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90.9% DxD: Reign of Supreme King / Chapter 20: 20

Capítulo 20: 20

Azazel and Michael were staring wide-eyed at the Supreme King who just emerged from the portal. The suspicions of those two only got bigger when Utopia also walked in through the portal.

"W-What are you doing here!" Michael asked with a shaken voice.

"Calm down, Michael," Haou said back. "This is a peace meeting, not a war-zone. Don't give me a reason to make it one," he said with a glare that can be felt even through his helmet.

Azazel and Michael stared at the Supreme King for a few more moments before slowly sitting back down. The Arch Angel looked at Sirzechs and Serafall with narrowed eyes. "Lucifer, Leviathan, did you know about his appearance? What is the meaning of this?"

"The Devils owe Haou a great debt," Sirzechs replied with a firm gaze, showing that he was not backing down. "Including him in this meeting after he asked to be part of it is the least we can do."

"I'm not sure if you heard, but the Supreme King doesn't exactly think fondly of the Angels and Fallen Angels," Azazel commented, looking cautiously at Haou.

"Lord Michael, who is this person?" Irena, who came with Michael, asked, having already pulled out Excalibur Mimic when the portal appeared.

Vali narrowed his eyes, deep in thought before realizing that he met this armored person before. "You're the guy who killed Kokabiel," he said.

Haou didn't acknowledge Irina's question or Vali's statement and simply waved his hand, causing a new, black seat to appear beside Serafall before he took it for himself.

"Now, I'm sure you two are wondering why I'm here," Haou stated as a fact and neither leader of the Angels or the leader of the Fallen Angels denied it. "Well, I suppose you can say it's mainly to help my people, nothing more, nothing less."

"That does not help us understand why you're here," Michael replied with a concerned look, mainly because he didn't want the peace meeting to be ruined now that they were so close to peace.

"I'm saying that from now on, the World of Duel Monsters will no longer hide, and I'm here to see if you people are going to agree to peace with Duel Monsters or not," Haou revealed, shocking the Seraphim.

"That's a bold and sudden statement," Azazel said, crossing his arms. "From what I know, the World of Duel Monsters have been in hiding from the early days of the Great War, with very few people from this world knowing about it, even less able to go there themselves."

"We're done hiding," Haou stated firmly, an obvious glare behind his helmet. "I have built a stable relationship with a few other Pantheons, all of whom would not have a problem with my people making an appearance in the desire for peace. In fact, I just sealed a material trade deal with the Greek Pantheon," he informed them of where he came from. He made sure to send Bennia to his home in order to wait for him there since she had nothing to do with this meeting.

"So, you're saying you're here to do the same with the Biblical Pantheon?" Azazel asked to make sure.

"The relationship between Haou and Devils is mostly stable," Serafall informed them. She didn't have any of her childish personality she usually had and a serious aura was around her. "While we have nothing official yet, not many Devils will go against establishing a firm alliance with them."

"So, you are here in order to clear things up with us and the Fallen Angels," Michael said as a statement rather than a question.

The Supreme King nodded. "That's right. This has been a long time coming, and you two know it," he replied, a harsh tone in his voice.

Azazel scratched the back of his head, chuckling nervously. "Yeah, I'm just glad it's happening in this way rather than a more violent one," Michael agreed fully with the Fallen Angel.

"Who is this person, Azazel?" Vali asked, tired of being kept in the dark. "How is it that you're allowing him to make demands? Do you want me to get rid of him?"

"Easy there, Vali. There's less painful ways to commit suicide," Azazel joked lightly, but his statement only caused Vali to be more curious.

"Lord Michael, can I ask who this is?" Irena asked. As much as she didn't want to interrupt the Seraphim, her curiosity was too great at the moment.

"This is Supreme King Haou," Michael said motioning to the King of Duel Monsters. "He is the Ruler of a place called The Duel Monsters World. I suppose the easiest way to describe them it is by saying they are another branch of the Egyptian Pantheon."

"Of course, that's a very vague way of putting it," Haou commented, resting his head on his hand.

"Then why is he here?" Vali asked, not seeing a reason for the Egyptian pantheon to be involved in this meeting.

"Your guess is as good as ours," Azazel shrugged his shoulders as he and everyone turned their looks towards Haou.

"As I said, I am here to clear things up between my world and the Biblical pantheon," Haou repeated what he had already said. "However, if you want me to explain better, then I will make it simple. You will agree to peace, or I will make your races go extinct, simple as that."

That statement caused shock to everyone except the four brothers. Even Serafall and Sirzechs didn't Haou to be so blunt to immediately threaten an all out war.

"That's a very bold statement," Azazel's eyes hardened into a threatening glare. "If you think you can easily destroy the Biblical Pantheon-"

"Of course we can, you idiot," Haou cut him off. "I alone can probably do it in a month, and that's if your people went into hiding immediately. We have four Heavenly Dragons on our side while you people have two inexperienced hosts. There's also beings in the Duel Monsters world that can easily defeat the strongest you have to offer. So, tell me, Azazel, what chance do you people have? "

"Even so, such a war would definitely get the other pantheons involved," Michael said, trying to reason with the Supreme King. "Such a war would lead to many-

"How many die of this world is of little importance to me," Haou cut him off just as he did to Azazel. "Besides, whoever gets involved would undoubtedly go against you. After all, isn't that the true reason you're holding this meeting?" that caused the leaders of the 3 Factions to narrow their eyes, even Sirzechs and Serafall, while everyone else looked at them curiously. "It's because your pantheon is dying. You're in an absolutely vulnerable state which Kokabiel almost broke. If the 3 Factions of the Biblical pantheon do not work together, another pantheon can easily invade you. Am I wrong?" the silence he received was enough confirmation.

"Even so, you can't possibly expect that the other pantheons would not see you as a threat for suddenly invading us like this," Michael pointed out, believing that the other pantheons will think that Haou was starting an invasion.

"Oh, that won't be a problem," the Supreme King chuckled. "As I said, I have already established a stable relationship with a few pantheons, many of which would gladly take my side should I rage war on your people. Of course, I will try to avoid the Devils as long as they try to stay out of this, but I will not be so merciful for the Angels and the Fallen Angels."

"You would kill so many just to get to us?" Michael asked, sounding disappointed. He had believed that the Supreme King would not take such extreme measures.

"My people come above everything, so if committing mass genocide to ensure their safety is what I have to do, I'll gladly make races go extinct," the Supreme King replied, a firm tone in his voice. While that statement was horrible, it was still admirable that he'd go this far for his kingdom. "But, don't think you're anything special. I'll also be making the same demands to pantheons that I yet to make relationships with."

"There's people out there who can be very stubborn, you think you can actually convince them?" Azazel asked, rubbing a hand on his chin. He knew that some gods and goddess don't exactly see eye to eye with many people, mainly for arrogance or another reason.

Haou chuckled. "Of course. If they don't know what I have, then they should know that, since the Egyptian pantheon is on our side... That means we also have Exodia as well."

Silence fell on the room as the eyes of the Faction leaders went wide at that declaration. "Exodia?" Michael asked, fear lacing his voice.

"Damn, you have that monster on your side, too?" Azazel's question was answered with a nod from Haou. "So, Basically, even if we don't count you, any side that doesn't take yours is pretty much screwed."

Silence filled the room again. The younger people in the room wondered who 'Exodia' is for his mere name to cause fear amongst the leaders of their Factions and for them to suddenly decide they were on the losing side.

Azazel sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I personally wouldn't want my people to go extinct. Plus, I wanted to patch things up with you for a while now, if I'm being honest," he admitted. The fear of Haou deciding to come for his head has been haunting him for quite a while, and he'd feel safer with peace established.

"I feel the same," Michael nodded in agreement before looking at Haou with a raised eyebrow. "However, I have to admit, I did not believe that you would forgive the Angels or the Fallen Angels."

"Who said anything was forgiven?" Haou asked, causing confusion. They both believed that, since he was coming to this as peacefully as possible, he did not want them dead. "I didn't forgive either of you, but I simply decided to not throw my people into war simply because of my personal grudges."

"If I may, what did Heaven and the Fallen Angels do exactly to gain your hatred?" Sirzechs asked, wanting to know why his friend didn't like either races. From the eager look on Serafall's face, she wanted to know as well.

"Well, as for the Fallen Angels, it's more against Azazel himself," Haou turned his head so he was looking at Azazel, who looked away with a hand on the back of his head. "To put it simply, this idiot stole an artifact that was very important to me in order to find out more about Duel Monsters, but he ended up taking his tests too far and by the time I found him the artifact was destroyed."

The other leaders all directed a deadpan and disappointed glare to Azazel, even Vali who was quite used to the Fallen Angel's habits couldn't bring himself but feel a little disappointed that he would go this far.

"Oh, you should have seen it," Yuri spoke with a sinister chuckle. "Seeing Lord Haou beat that idiot within an inch of his life was absolutely glorious. The only reason Azazel didn't die was because his lieutenant was close by and took him away to recover immediately after Haou was finished with him," he described, causing Azazel to shiver at the memories that came to him.

"And what of the Angels?" Serafall asked and Michael visibly tensed.

Haou turned his head towards Michael, who also looked away. "Why don't you tell them, Michael?" he asked.

"I..." Michael did not say anymore as his gaze kept going down in shame.

Haou scoffed. "Well, if you won't, then I will. To put it simply, Heaven tried to assassinate me."

"That's impossible!" Irena immediately cried out, glaring at the Supreme King. "Lord Michael would never resort to such lowly means like assassination!"

"Oh, then why isn't your 'lord' saying anything?" Haou's question turned the attention in the room to the leader of the Angels, who kept looking away.

"L-Lord Michael...?" Irena asked.

"Because he can't. He's a Seraphim. He cannot lie. And, if he denied what I said, that would be lying," Haou explained the reason for Michael's silence.

"But... But why?" this time, it was Asia that asked with her own shaky voice.

"Fear," Haou answered, returning the attention to himself. "Heaven is a force of light, but they became fragile after God's death. I am the strongest force of darkness in the world. As such, they believed that they should get rid of me, their greatest threat, before I try to come for them," he explained Heaven's motives. Honestly, he believed that their concerns were uncalled for. He never had interest in Heaven, or attacking them.

"Wait, heaven tried to assassinate you," Azazel couldn't help but look confused. "Who could they have possibly sent to kill you?" the fallen angel knew that no one in heaven could actually kill Haou. The closest one to having a chance is Michael, but even then it was a very long shot.

"They sent the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," Haou's answer caused silence in the room again.

The silence was broken by Azazel... Who started laughing. "Hahahahah! That's a good one! There's no way they'd ever be desperate enough for that, right, Michael?" the Fallen Angel saw that the Seraphim only hung his head in shame, causing his smile to vanish. "Michael... Tell me that he's just joking, and that the seven seals are still intact."

"We... We were desperate. No one had a chance against Haou... Except those four," Michael hesitantly explained, shame coating his voice.

Azazel ran a hand through his head. "Shiiiiiiiiiit," he groaned out.

"Well, Ajuka and Falbium are just gonna love to hear that those four are free," Sirzechs sighed sarcastically with a hand on the side of his head.

"I bet it was Gabriel's idea," Serafall quietly groaned, causing Sona to gain a deadpan look and Haou to smile under his helmet.

Despite popular belief, the strongest being in Heaven was not God. It was Four beings trapped within seven seals, the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. War, Conquest, Pestilence, and Death.

The fact that the Horseman are free meant that they can now end the world whenever they desired. And, as far as the leaders of the three Factions knew, no one can actually stop them.

"Wait," Azazel realized something and immediately looked at Haou with wide eyes. "You fought them... But you're still here... Does that mean you-"

"Before you jump to conclusions, I did not defeat them, not entirely at least," the Supreme King said, causing the others to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "I did manage to defeat War, Conquest, and Pestilence. But, me and Death were on equal terms. We both agreed to stop the fight because of... personal reasons."

Truthfully, Haou did not know or want to know which one was stronger between himself and Death. Both Gentle Darkness and Death are primordial entities so it would most likely be a battle of luck, and Haou did not want to test his luck against the Grim Reaper.

"You never told me you fought the Horsemen of the Apocalypse," Serafall gave a cute pout while the others deadpanned at the fact she just ignored how he admitted that he went toe to toe with Death itself.

"Believe me, Serafall, with my kind of life, it's easy to forget mentioning that," a sweat drop was added to the deadpan looks at Haou's statement. "Now, back to the original subject. What the Fallen Angels did is terrible, and what the Angels did is nearly unforgivable... However, I will not send my people to war simply because of my own personal grudges. As such, I'm offering you this: peace or death?"

"I think the answer is obvious," Azazel sighed, seeing no other options. "Personal, I don't want my people to go extinct for my mistakes. Plus, I also believe Duel Monsters suffered enough during the Great War. Making your people suffer any more would be just plain cruel."

"I agree," Michael nodded his head before looking at Haou with a grateful gaze. "I am thankful to you for being reasonable, Supreme King, and not making our people pay for our mistakes."

"Believe me, that is not the first time I did this, Michael, do not think I did this to you for a special exception," Haou said, but Michael and Azazel still smiled at how reasonable he was being.

"There is something I would like to know," the Leader of the Fallen Angels suddenly said, drawing attention to himself. "What do your Heavenly Dragons think about this?" he asked, motioning to the four brothers. "We already heard what the White and Red one think, so where do they stand in this?"

"Whatever lord Haou decides for us, we will follow," Yugo said in determination. "If he wants peace, then that's what we want."

[Following orders like a dog? You dare call yourself a Heavenly Dragon?] Ddraig suddenly spoke up from a green light that covered Issei's arm, surprising the devil.

"What we decide is none of your business, failure," Yuto glared at the light. "Lord Haou did far more than enough to earn our respect and loyalty. So stay silent like the piece of accessory that you are."

"Hey, can I ask something?" Issei suddenly spoke up. "Why do you guys hate Ddraig and Albion so much?" Vali paid close attention to this part. He has been wondering about that, too.

"Because they're a disgrace," Yuya said, an unusual harsh glare on his features. "The name 'Heavenly Dragons' used to be an honor, a monument that all other Dragons aspired to be. However, thanks to these two, the only thing people think about when they hear 'Heavenly Dragons' is two idiots bashing their heads together like a couple of wild animals."

[As if you have any right to talk about being a disgrace,] Albion was the one who spoke this time, a blue glow coming from Vali's chest where his voice originated from. [You four bow before someone who has no connection to dragons, and you dare call us a disgrace?]

"This 'Someone' as you call him has beings even more powerful than we are calling him Lord," Yuri retorted with an arrogant smile on his face. "In fact, Jack and Yusie as well call him that."

[You expect us to believe that?] Ddraig asked, and the others beside Haou looked interested.

"Oh, why don't we call them over right now? I'm sure they'd be delighted to see you again," Yuri commented with a raised eyebrow and a sadistic smile.

There was a few seconds of silence before both Ddraig and Albion spoke at the same time. [Please don't do that.]

"Who are these Jack and Yusie?" Vali asked, wondering why his partner seemed nervous.

[They are... Our older brothers,] Albion revealed, shocking those in the room besides Haou and the four brothers. [They're the first Heavenly Dragons to Ascend to Godhood, becoming Dragon Gods themselves. Yusie is my older brother. He was formerly known as the Stardust Dragon, but now he is called the Shooting Quasar Dragon.]

[Jack is my older brother,] Ddraig continued the explanation. [He was originally the Red Daemon Dragon, but became the Red Nova Dragon.]

"You never told me you had a brother," Issei and Vali commented at the same time, surprising each other at the coincidence.

[Because we don't want to see them,] Albion replied bluntly.

[Believe me, partner, you better wish you don't see Jack any time soon,] Ddraig told his host.

Issei became nervous at the thought of how dangerous 'Jack' can be, while Vali got even more interested in Albion's brother, and was quite looking to test his power against him.

"Back to the main topic," Yuto said looking at the leaders of the 3 Factions. "As we said, whatever lord Haou decides, we will follow. Since he wants peace, you can say we want the same thing."

"That is quite the relief," Michael said with a sigh. He was also relieved to see that the four brothers' loyalty to Haou was stronger than their grudge against the other two Dragons.

"Well, I guess this seals it then," Azazel said with a cheerful smile. "Since everyone wants peace, I guess we can say that this meeting was beyond a success," he was incredibly happy that they not only did they finally establish peace in their pantheon, but made peace with the Duel Monsters.

"Hold on, I have a question to lord Michael," Issei suddenly cut into the conversation, drawing attention to himself as he looked firmly at Michael.

"Yes?" the Seraphim looked at him with a tilted head.

"Why did you kick Xenovia and Asia out of the church?" he asked firmly, surprising the two mentioned girls.

Michael sighed sadly. "After God died, only the system remained. We did not have a way to actually change it. In fact, we could barely keep it intact as it is, so we have no choice but immediately kick out anyone who broke the system or knew about God's death," he turned to look at Xenovia and Asia and hung his head in shame. "I must apologize to you two. You suffered so much because we couldn't find a way to change Father's system."

"Oh, please, Lord Michael, don't apologize," Asia immediately waved him off. "I do feel regret that I'm no longer part of church, but I also got to meet so many people and make so many friends. I am quite happy with my new life."

"Me, too," Xenovia nodded in agreement. "I do feel regret for a few things, and I feel bad for those in the church that don't know the truth, but I suppose it could not have been avoided since I found out about God's death."

"Wait... Does that mean... She didn't betray us?" Irena mumbled in shock, figuring out the real reason why her former partner didn't come back with her to the church.

Michael gave the two girls an honest and grateful smile. "You are too kind. I wish I can repay such kindness to you."

"Wait, that's not just it," Issei stepped forward again.

"Issei, calm down," Rias put a hand on her Pawn's shoulder in an attempt to hold him back from saying something he might regret.

Suddenly, a strange aura covered the room, surprising those inside. Furthermore, Sona, Tsubaki, Asia, and Akeno were also covered in the same aura, freezing them in their place.

"What the hell?" Yugo asked as he looked around.

"What happened?!" Issei cried out as he immediately started looking at his fellow Peerage members in worry.

"Isn't it obvious?" Haou asked, drawing attention to himself. He brought his hand to his face and raised the mask part of his helmet, revealing his golden eyes. "Time has stopped."

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

First: I am REALLY sorry for the late update. I know I promised some of you that I would update sooner, but then my final exams became two weeks earlier, and I was just drowning in homework and assignments from the teachers that wanted to finish their courses quickly. In fact, I'm writing this by taking time from studying for my final exams, so I hope you forgive me.

Second: there were a lot of reveals in this chapter. The reason why Haou hates the Fallen Angels and Angels was finally revealed. I hope I didn't disappoint anyone. I also revealed why the four brothers hate the White and Red ones.

Third: as you can see, Haou came out strong, but he still wanted peace. Now, I'm sure some of you wanted him to just dominate the other Factions, but please remember that Judai is also part of the Supreme King, so can you really imagine him going for war instead of trying to find a peaceful solution.

Fourth: If any of you are wondering why I didn't say that Haou defeated Death, it's because I'm not going to make Haou the bullshit OP type. Death, as a concept, should be just as old as Gentle Darkness, so there shouldn't be much difference in their power.

Fifth: Exodia was mentioned, and as you probably expected, people are scared of him. Jack and Yusie were mentioned as well, and I know a lot of you have been waiting for that.

And lastly: I hope I didn't mess up anything. I don't remember this part of the series pretty well so I hope I didn't screw up.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

P.S. It seems there's a misunderstanding in my question in the last chapter.

When I asked about Fate characters, I was actually asking if I could use them to fill in some plot holes in the Dxd series. I wasn't going to bring any character, just the ones I need.

For example, Hektor, who is the original wielder of Durandal. His weapon is a very major part of Xenovia's story, yet he was never as much as mentioned.

Another example is Merlin, who is supposed to be who taught humans magic. Yet, he was just mentioned once through the entire series. (Personal, I really want to change that to Solomon. He's far better in my opinion, but I won't ruin the entire plot just because of my personal desires, and Solomon's mere existence is going to create MANY plot holes.)

So, allow me to ask you again, but in a better way.

Can I use Fate characters to fill in for historical/mythological parts that the Dxd did not cover or left vacant?

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