"Magic is a product of the ignorant. Any force must have a reason behind it, and once understood well enough it loses its mystique."
"So how does it work?"
"Too bad for you I am the ignorant, however you're lucky I'm here to guide you to an extent."
"Sir spooky spirit, how will you impart your knowledge unto of magic? I don't remember anything strange happening as a child, therefore I'm muggle right?"
Janus had an irritating look on his face. Like he was contemplating your intelligence or insanity. It quickly changed to a look of dreadful pain, however briefly.
"Anyways as your mentor I must tell you that I'll be transferring my spiritual connection to you so you can use my basis of existence to fortify your own foundations to use magic. Quick warning brace yourself."
The pain started slow. A slight discomfort in the lower spine. Slowly it traveled up and into the shoulders, doubling in pain with every centimetre. Janus could not understand how he withstood the pain. He knew wasn't someone with extraordinary will power, and his feeling of pain was often rather low, so the pain was very quickly turning into nightmare. His mind extremely clear felt his body decay and renew, freeze until it crumbled and burn until he melted. The pain only got worse when his mind felt the the crisis of existence fading in and out as electrical pulse flared his body and mind into activity. Janus still thought, his existence hurt but was still the the cracks filling with the bindings of the spirit, reconnecting body and spirit in its fist case of the world.
It is renewed.
And Janus lost conscience. Heading to a void of his own self.
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