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66.66% The Almighty Voyage / Chapter 6: Voyage tale III part II

Capítulo 6: Voyage tale III part II

The story opens up back up with the caravan leaving the kingdom of Obadiah, this time they're headed to the reptilian kingdom, ruled by king Dracon. Its takes six days to reach the reptilian kingdom. The kingdom is located in a desert forest region where the days are hot and the nights are cold. During the journey,  king Orion seems to be spaced out. One day sir Adam asks him what's the matter.

      My king I can't help but notice that you have been very quiet and focused since we began our travels, is there something the matter? Orion let's out a sigh; it's just, I'm not really looking forward to this upcoming meeting with king Dracon. The words of king Ogias as well as  my father's keep replying in my head. the reptilians are vile creatures and typically hate humans by nature, they don't care about anything except their own kind. rumors have also risen about how they worship a demon deity and do secret cult practices. What! Michael reacts outta shock I cant believe that. Hmph, what's so hard to believe, they are reptoids, Drake says to Michael. well when you put it that way it makes sense. Ok, well what type of practices do they do? Ahhh weren't you listening Drake says in an annoyed anger mood. They're secret. I heard him, I was just asking if anyone may have heard any rumors or something Michael asks obviously you haven't he says to Drake. Drake grunts at his brother. 

      I've heard something about human sacrifices but revolved around a cow tree demon Adam says.  But nonetheless, if the reptilians are committing these crimes then the church must not be aware, because if they were the magical knights would be all over them Adam tells his brothers.  My father would tell me tales of how King Dracon would always try to tempt him to forfeit the land of Obadiah to himself and the reptilians. With the kingdom of Obadiah still in a weakened state, my fear is that the reptilian  kingdom may try something. Well if they do, then that's what we are here for my lord sir Adam says. Yey my lord, for Adam is right, it's the sworn duty of a knight to protect the Royale's Drake says. Right Micheal adds on. Orion smiles, yet but let's hope it won't come to that. You guys are the only family I have left he tells his knights. 

    Time passes and the caravan finally sees the reptilian kingdom In the distance. Ahhh there it is king Orion says as he points to the castle. Its upon a huge rock that's elevated above the ground high into the sky. I do have to say it is breath taking sir Michael says, yet brother Adam says. It's not all that impressive Drake says as he views the castle. Whatever,  Michael says to Drake. Haha Orion laughs, let's get moving guys, right the knights cry out in unison as they follow behind their king. 

      The crew soon reaches the the giant rock. It was a whole lot smaller from back there Michael says. Yey brother, this is one huge rock Adam says as he stares up at it. So now how are we suppose to get up there so we can actually get in the kingdom? Drake asks. I can only think of one way brother Adam replies to Drake. You don't mean Drake says when suddenly he's cut off by King Orion. Climbing Orion says as he begins to scale the huge rock. Aye, now this is a challenge Adam says as he follows behind his King. Wait for me Michael says as he begins to climb. Drake lets out a sigh, I should've known this wasn't gonna be easy. He says to himself as he joins the others in the rock climb. After about an hour of rock climbing the original and the others reach the top of the rock. Now that that was fun Adam says. Fun, my arms are nearly about to fall off  Michael says breathing heavily. Leave it up to the 1st captain to something like this is fun Drake says breathing heavily. How much farther do you think the kingdom is my lord he asks Orion. Not much farther Drake Orion tells him. The kingdom should be in the center of this forest Orion says as he begins to venture into the forest. Good to hear Drake says as he follows behind the king. These reptilians sure do like their privacy Adam says, to go to all this just to reach a kingdom, takes a lot of effort. Yey brother Michael says, just imagine trading with them, you'd have to be as big as a giant to even carry everything or imagine going to… when suddenly Michael is interrupted by Orion. Enough Michael he says, for we are here he says as they approach the kingdom gates. Bout time we reached this place Drake says. Haha cutting thru the forest wasn't to bad Adam says. Bad enough Drake says to his brother. I'm with Drake Michael says. And you two call yourself Royale knight captains Adam ays scarcastly to his brothers. What you say Drake yells at Adam,  you wanna repeat yourself brother? Not now you two Michael says as he tries to get in between both Royale knight captains. Suddenly a lisply voice cries out, So your Royale Knights how interesting. Who said that sir Adam asks as he looks around. I don't know, I cant seem to see anyone Michael says, my king you may want to get behind us. Error, show yourself Drake angrily yells. What your temper brother Adam reminds Drake. So rude the voice cries back out. to be trespassers upon our grounds and to give demands, how so very prideful he continues on to say. Please excuse him, For I am Orion, King of the kingdom Obadiah. He says as stares at the doors extending both arms. And these are my Royale knights. We come in peace. Suddenly, 4 hybrid snakeman creatures appear, the creatures have human torsos and snake lower halves. What in the hell Michael says among eyeing the hybrid beats. Stay calm brother sir Adam says under his breath. Ah, I've never seen such a monstrosity in my life sir Drake says as he takes a step back. The hybrid snakemen slither down the trunks of the trees from out the canopies and surround Orion's group. You say You come in peace? One of the snakeman asks Orion. What business do you have with the reptilians? Besides, I thought the King of Obadiah perished in that dragon attack  years ago. The snakeman goes on. Orion looks down at the ground. He then raises it, with a serious facial expression; Yey for that is true, For the king slayed the demon but at the cost of his life. And when he died I Orion son of Obadiah Became the new king. For I've traveled here today aided with some of my Royale knights to speak with king Dracon, for I would like to introduce myself to him as Obadiah's new KiIg. I see the snakeman says to him, shame the guard says as he slithers closer towards Orion. I remember your father, Obadiah the Great they use to call him. Yesss another snakeman says I think I remember as well he says in a lisp. He was a very strong practitioner of the magical Arts. He goes on to say. Yey Orion says with a smile, jeez it's been so long since I heard anyone address him as that Orion says jokingly. The snakeman look at each other, Yes I think our lord would love to meet you, and you'd Royale knights King Orion. he then gives the signal to let them inside the kingdom.The snakemen guards escort the crew through the streets of the kingdom.

        Why are all the residents staring and hissing at us. Michael asks. I don't know, but Its starting to annoy me Drake says angrily. Brothers mind you we're only mere guest walking upon their grounds Adam says. Yey Orion says Adam as he looks over his shoulder, you also have to remember that the reptilian's don't get outsiders very often. Yey, sorry my lord Michael and Drake say apologizing. Don't mind them, as long as you're with us your safe. a snakeman guard says to the Royale knights ensuring them. 

      Your king is correct a snakeman guard says as looks back at the Royale knights. It's very rare for The residents of this land to see humans. To be honest with you, its many of their first times laying eyes on humans. Is that right Drake says scarcastly replies to the guard. Adam gives his brother a sour look, The honor is all ours Adam says, for it's our first time seeing reptilians as well. Yey, for my father would tell me many tales about his visits and encounters with the reptilians Orion tells the guards. Another guard looks sharply over his shoulder at king Orion. Is that right, let's hope he left the best details out he says to him grinning as he then straightens his head back forward. 

       After a short walk, Orion and the Royale knights are brought to the Royal castle. Deacon's castle is a huge rock castle carved entirely out of the rock itself. Leading up to the building are 2 parallel rows of reptilian statues.    

      Are these past rulers of kingdom? Orion asks. Yesss a guard replies. These are the previous kings of our kingdom. Each king that's depicted is from the Royal Draco bloodline. Our current ruler Lord Dracon is from the Royal bloodline as well. He's the twelve ruler.

      I can remember my father telling me a little about your hierarchy as well. 

    Oh a guard replies, what did he mention? He asks Orion. 

     I remember him telling me that the draco's were the royal family, then next in line are the reptoids they're the ones who look mostly human and are mostly scientists, guards and politicians.  Then you have your warriors known as the kayaka; fierce warriors who's reputation precedes them.

      What your father told you was the truth son of Obadiah the great. A guard tells him. Is there anything else your father mentioned to you? He asks.

       Nay, not that I can remember Orion says to them smiling. The reptilian's keep quiet and keep walking. 

      The caravan is lead to the doors of the castle. They are greeted by 2 brown skinned reptoid guards that stand 7 feet tall. And who are these humans you have with you?. One reptoid asks. Yess, the other asks, why are they in our presence, are they our new slaves he asks.

       Slaves! Drakes speaks up in an outrage, don't Dare Disrespect us or our Lord with such the lower class he says as he spits.

      Brother… your temper.  Adam reminds the third captain. 

      Hmph drake says as he quiets down. I forgot to mention that this one is a feisty one he says in a lisply voice. So very Prideful. Really a reptoid guard asks. King Orion then speaks up. Yea,  Haha he laughs this is my 3rd captain. He's a bit of a hot head and has a fiery spirit, but he's a good man. Sorry about that, I am Orion, King of Obadiah, and these are my Royale knights. He says to the reptoids.

       Yesss a snakeman guard says to the reptoid guard, King Orion and his Royale knights traveled to our lands to introduce themselves to lord Dracon. The reptoid guards look at each other and then apologies. 

       A thousand pardons the reptoid guard says as he bows his head. yes, sorry for our rudeness earlier. He says as he bows as well. Please enter the castle they say as they open the doors.  Once inside they are lead straight to the chambers of King Dracon by the snakemen. 

      Follow us one says as he begins to slither down the hallway. For our lord's chambers isnt very far at all its straight this way. After a brief walk they end up at Dracon's chambers: wait here one of the snakemen guards  tells the group as he enters Dracon chambers.

      Dracon is seen seated on his throne. His throne is at the top of 13 flights of stairs. Dracon looks very much like a Lizard Man. His head was the shape of an lizard, he had a long tail with scales covering his back and tail, on Dracons back are his wings. He wears a green royal robe to cover his wings.

       The guard then bows at his throne before him. King Dracon my lord, we have some special guests for you he says as he looks up at him. This better be important, for I am a Busy man Dracon says looking down at the snakeman  

      Of course my lord the guard says. Its The son of Obadiah the great. Hes Obadiah's new king and he requests  a formal greeting; He even brought 3 of his Royale knights along, my lord. He says to Dracon. 

      The son of Obadiah the great….. please let them in, Dracon orders

      As you wish my lord the snakemen guard says. He then looks over at Orion and the Royale knights and signals them to come over.

      It then cuts back over to Orion and the group. It seems like lord Dracon grants your request, you may now enter the chambers of Dracon, another snakeman guard says. The group then walks over to his throne. Bow before our Lord he says to the group,  sir Drake begins to get angry and tools at the snakeman side ways. Suddenly sir Adam places his arm on his shoulder. For its alright brother he says to him. Just as they go to kneel, Dracon stops them.

       For that is not necessary he tells them, for you traveled all this way to my kingdom just to have a word with me, please the honor is mind. Dracon tells the group. 

       Thank you King Dracon Orion says. It's nice to finally get to see you with my own eyes. My father would tell me stories about you and your kingdom when I was young he tells Dracon. 

    You as well Orion, son of Obadiah the great. Great Orion tells him, now that the small talk is out the way, if you don't mind I want to get to my reasons of me traveling here today.

     So very direct, I can see you inherited that from Obadiah the great, he says to him. I don't mind at all, please feel free Dracon continues. 

      I king Orion, son of King Obadiah come before you today with a peace treaty agreement. After the fall of our king, and the damage from the dragon attack,  the kingdom of Obadiah is in no condition to have any enemies.

      King Orion, Dracon says, I'm sorry for your loss, your father Obadiah the Great: He was a; very strong man, very wise, and very respected. He says to Orion seated from his throne. His death was a total shock. Although Obadiah the Great and myself always didn't see eye to eye he says as he stands up and walks towards Orion, this is when we see Dracon's  height. He's about 9 feet tall and looks to weigh at least a ton. I always respected him and his decisions he says as he puts an arm on Orion. Your father attained his title "The Great" by memorizing 72 spells out of the Grand Grimoire, a book written by "The Master Magician". Let me ask you Orion, son of Obadiah the great; have you memorized any of the spells your father did? He asks the young King. 

      Unfortunately I have not Orion says to him. My father's death came to early, and he wasn't able to train me in the arts of magik. He tells Dracon. 

      Shame, Dracon says. To be called king, means you have to be strong, stronger than your enemies, that is something that your father knew all too well young Orion. He says as he takes his arm from around Orion and walls away from Orion showing his back to him. As the son of Obadiah and new king of Obadiah, you have high expectations to live up to, Do you think you can meet them? Dracon asks.       

       Orion takes a deep breath and releases it. Yey! For fate hast bestowed my destiny upon me early, nonetheless I will not run! I will accept the mantle and try to be a good and fair king just as the king before me, just as my father was! 

      Excellent, Dracon says with a devilish grin, he then turns around and faces Orion. Orion, son of Obadiah "The Great" and the new King of Obadiah. You can ensure that the reptilian kingdom will stay true to the arrangements that the previous king had intact. Dracon says to Orion with his eyes closed smiling. Orion bows his head. Thank you King Dracon he says raising his head, I hope we can one day become allies. I as well Orion.  Now if you will please excuse me, I must go and see of a pressing matter. Yes King Dracon Orion says, we will be going now he says as him as his knights exit. Obadiah and the group are once again escorted by the snakemen guards, the guards escort them back to the front door. From there it's only time till Orion and the group are back at the gates of the kingdom. 

     Orion one of the snakemen says breaking the silence, it was nice meets you he says. Hopefully we can meet again he says to him. Yes another snakeman says, yes and hopefully you will return with your Royale knights he says as he glances over at third captain Drake. We will see Orion tells them, now if you excuse me, my knights and I must be going Orion says as they head back into the forest. That went well sir Michael says as they cut there way through  the forest. Yey brother Adam says to Michael.

     I'm just glad this is over and we' re headed home those reptilians have me the creeps. Drake says. 

     Me as well brother Michael says to him, king Ogias was right, they are vile creatures. 

    Demons more like it Drake says. Did you notice how all the residents were looking at us, as if we were cattle being led to the slaughter. Yey, Adam says agreeing with his brother, that look in their eyes so devilish. 

Adam looks over at Orion. My lord, what's the matter Sir Adam 1st captain of the Royale knights asks him. Something doesn't seem right he tells his men. What do you mean my lord? Adam asks, yey my lord I felt a strange vibe coming from king Dracon as well. Well, for starters Dracon despised my father. I remember my father telling me to never trust a reptilian, for they are creatures of deception. They will lie, or try to manipulate you to get what they want.

Just then Orion suddenly stops. My lord is there something troubling you? Sir Adam asks. Orion then turns around; do you hear something my lord? Sir Drake asks as he and his brother knights brace themselves for an ambush. 

      Its nothing Orion says as he smiles at his Royale knights,  I thought I heard something, must've been a squirrel or something  he says laughing. Ahh dont scare us like that my lord sir Michael says as the group continues onward. Sir Drake is unfazed at the king' performance and stays behind, staring off into the distance. Hey Drake Michael calls out, you coming or not he asks his brother.  Yea I'm coming he says as he turns around and begins to walk back up with the others.

      My father would tell me how some of the reptilians can shape shift, and how fierce warriors they are showing their opponents no mercy Orion tells the men. How menacing Adam says, let's hope that king Dracon keeps his word. Yes, we'll see king Orion says as they continue to cut through the forest.

      Orion and the Royale knights make their way back through the forest, and eventually come to the cliff. Not this again Michael says. Idot, you forgot already how you got here. Drake says to him. Kinda Michael says. What a idiot he says angrily as he begins climbing down the giant rock. Well, I hope a rock gives out and you fall. Orion and Adam are laughing at Michael. Don't be upset Michael Orion says to him, you're our idot. He says laughing as he begins to climb down the rock. Hey, imma remember that my lord he yells. What was that, I cant here you I'm sorry, guess you're going to have to come down here. He says mocking Michael. l Adam smacks Michael on the back nearly knocking him over, Haha  let's go home brother he says as he begins to climb down. Hey, he says as he tries to get his balance. I swear they're going to be the death of me. He then begins to climb down the rock as well.

       It takes the caravan six days to return back to the kingdom. Once back inside the kingdom of Obadiah, king Orion wastes no time and heads to discuss his talk with Dracon to the Councilmen. 

      My dear Council, for I have just returned from my travels to the reptilian kingdom. Excellent one of the Councilmen did it go? Well, but I have a bad feeling Orion says. Why is this another Councilmen speaks up. Well during the sit down, king Dracon said that he always respected my father. But I know that these words are false. I remember king Obadiah telling me how the reptilians hated him. Well it seems that you witnessed how phony the reptilians are first hand another Councilmen says. Yes, and to be honest I don't feel comfortable, I strongly believe that the reptilians may make an attack upon the kingdom. You are king a Councilmen speaks up, you must do what is best for the people that reside inside the walls. Yes Councilmen king Orion says as he bows and exits.

    Its cuts to late in the night in front of the gates of Obadiah  we see a guard walking towards them. Hey brother another guard calls out you come to relieve me and begin your shift? He asks from a far. As the guard gets closer his partner notices something strange. Brother are yee  alright. When suddenly the guard slits the throat of his brother. Brother! Two other guards yell out as they draw there weapons. I don't know who you are, but your no knight of Obadiah, you're no brother to me. The guardsmen then laughs and shapeshifts back into his reptilian form. 

     WHAT a reptilian he says outta shock. Quickly sound the alarm and inform the king before more reptilians show up. Suddenly a reptilian that was camouflaged stabs the guardsmen thru the chest with a sword.  

     Where already here he says as he takes a bite out of the guardsmen neck. Just then the warhorn is sounded and it fills the skies of Obadiah. This won't do a reptilian says as he jumps over and slashes the knight in the back. 

   Well that was easy a reptilian warrior says. Yes, his partner says now on with phase two.  They they signal for the others to come. Just thena huge wave of reptilian warriors charge towards the gates of Obadiah.  The warriors bust thru the gates and the kingdom skies fill with screams of fear and terror. 

     It then cuts to king  Orion in his throne room with his 4 Royale knights, suddenly a messenger bust thru the door. MY LORD he says outta breath. We have trouble…..the kingdom, it's under attack! What sir Adam says surprised as he stands up, it must be the reptilians he says as he turns and looks at king Orion. We must act fast sir Michael says.  the kingdom is in no shape to withstand this. Yey, as Royale knights we must protect the kingdom forth captain Joan says. What do you want us to do my lord sir drake 3rd captain of the Royale knights asks. Orion stands up, for I had feared that this may occur, as a new king I tried to be fair, but I see that Dracon is not a fair man. Today we will show him what happens when you cross king Orion, today is the day that we show that the Royale knights of Obadiah are no pushovers. Let us now charge into battle. 


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