Her heart thumped madly against her chest and she didn't know what to feel at the moment.
She felt happy, but also felt horrible for what she did.
She really messed up. She should have trusted him and not resolve to running away. She was a bad person, a horrible person.
And most importantly, she was a selfish being, because the way she wanted to jump on this proposal right now, words couldn't explain it.
"I don't deserve you." She said in a broken tone, covering her eyes with her palms.
"You deserve a better man than me, baby. I should have been more careful. It's not your fault, but baby please let's forget about that.
I just want you right now. I want to hold and cherish you. I want to make you happy, baby."
She shook her head, "Micheal, you're too nice to me. You spoil me too much. Everyone spoils me." She said with a bitter smile on her face.
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