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21.01% Bread For My Family / Chapter 33: Thee Ball Gown Dress

Capítulo 33: Thee Ball Gown Dress

The pitter-patter of the rain droplets fills the morning breeze as the dark clouds form a dense ambiance at Yonah's house where Belen is currently getting styled for the evening ball.

"this scent…" Belen unexpectedly wonders in her sleep, "it's familiar."

She recalls a memory from the past when she'd come home from practice, "dad? What are you doing up at this hour?" she asks, bringing in her alto saxophone case.

Edy greets her with a smile, "I was worried and waiting for you to get home, sit down."

She throws her saxophone case and backpack to the couch to sit at the kitchen table, wondering what is up with her father.

"don't tell me you cooked?!" she asks frightenedly.

Edy laughs, amused, "no! You know better than I do that I can't cook. I made tea."

"Aw, dad!" she whines, "I'm tired of drinking tea."

Just then, Edy places two cups of tea when he sits down and uncrumples a brown bag with bread, "Quieres pan?" he asks.

She sees the steam from the tea and smells it, "what kind of tea is this?"

"It's te de Canela."

"Cinnamon tea?"

"I don't know how you say it in English. Do you like the scent?"

She pleasingly nods, "Yeah, it smells good" she surprises herself for once agreeing that a particular tea smells tasty.

He excitedly asks, "then try it."

"Okay," she carefully blows on it, taking a sip, "mmm! Wow, it doesn't taste bad!" they both laugh.

"where did you discover this tea?" she asks, slowly cautiously taking sips.

"my father often gathered my brothers and me to talk about topics and catch up with each other. And the wives would often be on our sides listening to us go on and on with our father. They weren't allowed to comment or talk during the gatherings. It was mostly for us men to talk."

"Really?! That sounds so cool!" she exclaims.

"oh yeah! It became a tradition of some sort to make te de Canela. Since then, I started liking a variety of teas. But your mother always hated it."

"but then…why are you telling me this? Why are you suddenly making this tea now?"

He heavily sighs, changing the atmosphere "because today is the first day your mother is officially gone," he forces a bitter smile. "She came earlier today to get the last bit of her things and left. I figured you'd probably be stressed from practice, so I decided to make you this te de Canela, so we can talk."

From there on, Belen would continue to have her late-night talks with her dad, accompanied by te de Canela. Though once Belen left her dad, she stopped brewing the tea. It's been years since she's had it, this scent brings her back to that day when she opens her eyes to see that tea again.

"ooh! I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" Yonah asks, concerned.

Belen dumbfoundedly stares at her and the cup of tea, "what is this?"

"I saw you were sleeping, so I gave the stylists a break so you can sleep a bit more. But I woke you up, I'm sorry."

Belen shakes her head, "I meant," she points, "is this tea?"

"Ooh! Yes, it is! It's a tea my mom would often make for me in the mornings. You look tired, so I thought making you a cup of tea to relax your mind would do the trick."

Belen holds the cup to smell the scent making a sad smile, "I like this tea. Thank you" her longing eyes are enough to let Yonah know that something is weighing on her mind.

Yonah opens a nearby window. The rain grows louder, "Belen, may I ask you a question?"


"What do you think about the rain?"

Belen bewilderedly turns unable to comprehend her question.

"For example, on a rainy morning like today, what do you think about when it comes to rain? What kind of message does it give you?"

Belen coldly answers in a pure tone, "misfortune."

Yonah appeases, "that is what many believe, especially in films rain is perceived as a bad omen. But I have a different perspective of rain. In Judaism, rain is symbolic of a blessing."

Belen's cold expression begins to melt as she turned to see Yonah calmly playing with the droplets of the rain in the palm of her hands.

Yonah continues, "you see, when you take off that lens, the beautiful colors of the world are exposed. It's hard to believe, but its a blessing. It's the Creator's way of giving us life, sustaining the world through water. If it weren't for the rain, humanity would be dead by their thirst for water. When it's too much, we drown. It's like the Creator blessing us another day of life."

Belen silently reflects understanding her words, "What a strange way to look at it, but I always saw rain as a bad omen. When I saw it raining this morning, my anxiety kept me thinking that only bad things would occur. Today is the last day of July. In a way, it makes me sad to think that my brother's birth month has gone by. I did not expect to close this month off by attending a ball. If anything, I wish I were at home right now, enjoying the last day."

After a few minutes, the stylists re-enter trying to finish their work as Belen stays sitting on the chair like a wooden doll. Thanks to the te de Canela, her mind and body warms up. Surprisingly Belen put into consideration Yonah's explanation of rain into perspective and began to connect the rain to her brother, "just like he promised to Noah when he build the arc," she recalls the story from the bible.


It's afternoon, Noah is about to leave A Star, "Everest I'm going, make sure to!"

"I know! I know! We've agreed already!"

Noah hands him the keys, "make sure to lock up!"

"Are you sure it's a good idea to" Everest feels unwilling and hesitant.

"It's not your first time. I will be far, so I won't be able to help."

He sighs bitterly, "shit, these are the kinds of problems I hate getting involved with…"

As he left, Everest can't stop sighing while rubbing his head when the workers ask, "what's the matter, Everest? You look tired."

Another comments, "yeah, what is Secretary Noah asking you to do now?"

"I bet its to close A Star, right?"

"Why should he? Isn't that secretary Noah's job to do?"

"He's been leaving a lot these couple of days since the Madam went on vacation."

"Who knows, maybe he's finally found a girlfriend?"

"that robot? I doubt that, what do you think, Everest?"

He unhappily sighs clicking his tongue, "I have to go check on the leaders of the departments, seriously my life just keeps getting worse and worse."


Noah arrives, driving a moving van into the driveway.

As he finished, parking Mabel comes out of the apartment carrying a few suitcases with bags. He rushes to help her move them into the van.

"el es el secretario de Belen?" Ernestina asks.

"Yes, mom, he is helping me move to that apartment I showed you last night."

Noah's surprise to see her call this petite woman dressed in casual clothes "mom," knowing that she must be Belen's mother as well. As he got off the van, he decides its only right to introduce himself, "Hola Bueno a conocerla, yo soy Noah Alvares, el amigo y Secretario de su Hija Belen Astares."

Ernestina is both impressed and shocked to see that he speaks the same language. "Ay! Entiendes hablar Espanol mijo?"

He chuckles enchanting her with his smile, "si, yo entiendo y hablo espanol,"

"vaya! I can speak English too, not too good, but I do understand it too."

He compliments, "Woah! Tienes merjor acento que yo."

They laugh until Emma walks out, carrying her white erase board, Noah immediately turns his attention to her by going on his knees, "Hi Emma! What were you doing? Your hair is a mess" he gently fixes her messy bed hair behind her ears.

Ernestina eyes Mabel to move along with him when she carries Emma, "okay, pues, Emma and I will move out of your way so you two can continue moving things into the van, verdad Emma?"

Emma nods, "eso!��� Ernestian happily agrees, "a qui los miramos," they stand to the side.

Mabel and Noah go back and forth to the house, carrying out boxes.

After a few hours, his back starts aching, making his sweat drop from all corners of his body. He's forced to take off the layers of clothes because even the fresh breeze is not enough to calm his heat.

Ernestina shouts, "ten quidado! Como juvio en la manana se pueden cajer!" she warns them to be careful of slipping since it rained in the morning. Noah looks at the pale blue sky surrounded by dark gray clouds, "What are you doing right now, Belen?" he wonders aloud.

Mabel secretly overhears him but pretends not to, "did you say something?"

"n-nothing, I think we're finished."

"Yes, this box is the last of it," she turns to her mom, "give me Emma, mom we're about to leave."

Her mother whispers, "echate ese chino," she's referring to Noah, who is securing the boxes in the van to prevent any slip-ups.

Mabel playfully hits her mom, "ma! he's Belen's secretary!" she whispers, "I'm not interested in dating anyone right now, Oscar is legally my husband."

"Y que? El te traiciono, do the same with this koreano I bet he has money and look at him! Esta guapo!"

At that instant, Noah approaches them, "I finished placing Emma's car seat."

"Okay, then Emma say bye to grandma!" she hugs Ernestina, "bye, mi chula! I'll visit you soon."

Noah excuses himself, "bueno conocerla senora," he shakes her hand-shaken to see her smile. "Belen tiene la sonrisa de usted," he sweetly comments, making Ernestina blush.

As they drove away, Ernestina shouts, "Take care! Bye mi chula!"

"in how many hours will we arrive?"

Mabel checks, "It says here in 1 hour and 25 minutes."

Noah somehow can't stop staring at the time feeling conflicted, "will I be back on time?"


Belen's make-up is done, and her hair styled half bun up, and the other half curled down.

Now onto the final homestretch which is getting into the dress, Yonah seriously asks, "Belen. This is the most important part before putting on a dress, if you must go to the bathroom, please go right now, please I beg you!"

Belen confusedly stares, "the bathroom?"

"Yes!" she sighs, "many brides do the same mistake over and over it doesn't matter how many times I remind them. Once the dress is on, they suddenly have the urge to go to the bathroom, and the whole hour that went into putting on the dress is gone in less than 20 minutes. I'll give you an hour."

Belen can't help but laugh, "so you're giving me an hour to sit on the toilet?"

Yonah laughs as well, "please, I am begging. Putting on the dress will take time, especially with a corset and all the layers. Trust me. It's not easy."

"I understand, then would it fine with you if I stayed in the bathroom?"

"Yes, that would be great when you come out I'll take it that you are prepared."

"If that will make you feel as east then, excuse me," she rises from her seat.


Noah arrives minutes early to the apartment where Mabel will now be living with Emma when they move everything from within the van to their new place.

Just as the sun is beginning to set, Noah realizes, "it's getting late, I should leave, but I don't."

Mabel is finally finished moving the last bit of boxes into the apartment when Noah asks, "Is that all?" Mabel notices his fatigue and gives Emma a towel.

She timidly takes it to him, "Is that for me?" he kindly asks when Emma nods, "thank you, Emma" he wipes away his sweat.

"Do you have to leave Noah? You look a little uneasy," she asks in a relaxed tone.

He twitches, "huh…yeah, I do, but I don't think I'll make it in time. I might as well stay and help you," he awkwardly laughs.

Mabel shakes her head, "it's fine. Thank you so much for helping Emma and me. I can take it from here, Emma will help me, right?" she stares as Emma innocently nods.

Noah refuses, "no, still, I should help you build the furniture your mom bought."

"Really," she smiles, "it's okay. I can tell you have something important to do."

He struggles to ask when she chuckles, "go to her. Before it's too late."

It's as if she knew, "thank you," he briefly sighs and dashes out the door.

Mabel stares outside the window as he left in the van, Emma tucks on her, "yes Emma?"

She writes, "are you sad?"

Mabel hugs her, "of course not, I just feel bad because Noah is very nice to mommy and you."

Emma writes, "I like him too."

She smiles, patting her head, "he is a very nice person." Their peaceful ambiance is interrupted when she receives a phone call but is shocked to hear a rough, angry voice, "until you finally answer! Where are you?"

Mabel trembles with the phone in her hand, "what do you want…Oscar."

"you don't have anywhere to go, so where are you? Did you think about leaving everything to me? The house is under your name, and I miss my daughter, Emma."

"you think a cheating father deserves to be called father?!" she yells, surprising Emma.

She looks away with a hurt expression, "you won't be able to find me. When I'm ready, I'll go back, and we'll talk then. Not right now!" she hangs up, silently crying.

Emma stares at her mother cry and runs to hug her and silently mumbles, "mama."


Belen is finally getting dressed as the ball is one hour away, she's surrounded by five helpers trying to put each layer on carefully as if she were a barbie doll.

As they finished with the layering, Yonah asks, "does it feel heavy?"

"No, it feels light."

Yonah tiredly sighs, "well, its finally time to put on the dress, but can you please keep your eyes closed."

"uh sure," she closes her eyes hearing them bring something that sounds dragging but at the same time clacking. Her eyebrows twitch, wishing she can see but instead keeps her eyes closed as the assistants move her arms. Belen has her arms extended like an airplane's wings when Yonah says, "you can let your arms down."

But as she did, Belen is taken aback to feel the soft texture of the dress against her fingertips. She asks, "can I open my eyes."

Yonah is adjusting the corset, "not yet, please keep your eyes closed."

Belen feels the assistants extend the dress to keep it from sticking from the corners and fixes the crystals sewn.

As she finished tying the corset, the stylists spray glitter on Belen's shoulders and neck while fixing her make-up.

On the other hand, the assistants are picking out jewelry from diamond earrings to a radiant necklace. But the final touch is her gloves, when Yonah asks everyone to leave the room and says, "alright, Belen, open your eyes."

She slowly opens her eyes, impressed to see herself in the large mirrors. She's speechless to see the beautiful ball gown off the shoulder dress with a V-neck exposing her beautifully shaped breasts and the sparkling wavy patterns along with the gold linen embroidery with blue and gold crystal beadings.

"it's blue," she says softly as a genuine smile forms on her face, "I love it!" She turns to Yonah taking pictures with a professional camera, "it's floor-length so that you won't trip on it. Now you just have to pick the gloves you'll wear."


"Yes!" she brings out two pairs, the first is elbow satin gloves, and the second is lace elbow fingerless gloves.

Belen personally loves the satin gloves because they remind her of Cinderella, but remembers that the dress is dedicated to her brother choosing, "the lace."

After putting on the gloves, the look is complete, Belen looks like a princess that popped out of a fairytale book wearing a beautiful blue ball gown. The only thing missing is her prince.

Belen can't help but smile swaying back and forth, "it feels a little heavy," she comments.

Yonah reveals, "it might be because of the beading," suddenly, one of her assistants rushes inside the room, "Miss Astares your partner is here to escort you to the ball."

"my partner?" Belen cringes, looking unhappy with the news when Yonah rushes out to check, "did Noah come?" she wonders.

Belen walks into the living room seeing the women mumbling, "did you see him? He's so tall and handsome!"

"The suit is perfect! Yonah is such a goddess!"

"He'd look good in anything!"

Belen walks past them, "Everest?!!" her eyebrows furrow.

Yonah shockingly asks, "Belen, why is Everest wearing the suit?"

Belen can't believe her eyes as rage surges through her body, "what are you doing here, Everest?" her voice sinks low.

He sighs internally, knowing what to expect, "I came in Noah's stead…" he's taken aback to see her appearance as flowers surround her like a frame.

Yonah comments, "how are you wearing the suit? It's not made with your measurements! Please come this way."

Yonah is checking the suit on Everest. Belen is trying to get in contact with Noah, but the calls all go to voicemail frustrating her even more.

After a few minutes, they come out of the room, "the suit is perfect" She reveals feeling amazed.

"what?" Belen shockingly stares at Everest from top to bottom, "are you sure?"

"Yes, it's odd though, I made the suit according to the measurements you sent me. Did you perhaps send me his by accident?"

Belen stutters, "I-I'm not sure."

Yonah brushes it off, "oh well, It doesn't matter. It seems you two are a perfect match!" she says, referring to the suit and dress.

They meet each other's eyes, but as he takes in Belen's beauty, her anger towards Noah quickly turns to him.


While in the party bus, Belen coldly asks, "where is Noah?"

"he left to do something. I don't know. It's like I told you that day. He's been leaving A Star, and today he left earlier."

���ugh! Then why are you here? Did you honestly come to be my partner just because Noah asked you?" She grunts, "you two can't stand each other, do you honestly expect me to believe you're doing this for him?" she scowls.

"It's not because of him. Lady Beth asked me."

"Lady Beth?!"

"yes! Lady Beth knew Noah did not master the dance routine, so she asked me to go instead, but later on, Noah asked if I can go as your secretary, saying that it's an important event for you."

Belen looks away clenching her fist in anger, "I can't deal with you two, what is this?! A freaking tag game?! You men…no! You damn boys! I swear I can fire the two of you right now, but just wait because you'll soon face the same punishment as him," she glares, sending a shiver down his spine.

They've arrived, Everest can hear the loud cheers and camera shutters when he gulps his saliva out of nervousness. Belen, feeling hostile, asks, "where are you going?"

"I'm going to help you down."

The door opens, she boldly says, "I don't need your charity." And gets down with the help of the driver, "take Everest back home, will you?"

"Yes, Madam," the driver obediently replies.

She looks back amused to see Everest's dumb expression.

At that moment, Belen confidently struts into the spotlight all camera's point centerstage. She strikes a beautiful doll-like smile waving her hand as if a princess in a parade. The attention is directed to the dress, as many show their love for the dress. She puts on a sweet and gentle façade showcasing her gorgeous neckline, breasts, jawline, big round brown eyes, and glowing smooth caramel skin under the lights.

Security opens a grand door as if entering a castle. She takes a deep breath before stepping inside the main ballroom, where she can hear the orchestra playing beautiful notes. Lady Annalise rushes to welcome her with a hug, "Miss Astares! You look dashing! What a gorgeous dress!"

Belen smiles, trying to perk her voice, "not even close enough to match your beauty Lady Annalise, you look like an angel! Congratulations on your marriage! I've had my gift already delivered to you. Did you get it?"

"Of course, darling! I did! I can't wait to open it! Oh," she glances, "where is your partner?"

Belen tries to hide her disappointment, "He's late, I left him with too much work."

"I thought you were going to bring your fiancé, not that secretary."

"Well, unfortunately, I won't be staying for so long, I have an urgent business trip tomorrow."

"Ah~! Then please at least dance to one song before you go."

"Very well, if someone were to ask, then I will."

"Then, I'll be on the lookout darling, for now, enjoy yourself."

"I will, thank you" Belen walks away as Lady Annalise goes on to greet the rest of her guests.

But as Belen was walking along to a table, she overhears guests snicker about her skin color, dress, and make fun of the fact that she is alone.

Nonetheless, these kinds of people exist everywhere she goes and is used to their hostility. It does not put her down at all. Instead, she stares at them, smiling with an evil glint in her eyes to scare them away. She wears a secure frontier to keep anyone from trying to crush her confidence.

That is until Lady Annalise rushes, "Miss Astares! I've been looking for you."

"Yes, Lady Annalise?"

"I want to introduce you to someone," a tall, green-eyed Caucasian man wearing a foreign uniform appears from behind, "this is Sir Henry Russel, the prime minister's son of London."

Before the man can properly introduce himself, Belen hears a familiar voice call her from behind, as she turned around, she's shocked to utter a word.

An_Rome An_Rome

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