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97.05% The Hammer Effect / Chapter 33: ALL HAIL DOOM

Capítulo 33: ALL HAIL DOOM

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies. 

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire.

-Longest Chapter yet-







Chitauri speeders poured out the hole in the sky like ants out of a wound, in seconds the New York skyline was blotted in dark, snarling figures riding atop hovercrafts. 

Tony in his Ironman armor, flew along the beam that kept the portal open, blasting and bombing as many of the reptilian aliens as breached the portal. Thick repulsor beams broke through volatile metal cores that powered the crafts turning them to glorified fireworks. 

Slots on his pauldrons slid open, releasing an array of high yield micro missiles. Which created even deadlier explosions, yet resulted little in reducing the numbers of the reptilian invaders.

Speeders rushed down, unleashing destruction and death with their plasma shooters and grenades. Tony grit his teeth at the devastation wrought beneath him, he couldn't do this alone, they were too many for one man to fight. 

He dashed to the side as a colossal leviathan broke through the portal, unleashing a glass shattering roar from its jagged maw as it dove down to the streets.

He needed a distraction, something to draw their attention so the people below could run to safety. Relative safety, if he was being honest. This was an alien invasion, not a lot of places could withstand that damage. 

"Stark, you seeing this?" Steve asked, just to be sure that he really was witnessing this. He steeled his will, he might not be familiar with the situation but it was simple; this was now a war and he was a soldier, fighting was what was required of him, and fight he would do. 

Strategies and tactics ran through his head as he factored in the environment, forces and weaponry available to him and to the invaders. 

"Working more on believing. Any sight of Banner?" Stark flew after the Leviathan—shooting the foot soldiers that dropped from it and running deep scans on its bulk, he needed to find a weakness. 

"Negative." The Captain responded. 

"Eyes on Hammer?" He found himself asking. 


"Keep me posted." Where was the guy the one time you needed him? He cursed. 




Thanos landed with a heavy thump that cratered the solid ground beneath his feet. The portal that transported him here fizzled out of existence the instant he fell out of it. 

The Titan cast his gaze to the yellow expanse of barren land, it was leveled in a concentric format and bordered by mountains on the edges and outskirts, it reminded him of a gladiatorial ring. The unobscured light from the young sun, dyed the land a lively, golden hue, ironic to the land's lifelessness. 

"Don't bother." Spoke Doom, approaching the Mad Titan and prying his silver battle armor off his body. "Nothing electronic works here." He stated. 

Thanos confirmed it to be true. The systems within his armor rang silent, the augmentive machinery cold and dead, as this desolate and quiet world was. He stabbed his blade into the ground, reached for his helmet and pulled it off, dropping the ultradurable, metal headgear onto the ground.

Over his long life, the Titan had faced many challengers and usurpers, the greatest the galaxies had to offer, warriors with empires to their backs, yet none succeeded in defeating him. This man before him was one, another obstacle he would crush on his path, a stepping stone from a backwater world. 

"I have heard whispers of your tales, slayer of Sandurang." The Titan started, "A man in a featureless silver mask, some whispers say you wrestled the devil himself." He unclasped his chest piece, letting it fall to the floor with a thud. 

"Demons and their loose lips." Doom replied, now clad in a white tank top and black jeans—a fashion style that brought up fond memories.

He glanced to the left, sensing her presence materialize in a cloaked shadowy visage. "Do you see her?" Hammer asked the Titan. 

Thanos frowned, his eyes roamed the landscape scrutinizing every detail his enhanced senses could pick up. He refocused on the masked man whose age remained inconsistent with exploits which too were inconsistent with logic. Exaggerated lies. "And they call me mad." He spat. "Make no mistake, Doom, this place will be your grave." Thanos declared, pulling his blade out the ground, his gaze matched on the terran's. 

"I've swallowed bigger flies, you are nothing." Doom affirmed. 

They sped at each other in an astounding burst of speed, the distance between them disappeared in a blink. Their impressive bulks collided against each other with ground shattering intensity. 

Hammer avoided the fatal swing to his torso with a swerve. Despite the force of inertia being against his impossible motion, the godling twisted a hair's breadth away from Thanos' backswing and into the Titan's personal space. 

Slamming his shoulder into the Titan's disrupting his unfinished swing and breaking his balance. The Titan counter swung with surprising physical force, using it to his advantage to rotate on his feet for a powerful sweeping slice that made the air sing. 

Hammer avoided the swipe with a backstep that brought him just outside its range, the rotating sword's edge caressed the fabric of his shirt, leaving a thin tear in its touch. The godling stuck down upon the sword's flat as it cut past, making the weapon groan in protest as the Titan fought to secure his grip on it. 

Regardless, the sword's edge sunk into the rocky ground. Thanos immediately flung it up, sending dust and pebbles at Hammer, aiming to blind the man, temporary as it may be. Hammer kicked through the dust, the soles of his boot finding purchase on the Titan's midsection, pushing Thanos back and within that moment the Titan flicked the edge of his sword at the offending limb as he receded. 

"Your skills deserve respect." He said to the god, wiping the prints from his chest making no outward indication of the dull, abiding ache.

"For an old guy, you're making my blood boil." The godling responded in kind. Wiping the blood trailing from the closing cut in his thigh. He was getting hungry, it was a new and ghost quiet sensation, the heart made sure he was always in balance but the longing in his blood panged.

Thanos strengthened his grip over the sword and with a deep, powerful grunt he flung it at the god, making the weapon rotate forward with harsh furious howl, he followed closely behind. Most would bank either under or to the side of such an attack, knowing it was absurd to defend against. 

The godling—did something the Titan had yet to witness anyone but himself succeed at— caught the sword's grip, despite the weapon's weight and powerful momentum, snagging it out of the air and with a fluid cork flip, sent it streaking in a blur back at the Titan. 

Thanos evaded the weapon not a moment sooner, the wind splitting sound as it cut past him and deep into the ground, buried to the center hilt. The itch on his shoulder confirmed that a thin cut had been made. 

How long had it been since he last bled? He couldn't recall. 

He was beginning to enjoy this, this pure physical match. Fist against fist, will against will. He tested himself against the godling, as the godling tested himself against Thanos. This was how warriors at their level grew, in untamed combat with the threat of death looming behind every strike and parry. Thanos sensed the godling absorbing his skills and drinking of his experience, he knew the bastard was learning from him as they clashed. What a prodigious genius. 

The Titan unleashed his strength, meeting Doom, fist pounding upon fist as they got to arm length of each other, close to inhale the other's scent. He nursed the thought of adopting him as a son, but that would only be an option if the godling could truly withstand and survive him. Never once did the Titan consider the thought of defeat. 

Hammer ducked beneath the right hook, slapped the knee shooting for his chin down with an elbow strike and punched up with a fist. Only to have the Titan twist his head to the side and whip a leg at his torso. The might of the blow was intercepted by crossed arms instead of his abdomen, driving him back as his feet dug furrows in the soil. 

Thanos advanced with a blow to the head, Hammer tilted his head down allowing the Titan's fist to crunch and crack against the hardest part of his mask.

Undeterred, the Titan struck out with a left hook that clipped the uncovered godling's jaw. Said godling used the opportunity to ram a straight fist into the Titan's unguarded nose, rocking Thanos head up as his own was rocked to the side.

Their eyes met, they understood. Discarding defenses totally, they began punching out with heavy thuds, clangs and silent grunts. Refusing to take distance from each other, they continued unleashing relentless barrages against the other. 

Fists slammed against fist, eyes, noses, necks, and even solar plexuses. The strikes were as painful as they were fatal, each one alone would've shattered a lesser man. But between these two, it was to cause as much damage as possible. A test to see who the better was, putting their mettle on the line and unleashing their brutality.



Thanos stabbed at the godling's unguarded neck with a retractable dagger hidden on his slim profile utility belt. The Titan's hidden blade dug through the god's clavicle, pushing halfway into ridiculously robust skin, yet the Titan groaned as claws stabbed into his sides, cutting into his ribcage and puncturing his lungs.

They kicked away from each other at the same time. Hammer flipped with his momentum to land on his feet, bloodied and bruised. The Titan rolled to his, battered and injured, he put pressure on his sides, knowing the gruesome wounds would task his healing factor.

The godling ripped out the knife stuck in his neck, admiring the blade's craftsmanship as he pocketed it. His wounds instantly closing.

They were alike indeed. Men who would throw honor to the wind should the situation call for it. Man would easily break the agreements they made to end the lives of their enemies. Tyrants, both of them. Yet in this show of power, one held the upper hand, despite the other's age and experience.

Standing apart, the both of them were covered in blood,  

 "Join me, Doom." Thanos offered, finally being able to breathe properly as the tears in his organs began to mend. "Kneel, prostrate yourself before me, become my right hand; I will give you the world." 

"For a man within cumshot distance, you talk a lot of shit." The man god chuckled madly. "Square up Titan, I'm raising the bar." With that his aura changed where before it was only oppressive, now it was viscous and sharp, like a sea of razors pressing down on the world with the unnatural gravity. 

Red trails drifted from his glinting abyssal eyes, blinding fiery energy burned over his hands. His entire demeanor transcended. Yes, this was a god now.

Thanos lamented that he had lost the child. Another genius would die in his hands today. 

The Titan retrieved a crimson crystal shard. Hammer perceived the astounding demonic energy within and recognized it immediately. He dashed forward, all be damned if he would let his enemy powerup. 

"Crimson gem of Cyttorak." Said the empowered Titan, throwing the god back with the frightful momentum of his amazing transformation. "A shard only, one with limited time, of course, but it will suffice for your demise boy." He growled through the dust storm, his voice a demonic octave.

"So, what do I call you now? Big daddy Thanos." The god joked, looking up at the Titan's impossibly gigantic and muscle bound form, to gaze at eyes swirling red with demonic power and hate. A red protective aura wrapped tightly around the Titan's menacing form, a maelstrom of darkness and rage followed behind it like a cloak.

"Die!" Snarled the strengthened Thanos bounding for the god, a massive crater left once where his feet were.

"You will." Said the god meeting Thanos' red fist with his chi covered one.


The air broke, the ground shattered and quaked and thunder cracked overhead. Shockwaves spread from the impact of their fists in continued waves. With a mighty roar, the enhanced Titan pushed out the god in pure strength. 

Hammer dug valleys into the wrecked battlefield as he shot out of the clash. Raising his head to meet an enlarged fist that was two times its size.


The punch hurled the god deep into a mountain, sending him crashing through the cliff face only to be embedded within its rocky mass. He pried himself out of it, the extensive damage suffered healing in that moment. "Fine, higher then. Stage 2." He said with finality. 

The god unleashed his god-force into his chi, his heart beat with a deep— 

Badump! Badump! Badump!

—Perfectly combining the essences, blending them into something unheard of, something unimaginably greater. 

 His hair lit up and rose in scarlet flames—an infernal mane over his head, fire imposed themselves over his eyes and hands, turning his mask red, his clothes drifted off as ash, the chi took a white hot brilliance that made distinguishing the outlines of his limbs difficult. The air shimmered around him from the heat he radiated, rocks beneath his feet went glassy, the very ground under him turned to runny magma. 

A pressure of power radiated outwards from him that altered the very gravity in the vicinity, Thanos in his enhanced form felt himself sink into the earth as it acted upon him.

"You're the first to make me go to stage two." The god spoke, his voice soaked in power, his cloak billowing behind his fire wrapped form. He took a step and disappeared from the Titan's sight. Thanos tensed, waiting to receive whatever attack came his way and counter it with the staggering force at his disposal. 


"Impossible." Muttered the Titan, staring at the offending fist poking through his chest, his blood evaporating into a red mist as it poured from the gap. It was too fast, faster that the protective aura around him could even respond, and when it did, it flickered, hurriedly receding away from the god's limb as though it had met a mortal enemy.

Thanos grunted in pain and fury, lashing out at the god with a devastating elbow strike. 

Tap. An unbudging finger blocked his limb, before tearing into the joint with searing pain. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap; went the glowing finger, its clawed edge digging into and destroying vital joints.

"I can't believe you'd use demonic energy against me of all people." Doom spoke unrestrained, going down to his base state, deciding that stage two was overkill in this situation.

Thanos was seized by disbelief; this wasn't how it was supposed to be. This was not how his destiny passed. How could the fight end in such a manner? They should have tussled and wrestled, breaking the world around them, he would claim the upper hand and relish the defeated god's resignation --


"Arghh!" He rasped in pain, watching in grim and baffling fascination as another arm bore into his chest, this one clawed and in its grasp a shuddering, scorched heart twice its size. 

Thanos collapsed to his knees, unable to move as the gem in his hold crumbled to dust, its enhancement finally fading and with it, the strength and power once bestowed. The pain assaulted him with fury, the agony made his eyes water and his body shiver. He wired his mouth shut, refusing to give the god the pleasure of watching him die pathetically. 

The naked god helped prod him against a boulder. They gazed at each other in the silence, the god made the first move, reaching his silver mask and detached it from his face, and for the first time, Thanos saw Hammer's unobscured appearance. His young, inviting smile, his charming and striking features and the thin scars on them, his deep demonic, reptilian eyes with rings of divine gold floating at their center. The Titan chuckled at the absurdity of it all, coughing up blood as he did. 

Nothing, nothing at all could have predicted this. 

"Under different circumstances, you could've been my father." Hammer admitted with rare weightiness. Thanos acquiesced, perhaps in another life that would be true. His mission was done, this was where it brought him, he'd hand the baton to another. Let them suffer the purpose of saving the universe.

Who else but the god? The black order was dead. His children and trusted generals were gone. None was more fitting than the one before him.

"Beneath cough…" He wheezed for breath. "The…!"

Thanos paused, terror dragging its bony fingers along his spine as he watched the god sink teeth deep into the fleshy organ, blood staining his lips from the medium cooked heart. 

"Eat your heart out" He smiled brightly in contrast to his abominable act, utterly nonchalant that he feasted upon the Titan's very own core, replacing the mask on his face upon finishing. The electrifying sting of Thanos' powerful essence sank into the flow of his, ghost traces of pure celestial power sublimating into his pool. 

He sensed the regenerative effects it was having on his doom-force among other things. He would have to perform extensive studies and experiments on it to be certain, but at least now the yearning in his blood was satisfied. He placed the mask 

"Monster" Thanos, struck with fear and seized with trembling, rasped through blood with his dying breath. Engulfed in dread as his vision darkened, the malicious, smiling face of Hammer imprinted upon his eyes. 

"Just to be certain." Said Hammer, sawing the Titan's head off, the body shuddering as the last vestiges of life left the confines of its mortal shell. 

The god rose to his feet, slinging the Titan's corpse on his shoulder and the severed head under his arm as he went retrieving Thanos' strewn armor and sword, liking the weight and feel of the weapon in his hand. Upon finishing he approached a nondescript boulder. 

Pressing his free hand against the rock's grainy face, the internal quantum machinery super-positioned within the boulder scanned and verified his unique biosignature and energy feed. The god waited for a moment as a white portal way materialized before him. 

He would never tell Eve, but this was one of the few places he created to battle her in, had she gone rogue while he built her a body. 

He entered the quantum bridge, traveling through the portal to exit at a doorway stationed in his lab. 

Turning around he gazed at the small planetarium encased in a seeming glass box, the 'glass' being a solidified energy screen with similar properties to a forcefield but less consuming and more stable, the tradeoff being that it had to be stationary to function properly. The box itself was anything but. 

Within said 'Glass Box' a familiar rocky, yellow faced planet steadily revolved around an artificial g-sequence star. Even from this far, he could even make out the broken mountains and destroyed landscape.

The fact becomes obvious; Thanos was never going to win.

"Damn right he wasn't." He retorted to the air.

"Oh, I know you're there watcher, I think it's time you fuck off. I have to get to work." His eyes burned. Peering at …nothing?






"They won't stop coming through." Stark alerted over the commlink. At this point there were more Chitauri corpses on the streets of Manhattan than there was asphalt. 

He looks down, spotting law enforcing transporting shaken civilians on Hammer-Tech hover platforms, moving rapidly and agilely through the streets to the safety of the few standing buildings, out of which were stationed armed personnel. 

A section of them is directed into battle at strategic locations by Captain America. Stark recognizes the HM-160 Dragons, machine guns with incredible range and firepower at half the weight in their hands; it allows them to effectively mow down the Chitauri ground forces.

He catches a glimpse of Thor downing Leviathans and speeders with god thunder and wrath, every clang of his hammer brings one more enemy down. 

Banner is in the Stark Tower introducing the trickster to a world of pain.

Clint, for a guy with bows and arrows, is surprisingly good at causing cascading casualties and thinning their numbers. 

Nat was busy combing the Tower, trying to locate the scepter—their only chance at closing the portal. Loki dropped it somewhere in the Tower but no one knew where exactly. 

"Shit" He mutters as a leviathan's maw slams shut over him, engulfing him in darkness. Stark fires explosive weaponry as he sails through the belly of the beast, and making sure that Hammer would never find out, a small section slides open on his gauntlet shooting a striated missile the length of a ballpoint pen into the dark, the bulkhead drills into the leviathan's flesh and a second later releases a massive and blinding explosion. He is caught in the blast radius, the concussive force hurls him into a flattened taxi cab on the deserted streets below. 

Gore rains down on him, alien flesh and metal clattering to the asphalt beneath him. 

He looks up, more of the reptilian cyborgs pour out of the hole in the sky. 

Hawkeye runs out of arrows and utilizes hand to hand combat, making his escape from the Chitauri encroaching upon his position. 

Thor flies to the battered Captain's aid breaking through the swarm of alien soldiers with the fury of a god, together they face the incoming squad. 

Banner lashes out of the building taking down as many of the hovering Chitauri as he can, pounding and smashing away their numbers, but he is overwhelmed by concentrated laser bolts, his green roaring form is drowned under the purple glow of plasma bolts. 

Stark sees the foot soldiers coming for him, he pushes himself out of the dent, only to be pushed back into it by a surprise attack from above. 

The Chitauri slams its spear into his helmet; he punches through the alien's jaw with a metal fist. A blast to the head disorients him, another to the leg takes his footing away as the invaders charge him.


Bullets tear through his assaulters, a hand appears in his vision, followed by a voice he'd never once thought he'd be happy to hear. "Are you just happy to see me or is that a banana in your pocket?" Hammer laughed, pulling Stark up who stifled the chuckle threatening to burst out his lips. 

"Ha ha very funny."

Stark noticed that the man was clad in a matte black, metallic bullet proof vest, black jeans with various pouches strapped over their length and pristine combat boots on his feet. A half-face skull mask covered the lower half of his face and shades to cover his eyes. From preliminary scans, Stark knew the bullet proof vest contained complex internal circuitry powered up by ultra-efficient micro generators embedded at the sides.

"Didn't know chic militaristic was in style, Hammer." He quipped, noting the man's impressive and powerful build made him look something along the lines of a comic book hero—just like the Captain. Wondering just how it was that his glasses stayed on. 

"You missed the party." Although glad to see him, Stark still had his questions and gripes. Like where the hell had he been?

"What do you mean? I brought the party." The man pointed up.

"Guys Hammer's here." He told over the commlink, "And he brought the cavalry."

The sun was blotted out by the sheer number of dragon-fly shaped drones that occupied the skies. 

"Wasps, sting." That was their command to action. The sky lit up in red and orange, the thunder of explosives and the crack of bullet was the start to the rain. The scent of burnt gunpowder—thick enough to be tasted—filled the air, spent shells fell, bodies and vehicles dropped. 

Stark was impressed by whatever algorithm controlled them, noticing their amazing nimbleness, and cooperation, especially their swift takedowns of leviathans—a Mangog missile to the head, another one to the spine, and just like that, leviathans fell.

"That's a hell of an entrance." Commented Barton taking cover from the falling bodies and machinery. The drones stemmed the tide and swept away the ones on the side of the hole, he observed. 

"Stark! A missile is headed for the city. Eta two minutes, its payload is nuclear." Director Fury urgently alerted. Despite Hammer's drones and their current advantage. The World Security Council still decided that the best way to contain the invasion to Manhattan's borders would be to nuke the city. A decision that he vehemently refused and obstructed, yet a rogue fighter jet left his runway, against his orders.

"You have to be kidding me." 

"Tony, take me up to the portal generators, I can stop it." Hammer said, drawing his attention.  

"It's operating within a self-sustaining pure energy barrier. The scepter is our best bet at stopping it." Stark quickly explained. 

"I know." Responded the surprisingly heavy man in his hold. He dropped Hammer off at the apex of the tower. "I need to be somewhere else." Stark said, leaving quickly. 

Hammer approached the scientist who fiddled with the control console. 

"Dr Selvig." He called. 

"We need it! Without the scepter the safe key won't function, the power source can't be cut!" The scientist shouted with maddened eyes. He could've sworn he saw the damn stick drop when Thor tussled with his brother, but with his agitated state of mind he loathed to come to the conclusion that it might have perhaps been an illusion. After all, the bastard was the trickster god. 

"Calm down Dr, I have a plan." Hammer approached the Tesseract-powered generator, stopping at the perimeter by which the impenetrable energy shield manifested. 

"What are you doing?" Selvig asked, observing Hammer lay down small cubic devices all around the generator's perimeter. 

"Hammer?" The widow, bursting through the back door, was surprised to see the man here and dressed the way he was.

"A minute." Hammer responding, connecting the circular array of devices together. 


The devices alerted, armed and ready.

"It's a singularity bomb." 

"Impossible." Cried Selvig. 

"What's a singularity bomb?" The widow asked.

"It's a device that creates an extremely short lived, meter wide gravitational singularity."

"Which does what?" Natasha tried to understand.

"Which sucks in whatever is within its range and super crunches it to oblivion." 

"And that'll shut down the portal."


"It is impossible! The staggering amount of p-power alone! T-the—" Selvig stammered. Humanity wasn't at that technological level yet. The fact that he created a portal was a miracle made possible by the Tesseract. 

"Stark just carried the nuke through the portal." The widow interrupted, pressing on the device in her ear. "How long till the bomb goes off?"

"It's already armed, click on the detonator and it goes off." He stated.

"Cap?" She questioned, watching the Chitauri invasion collapse like puppets with broken strings, she observed the budding sun on the other side of the portal that expanded with each passing second. 

"Now Nat." Instructed Captain America. 

"Get behind me and hold on." Hammer voiced, eyeing the portal a moment longer.

[Got it, Boss]

 He pressed down on the detonator. 


The devices alerted once more. Both Nat and Selvig saw darkness as an incredible pull jerked them off their feet, dragging them towards the translucent, devouring sphere. 

Hammer held them back, the man himself leaning backwards to fight the pull which ended as soon as it began. 

The world popped back into place, air rushed into their starved lungs and light reappeared. The generator fell into two, the midsection which held the core machinery and tesseract missing, as was all the loose gravel and anything not securely bolted down. 

Hammer diverted a swarm of drones to catch the figure falling out of the rapidly closing portal, the bed of drones brough the unconscious man to a slow descent to the streets below. 

The Avengers gathered, corpses, machinery and bullet casings littering the asphalt upon which the man was laid. 

"He needs a little shock to the heart!" Hammer yelled from the top of the building. "Thor, use your hammer!" He directed loudly. 

The god of thunder applauded Midgard's wisest. He placed his hammer over the man of Iron's chest, sending a bolt of electricity through it and "Woah!" Tony sat upright shouting as the current momentarily supercharged his heart and body. "Where am I?" He asked, causing his colleagues to laugh. "What happened?"

"Hulk kissed you!" Retorted hammer, receiving angry roar from the behemoth below.

"How are your shades still on?" Natasha was sincerely curious. 

He turned to her, a grin on his face "Let me tell you all about it over dinner."

"Maybe" She smiled.

"Wasn't a no." He smirked.

"Wasn't a yes either." She returned.

[Boss, she has to die.]

'Relax Eve.'



"Thanos is dead." Said the mighty figure seated atop the Titan's throne. He raised the severed purple head to the projector. "The Titan you so feared and cowered from, has fallen by my hands." 

"Rejoice, laugh, celebrate and feast. However, let this be clear; a new king sits atop the throne." He placed the head down, "Some of you may think you have obtained freedom with his demise, that his threat is gone, that you are safe. Your opinions do not matter. You will pay your tributes, you will perform your duties, you will not covet what is mine—be they planets, space-ways, resources or your very being— For all that was his is now mine. And if you wish to challenge my decrees, if you so wish to judge if I am as dangerous as I seem, then look upon them"

He pointed below, to worlds on fire orbited by armadas of ships, innumerable androids and leviathans withdrawing from it. Green skinned, bald headed humanoids ran and screamed and shouted, their world was on fire, their ships and means of escape utterly unresponsive. Death was upon them. "The Badoon thought themselves above my rule while within the borders of my kingdom, they rejected my authority and my name. This is my decree to them; Death." Seeds of light fell, tiny things of beauty falling with relativistic speeds that turned clouds to vapor as they breached atmospheres, growing wider the more distance they covered. 

It was silent, a momentary lull when they impacted upon the surface of their target planets. A shockwave rattled through space; gravitational waves sputtered from the untold destruction; the dark expanse was ignited in the colorful polychromatic fireworks of planets exploding, their rocky remains scattered out into a graveyard of darkness. 

"Let them be a lesson to you all, see them behind your eyelids when you lay to rest in your chambers, see them when you next look into the eyes of your lover, see them when you hug your children in warmth, see them and know this; if you challenge me, if you break my decrees, if you covet that which is mine. I will not just kill your people; I will destroy your worlds and end your civilizations. I am not Thanos of Titan, I am greater and above; 




Dreadful demonic eyes gazed down from behind the smooth, featureless metal mask. The image frozen upon the holoprojectors so lifelike and darkly divine it made hearts palpate, backs cold in sweat and tongues dry, inspiring the urge for men to prostate and worship. To kneel before the glory their eyes beheld and magnify its name.

Lii'Anio of the Zn'rx empire, vice leader of the galactic council swallowed down the lump in his throat. With shaky fingers he pushed the projector dial down, causing the pseudo hard light image to fade. A wave of relief washed over the heads of states and empires.

"T-the," He coughed, clearing his trembling voice. "The Galactic Council is hereby in session."



Within the Superflow, a cruising spacecraft breaks out of the red metaphorical waters of bleed space, a concept piercing through the fabric of reality. A rider leaves the confines of the ship. A voice permeates through. The rider hears and utters. 

"#*# Hung#rs."



Hah, not by a longshot.

This lads and lasses is what's called a Rain move. You raise the bar and then you send it into orbit! 

I hope you really enjoyed this one. Ahh my eardrums! Yes, Emperor rain keeps you fed, doesn't he. Heh. 

This marks the end of…hah, the Thanos saga. All Hail Doom! 

Now we get into the bigger leagues. Now we break stuff. 

Leave a review or a comment or a nude. Tell me what you think of the chap or life in general. Show some love. 

Stay dangerous. Live safe. I'll see ya again mi amigos ecxellententon.


The Piper and The Huntsman short story @:

GIGANTIC shout out and thanks to my Patrons, you do not realize the magnitude of good your support does. Thank you very, very much;

● Andreas Samuelsson (Slade Killson) ● Clinton (Titan Breaker) ● King_Reaper ( Kaiser Raiser ) ● PbookR (Infinity's Librarian) ● Ido Gormizo (Gravity's Tyrant) ● Godkingash (Heavenly Overlord) ●  Belduim (Moon Maker)● Douglas Pilkington (Storming Sword) ● Joseph Bipp (Bad Prince) ● Turtle (Slow Die) ● Aaron Kay (Mean Keyz) ● Devan Kincaid (Killa Tin) ● Wiley Chriis (Pierce Bonbon) ● Windblown leaf (Gale Force) ● OneManArmy (Gun Gator) ● Danny M (Phantomizer) ● Adam Moret (Kilforce) ● Leslye Pena (Red Sage) ● Alex Estrugo (Dion Jones) ● Yahya Mokheimer (King Rooter) ● James Brady (Long shot) ● Patrick Seastar (Jack Sins) ● Steve Tiam (Sky Dragon) ● Z3ro S1l3nce (Slender Ender) ●

Well, I'll leave you all to enjoy your day/night with me in your mind.

Till next time, Rain (the best ever) away!

You can come find me, 

ON TWITTER: @Rainreider



On INSTA (Where I post memes): @rainnmaine

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