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57.14% Traversing The Infinite Planes / Chapter 8: Life 8: Entrance Exams

Capítulo 8: Life 8: Entrance Exams

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With the new base form under the belt, Bardock began to try to test his upper limits and his blonde hair that resembled All-Might seemed even more alluring.

His eyes were well like All-Mights and his body was built up to the max so much so he found it hard to wear his old clothes.

The moment he put them on his body slightly flexed and the clothes ripped.

"Hmm- my strength has been increased and I can fly now- as to when I couldn't before and could only use jumps to get from place to place- could this be my Quirk's evolution in this universe- Strength and Flight?

It reminds me didn't my Grandma or something have the Quirk- Float? Could this be an unlocking of the bloodline as it helps me with my potential and increases my strength and the genetic pool of abilities within my blood!"

Once he said this Bardock felt refreshed in a way as he headed to his room and dressed in his uniform and quickly washed himself up before he grabbed some toast and binged his way to Midoriya-

The person in question was already at the scene and Bardock using his nose sniffed him to the exact spot he was at and once he'd reached the destination in place.

He floated down and stopped the green figure that was on a crash-course with the brunette in front.

His green friend below looked considerably nervous and shy-

In all honesty, Bardock felt a bit awkward seeing this moment-

'Midoriya I swear just say something- stop standing there like a clown- stand straight and say sorry for barging into her...'


But the moment never came as Bardock swooped down and saved his airhead friend from hurting someone else.

What's more, he activated One For All-

He seriously wanted to slap Midoriya-


Young Midoriya had already closed his eyes at this point until he felt a wall stop his velocity forward-

A soft wall that stopped him and his limbs from well breaking.

And on the other side, the Brunette could see a broad-shouldered boy saving her from an injury.

His back looked awe-inspiring and empowering.

She couldn't tell whether this was real or fake as she noted his face slightly turned towards her with the words.

"Are You Okay?"

She stood there like an ice block as she stumbled slightly and forgot how to speak-

'-Are- You...'

'-Are- You- Okay!?'

His charismatic and kind voice replayed within her mind as she blinked numerous times before answering.

"Y-Yes- Thank You...-!"

And she bowed to him before she moved on as her cheeks looked slightly flushed red.

The students around gave him some looks before turning as per usual-


"Damn it- Midoriya!"

Whispered Bardock as clutched his chest.

The green head activated his Quirk and gave him a headbutt.

This hurt a bit after his training and usage of his Quirk.

"I'm sorry Bardock- I- Swear I didn't mean it..."

However, Bardock wanted to punch his so punch-able face.

"Why did you activate your Quirk, you idiot-

What if you hurt someone badly?-

You'd have destroyed someone's future and life as easy as turning off a switch.

Seriously man control, your powers."

Midoriya looked a little remorseful as he said sorry-

"I'm in the wrong I know that I activated it without thinking I'm sorry Bardock..."

Seeing the green guy's remorse Bardock patted his shoulders as he moved on-

"Get moving Midoriya, we have a test to ace..."

And as he heard this Bardock bumped into Bakugo without notice of him-

Flaring up immediately with flames exuding from his nostrils he turned and saw a blondielocks-

'Allmights Illegitimate Son?!'

'But the nerve to bump into me- Bakugo Katsuki- Future Number One HERO!!'


Came a fist of flames as the fist came barrelling in Bardock put his arms in an 'X'x as he blocked the punch but it certainly wasn't weak- Bakugo had gotten stronger through the usage of his quirk-

A quirk was like a muscle that could be strengthened indefinitely and he could feel the growth as it stang quite a bit-

"How rude- I was about to say sorry but you pushed my buttons- Katsuki taste my fist!!"

And as he said this his figure flew into combat as he rushed in with a barrel of wind that began to change the very weather as the sunny day changed- the sun became covered as the clouds began to move and grow before droplets of rain formed- all in an instant as the chorus of thunder echoed in the background.

Seeing this and the foe seemingly knowing his name- Katsuki lightly laughed as he began to grin as he said-

"You... CLOWN!"

And thus he charged head on to Bardock-

The two met midway as their fists did the talking- from each punch a mixture of water, wind and flames were exuded out as a large dust cloud formed-

Nearby Midoriya looked on with a face that screamed-

"Why don't you two just get married already- always so touchy-feely!"

'Sh*t- No- No- I!'

And the fight ended then and there as both Bardock and Bakugo simultaneously beat up Midoriya-

"How dare you- I swear Midoriya- I won't go easy on you anymore-"

"You must like the dirt six feet below my piss? Eh!"


- A Beatdown Later:-

"WEEEEELCOOOOMMMEE- To Today's Live Performance!!"

However, except for Midoriya, not a single contestant uttered a single syllable-

"Whatever- I'm here to prepare you lot for the practical- so listen..."

And another wave of silence echoed out.

However, Midoriya was gushing with foam coming from his mouth-

"Its- the Voice Hero- Present MIC- wOwWW-

I listen to all of his radio shows every week- It's so motivating- I guess all UA teachers are pro's then-...!"

However, before he could carry on-


With both Bardock and Bakugo syncing as they gave him the stinkeye-

And thus the two began to clash heads again-

'These two are such tsundere- *Sigh- just make-up and be friends!'

And soon Present Mic began to talk-

"The test will go like this-

You'll be experiencing ten minutes long- Mock Cityscape Maneuvers-

And after this presentation, you all will be sent there..."

"-You will all be split up - and these sites will be filled with three kinds of Faux Villains-

You will be awarded points as long as you defeat any one of the three Faux Villains-

Pretty much like Mario beat 'em up and get points and the ones with the highest scores will win- but you can't attack your fellow heroes- that is prohibited."

But as he was to carry on a sharp-eyed- sword-like eyebrowed being stepped up as he voiced out a complaint-

"May I ask a question!"

Present Mic nodded as the question began to be heard-

"On this handout in front of everyone there are four villains- and for UA such a prestigious academy for the future peace guarding heroes- this is a blatant failure-

And you green head- keep quiet for you're annoying and your mutterings are grilling my ears- have you no decency?

If not get out of here-

Cause I'm not here to PLAY!!"

Hearing this from Sword Brows- Midoriya curled up in awkwardness as the ones around him began to snicker until Bardocks fiery gaze met theirs-

'Wasn't he the one to cause the weather change!!'

And there snickering came to a halt.

"Yosh-Examinee 7111- Nice Catch- you are right yet wrong- Yesn't in a way for the-

Fourth Faux Villain is a 0-Pointer, you gain nothing from him- it is much like an obstacle that is to be avoided at all costs- unless you like meat pie for lunch and a tombstone calling you an idiot!"

"- Now I will usher you on to the next stage my fledgelings but before that-

The Great Hero- Napoleon Bonaparte once said, 'True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life.'

(To be honest, he wasn't much of a hero.)


Go on and break a leg out there future defenders of the earth!!"


-30 Minutes Later:-

'This is bigger than I thought? This is like a fourth of an industrialised city zone-

Just how big is their budget to build this much on such big land?!'

Thought Bardock as he looked around and noticed that brunette he had saved was by him and sword brows were in front with Midoriya looking like a calm guy-

Kinda weird to associate calm and guy to Midoriya in all honesty but he seemed like he had finally understood All-Mights lessons, let's hope that to be the case.

He noted that the brunette was undergoing some sort of meditation- maybe to clear her mind and fix her nerves I guess-

But he noted that Sword brows moved to Midoriya with a stern look like a parent about to scold the kid who broke the tv- by swinging his Wiimote into it.

"Why? Are YOU Here!"

With an emphasis on the 'you' he stared deep into Midoriya however-

He gained no actual acknowledgement from Midoriya as he stared back into his eyes- with an indication to well - 'f*ck off.'

And as this became clear Sword Brows moved on with the crowd looking on with a little apprehension-

For him to say that to that guy- he must have some sort of ace up his sleeve-

'Let's avoid him-'

'He seems a little dangerous!'

Slowly they backed off-

Though I wondered exactly I was in this block weren't people from different schools supposed to be grouped together?

And as the space became eerily silent as if having no clue with what to do-

Present Mic's voice echoed into everyone's ears-

"Well go on then- What's Wrong!! Get Going!

The Die is CAST!!"

And with that said I rushed past my competition I wasn't gonna lose- and I knew Midoriya wasn't either- and Its time to stop talking about him-

After all, this is my story and not his-!!"

And as I rushed forward in my gym wear I could feel my new strength bursting at the seams waiting- no aggressively wanting to take action and burst with might- I could feel all my might gathering in my legs as I hopped from the ground to the buildings.

"Target Locked!!"

"Prepare For Termination!!"

And the first Villain showed up a 1-Pointer jumping over it I then drilled straight through the mechanical beast as I ripped out from it with mechanical carnage- my top was now ripped and my trousers with cuts-

I noticed that though they looked strong they were simply fast and fragile-

But I moved forward as I began to wrestle with these mechanical giants that entered my way- I was to win-

After all, my competitive side shone through here it was obvious and I needed to pay attention to my surrounding however I was blinded by this pure enjoyment of everything feeling like paper that ripped right through with a breath.

Saving someone from being squished from my wreckage Sword Brows rushed fast and saved that person with ease as he gave me a glare-

'Calm down.'

Was what his glare said- don't tell me how I can read glares we do it on Vegeta all the time...

"I'm sorry- I'll pay attention for sure now!"

True to his words- Bardock began to rack up points in a sensible way as he targeted the weakest joints before felling them down with swiftness and attention to his surroundings.

"That last one makes it- about 59 points- alright- I've all but won really-"

Said Bardock as his body began to sweat due to his pro-activeness, and the others around too began to tire- as they had defeated a majority of the villains around.

"There are those who can assess situations in an instant- Intelligence Gatherers..."

"There are those who'll never be late to the party- Mobility Experts..."

"There are those who can cope with any given situation- Decision Makers..."

"And then there are those who are natural-born Warriors..."


"-The abilities needed to preserve peace- is judged by the points they earn. And this year is a well great in a way year- due to well the Warrior Class..."


And as this happened a huge colossal mechanical titan formed out from the buildings around.


"Once they see that thing- well HAHHAHAHHHA- They show their true colours..."


Sword Brows immediately ran-

'You call that a gimmick? No Pointer- my Golly Green Piccolo- No- Just No!'

The Brunette was in the same position as she began to move and float away-

Whilst only two people remained-

"Oh, two remain- One a Warrior the other an Information Gatherer!"

"How poetic two polar opposites in a way- a true battle of the ages Brawn Vs Brain- Now I leave this battle to lady luck- For I will be honoured to witness a new generation become born in our earth!"

Back to Bardock as from an eagle view the scene became complete carnage as he stood in place with the towering monster in front of him with its might unrivalled standing there as if claiming himself alpha above all-

'If anything All-Mights Taught Me Mattered- Then this is it!'

However, he noticed that the brunette he saved at the start of this all was crumpled onto the floor with a seemingly fractured leg as she struggled to move up-

"Target Locked!!"


"Prepare For Termination!!"


At this point, Bardock remembered what Sword Brows said-

'Calm Down- and focus on your surroundings-'

And then in a way the brunette she was helpless and he had the power- he could help- It was the right thing to do he knew and with that, he moved on up- with each step towards the girl he sped up faster as the others rushing past him overlooked the girl and ran for their safety-

"What is he an idiot?"

"What is this guy doing!"

"These crazies- I swear!"

"This Idiot- I told him before-"

"Bardock- What's he doing-

Damn it he's at a high number- yet he doesn't run-

Its a 0-Pointer- I GOTTA RUN- I GOTTA RUN."

Rang the voices in his ears as he noticed that even Midoriya who had racked up quite a lot of points ran away-

'This wasn't what happened originally- I swear- I think-

Wasn't he supposed to save them all?'

However, with enough points to pass he ran away for safety.

"Midoriya- you really have changed haven't you-"

He wasn't given an answer as he turned around with a face of disbelief-

He was shocked- wasn't Greenhead supposed to burst to take out this zero pointer?

However, this no longer mattered anymore-

Bardock moved in with each step causing tremours as his fist began to charge up with his energy flowing to them as his hair sparkled brightly in the skies as his eyes with an emerald hue became brighter as he became more than he ever was.

He was now someone else, something else as he changed- something he found impossible-

Yet- he was wrong he wasn't unchangeable- he had become able to trust others he had become more than he ever was- and it was his chance to accept it by saving another.

It didn't matter whether there was anything to be gained- with his fists he was going to tear the skyline- He was going to write it into the skyline-

The change wasn't impossible- it was impossible if you never accepted that change!

The girl's voice echoed into his head as he remembered-

'Are You Okay?'

'Y-Yes- Thank You...-!'

And she bowed to him before she moved on as her cheeks looked slightly flushed red.

He remembered that he was becoming more than a beast who indulged in carnal pleasure and death into something noble- something bright, great and worthwhile- he wasn't worthless-

He was better off without his beast-like pleasure of killing- he was so much more than that as a person- as sapient being, as a human being...

And as the hand from the skies descended further- he a changed person- laughed as a great big smile formed in the heat of battle he was ready- he would beat it-

He would save that girls life-

Shouting from the crumbled rooftops he was standing on he roared back with a smile-

In the midst of danger to smile and fight back-

Rising above proud and tall- to the challenges at those times-

"This is truly the mark of a..."

'A True HERO!!!'

'What did All-Might say?'

'Oh yeah!'

"Clench Up Your Butt...



As his voice echoed out into the surrounding every being there turned around as a golden-haired being with emerald-hued eyes jumped from his place and caused a massive crater as his giant golden figure smashed through the entire body of the mechanical titan of death-


As he roared forward and lunged straight his body accelerated incredibly as his velocity became spicy-

From afar loud clamours of incredible cheers flooded the place as Bardock rushed down helping the downed brunette-

With an arm around her shoulder, the two moved-

As Sword Brows pushed his glasses back in an analytical manner whilst Midoriya- looked shocked-

'Why did he waste all his power on a 0-Pointer?'

Was what he thought- what heroics when your life was in danger no one but you mattered-

He thought...

"But his body- he has no damage that's serious- He- How...

Even just using a little bit of this power I was already exhausted- so I took down as many as I could quick - but even that made my fingers break and my legs are swollen-

But Bardock has none of that other than some scratches and fatigue?

'You two are now true blue vessels- Bardock can take my power now if he wants- Bardock use a stronger weight- Bardock calm down- Bardock project your energy for more range-'

Bardock was really the better of us after all- I was his sidekick- wasn't I- So what if I got points- he had the heart of a hero I never possessed- I felt the world was unjust and unfair yet when I got that chance I wasted it for fear of becoming powerless- I wasn't like All-Might who sacrificed his life for this-

I never changed- at all- I remained a wimp, a coward and incompetent loser-

What am I!"

"I'd only been given a starting line to get through yet I blew it all for my own selfishness instead of others- isn't that what a hero does? I failed All-Might, and that girl could've been injured severely if Bardock wasn't there-

I had the power yet I never did anything- I need to change finally- I can't stay a coward, a wimp, a loser- No I WILL CHANGE!!"

However, before he could say anything more-

The giant mech fell to the ground as an injured Bardock struggling to move forward whilst grabbing the brunette in his arms moved ever so slightly as-


Present Mic had called it in- as Midoriya laughed at himself though a small seed of change in his mind began to sprout- to be better and to become a hero.

"- That Guy- he, no what was that-"

"He Jumped- Right at that 0-Pointer with reckless abandon as if giving himself up for that girl-

He loves her that match- damn..."

"He must have a Mutation-Type Quirk look at his tail-"

"Yeah, it must be strength enhancement as well."

"This guy- He's Something Special!!"

"That's for sure..."

Sword Brows clenched his teeth as he looked at that guy-

'No it wasn't any of that- I told him to mind his surroundings he got my cue and he went in to save that girl- she was injured and struggled to get up whilst everyone ran like cowards- Me included.

He disregarded his time- his safety and chance for extra points to win it all- But he didn't hesitate at all-


"He's a decision-maker and not a warrior."

'I'm ashamed- he's a better human than I could ever be...'

"Yess-Yess, Incredible work my dear boy- You there here have some Haribo's they taste good..."

"Isn't that!"

"Yes that Mademoiselle... She's the backbone of UA-"

"To break your own ribs and not notice whilst continuing on without any complaint-

You are truly remarkable- Laddie- in fact, you remind me of a boy called Toshinori... Always going out with reckless abandon without care for himself...

Going that extra step for strangers-

If I remember correctly he lives by the deed-

'Saving one life is the same as saving all of mankind...'"

Landing towards the form of a sluggish Bardock who moved to her with a great smile hiding his ruptured internals with ease he finally coughed out as a waterfall of blood escaped and with a smooch from the nurse his body shone before he was healed back to normal-

The same for the girl occurred as she got up with ease though slight fatigue caught up showing easily on her face.

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