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17.8% Harry Potter and the Girl in Red / Chapter 27: Harry Potter Liberation Front

Capítulo 27: Harry Potter Liberation Front

As July rolled around, things stayed about the same at the Granger household. Rose continued to be her normal, strange self, and the Grangers slowly adjusted to the girl's strange behavior. She slowly stopped asking questions, although Hermione was beginning to suspect that Rose was sneaking out to the library at night.

"That's interesting," Hermione's dad said as he was rifling through the mail.

"What is it?" her mum asked.

He turned to Rose, who was sitting with them at the table.

"Rose has mail," he said, handing her an envelope.

Rose looked at the envelope, pulled her goggles over her eyes, and studied the paper intently for several minutes before finally opening it.

Dear Hermione and Rose,

I hope you two are doing well. Things are a lot quieter here than at school. I hope you don't mind, but Mum looked up Hermione's address so I could write to you. I guess we were all so caught up in the events of May that we forgot to get each other's addresses. I was sure to put my return address on this letter so you'd know where I live too.

Have either of you heard from Harry? I sent him a letter by owl to make sure he was alright, but I haven't heard back from him. I'm not sure if he's told you about his aunt and uncle, but they're really awful people. He said they don't feed him well, throw out his mail, and made him live under the stairs for most of his life. Would you mind sending Intelligencer? I just want to make sure he's okay. I'm really worried.

Your Friend,


Rose passed it to Hermione. "It's from Sally-Anne. She's worried about Harry."

Hermione read the letter, then turned to Rose. "Can you send Intelligencer?"

"I'm sure I can, but I'd need to prepare him first. I don't want him going into a potentially hostile environment without some means of communication. I'll need to figure out what I'm going to do first, but once I do, it should only take a minute."

"How long will that take?"

"Don't know," Rose said, pulling out a book Hermione had never seen before.

"What's that?"

"Homunculus reference," Rose said, flipping through the pages. "Refreshing my memory about what I can do to enhance Int. Specifically, I need to increase the range over which Int can communicate, and maybe up his fly speed."

"I'll leave you to that," Hermione said.

Dobby the House-Elf was terrified. His Master had said that something bad was going to happen at Hogwarts this year, and Dobby had to stop it. Except that Dobby knew he couldn't, since he was sure that his Master would be upset, but he could protect Harry Potter.

So the house-elf had devised the perfect plan. He would stop Harry Potter from going back to Hogwarts. Dobby was waiting outside of Harry Potter's house for the morning owls. His masters didn't pay any attention to him this early, so long as food was ready for them. The owls would deliver them their mail, and they would be none the wiser. This freed up Dobby to stand guard outside of Harry Potter's house and intercept his mail. That way, Harry Potter would think his friends had forgotten him, and he wouldn't want to go back to school. Then Harry Potter would be saved thanks to Dobby!

Sure enough, an owl came flying down towards Harry Potter's house, letter in claw. Wait, no, that wasn't an owl. Then why was it carrying a letter?

It didn't matter; if it had a letter, then Dobby had to stop it. Dobby raised his hand and used his magic to draw in the creature. It was pulled off course, and Dobby saw that it was some sort of flying ferret. Dobby had never seen one of those before. What was it?

The ferret squirmed as it was pulled towards Dobby, but then it suddenly vanished from sight.

Dobby jumped back, startled by the sudden appearance of a human.

"Who are you?" asked the young girl in a Scottish accent. "Why were you hurting Int?"

Dobby resisted the urge to respond. If he did, then he would utter his name, and this girl would know who he was.

"Dobby," the girl said.

"How is you knowing Dobby's name?" squealed Dobby.

"That's not important right now," the girl said. "What is important is that I'm dying to try out mighty throw. Saint Nature always made it look fun, so I can't wait to try it."

Behind her, the ferret flew up to Harry's window.

"No!" Dobby exclaimed. "You must not be sending letters to Harry Potter!"

"Why not?"

Dobby needed to act, and he needed to do it fast. He threw his hand forward, magically propelling the girl away from him.

To his surprise, she vaulted off one hand, landing nimbly on her feet. Even more shocking was what happened next.

The girl sank into the ground.

Dobby looked around him, then pulled the ferret away from the window. He didn't have time for this; Master and Mistress could notice his absence any second!

Dobby heard a churning sound from behind him and instinctively jumped away from it. Sure enough, it was the cloaked girl rising out of the ground.

"You can't win, Dobby," she said.

It had taken a while, but Dobby had finally remembered something that his young Master had said.

That mudblood with her stupid red cloak!

Was this the girl that his young Master hated so much? The girl that could make walls of stone appear out of thin air?

Dobby saw Harry Potter's window opening up and knew he had lost. With a snap of his fingers, he vanished.

Rose watched the house-elf teleport, then sank back into the ground in order to stay out of sight.

Harry heard a commotion from outside, but didn't see anything when he looked out of his bedroom window. Anything besides Intelligencer with a letter in his paws.

He opened his bedroom window, and the small creature flew inside. He looked bigger than Harry remembered, but he didn't pay much attention to Rose's ferret thing.

"Thank you," he said.

"You're welcome," Intelligencer replied in Rose's voice.

Harry jumped, dropping the letter. He had forgotten that Intelligencer could talk. Harry bent over to pick up the letter, then began to read it.

Dear Harry,

Sally-Anne sent you a letter two weeks ago, but she hasn't heard back yet. She told us about your aunt and uncle, and said that she didn't think that an owl would be able to get through them. So, she asked Rose and I to send you a letter on her behalf. We're all worried about you, Harry. Why didn't you tell us they were so awful?

Anyway, we just wanted to make sure that you were doing alright. If there are any problems, please let us know immediately. We're your friends, and we're happy to help.


Hermione (and Rose)

Harry looked at the letter, then back at Intelligencer.

"Intelligencer, right?"

The creature before him nodded.

"I never got a letter from Sally-Anne. This is the only letter I've got all summer."

The ferret (What was the word Rose used? Hum something?) stared off into space, then said "Harry, it's Rose. There was a house-elf hidden near your house. He attacked Intelligencer, so I stepped in to help… Intelligencer, not the elf. Does the name Dobby ring a bell?"

Harry couldn't believe it. Someone had sent a house-elf to stop his post? Who would do something like that? Well, there was Malfoy, he probably would. Or maybe Snape, he didn't like Harry that much. It could also be any one of Voldemort's followers. Why did so many people hate him?

"I'm gonna take that as a 'no'," Intelligencer said. "I'll talk with Hermione. Sit tight, and we'll sort out this mess."

"Thanks," Harry said, not thrilled to be put on the side lines while his fate was decided for him. It seemed like people were making a habit of doing that.

Intelligencer flew back out the window and off into the morning sky.

Sally-Anne was watching a film with her parents that afternoon when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Sally-Anne said, happy for the excuse to stop watching. Normally, she enjoyed the film her parents watched, but this time the film her dad had picked out was boring.

Sally-Anne ran to the door and opened it to find…



"Sorry to come over unannounced," Hermione said. "But there's a problem."

"Who is it?!" shouted Sally-Anne's mum.

"Hermione and Rose!"

Sally-Anne heard the film pause, followed by footsteps pattering across the floor. Her mum appeared beside her, looking from the crimson-haired girl to the bushy-haired girl.

"Hello," her mum said. "I didn't realize that you were coming over."

"I'm really sorry, Ma'am," Hermione said. "I know it's rude to show up unannounced, but there's… well…"

"Someone sent a house-elf to intercept Harry's mail, and we wanted to talk with Sally-Anne about it," Rose said.

"House-elves are sort of slaves in the Magical World," Hermione said.

"Well-treated slaves!" added Rose. "Well, this one in particular didn't look well-treated, but they're treated wonderfully at Hogwarts."

Mrs. Perks paused, then motioned for them to come inside. "Come in, come in. We'll talk about this inside where we don't have to worry about people overhearing."

The two girls walked inside, removing their shoes when they entered. Or in Rose's case, turning her boots invisible so no one complained about her wearing them.

"It's just an NPC's house," she hissed to Hermione.

"I don't care," Hermione hissed back. "We are guests in this house, we will behave appropriately. We're already showing up unannounced."

"Now you sound like Carolina," whined Rose in a hushed voice. "'Rose, stop treating the NPCs like they don't exist.' 'No, Rose, we can't just throw an NPC down the pit to see how deep it is.' 'Rose, it's mean to suggest using an NPC as firewood.'"

"Take. Off. Your. Boots."

"Fine," huffed Rose as her boots vanished. "Happy?"


The Perks family, Hermione, and Rose all sat around the kitchen table.

"Would either of you girls like something to eat?" asked Mr. Perks.

"No, thank you, Sir," Hermione and Rose replied.

"So in addition to his aunt and uncle being abusive," Mrs. Perks opened the meeting, "there's a house-elf stopping his post?"

"Yes," Rose said. "Ref was able to pull a name from his mind, as well as 'I've got to be stopping Harry Potter from returning to Hogwarts!'"

"Why would someone want to stop Harry from going back to Hogwarts?" asked Sally-Anne.

"I thought Malfoy at first," Hermione said, "but I would think his first target to get rid of would be Rose, not Harry."

"Did Ref say why?" Mr. Perks asked.

Rose shook her head, sending her bobbed crimson hair flying around. "No, he didn't catch it."

"Whatever the case, we should really get that boy out of there," Mrs. Perks said. "Depending on how bad it is there, we may be able to invoke the Children Act."

"Why are we getting children to act?" Rose asked.

"No, Rose, the Children Act is a law passed a few years ago that requires caretakers of children to meet certain standards when caring for children," Hermione said. "Harry's aunt and uncle are his legal guardians, presumably, so they have to fulfill certain criteria."

"Very good, Hermione," Mrs. Perks said.

Hermione smiled at receiving praise from an authority figure. Despite her growing distrust of certain authority figures (Quirrell, Snape), her parents had already spent over ten years drilling into her head that she should respect her superiors.

"If his aunt and uncle don't meet the criteria as put forth by the Act," Mrs. Perks said, "then the court can step in and Harry could be relocated."

"But if they investigate too closely, couldn't that break the Statute of Secrecy?" asked Hermione.

"I had forgotten about that," Mrs. Perks said. "Is there some equivalent to the Children Act in the Magical World?"

"I don't think so," Hermione said. "The Magical World is a little medieval in its ways, so I doubt there are any child protection laws."

Sally-Anne's heart sank. She had been so hopeful that there was something she could do to help out Harry, but now it turned out that there was nothing. No, she couldn't give up. There had to be something that they could do to help out their friend.

From the way Harry had spoken about his aunt and uncle, it sounded as if they didn't even want him there. Would they care if he just left? It was horrible to think, but it was all she had at that moment.

"Can we… Can we just take him?" Sally-Anne asked.

"I don't think we can," Hermione said slowly. "They're his legal guardians, so that would be kidnapping."

"It's only kidnapping if they report it," Rose said. "Just like it's only illegal if you get caught!"

Everyone else at the table stared at Rose, who naturally grinned back at them.

"Alice told me that!"

"Of course she did," Hermione sighed.

"She's got a point," Mr. Perks said. "Not that I'm suggesting kidnapping Harry from his aunt and uncle, but I don't think they'd much care if he were gone."

Wilfred glanced over and saw the look on his daughter's face. Her face was downcast, like she was about to cry.

"Sweety, it's alright," he said.

"How can someone treat their own family like that?" she asked.

"I asked the same thing about Sk'lar's parents for a long time," Rose said. "Shortly after we first met, and I started calling him my brother, I hugged him. He didn't know what to do, so I told him that family members hug each other. He was so confused because he honestly didn't realize that families showed any affection toward one another, because his parents don't show affection toward anyone they aren't brown-nosing, including each other."

Sally-Anne thought about that for a long time. She could imagine Harry, completely unloved by what was left of his family, not knowing how to respond to affection. Would that happen to Harry, just as it had happened to Rose's brother? Harry was her friend; Sally-Anne had to do something to help him. She would do something to help him. If she couldn't do anything, then she would find someone who could.

In fact, that gave her an idea.

"Why don't we ask Professor McGonagall for help?" she suggested. "Or Professor Dumbledore? Maybe they can help him."

"That might work," her mum said, lifting Sally-Anne's spirits. "They would know the laws of the Magical World best, although I'm not sure if they've got the authority to have him legally removed from the premises."

"Professor Dumbledore's one of the highest authorities in the Magical World," Hermione said. "Maybe one of them could go over personally?"

"Depending on Harry's aunt's and uncle's understanding of magic, they may be able to intimidate them," suggested Rose. "Although Professor McGonagall's pretty good at that without magic."

"Not to rain on everyone's parade, but where would Harry go in the meantime?" asked Mr. Perks. "Assuming this whole things works, and we get Harry out of there, where would he stay?"

That didn't stop Sally-Anne at all, but instead served to make the dirty-blonde girl even more excited than she already was.

"Ron said he might be able to take Harry," she said.

"I can contact Ronald to verify," Rose added, "and I can get a hold of both Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore."

"I'll see what we can do on our end," Sarah said, producing her PDA. "There might be some part of the Children Act that allows us to designate a particular person to go verify Harry's well-being."

"I'll go watch the rest of my film," Wilfred said, excusing himself from the table.

"I'm going to go pretend my life is normal just as soon as my crimson-haired friend teleports us back to my house with her magic powers," Hermione said.

"I'm not sure how you can pretend to be normal after everything that's happened to us," Sally-Anne said.

"I can try."

Molly Weasley was just preparing breakfast for her family the next morning when she heard a knock at her door. Who would be knocking at this hour? She wasn't expecting company this early. Not that it would be a problem, considering she made enough food to feed two of her family. Or half of her family, depending on how hungry the boys were. It was always hit-and-miss with George, Ron, and Fred. It also depended on whether Percy came down for breakfast, or if he stayed in his room as he had been. She knew he was 16 and needed his space, but she was starting to worry about that boy.

Still lost in thought, Molly answered the door to find a pale girl in a red cloak standing before her. Something about her struck Molly as familiar, but she couldn't place the girl.

"May I help you, young lady?" Molly asked.

"Salutations, Mrs. Weasley!" the young girl greeted her, curtsying. "My name is Rose Peta-Lorrum, and I'm a friend of Ronald's!"

That's right! She had heard Ron say something about a girl at school who wore a red cloak all the time. Was this her? How did she know where they lived? How had she arrived there? Portkey?

"Discern location and teleport, but that's not important right now. If it's not too much trouble, I would like to speak with you, your husband, and Ronald."

"What's this about?" Molly asked, actively ignoring the fact that the girl had just responded to Molly's thoughts.

"Harry Potter."

Rose wasn't sure how it had happened, but next thing she knew she was sitting at a table with no less than five large plates of food on it.

"Ronald!" Molly called up the stairs. "Arthur! We've got a guest!"

"What are you on about?" Ron asked as he drearily descended the stairs. As he did, he spotted Rose sitting patiently at the table.

"Hey, Rose," he said. "Why are you here?"

"Harry's in trouble and needs our help!"

That woke up Ron.

"His aunt and uncle?"

"There's more," she said. "I'd rather not explain more than once."

Slowly, each of the Weasleys, including one Rose hadn't seen before, arrived at the breakfast table. All the while Rose waited at the table, smiling away as if it were a normal day.

"Salutations, everyone!" Rose greeted everyone after she was informed that there were no more Weasleys left to join them. "Father Weasley, Sister Weasley, my name is Rose Peta-Lorrum!"

"Hello," greeted the other young girl at the table, whom Reflectesalon informed Rose was called "Ginevra" according to Mother Weasley.

"Pleasure," Father Weasley said. "What's this about?"

"A house-elf is intercepting Harry Potter's mail, and his aunt and uncle are abusive. Therefore, the other PCs and I have seen fit to extract him from the premises."

"What's a 'PC'?" asked Father Weasley, exchanging confused looks with his wife. "Is that a Muggle thing?"

"No, it's a Rose thing," Ron said. "I can't remember what it means; Rose-to-English translation is Hermione's job."

"Hermione, Sally-Anne, and I, along with her parents, have worked out a plan in which we can safely remove Harry from his aunt and uncle's house, until such time as which we have dealt with the house-elf," Rose said, remembering the words of her brother and uncle:

When talking with new people, be polite, and speak clearly, her uncle had said. Make sure that you are well understood by all people present.

And speak formally, Sk'lar had added. It's alright for people to underestimate you some of the time, but there are times when you need to be taken seriously.

"Why come here?" Father Weasley asked her. "Sure, Harry's Ron's best friend, but why come to us first?"

"You need somewhere for him to stay, right?" asked Ron, who had been asking his dad's question since seeing Rose at the table. It was the only thing that made sense. If she had just needed to liberate Harry, then she would've just gotten the Twins to help her instead of the entire family, since they were usually all for breaking the rules. Asking to speak with his parents and him meant that Rose needed something from his parents, and probably needed him to explain Rose to them or something. The only thing of which Ron could think that Rose would want from his parents was a place to stay, since, if Sally-Anne had been involved in the planning of this whole thing, she had surely mentioned that Ron had offered Harry residence at the Burrow.

Ron wasn't always that bright, but he could handle logic and think ahead, two skills he had picked up from playing so much chess. Especially against Hermione; he would never admit it, but she kept him on his toes.

"Good job, Ronald," Rose said. "That's correct; once we extract Harry, we'll need a place for him to stay until the end of the summer. Ronald mentioned that there might be room here, and if it's not too much of an imposition, we were–"

"There's plenty of room here," Mother Weasley cut off the pale "child". "We'd be happy to take him. If you girls would like, you could even stay here a few days."

"I'll let the others know," Rose said. "Thank you very much, Ma'am."

Molly exchanged glances with Arthur, who nodded his approval of the idea. They both knew that they had the space, so it wasn't an issue.

"Is that all?" Molly asked. "Why don't you have some breakfast before you go? You look like you haven't eaten in weeks!"

"Months, actually," Rose replied. "I don't need to eat though," she added, seeing the look on Mother Weasley's face.

"No, no, I insist," Molly said, collecting a plate of food for Rose.

"My body can't process food anymore."

Everyone stared at Rose, each wanting an explanation as to why she couldn't eat. Rose picked up on this, so she began to explain.

"Hermione and I worked out that my respiratory, digestive, vascular, circulatory, and reproductive systems are shut down," Rose explained, referring to her notebook for the exact names. "My nervous system is still intact, but that's about the only thing separating me from being actually undead. I don't need to breathe, eat, or sleep to survive, but I do need to breathe to talk."

Each of the Weasleys continued to stare at their unexpected guest. Ron and the Twins had some idea of all of this, but none of them had any idea as to the extent of Rose's… condition.

"What are you?" Arthur Weasley asked after a long silence.

"I'm an optimizer," Rose said. "Veil of undeath continues to be well worth the cost, considering the only actual cost is needing negative energy to heal rather than positive energy, and that was a simple mod to my belt to fix that I made last night. My belt can now heal or harm people with the same three charges."

"Does that make sense to you?" Ginny asked Ron.

"Not really," he replied. "Veil of undeath is what she uses to make herself look like she's ill, and it makes her immune to stuff like poison, but I don't know what she means by positive or negative energy."

"She's immune to poison?"

"Yeah, it was great," Ron whispered, grinning. "I thought Snape was gonna explode when she told him that."

"Anyway, I've got places to be," Rose said. "I'm contacting Professor McGonagall next to enlist her help in actually extracting Harry. Hermione figured that a teacher would have more luck than one of us."

"Good luck, Dear," Molly said, showing their guest to the door. "Come back soon!"

"Thank you again, Ma'am," Rose said, smiling.

What a nice family, Rose thought. It's a shame they're NPCs and thus only really good for cannon fodder.

Minerva McGonagall was enjoying a relaxing summer break. She was out in the lovely Scottish countryside, watching the beautiful, halcyon fields from the porch of some friends of hers. She did nothing else, just watched the wind bend the blades of glass across the field before her as the sun came up.

Minerva sipped her chamomile tea, and enjoyed the peace and–

"Salutations, Professor McGonagall!"

Murder. She was going to murder that child. She could transfigure the body so no one would ever know. Peta-Lorrum just wouldn't show up for the next term. She was an orphan, so there was no family with which to deal, and her friends would get over it after they realized how much better life was without her.

Now I know how Severus feels.

"What are you doing here, Peta-Lorrum?" Minerva asked as calmly as she could.

"A house-elf is intercepting all owl-based mail directed to Harry Potter."

Minerva slowly turned to face the girl.

"What?" she deadpanned.

Rose proceeded to explain the events of the past few weeks as they related to Harry. Minerva patiently listened to everything the crimson-haired girl had to say, from the expeditious messenger being attacked, to the planning session with Perks's parents.

"I knew it," Minerva said when the crimson-haired girl was finished. "I knew it was a bad idea to leave him with those… people."

Rose took note that Professor McGonagall hissed the word "people".

"So it sounds like you've got a plan?" Minerva asked the pale girl.

"The Weasleys have agreed to keep Harry with them for the rest of the summer," Peta-Lorrum said. "They insisted that it wouldn't be too much trouble, so we're going to move him to their house. I need your help to extract him, since everyone else has insisted that we do this the lawful way."

"If we don't do this the right way, Ms. Peta-Lorrum, the fallout could be drastic," Minerva scolded. "If the Dursleys choose to call the authorities, although I doubt that they would, the Statute of Secrecy would be in jeopardy. However, if I were to go in and have him come with me, it would send the message that the entire school is backing the extraction, as you seem so keen on calling it, which would give them no choice but to comply."

"Can I still come?" Rose asked.

Minerva opened her mouth to shout "No!" in her most stern voice, but caught herself. If she went in alone, then there was every chance that Lily's sister and that awful man she married would throw her out without Harry Potter. If Peta-Lorrum were to join her, the girl would probably force them to let them leave with Potter. Failing that, Minerva could remind them that if they didn't comply, then Rose knew where they lived, and would visit them every single day so long as Harry remained with them. It was diabolical, but knowing that girl, it would work as a last resort.

"So long as you do exactly as I say," Minerva said sternly.

"Will do!" Rose replied, beaming. "Does tomorrow work for you?"

"I will catch the first portkey back to London tomorrow morning," Professor McGonagall replied. "And Ms. Peta-Lorrum?"

"Yes, Ma'am?"

"Thank you for coming to me instead of charging in like you always do."

"I don't 'charge in'," Rose huffed. "I form a plan and execute it! This plan just happens to involve authority figures."

Minerva pressed her lips together and took a deep breath. "Thank you for involving authority figures in your plan."

"You're welcome," Rose replied with all the tone of a child being forced to say something.

Rose pulled out her staff of passage from her quiver, tossing it a little ways into the air. As she caught it, she vanished, leaving Minerva to enjoy her morning in peace once again.

That night, Hermione noticed Rose writing in her notebook. That was odd; Rose only wrote in her notebook when she was talking with other people, since they were her source for notes. Why was she writing in it now? Tomorrow was the big day, when Professor McGonagall and Rose would go to save Harry from his aunt and uncle, so they both needed rest, or whatever it was Rose did in place of rest.

In the morning, Rose would take Hermione and Sally-Anne to the Burrow to await Harry's arrival. From there, Rose was to go pick up Professor McGonagall, and together they would liberate Harry from the Dursleys. Mrs. Perks would cover their escape, so to speak, by ensuring that local authorities would be notified if the Dursleys tried to act against them.

"Everything alright?" Hermione asked her friend.

"I'm writing a letter to my parents," Rose replied.

Hermione gave her best warm smile. She often forgot that underneath layers of sickening amounts of joy, Rose was still a little girl that missed her mum and dad.

"Okay," Hermione said. "Good night, Rose."

"Good night, Hermione."

Dear Mum and Dad,

My friends and I stopped an evil maniac from taking over the world! Well, I assume he was trying to take over the world, although I don't actually know he was. Harry and Ron went to stop him first, since Harry was scared that Voldemort (that's the bad guy) was going to kill him (Harry) as soon as Voldemort came back to life.

To make sure my friends didn't die, I rallied Hermione and Sally-Anne to go save them. The professors setup all kinds of challenges for us to bypass. There was a giant three-headed dog, a large tentacle plant, a bunch of flying keys, a magical prison, an interactive chess match, and a logic puzzle! It was a lot of fun! Don't worry! Nobody died. Except Professor Quirrell, but I promise it wasn't me. I only turned him to stone, but then Voldemort left his body or something and he died.

Over the summer, since there aren't any classes, I'm staying with Hermione and her family. They were really nice to let me stay with them, so I'm being extra careful to be on my best behavior. I'm being very quiet while I craft, and I'm only asking three questions on any given subject. Hermione took me to the library where I read up on Muggle technology. I love it! It's kinda like alchemy, but it can do so much more! I'm trying to understand it, so maybe I can combine my magic items with their electronics, as they call them.

Oh, we're also liberating Harry from his aunt and uncle. Think Sk'lar's parents, but with less mind games and manipulation. That's Harry's aunt and uncle. Also, someone's getting a house-elf, the magical race enslaved by Magical Humans here, to intercept his mail. So Professor McGonagall and I are going to their house tomorrow to rescue him! It's gonna be fun!

We're going to bring him to the Burrow, which is where Ronald and his family live. You'd like Mother Weasley; she reminds me a lot of Carolina's parents. She insisted that I stay for breakfast, and tried to feed me, stopping only after I explained veil of undeath to her. She said that the girls and I could stay over a few nights if we wanted, so we may be living there for a little while.



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