Uchiha's Butterfly / Chapter 72: Bug Exterminators

Capítulo 72: Bug Exterminators

With a lot of difficulties, Kaname rose her weary hand to pet sleeping Naruto's back. In response, the boy settled his head just a tiny bit deeper into the crook of her neck.

'Hehe, he is cute' she thought, "naru…chan" she whispered with the throat as dry as the desert itself.

The blonde's eyes groggily opened, 'Sis?..." he looked straight into her black eyes. "SIS!" Kaname's head was instantly enveloped in a tight hug.


"Here ~ttebayo!" Naruto put a cup of water next to her lips, slowly tipping it.

"*Sigh* Thanks, Naru-chan… Why is Jiraya-san…"


"Sorry, I still feel a little weak… Why is Jiraya-san, sitting here calmly?... I would prank the shit out of him already Naru-chan" Kaname explained taking deep breaths.

"Eh? Really? The first thing you think, after three days of a comma, is a prank Sis?" Naruto observed her eyes, he did not even imagine how he missed those mischievous black orbs.

"Hehe, *Cough*... So it was three days, and yes, looking that we are still alive... I believe it went better than I expected... Who died?" Kaname still had some problems talking, she was taking long pauses between her sentences.

"You did! BAKA-SIS! ~dattebayo" the boy shouted at her.

"Come here, Naru-chan" Kaname smiled at the boy, slowly raising her hands to invite him. Hugging Naruto, and keeping his head next to her heart, "Do you hear that?" she asked.

Naruto gently nodded his head, the rhythmic slow *Ba-bumps* calmed him down.

"I promised I will not leave you... I'm sorry, the fight did not go well at the end. But I came back to you." Kaname calmly explained, to the boy's sigh of contentment, "Now… Here is a kunai, the chair Jiraya sits on... should have some screws for you to loosen up... That should wake this heavy-sleeper up"

"Where did you get-"

"*Breath* Seals placed on my body,... I will show you the storage seals after you master the luminosity seals"

"Hahaha, I missed you, Sis ~dattebayo" Naruto laughed with a big smile on his face.

The blonde had to flee when the chair started creaking under Jiraya's weight. Ten seconds later, with a loud screech, the chair fell sideways, the sensation of falling made Jiraya instantly open his eyes, searching his hands for anything to hang on.


"*Pft* Kaname snorted at the hulking man, lightly raising her hand to high-five with Naruto.

"Hahahaha!" Naruto laughed loudly, clapping her hand.

"Guh, I should have expected it… I'm glad to see that you're alright Kana-chan"

"Naru-chan, can you get your Granny and Aniki to come here? I need to talk with Jiraya-san privately"

"Ehm... " Naruto looked back to Jiraya, only to see him nodding his head, "...Sure, Sis"

Waiting for a moment for the boy to leave the room, Kaname's eyes blazed red, "What is going on? What are you trying to hide from me?"

"It's, *sigh* your family is mostly intac-"

"MOSTLY?! *Cough-cough*" her shout induced a slight coughing fit.

"Guh, calm down, Kana-chan. Everyone is alive."

"Sorry... How bad is it?"

"Not as bad as it could be without your clones spam, Kana-chan. You saved a lot of lives that night. Hmm, if you want a scale, let's call the Kyubi Incident a ten, thanks to you I can call the night a solid five. As I said it could get much worse."

"What about my brother and mother?" Kaname asked.

"I'm here, Little Squirt" her brother entered the room. His left eye hidden behind a forehead protector.

"*Pft* Could be worse. Aniki, is Umi-chan digging your new looks?" Kaname snorted at him.

[AN: I read the following part on another ff, but for the love of God, I can't remember its name :-P]

At this moment Kakashi entered the room from the window.

"Yo. I heard you woke-..." Kakashi's voice greeted them, noticing Ryuichi standing next to Kaname's bed, he stopped astounded "... No way... M-my long lost Onii-chan?" Kakashi murmured pulling out crocodile tears from his uncovered eye, pointing his trembling finger at Kaname's brother.

"Eh? It couldn't be you, my… O-Otouto-kun?" Ryuichi put his hand to his mouth in bewilderment, running to Kakashi and catching him in a hug.



The duo received heartfelt laughs, ending their short skit with a bow, they came back to Kaname's bed.

"Heh, So Aniki? Should I feel jealous that you found yourself a new better twin? Did you rehearse the play?"

"Nope, I just went with the flow. So how are you doing Squirt?"

"Better, where is mom?" she asked worriedly.

"Your little tyke met me in the corridor, he ran away to bring her here."

"... I don't like when something is being kept from me"

"Kana-chan, the Uchiha clan was almost erased from existence. Excluding everyone that attended your party, there are only three young chūnins, four small civilian families and Fugaku-san's little boy left alive of the clan. I'm sorry-" Kakashi delivered the news.

"Oh? I didn't know someone else survived, that is some good news"

"You knew?" Ryuichi questioned back.

"I was there Aniki, I know exactly what had happened. I don't feel like repeating myself, I will tell you everything with Jiji present. What else?"

"Genma and Raido found the Third fighting with the cockroach, as you like to call him, the bug ran away. Hokage is still in the hospital with severe chakra exhaustion, other than that he is alright"

"Just chakra exhaustion? Why did mom not put him back on his legs Aniki?"

"Let the Scarecrow finish his report" Ryuichi countered.

"Guh, now I have a new nickname?" Kakashi deadpanned, "The academy grounds were obliterated, they got leveled to the ground. The reconstruction process has started yesterday, a part of the Konoha, about thirty percent, was burned to the ground"

"I don't care about material losses Doofus-kun. What about the shinobi clans and civilians?"

"Thanks to you, most of the shinobi clans recorded minimal losses, those happened when the explosion seals set off. The losses on the civilian side are… Not extremely massive, but the bandits spilled across the village, we're still counting but we're talking about thousands of victims. The estimates are telling about ten to fifteen percent of deaths, and close to twenty-five percent of wounded civilians"

"Wait, most of the clans?"

"*Sigh* I hoped you wouldn't catch that. Do you want the good or bad news first?"

"Go with the bad, no. Go with the good ones first, I'm worried I would knock you out before you finish the report"

"Shiori-sama gave birth without any problems whatsoever. She has a healthy second daughter, and Bushy-Brows as a Hanabi's godfather."

"Haha, Hiashi-san had to have a stroke after he heard that."

"Hyūga Clan was hit the most Kana-chan, of course, excluding the Uchiha Clan, *Sigh* Hiashi-san was assassinated, they lost their leader" Jiraya delivered the sad news, squeezing Kaname's arm.

"... Shit, how is aunty? Does she know?" Kaname asked.

"Not yet, she is still held in the hospital. I- I couldn't do it, not just a moment after she gave birth to her daughter" Kakashi admitted sadly.

"Anyone else in the Hyūga got hurt?"

"No, the only thing we know is the testimony of Hizashi-san. He got alarmed when he saw a green glow coming from his twin's house, the same glow your mother saw before she found you Kana-chan."

'How could someone so weak get a drop on an expert Byakugan user… Could he know that there is a blindspot in their almost perfect 360-degree of sight? Could he backstab Hiashi-san the same way he ambushed me? Why would this asshole aim only for the two of us… He was weak, extremely so, but his knowledge of the future gives him a lot of time for preparations, he can easily predict our next move. No, he can easily predict everyone else's moves, but not mine. Hmm, time to spread my wings, the more I do my way, the more vulnerable this asshole gets' Kaname contemplated on their conversation.

"Granny, we are here" Naruto opened the doors, letting Hamimaru bolt to Kaname's side giving her hand a lick.

"Mom…" Kaname watched as the blonde directed her mother by lightly pulling her arm. Sachi walked in slowly with a blindfold on both of her eyes.

"Hi, my Little Butterfly. Now, gentlemen, I would like for you to leave us for a moment. I need to talk with my treasure privately. Naru-chan, close the doors behind you, you have my permission to use the meanest prank you can think of if someone tries to enters this room." she ordered in a powerful voice.

"Hehe, okay ~dattebayo" Naruto saluted her closing the doors.

"Are you okay, mom?"

"I know this tone, Little Butterfly." Sachi squeezed Kaname's hand, "It wasn't your fault, maybe I did lose my sight, but it was either this or you. I believe I choose the right option"

"But your eyes… What happened, mom?"


(Flashback no Jutsu)

"Sensei, is he alright?" Mikoto crouched to the other side of Ryuichi's head.

"Yes Miko-chan, I stopped the bleeding"

"I must go help Sis!" Naruto shouted trying to break free of Izumi's grip.

"Stop Naru-chan, you're hurting me…"

"Guh, I'm sorry"

"Where did Kana-chan take us? Are we out of danger?"

"Aunty, it's our fishing spot, it isn't far from home" Naruto explained.

"Sensei, at least I think we should go there ourselves to support her. Maybe we aren't active kunoichis anymore, but we still have some experience under our belt, Kana-chan is fighting an army there"

"I know! As a mother, I'm barely containing myself from going there, but I can't, neither can you Miko-chan. She was right, she is easily the strongest one out of us. There were some high-jōnin class ninjas there, we would only get overwhelmed and put her in a disadvantageous position." Sachi explained trembling from emotions.

At this moment the group felt a massive chakra build-up that made them drop on the ground.

"Guh! So much chakra, the pressure alone is suffocating!" Izumi asked. being pressed to her wheelchair.

"Ha-Hahaha" Sachi laughed loudly with her hands pressed to the ground.

"Guuu, Sensei, what is going on? Umi-chan already lost her consciousness" Mikoto was on her knees fighting to take a breath.

"Hahaha, I can recognize her chakra signature Miko-chan. I believe she went into her 'serious' mode. Fly, my Butterfly~"

"Hehe, Sis is kickass! ~dattebayo!"

It was a moment later when Sachi felt the ground quake under their feet. From the north of her many trees and rocks, were being thrown their way by some kind of large explosion.

"Damnit! To me!" Aligning her hand into three seals, and tapping both hands to the ground, she shouted out, "<Doton: Hinansho Doheki no Jutsu>" (Earth Style: Rock Shelter Technique)

Mikoto barely pulled Umino's limp body in time before a blast of power reached Sachi's shelter. Looking outside the dome, rocks the size of doors were crushing everything on their path, the tree splinters were shredding every form of greenery left behind. Soon, the tremors stopped.

"What was that? Is Kana-chan okay?" Mikoto asked looking around at everyone under her Sensei's protection.

Sachi quickly erased her dome, the tranquil forest landscape was replaced by the fallen trees, the two-story house that was hidden by the trees got shattered leaving only a deep crater.

"She is okay, I still feel her chakra… I need to go to her... I have got this sinking feeling in my guts" Sachi replied.

"If you're going Sensei, then we all are. We're not leaving you"

"No! I want you to stay with them Miko-chan" The clearing was illuminated by a sickly green light, it made Sachi's gut feeling only worsen.

"I must go" the woman hopped above the rubble on the ground, halfway to the crater a powerful shockwave from the neighborhood explosion blasted her body making her tumble on the ground 'Guh, what the heck was that? It came from the other side of the crater'.

Collecting her bearings back, Sachi jumped down the hole. Her heart shattered at the sight, her little daughter lying breathless on the cold ground, her beautiful eyes ripped out leaving dark-red bleeding eye-sockets. Woman's knees gave up, with a shuddering cry of despair her eyes released a torrent of tears.

'NO! I will not let her die! I promised myself to never again experience those feelings again!' delicately scooping her daughter's limp body into her hands, she underwent another shock feeling the coldness of Kaname's skin. Nestling her girl's body in on her arms she jumped back to her family.

"Miko-chan! Izumi-chan! I need your help!" Sachi shouted.

"Sens- Kana-chan? Oh my god!" the other Uchiha woman took a step back.

"No… Sensei?..." Izumi had tears in her eyes.

"Sasa?" Naruto slowly walked up to Sachi and Kaname's body lying on top of her. Touching her hand, his hand pulled back instantly like it was electrocuted, he started shaking Kaname's arm "No, no, no. Mommy wake up! *sniff* I beg you. Don't leave me, you promised!" his voice became much more guttural.

"Naru-chan, I can save her, but you need to stay calm. I won't be able to do anything if you let the fox out" Sachi patted the boy's head.

"*Sniff* Save? Will she come back to me?"

"Yes, but I need you to stay calm. Go sit next to Umi-chan, can you do that for me?" Sachi asked lightly pushing the boy away.

"What are you going to do Sensei? From what you thaught us the death is permanent"

"Do you remember when I had attained the Mangekyō Sharingan, Miko-chan?"

"It was after we retired from the active duty, I believe it was somewhere after the Second War?"

"Yes, the corpse of Asato, my husband, was returned to Konoha. I wept three days above his mangled body. I think only my Little Butterfly giggle protected me from committing suicide. Now, have you heard her theory of how we gain our unique powers with Mangekyō Sharingan?"

"I think I know where you are going with this Sensei. It always gives us what we want, but it's always too late, isn't it? What are the requirements and drawbacks?"

"I can't bring back anyone a day of their deaths. And for the drawbacks - blindness, the burning off of my optic nerves. The fate laughed in my face, I couldn't save my love...*Sigh* My Butterfly was able to reclaim Ryu's eyes. We will transplant them back into him, I will need your help for that Izumi-chan, then I will bring her back"

"No, mom. Give those eyes to Squirt, as the older brother I promised I will protect her. I want to give my sight to her" Ryuichi's voice shocked them out of stupor.

"I thought you were knocked out Ryu. Are you okay?"

"Just an itch caused by the empty eye sockets mom. I woke up with the last explosion that was near us. You may not know, Squirt devised a seal that… punished, everyone able enough to steal her eyes, I believe that explosion was the seal doing its work. I do not know how you will bring her back, but it's likely her seal will act up sealing her eyes again. At this rate, we will become a family of blind moles."

"Are you sure Ryu?"

Seeing the boy nod his head, Sachi sighed "Blind like moles and stubborn like donkeys… Izumi-chan, new plan, can you transplant the eyes by yourself?"

"Yes, Sensei! I was taught the basics when we were in Fire City"

"I want my orders done to a T. No buts or whys, do you understand?"

"Yes! A normal day of work under Kaname-sensei!" Izumi acknowledged the order.

"Good, put Ryu under"

"Mom? What are you doing?!" These were Ryuichi's last words of the night.

"*Sigh* Was it destiny? I never understood why I received a one-use power in both of my eyes… Whatever, Izumi-chan, I will give one of my eyes to Ryuichi, I will show you step by step how to transplant them. When I resurrect my Butterfly, I will become blind, my daughter's sight rests on your shoulders, can you do that?"


"Good, Miko-chan. A ball of water, please"

"<Suiton: Suikyū>" (Water Release: Water Ball)

A big ball of water was levitating above Mikoto's hand, Sachi delved her head into it and singlehandedly pulled her right eye out, almost instantly cleaning and cauterizing any of her wounds. Closing her empty eye socket, she drew her head back.

"Wow, barely any blood leaked out! Now I see why Kaname-sensei said you're better medic than she was" Izumi was very impressed.

"It comes with the specialization Izumi-chan. Both of you deal with much more dramatic and bloody cases than I normally do in the hospital. Miko-chan, you will need to lift Kana-chan's head for Izumi-chan to work later. Now watch how to transplant the eye"

It took Sachi almost ten minutes slowly showing each and every step to Izumi. Finishing the field operation by bandaging Ryuichi's new eye, Sachi stood over two of her children, looking for one at their faces. Feeling someone pulling her head she looked towards Naruto's face.

"We love you, Granny"

"I love you too" With the last look of her children faces with her own eye and the memory of them smiling at her, 'Yes - For those smiles…', her ship-wheel shaped Mangekyō Sharingan activated, "<Ulta Saṃsāra>" (Reversed Journey)

A piercing pain coming from her left eye to the back of her head, made Sachi barely held herself back from toppling over.

"You… you did it Sensei! Her heartbeat and breath are back!" her new dark world was penetrated by Izumi's words she was waiting for.

"Thank the gods" Sachi murmured, with the tension leaving her body she fell unconscious.


(Back to present)

"So no, my Little Butterfly, it wasn't your fault. The loss of my eyesight was my own decision"

"I'm... Sorry mom"

"You shouldn't be, I'm truly grateful, without your help we would all be dead. I'm extremely proud of you Butterfly."

"What about the Hyūga and Uchiha Clan? How is aunty Mikoto doing?"

"She is heartbroken, she puts a strong front for Sasuke-chan, but without any news from her elder son-"

"I know where is Itachi-kun"

"What?! The Konoha Council right now is debating about putting him on a missing-nin list. Some witnesses testified he was the one that massacred the clan"

"*Sigh* Why do the Civilians once again butt in into the dealings of shinobi…"

"Sarutobi-san is hospitalized. according to the rules, until he comes back or another Hokage takes his place, they're ruling the village. Sarutobi-san is… old, his body does not replenish it's chakra the way your does. I tried to instruct those quacks, but barely half of them know the Mystic Palm, not talking about higher forms used for chakra replenishment."

"I taught it to Izumi-chan, you could just ask for her help"

"*Sigh* Her mother died that night too, Butterfly. She needs some time to think it through. From what I heard last night, she spent the day with your other teammates, you have a really good team there"

"Yeah, I know. Thank you, mom, for everything" Kaname hugged Sachi with all of her strength "I love you"

"You're very welcome, I love you too. Now, ready to wake this old monkey up? I think your muscles and chakra veins need some flexing on a wheelchair"

"Hehe, mom, you don't even imagine what I'm going to do next"

"*Sigh* You and your stupid plans… Naru-chan!" Sachi called for the boy.

"Yeah?" Naruto's head popped out from behind the doors.

"We're going, prepare a wheelchair for your Sis. *Whistle*"

Below a second Hamimaru stood right next to Sachi, with her tail swishing around. Mounting herself on the border-collie, Sachi replied, "I will wait for you there Kana-chan. Forward my steed~! To Hokage's Room!"


Kaname just looked with disbelief as her mother disappeared behind the doors.

"Is it just me, or is mom having a lot of fun here?" she asked.

"I think it's her coping mechanism Squirt, ready?" her brother entered the room and stood right behind her.

"I wanted to push!" Naruto complained.

"Next time Tyke"

"Heh, forward my steed~!"

Slowly wheeling themselves out of the room, Kaname turned to Jiraya and Kakashi. "Come with us, I will wake Jiji up, I have got one hell of a report to give to him"


"... I'm too old for this. So, we have some kind of time-traveler thinking he ate all the brains, trying to shape the world 'as it should be' according to him? Ah, I forgot, a rapist to boot?" Hokage massaged his forehead.

"Yep, and he is immortal, don't forget about that part Jiji" Kaname added.

"*Sigh* Kakashi-kun, go to the Uchiha's Hideout, ask Itachi-kun to meet with us here"

"Sure, be right back" Kakashi's deep voice sounded, a moment later he flickered away.

"Hmm, Jiji, what are you going to do with Itachi-kun?"

"If half of the Konoha's population sees him as a traitor I thought about letting him spy for us in this Akatsuki organization. He should be strong enough to gain their trust"

"That's a big nope from me. This immortal son of a bitch would know who Itachi-kun is, I have a better idea"



"Hokage-sama, Nee-san" Itachi secretly entered the room.

"Anbu, leave us!" Sarutobi ordered.

"How are you feeling Itachi-kun?" Kaname asked worriedly.

"Better now, thanks. With enough willpower, this thing that controlled me disappeared entirely"

Hokage trembled lightly, "Don't even make me remember that Itachi-kun, fighting against Kana-chan is one of my worst bouts I ever did"

"Good you think so Jiji. Because after we finish here, I'm going for a small hunt."

"I'm sorry, what? You're still on a wheelchair Kana-chan"

"In 6-7 hours I will walk normally, I'm constantly pushing large doses of chakra through my muscles to fight back their atrophy. I knew how… tenacious your late teammate was. Cutting his head off, as a precaution, my clone left a small seal that lets me track him down. It broadcasts a signal only for me to detect for five days, I believe deworming of Fire Country is long due"

"*Sigh* Just let me collect a force for the counter strike Kana-chan."

"Heh, you don't understand Jiji, I alone am enough, but I wouldn't mind if you send Jiraya-san or Doofus-kun. Itachi-kun what about you?"

"Do you even need to ask Nee-san? Danzo's schemes destroyed my clan."

"Kana-chan, looking at their numbers of that ill-fated night, you will be murdering hundreds of shinobi are you sure about that?"

"... I'm as revulsed about that as you are Jiji. It's unfortunate, but I will not leave my enemies breathing and plotting behind my back, not after they attacked my family, not anymore"

"I understand. I will ask Jiraya-kun and Kakashi-kun to go with you. Sachi-chan wouldn't let you go any other way"

[AN: That's one hell of a power team :-D]

"Sure, just give me an hour or two to prepare, I need to visit some people"

"Take your time Kana-chan"

"What about me, Nee-san? The captain said you had plans for me"

"We shall see after our little excursion, if you do a good job, I won't even have to do anything" Kaname replied cryptically.


"I'm so sorry Aunty" Kaname was hugging crying Shiori.

"... Kana-chan, you aren't the one to kill Hiashi-kun."

"Still, I should protect-"

"Thank you Kana-chan, but you're wrong... We are ninjas, I see you had your worries to deal with. From what I have heard you singlehandedly destroyed big clusters of enemy's forces across the Konoha, I can't blame you if my husband was assassinated whether you were there or not."

"Baa-buuu!" Shiori's youngest child affirmed her mother's statement, munching on Kaname's finger.

"How is my Hina-chan? She declined to give me the reason, but she looked downright broken when she last visited me"

"From what I have heard Naru-chan visits her daily, she is slowly getting back up"

"*Sigh* I give her six years if she doesn't get to be his girlfriend I will give her a scolding of the century" Shiori sighed.

"Hehehe, I see you're back to plotting their wedding aunty? Hina-chan should hurry up, from what I have heard of my sensei, his young princess took a liking to Naru-chan as well, not even talking about the daughter of our blacksmith, Naru-chan and Tenten-chan are sparring every second day"

"Huh? Damnit, it's Fight for Minato-kun all over again… Let's make it four years"

"I had an idea, I thought of putting Hina-chan, Naru-chan, and Sasuke-chan in the same team. According to Jiji, at the rate, they're learning they will be sent to different teams just to let others keep the same level. What do you think about pranking the system?" Kaname smirked with a mischievous grin.

"Hoo~ I'm interested"

"Try to persuade your princess to not gain the best kunoichi of the year title. I talked with aunty Mikoto, she is up for it. I should be able to convince Jiji to create this team, we will create a new team of Sannins."

[AN: Hinata has a mother figure now, Kurenai is redundant. IMO Sakura wasn't able to sync up with the duo, she was WAAAA…..AAAY weaker than either of them and still held the position of one of four main MCs (Team 7 + Kakashi). She had only a single good point - her chakra control. Aka. the main prerequisite for genjutsu - and here Kurenai shines]

"Kana-chan? You want me to persuade Hina-chan? If I just told her she will be sent to the same team as Naru-chan she will do everything I tell her to, no questions asked"

"It's nice to see, you're not grieving as much as I thought you would. You will need to tell me the story of the Fight"

"I'm still grieving Kana-chan, but I need to stay strong for my daughters, it's what Hiashi-kun would want of me. I do not know the entire story of the Fight for Minato-kun, I and Miko-chan were engaged from young, so we stayed as best palls through the duration of the academy with Kushi-chan. From what I have heard from my other classmates, the fight ended with a lot of chakra chains being used left and right"

"Yeah, that's so aunty Kushina. Thanks"

"You're welcome, now what about Miko-chan?"

"I sent Itachi-kun to meet her, he was hiding for the last three days"

"Ouch, that will hurt, she has a fiery temper when angry"

"Yeah, I know. I just hope he will be able to move, we're going for a short trip in an hour"

"*Sigh*... Knowing you it's something dangerous"

"Hehe, you know me so well aunty. It's much more dangerous for my opponents, don't worry."

"Just, stay safe this time. I doubt Sensei would survive your loss… again, mind you"

"Guh, okay, I might have made a mistake three days ago. This time I'm not leaving anything to chance, even better I have three people, that can deal with anything, covering my back. I must go, one more dress down from mom and I will be free from the hospital!"


"Hi, my little students!" Kaname greeted Team 7 sitting at Ichiraku Ramen.

"Sensei? Wha-? Hahaha!" Koji laughed out loud when he saw her.


"That's not funny Sensei!" Izumi complained looking at a massive skew in Kaname's eyes.

"What are you talking about Izumi-chan? Thanks to you I have almost the same range of sight as the Hyūgas have!"

"Hahahahaha!" Koji was rolling on the floor from laughing, even Torune was accompanying him snorting with laughter.

"*Pft* Okay, I admit that was a nice one. Drop the henge already Sensei" Izumi pleaded with a cute snort.

"How are you feeling Sensei? We have heard of what happened from Izumi-chan." Koji asked after Kaname dropped the henge, turning her eyes back to normal.

"I'm okayish. I need to stretch out my bones, and I will be as good as always"

"*Sigh* That is some good news, I was worried if I did everything correctly" the girl admitted.

"You were taught by two of the three best medics in Konoha Izumi-chan. You performed the operation perfectly. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Sensei" Izumi replied with a smile on her face.

"I know what happened, I was too late Izumi-chan. The events in Uchiha district happened even before the explosions" Kaname squeezed her student's arm in support

"We're ninja, it's the way our life is…"

"Yes, but it shouldn't be Izumi-chan. One of my biggest wishes is for you three to live a long fulfilling life without any hardships. *Sigh* Okay, what about your clans Koji-kun, Torune-kun?"

"Your clone and Kurenai-san kicked the ass of the group that was tasked with the destruction of my clan Sensei. Most loses were on the civilian side of the clan and due to the explosion" Koji explained

"And Aburame's?"

"According to your alert, the clan leader deployed a swarm of Kikaichū around the borders of our clan, not even one enemy was able to infiltrate our perimeters Sensei. The explosion in our main Lair caused a mass of arachnids to scurry out to the open" Izumi trembled at this piece of news, "Acquiring a trail, we were able to uncover and hunt down the traitor in our labs. He belonged to the Root, unfortunately, he committed suicide before we were able to secure him"

"Ah, about the hunt, I'm on my way to deal with one of the biggest perpetrators of the night's invasion. I will be back most likely tomorrow"

"Can you take us with you, sensei?" Koji asked.

"Nope, team 7 is taking a week's break. I'm not leaving anything for chance, I'm sorry but neither of you will be able to help me there yet"

"Yet?" Izumi smiled at her sensei.

"What? Do you think I would make you three gain a chūnin rank and forget about you? Becoming my students is a life pact between us - I will train and lead you until you reach your peak, and then some. In exchange, you will climb the ladders of our world and claim the best position you want, be it Hokage, Shinobi Commander, or anything else you may wish for." Kaname explained to the trio's grin.

"Sensei, and if I want to become a gate guard and live a peaceful life as a chūnin?" Koji asked with a smirk on his face.

"Then, Koji-chan, I will make you a guardian feared so much, that will make your enemies avoid your outpost no matter what. But I believe you have a much brighter future ahead of you" she smirked back.


One hour later Kaname was exercising her muscles near the west Konoha gate, waiting with Jiraya for two other teammates.

"If you look at my ass once again Jiraya-san, I will rip your eyes out through your ears, and make you eat them" Kaname growled.

"Damnit! How do you all do that?! Your back is turned to me! And I was collecting information for my next book!"

"Woman's instinct, you pervert"

"I'm not a pervert Kana-chan… I'M A SUPER PERVERT!" Jiraya yelled out, making every woman on the street look at him like on trash.

"I see Jiraya-san is still going strong. I can't wait for your next book, I especially loved the part about Aki-chan manhandling the protagonist and rap-" Kakashi was interrupted by a blade put at his throat.

"Don't you dare finish the sentence Doofus-kun. *Sigh* I should just go there alone" Kaname complained, keeping her sword steady at his neck.

"Yeah, I took some of Aki-chan's personality traits from- *Gulp*" When Jiraya's eyes turned to Kaname he saw the swirling red Sharingan looking straight at him, "That was your trap, wasn't it Kakashi?"

Kakashi just shrugged in response.

"I'm sorry for being late, my mother had some… words for me"

"Wow, not bad Crow-kun, your excuses are almost as good as mine…" Kakashi replied positively astonished.

"Doofus-kun, you are… *Sigh* Whatever... Now, Itachi-kun how is your mother?"

"Thirty percent happy that I'm alive. Sixty pissed that I was hiding away for three days, and about ten sad for father" Itachi replied smugly.

"And Sasuke-chan?"

"*Sigh* I'm pretty sure, he doesn't want to know me anymore. I knocked on his doors, only for him to yell at me" he explained forlornly.

"He will get through it, just give him some time Itachi-kun"

"Thanks, Nee-san. So what's the plan?"

"The cockroach is hiding somewhere in the direction of Fire City or even further. When we find his base I will want you to make sure no one gets out, I will eradicate the threat once and for all"

"Kana-chan, sure we can do that. But don't you need help with the fight, I'm pretty sure we will meet a lot of missing-nins out there" Kakashi asked.

"No, I will not" Kaname pushed chakra towards her eyes.

The trio watched Kaname's red irises madly spinning around her pupils, the redness of her Sharingan's border was replaced by blackness, her three tomoe divided into five black lilies, her black pupil grown into a beautiful flower in the middle of her eye. For the second time in the village's history, Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan was activated.


(At Konoha's North Gate)

A tall eighteen years old beautiful woman was standing with two of her escorts being cordoned by Konoha's Anbu squad. A fair-skinned lady, with green eyes, and ankle-length, auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, a top-knot tied with a dark blue band, and with four bangs at the front. Two bangs were short, with one covering her right eye, and two were long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin.

She wore a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that fell just below her knees. It seemed to be closed at the front with a zipper and was being kept open on the front-right side from the waist down. The dress only covered up to the upper part of her arms and the underside of her breasts. Underneath, she wore a mesh armor that covered slightly more of her upper body than her dress. She also wore a skirt in the same color as her dress and, underneath those, mesh leggings reached down over her knees. Around her waist, she wore a belt with a pouch attached to the back on the left along with high-heeled sandals.

Next to her stood a man. He was in his thirties with blue hair which is styled in a moused-up manner. His left eye was blue and his right eye was covered with an eye-patch. He wore the standard striped, grey suit, with a green haori that had white trimmings that stop halfway down, over them.

On the young woman's second side stood a teen barely above the academy's graduation age as her escort. He had purple eyes, shoulder-length, white-colored hair, and pointed shark-like teeth. He wore an outfit, which consisted of a black, sleeveless shirt, light-purple-colored pants, and striped leg-warmers typical. He carried a water bottle attached to a belt around his waist and wore bandages around his neck and a standard Kirigakure forehead protector. On his back was a flat bandaged blade with two curved indentations near its base, creating a sort of cross-guard. Two handles are connected by a short length of cord.

"I believe we reached Konoha at the wrong time, Mei-sama. I see many young men working on the broken wall to the west, it seems Konoha was attacked." The blue-haired man explained.

"Shut up, Ao. Or I will kill you" Mei replied.

"Do you want us to tear through the squad and retreat Mei-sama?" the teen asked.

"No Mangetsu-chan, we're here to get their help, not start another war." she replied, turning her head to masked Yamato, she gave him a sultry smile "Hi cutie~ can you take us to your Hokage?" she asked.

dahnik dahnik

Wow, another 6k+ word chapter :-) I put some of my graphics in the comment section for you to check out :-) The story will receive a new front page in an hour or two :-) Now, I would love to hear your impression about my senseless efforts :-)

Kaname will steamroll everyone in the next chapter, soon we will enter a new arc: The Civil War in Mizu :-)

If you found any mistakes please inform me :-) I don't like mistakes :-)

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