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69.23% Techno-Heretic / Chapter 99: Chapter 95: Bitter Farewell

Capítulo 99: Chapter 95: Bitter Farewell

Eli Pov

Beth was practically skipping as we made our way down the tower and out onto the lawn where the bitter cold and grey sky more closely reflected my mood, though if Beth accepted my plan, my mood would lighten considerably. Couldn't say I blamed the woman for her cheer; she went from one of her worst days to possibly having her name go down as a legend. As we three made our way to the main exit of the dorms, Beth clung to my side.

"Eli, it's ok," Beth said, apparently picking up on my discomfort. "Look, we just need to do the deed and even then, it probably won't take. All siring's with mages are a very chancy thing. If it does, I'll make sure Salamede is a second mother to the baby," Her purple eyes cooled some as she spoke the words, her hand playing across the torn green dress with splotches of blood.

I pushed down the knot of worry in my gut and nodded with a strained smile that didn't show under the smiling metal mask that was under my helm. Beth was doing her best and whatever I was feeling, this was a promise I had made both to her and Salamede. A promise that came with a good loophole if Beth would accept it. My wife got me in a hug and rubbed her snout sticking out of the metal square helmet with affection.

"Thank you, Eli," Salamede said. "I know this is a lot to ask, but it shows that you're reliable and no matter the outcome, I'll make sure you know my gratitude for keeping your word." Her white eyes seemed very happy for a woman who was handing her husband off to stud for another woman, but that magical breeding preference drilled into every living thing in this world often confounded my own sensibilities. A fact I was coming to accept.

She followed me and Beth until we got to a fork in the stone road where the way to our tower and the gate leading out the back of the town diverged. When we got there Salamede saw us off with a final kiss on my neck and a wave to Beth before motioning us to the gate. My raised eyebrow caught both of their attention, which made Beth giggle.

"Oh, that's right. You're new to this. Official mage siring's must be conducted at the academy classroom towers."

"Even so," I said with a bit of hope in my heart. "I wanted to bring you over to my house to-"

"Ahem," Koal said, coming up behind us with a change of white and blue robes wrapped around her arms, which she quickly handed off to Beth. The red-robed scion looked almost as thrilled as Beth as her shoulder-length black hair twirled in the cold wind. "Sorry, Eli. But there is a procedure to things and if you want her support for Beck to mean anything, you'll follow the rules to the letter. The first thing we will do is make sure there are no contraceptives in either Beth or you. Once those have been administered, a few other inspections will have to be done before a room in the academy will be opened for you two. Now, let's get going. A most momentous occasion awaits us."

'Shit,' I thought to myself.

The faint hope of convincing Beth to take some yook root dashed, I let Koal lead us both on with her giving us an impatient nod to the pyres and carriages by the stone wall with a house on the left side of the road. We followed behind, getting a few odd looks from the rich nobles and servants who typically traveled between the two intrusions on nature. As we came up to the lines of metal boxes that had equally armored horses lashed to them, an attachment of guards with the local captain met us.

When Koal came up to the local captain with a white feather in his cap and a duo of flanking guards, her body motions said she was giving orders. I only managed to get close enough to catch the conversation mid-way as the burly man with a brown mustache and matching eyes got a bit of sweat on his muscular frame.

"- aren't enough. We need a few spares for the security of high-value passengers."

Koal's nose flared as a blast of heat rocked off from her shoulders.

"I don't care if the president and the king of the Rodring kingdom come personally asking for a ride. I'll boot their asses out of the carriage if it saves us a single minute, and I certainly won't let you delay us."

"Koal," Beth said, stepping forward as the poor captain went pale. "I need to freshen up. Let's just give the man some time to get things in order."

Koal just bit her dark lip before huffing.

"Fine but make it quick. The quad mage has important business to attend to." Koal said with barely restrained impatience to the man as Beth walked off to the left of the fire scion and into the house with diamond academy robes in hand.

"What business, if I may ask?" The captain asked.

Koal lifted her chin with a bit of arrogance.

"Siring business. Something that your feet dragging is delaying."

His thick brown eyebrows shot up with a quick look back at Beth, along with his two guards. A quick gulp and he took off towards the line of carriages, yelling at a driver who was idly standing by one of the metal boxes on wheels. Shortly after that, Beth came back out of the house. Dressed in the white and blue robes with a white underrobe, her brown hair was now its typical wavy form and she looked like a new woman. Even her thick pink lips with a mole on the left side seemed less dry now.

Of course, she immediately plastered herself to my side. The hard metal meant the only feeling she left on me was the sense of added weight, but the wide eyes of the surrounding women left the feeling of envy coming clear through. Shortly after that, one of the metal carriages was made ready, with Koal excitedly hopping in the front near the driver's seat while another carriage in front of us had some guards pile in.

We approached the back of the metal box and I opened the door for Beth. With a light nod and ever so self-satisfied smile, she lifted her robes and walked in. Following in shortly behind her, I saw it was the typical affair with metal walls, mana lamp in the center of the ceiling with a wooden flower giving off heat around it. On the sides were wooden benches, the left of which Beth promptly sat down in.

After checking to make sure the bolts were in place, a habit I cultivated after my first adventure in these things, I moved my armor strapped body forward and sat down in front of her. Beth leaned forward to keep a hand on my knee. Her purple eyes screamed 'best day of my life' as I could practically see hearts bursting out of them. Finally accepting that this was happening, I started removing my armor and laying on the left and right of me.

Beth helped me, content to not ask questions and it was when I was removing my chest piece that we finally took off. It took a few seconds before the gate flashed by in the air slits above the top of the walls, by which time I had gotten down to my brown pants, white shirt, and plain brown shoes. We sat there for a moment; Beth not quite sure what to do while I just forced my stomach to unclench. When my mind turned to sex, there were those faint shifts in my memory again.

Drugs, naked bodies, and lonely nights alone covered in sweaty bodies fought to overtake the here and now, but I was far too nervous to let it get in the way. Forcing it down, I stood up in the shaking carriage and came over to Beth. Her eyes went wide as she bit her lip with the soft glow of the mana lamp accentuating her small, sharp nose and only lightly tanned skin. I put my right leg in between her thighs, forcing her legs open as I took her small chin in my hands. Her thick pink lips quivered in anticipation. Good, she likes me being aggressive.

"Alright, Beth. If we're going to do this, we're going to do it right. For that to happen, I need to know how your body works and this carriage ride is all the testing time I'm going to get. So, let's use as much of it as we can, and maybe it will make the main event even better."

I meant quicker but that seemed like an impolite thing to say.

She opened her mouth with a question, but I stole her lips with a kiss, stopping her. As her sweetness played on my tongue, I pushed her down onto the bench and started doing my reconnaissance. I used my left hand to squeeze her bum, which made her shiver. When I pulled the hand back up to play along her side, she didn't even seem to notice. After that, she proceeded to shove her tongue down my throat, in the typical full oral penetration she seemed to favor.

We spent the rest of the trip tangled on the bench. While she was weak to having her nipples played with as most women were, I found several other avenues of attack that held great promise when we finally stopped at the twin towers. As I tried to pull back from Beth, she grabbed the back of my head and pushed me forward to let her tongue scour my mouth.

'Beth, we need to leave. They might open the door to check on us if we don't get out on our own.' I said patiently in a spirit connection.

She gave a long, low moan before she removed her hand and let our mouths part with a loud pop.

'Let them see,' Beth said with a mischievous raise of her right eyebrow, 'If those great and mighty mage women or high born noble wives happen to see us in the throes of lust, it'll give me something nice to discuss the next time they start bitching at me.'

'They've been harassing you over your closeness to me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as she stayed pinned beneath me.

'Oh, yes,' Beth said with a smug look as her head lay in a mess of her brown hair. 'They were quite clear what they thought of an 'upstart peasant whore' stealing so much of the quad mages time. I guess I'll have to remind them to complain about stealing his seed from now on as well.'

I got off her as she continued to lay down. Standing in the middle of the aisle, I offered my hand.

"That seems like a rather pointless provocation on both your parts," I said audibly.

Beth just smirked as she took my hand.

"Come on, Eli. What's the point of being a woman if you can't be bitter and petty to other women?" She chided lightheartedly as I lifted her.

Shaking my head, I went to the door and worked the bolts to open it. With a blast of cold air, I put my arms out to motion for Beth to leave first. Lifting her robe, she made her way over the threshold. As she did, she made sure to lick her lips suggestively and look me up and down with frank interest.

Following behind her, I saw there were snow piles everywhere from the main walkways being cleared, even if my breath wasn't quite fogging up. The typical crowd of students, servants, staff and noble parents clogged the path up to the main tower, but when Koal got down from the front of the carriage, they made room for her.

"We're wasting time. Let's go." Koal said with a wave to the two of us to follow. We did and even the guards coming out of the carriage in front of us couldn't keep out of her way fast enough. Along the stone path, there was more than one person who didn't move out of the way of Koal's near sprint up to the wide double doors of the white tower, now embellished with flowers and fauna from the dwarf's stone carvers. Those unfortunates who were too slow were knocked aside like chaff as we tried to keep pace with the fire scion, their apology being at best nothing and at worst a hastily shouted 'I'll cut you in half next time' thrown over Koal's shoulder.

Coming into the building, it was the same as ever. The wide central pillar with a staircase around it and the open floors above. Grey stone made up most of the interior with red carpet showing the main lanes of travel between the tables and bookshelves. Why'll I had been relegated to some kind of limbo as far as graduation was concerned, I still remembered enough to know where everything was. And as Koal continued knocking her way through the crowd to lead us up the staircase and into the adjacent tower, that knowledge didn't make it easier to keep up with her.

After arriving on the right floor, we were lead through the open-aired walkway and into the second tower. Making our way down to the room that dealt with legal trappings, Koal opened the oak door for both of us and motioned us to shuffle into the room. With a central circular desk and several tables surrounding it, I noticed a few differences since my last visit, that being the bookshelves were all now along the outer walls.

Koal zipped past us and went up to one of the secretaries sitting at the large desk. This time the thin brown-haired woman didn't even get a chance to speak up.

"Tests for a siring attempt. Now." Koal barked.

The secretary's brown eyes shifted to me and Beth. Getting a look of realization, she shot up out of her chair and went to the opposite side of the desk before pulling out a small kit fitted out with small vials and powders. Her hands were practically shaking as she struggled to get the vials out of the straps. What wasn't helping was the small chorus of whispers and not so quite talk emanating from the tables and groups at the bookshelves.

"Her? She's going to be his first?"

"What changed? I thought he was a lover of men."

"I wonder if he'll be open to dessert."

"She's already birthed a crafter. Why not let the rest of us get a chance?"

This all buzzed around us with no pretense of being kept to the small back channels that such gossip typically resided. It was then that the secretary finally got the vials out and gave an explanation for them that I was barely listening to.

For my part, the buzzing words meant nothing to me as I was too busy trying to stop my mind from going down the track of future worries at light speed. Even as I spat into the offered vial, the only thing I was thinking about was whether or not the possible child I was going to be making soon would be hurt if I didn't marry their mother. All the while, the secretary cut open one of the pouches and dispensed its dust-like contents into the vials. When the spit therein turned blue, she gave a slight nod.

"Their good on that end." She pronounced.

Koal walked up and took Beth by the shoulder.

"Take Eli to a room. Once we're done inspecting Beth, she'll be brought to attempt the siring."

"Inspection?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"To make sure it's your seed that's in her. We can't have Mack making any possible claims to the future child" Koal said, "For that, we'll make sure she doesn't have any seed from a previous coupling in her and administer another test to make sure she's not already pregnant."

I got the mental image of a farmer leading a stud-horse up to a mare, but I just nodded and followed the secretary who motioned for me to follow out the door and take a left while Beth was led by Koal and another staff member to the right of the hallway. The passage had the same grey inner stonework and a red carpet which was now all over the floor as opposed to directional strips, which made sense considering it was only large enough to allow three or four people to walk side-by-side.

As we made our way down the hall, I noticed several other couples going into the doors on the left side. Most had the look that they just had sex and it seemed like there was a fair number of dalliances going on behind the oak doors from what I could hear.

"We're actually on low capacity now." The secretary said.

I was going to give a dry remark when a small group of four women blocked us.

"Is he here to mate?" A brunette in the middle asked.

"Yes, but his companion has already been decided. Now if-"

A strong-looking black-haired girl moved in front of the secretary as she tried to move past.

"Woah. Why is he only taking one companion? Surely he should be having at least three."

From there the bleating noise of insects droned on as I focused my mental energy on trying to keep my muscles from tensing. Suddenly, Koal's voice cut through my concentrations.

"Will you?"

I snapped my eyes up to see the fire scion, Beth, and the staff member all looking at me. Looking around and seeing everyone else also had their eyes on me, including a not-so-small number of passersby, I realized I had let my trepidation about the coming events distract me from the present. Something I always did my best to avoid, but it wasn't every day you were getting ready to potentially blow up your life's plans, so I forgave myself.

"I'm sorry. My mind decided to go on a nice little trip. What were you asking?"

"Would you like to take more women to bed with Beth?" Koal asked with a sweet smile.

I just huffed before shaking my head.

"No. Beth and Beth alone is what we agreed on."

Beth got a smug smile as she walked forward and wrapped her arm around my left one. The women who stopped us pouted and scowled.

"But she's probably in her early thirties, the old bitch. Surely we would be better for his seed." One of them said in a surly voice.

Beth huffed and pulled me towards an open door only a few steps away.

"Well you'll just have to ponder on what could have been," Beth said over her shoulder as we approached the threshold, "Because it's this old bitch who's going to be receiving him." She finished with a slam of the door as we made our way into the room. There was some yelling behind it but the voice of Koal rang out with some now indistinct words. I turned from Beth on my left and took in the room.

The general décor and makeup of the room left no doubt as to its purpose. There was a large central bed of white sheets and red blankets with white pillows laid about it in three rows. I noticed it had no feet or headboards so the couples wouldn't knock against them. Aside from the oak floor and grey stone walls, the only other features were a mana lamp, not in the center of the ceiling, but in the upper back wall that was basting everything in its soft glow and a table to the left of the bed that held a pitcher of water and some cups.

It was a room that existed for one reason and one reason alone.

The sudden softness of Beth thick lips made itself known on my upper neck just below my smiling metal mask, quickly followed by the feeling of her body molding against my side.

"Thank you. If I could be so arrogant as to say, I think I have a good idea of how hard this is for you, and I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate what you're doing for me and my community here."

She looked genuinely ecstatic as she rubbed her breasts against my arm and her woman hood against my thigh.

"If you get pregnant… I would like to consider pursuing a relationship."

Her purple eyes lit up as her hands moved to take off my mask.

"Oh, Eli. You give and you give. All the women here are salivating at the thought of having your baby and you go and offer me some time together after the deed. Truly, the world would be a better place if we could just replace all the men with you.

I do have one bit of advice though. Wait several months before deciding to make room for me in your bed. Koal said the closer I am to delivering, the safer it will be for me and the baby when it comes time to reveal the fact, to say nothing of the possibility of me losing the baby in the early months." She said with a calming voice as she worked off the metal band on the neck and the straps around my ears. When she got it off, she placed it gently on the floor. After which she looked up to me with a lusty gaze and a lick of her lower lip.

The time had come so I was determined to get it done with.

She was close enough that I only had to take a single step before I took her mouth. As her sweet, honey taste played across my tongue, her hands shot down to my pants. As we moved over to the bed, my pants fell to my ankles as she undid the knot with lightning speed. Her purples eyes were feral with lust as she returned the kiss and responded with shivers as I groped her bum and ran a hand down her spine through the fabric.

Awkwardly shuffling with the last few steps, I pushed her onto the bed and pinned her to it. Which was when she put her hands down my underwear and squeezed my privates with her delicate fingers. The softness playing across my stem and the playful grip on my balls made the half-hard member turn into steel. Taking a moment to savor what she was doing to me, she used her feet to pull the underwear and pants fully off.

When they were on the floor, I put my hands down and pulled up on her white underrobe while she worked off the bigger white and blue striped one on the outside. The white fabric kept going up while Beth shook off her shoes. Her skin wasn't totally smooth, and it was pretty pale in the places I would be attacking. Determined to just focus on the physical pleasure, I placed a kiss on her lower leg, then her knee, then up to her thigh.

My grunts and her small squeals of pleasure bounced off the walls of the room as the bed gave only the slightest creeks of protest to our motions. When I got up to her thigh, there was a moment where I considered oral sex for her, but I decided that if I hadn't done it for Salamede yet, then I wasn't going to give it to Beth. Planting a kiss just above the strap of her panties on her right thigh, I kept up until I got to her breasts.

When I planted a kiss just below them, I noticed that they were only large enough to provide me a handful for groping. Mentally scolding myself for letting Salamede's very motherly proportions spoil me, I gave a good upward yank on the white inner robe to reveal the two mounds. The pink nipples shifted with the motion as her breasts rocked back and forth from their newfound freedom.

I wasted no time catching the right nipple in between my teeth while giving the left one a light grope. I looked up to Beth to see her lips wordlessly moving as simple grunts were the only sound escaping her mouth. Even so, her eyes were screaming for more, and I decided to see if my hypothesis from earlier would pay off. I put my right hand down her back side and played along her spine and bum.

Changing up positions, I put my head further up to the upper middle of her two breasts, planting kisses and making sure to match them with a stroke of my hands. Beth decided she had had enough of this clothes business and pulled her robe off before pulling up my shirt and tossing it off to the left somewhere out of sight.

Pressing her body fully against mine, I tried my darndest to keep this purely physical. Concentrating on how good her breasts felt against my chest, I kept going upward with my kisses until my lips tasted her chin. A small squeal accompanied each blow from my lips, but she growled when I approached her lips. A growl that turned feral when I stopped short of finishing the long journey northward. She looked up at me with demanding eyes and lips that were already doing the puckering motions in anticipation.

"Wait. I want to test something out." I said teasingly. She pouted with a rightward turn of her head in the nest of wavy brown hair, but she gave the slightest nod in approval.

From there, I continued my work. Laying kisses on her neck and breasts and changing up my motions. All the while I would occasionally have to stop as my mind tried to replace her with the sweaty bodies of some orgy, but I wanted to see this through. Over several minutes, I found she particularly enjoyed me grabbing her shoulders with possessive strength. When I had her pinned beneath me with her two nipples in my mouth and my two hands gripping her shoulders, the experiment reached its conclusion.

A gurgle and shaking wracked her body as her hands gripped my sides. I was worried she would draw blood, but a quick check with my hand showed she hadn't pierced the skin. When I looked back at her, her breasts were swaying with her heavy breathing as she looked up at me like I was a god.

"But… you aren't in." She said breathlessly as she pulled herself up to finally get that mid-sex kiss. I obliged her as I responded in a spirit connection.

'Aye. But now that that's done, I suppose we should get to the main event.' I said as her tongue proceeded to dominate my mouth. She pulled back with a sudden jerk that surprised me. Her wild purple eyes shot down to look at my protruding stem rubbing against her belly. Those soft hands gripped the stem sending a wave of pleasure up my spine until she seemed to realize that she still had her panties on.

Her hands zipped down to the white lingerie. While her legs were straight down between my widespread legs, she still managed to lift them enough that the offending article of clothing was promptly taken off and thrown away. There was a wet thud on the floor to my right as I looked at her womanhood. Hairy with thick lips, Beth rubbing it against my stem did little to quell the throbbing ache in my gut.

'shit,' I thought to myself. I had been hoping the previous exercise would make this next step more palpable. As the sensation of her soft womanhood rubbing up to the top penetrated my addled mind, the thought of what would happen to our kid when others found out about their existence made bile rise in my throat.

Skittishly pulling back without thinking, Beth bit her lower lip as she rested her hands on my hips and ran kisses along my neck.

"I'm not upset. I already know what you think of me." She said.

"B-Beth," I hurriedly said in a faltering voice as I felt my heart starting to race with a loud thumping in my ears.

That got her attention as she moved closer.

"What is it?" She asked with a tender look in her purple eyes as our noses almost touched.

"If we do end up making a child, promise me you won't let them be inducted into any breeding programs before they are at least… sixteen. If I find out my nine-year-old daughter or son is made a parent…" My breathing started picking up as my mind ran through that scenario, which Beth quickly calmed with a hug.

"I'll watch over them night and day, never leaving them alone with a servant or mage. But if that is a big worry for you, Koal and Agatha might have an answer" Beth said with a meaningful look towards the door.

Getting off her, she quickly got off the bed and put on the white underrobe, and moved to the door while I got on my brown pants. After some discussion with someone outside, Beth came back and sat beside me. It was a few more minutes before Agatha and Koal came through the door, looking quite eager and at the same time annoyed.

"Beth said there was some matter that needed tending?" Koal said with a raise of her black right eyebrow as the blonde Front representative stood to her left.

"Yes," I said with a light cough as Beth pressed herself against me, "I need some… assurances that the potential offspring from our coupling won't be molested."

"A very crude worry," Koal said with puckered lips.

"An apt one at that, if they take after their father's magic" Agatha responded with a nod. "Aside from the laws which protect against such things, we can provide an extra layer of insurance if it puts your mind to rest. The Front and perhaps the Ember association will provide guards of the same sex at all hours. Men if it's a boy, women if it's a girl."

Koal took a moment of consideration before nodding in agreement.

"Can I get that in writing?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

The speed at which they both nodded set my mind at slight ease even as my heart still thumped in my chest. It took a good bit for the contract to be signed, but it was still lightning fast by legal standards as the agreement for same-sex guards provided by the local Front and Ember association was drawn up and promptly signed by all involved parties under the eyes of a judge who looked like he sprinted the whole way here.

My heart stopped thumping in my chest at a breakneck pace and was content to only resemble the strain of a long jog as the three left me and Beth by ourselves on the bed. Nodding in satisfaction that every precaution had been made, I proceeded to do what I came here to do.

Getting up and throwing off my pants, Beth made sure to send a lustful look southward before she lifted off her white underrobe. Walking forward, I put one hand under her butt and another along her back as I lifted her up and towards the middle of the bed.

"Ooh!" Beth purred with a wild grin. "I feel weightless in these strong arms of yours."

Laying her down in the middle of the center row of pillows, her breasts jiggled as she spread her legs out and held out her hands with a come-hither motion. Climbing on top of her, her soft hands went past my chest and gripped my half-hard member. Sending spikes of electricity up my spine, she worked it back to hardness with rubs and the occasional squeeze of my balls.

Her task finished; I brought my tip up to the glistening mess of hair that was her pussy. When I pressed forward, the pea of her clit stuck out above my shaft and sent her shivering whenever I moved to go deeper as it rubbed across the top of my manhood. I focused all my mental energy on keeping my mind on how good it all felt, that sopping wet heat around my stem as the woman gave off all sorts of wonderful cooing moans and curses.

"Oh, fuck," Beth said with a raise of her head as she stole my lips, sending the taste of honey down my throat. After a second, she pulled back with a loud pop, "You're so much bigger than what I've been used to. Just give me a moment to stretch out for you."

A huff escaped my lips as I put my hands down to squeeze both her breasts.

"I bet you say that to all the quad mages."

She bit her lip and rolled her eyes from the roughing palming her tits were being given before she gripped my ass and kissed my neck.

"Only the cute ones."

"Cute?" I demanded with a raised eyebrow.

Her thick pink lips twisted into a mischievous smile. She quickly wrapped both legs around mine and used her new leverage to pull me forward. With the sensation of her inner folds gripping me every inch of the way, I was finally in. We both had a pause as the moment of my first thrust arrived.

Moving my hands back to grip her shoulders, I used my grasp to push her downward with each thrust. For a while, I was content to keep concentrating on the pleasure in the hopes that it would speed things along, but my stomach was still clenching from worry and the finish line stayed out of sight. After a few minutes or half an hour of thrusting into Beth, sweat running down both our bodies and faces red from arousal and exertion, I realized I wasn't going to finish with just this.

Changing things up, I shifted Beth around and onto her knees.

"Eek!" She yelped, not unhappily, as her breasts swung from the turn as she got down on all fours like a cat and knocked several pillows onto the floor doing so. I took her from behind and continued the affair from on top of her, pressing my chest fully into her back as I pumped her with hard thrusts, my cock sent spikes of pleasure down my spine. That didn't help, as I still had to fight to keep my aroused state going.

After a few more minutes of wet slapping and womanly whoops reverberating around the room, Beth came again. When her pussy clenched around me and her body shivered against mine, what I needed to do to finish finally occurred to me. I grabbed her ass with my left hand and rubbed her shoulder my right as I ran kisses up her spine.

"E-E-li!" Beth moaned.

As I worked her body further, the moans of my name became yelps. As I turned her over again and attacked her lips with my tongue and her shoulders with a deep rub, the yelps became proper screams when I didn't have her lips sealed with a kiss. I lost count of how many times her pussy doused me or her body shook after that, but I do know that my time to finish was near.

"All right Beth. I'm coming," I growled as I gritted my teeth and seized her hips with both hands, the coming release finally arriving as I thrust with wild abandon into her sopping womanhood.

Beth bit her lower lip and shot me a lust-filled gaze as her eyes demanded my offering. It wasn't just her eyes, though. Her hands left my sides as she leaned forward and put her hands down towards my dick. Gripping one ball in each soft, plying palm, she started massaging them. Sending waves of pleasure through my body, Beth yelled as she continued to coax her prize out of me.

"Everything! I want every last drop, boy!" She looked me straight in the eyes with her demand.

Finally, after so much struggle, anxiety, and work, my base instincts took over. Woman, womb, release. My body surged with these thoughts as I felt the damn of pleasure break. Thrusting as deeply as I could, I gave a low growl as every muscle in my body contracted and I poured out everything I could into Beth's depths while she released a full-throated scream.

"UGHH!" Beth yelled, her eyes rolling up with her head as she shook beneath me.

It wasn't as world-shaking, blinding, or comforting as the releases Salamede gave me, but there was that brutal, ancient instinct in me that was just happy to be breeding as my seed blasted all over her insides. I took a moment, just taking her in as I felt my manhood spray a stream of hot liquid out of its tip and inside her hot tunnel as it constricted around me, refusing to let go until the job was done.

My task finished, I became acutely aware of how sore my muscles were and I fell on top of her. We took a few moments taking in the air as my dick gradually shrunk, its task finished. Beth idly ran her hands along my back as she let my head rest on her left shoulder.

"Now remember, Eli. Mages always struggle to conceive, whether it's men or women. Even if it does take, they couldn't ask for a better father." She said comfortingly as she put a kiss on my neck.

I did a slight nod before lifting myself off the pinned woman. Looking around the room, pillows were scattered everywhere, and more than one rip was seen in the sheets from Beth's clawing hands. Getting off the bed, I turned to offer her a hand up, which she declined with a shake of her head and the wet, messy brown hair beneath.

"No. I'm afraid my legs are a lost cause. Though, if it isn't a sore subject for her, tell Salamede I understand why she's fighting so hard to keep you."

Accepting the massage of my ego, I got a quick drink from the now lukewarm water in the pitcher on the table. As I sipped the water, I could see Beth was making sure to take in every bit of my nudity with her eyes, despite the personal acquaintance she just made with it. Looking over the freshly conquered woman lying in a breathless heap amidst pillows, white sheets, and red blankets, it felt too cold to just get up and leave so I leaned over the naked Beth and gave her thick pink lips one last kiss.

Her honey taste playing across my tongue as she returned the kiss, I quickly pulled back and donned my underwear, brown pants, and white shirt. Now dressed, I walked towards the mask on the floor and put it back on. With one final sigh, I headed to the door with a nod and a wave goodbye, which Beth returned as I opened the door and left.

Outside the door, Koal was a bit down the left of the hall with guards on both ends keeping a small crowd of women at bay. The red-robed fire scion turned around at my approach and gave a slight nod.

"Ah, I would ask how it went, but the noise prompted us to move away from the door in the interest of privacy. Where's Beth?"

"She said she would need some time to get her legs moving again. I'll be heading home, thank you."

Everyone took a moment to stop and look at me. The women ran their eyes up and down me with eyebrows raised in clear interest while the guards nodded with approving looks.

"Did she now?" Koal said as she raised her black right eyebrow and got a suggestive smile. Turning around she looked further down the hallway, towards Agatha with two other Front members. "Can you look after her? I'm taking Eli back home."

Agatha nodded and Koal made the women part ways for me as we walked past the crowd and the three Front members.

"A few minor things have happened during your dalliance. Mack has arrived demanding an explanation. Beck and Susan sent their warmest regards, though Susan made sure to impress upon me the importance of telling you that she was more than available if you wanted to secure support for her house more directly. Suffice it to say, neither is coming out of their homes until the mob has been subdued."

"That deed is done," I said mildly as Koal wrapped an arm around my left one.

"Oh, don't we all know it. I must say such rapturous sounds can be heard here but not anywhere near at such volumes or lengths. It does make a woman curious." She responded with a look towards all the women staring at me like I was a juicy steak being waved in front of a starving vagabond.

"Pff" was my response. But Koal just chortled and swatted my arm with her right hand.

"At least pretend like you just had sex. I must say, what would Beth think, you coming back from a nice time with her and being so grouchy." Koal teased. Below her robe hood, I could see the shifting red scales of her familiar.

Going over the open-air walkway, I was hit with the bitter cold of winter that blasted over the stone rails. Looking out over the land, the rolling hills and the only road leading back towards the town were on my right. When I turned to the left, there were only the endless tracks of snow plastered nothing. Occasionally some form could be seen in the empty fields of grass and bark scars hidden under the blanket of winter.

Arriving at the main tower, we went down the main staircase. Students and staff were staring at me with clear interest now as word of my activity had spread. When we moved down to the main floor, an obstruction made itself known.

Mack and a skinny blonde woman were near the entrance arguing with two guards who were denying them entry. The skinny blonde turned her green eyes on me first, which prompted Mack's dark green eyes to follow hers. He had a brown vest, white undershirt, and matching brown pants. His brown hair was floppy with sweat that dripped even from his sharp nose. If it wasn't for the undead making such a thing impossible, I would have said he had sprinted here from the Academy town.

"I heard you sired with my wife." He demanded as he seemed to collect himself.

"Your wife?" I asked calmly as I felt a very acute aggravation seize me. "She's not your wife."

"Ah, but she is," Mack said, the blonde to his left crossing her arms and looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "Our little spat didn't lead to any divorce proceedings."

A crowd of interested bystanders started whispering amongst themselves as they took in this source of wonderful drama.

"Spat?" I growled as I stalked forward with Koal right behind me. After the emotional roller coaster I had just been through, this was the last thing I was prepared to deal with. "You nearly killed her. Would have killed her if it wasn't for the healing beds I made and some luck with the guards. I had to cuckold you specifically because you put her life, the life of the woman who bore your child, and the lives of so many others in danger over some political bullshit. And after all that, you have the gall to stand here talking about her being your wife?"

The rising red in my face seemed to put him on the defensive, which only dampened his idiocy while still leaving it intact.

"Whatever happened before, she is still my wife. Perhaps with the addition of a quad mage in my house, the contest for the position of Duke will end on-"

I was going to yell at him, but the hot blast of a furnace plastered over my back and sent the surrounding crowd scurrying backward.

"NO!" Koal screamed as she shoved me to one side. She walked right up to him with a look of fury as her snake familiar stuck out of the dip in her robe to take up a strike position. Mack pulled back with fear plain in his and his new wife's face, but it did not good as Koal's small nose went right up to his, even as she remained a few inches his shorter.

"Let me explain to you how this is going to go, Mack." Koal spat between gritted teeth "You provided a woman Eli needed to fuck and that is as far as you'll go. Beth is no longer your wife and you will not contest the divorce in any capacity. If you… Gods help you if you try to hurt… If you even look in her general continental direction with ill intent, I will personally lead an army of fire casters to burn every single one of your supporters to a black char before I finish with you.

Decades from now there will be a plot of the land covered in ash that mages visit now and then to singe anew. And when the children walk by asking why that is, their parents will tell them it was the holdings of a fool who tried to hurt the potential mother of the quad mage's child. It is over, Mack. Duke Beck will stay where he is as Beth's house will support him, and she will do so with the full backing of the Ember association and potentially a few others as well."

In his eyes, the grand vision of a dutchy under his thumb crumbled and, in its place, rose a life of lower nobility till his dying day.

Huffing in disgust, I just walked past him and went outside to get in the carriage I arrived in, leaving the former husband of Beth behind. Going along the line of metal box carriages I eventually found the one near the gate that had my armor in it. Hopping in, I saw Koal wave me goodbye before closing the door.

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