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20% A New Wolf in Twilight / Chapter 6: Accident and being 'Saved'

Capítulo 6: Accident and being 'Saved'

Right now I was standing next to Bella's truck with her. She was busy staring at Edward Cullen, so I smirked while poking her, "Why don't you go and talk to him? He's probably getting creeped out by some chick staring at him~" laughing, I looked over at Edward who did look a bit uncomfortable - but I knew that was because he was still so close to Bella who's scent drove him wild.

Ignoring Bella scoffing at what I said, I looked over there and saw Edythe and gave her a small wave to which she curtly returned stiffly at the teasing of her adoptive siblings.

Alice Cullen, a very beautiful person, albeit less so than Edythe in my opinion, petite and the shortest of the Cullens at 4'10". If you could describe her body type in one way it was "thin in the extreme", with small, "pixie-like" features. Though this didn't make her look sickly, far from it in fact, as she looked exactly how one would expect a ballerina to look; lithe, slender, and elegant.

Currently, this girl was looking over at me with a confused look on her face and if I had to guess why it's because me being here is messing up all her visions. You see, Alice can see the future, it's her gift, and the visions she sees change depending on the variables added.

Now, imagine you added me to the mix as a variable. Someone who knows the future of this world and will probably start actively trying to change what happens. It'll mess with her visions.

Add to that the fact that she probably can't see my future too well, and that her telepathic siblings can't read me, and you get a confused precognitive vampire.

Right now she was staring at me as if trying to figure me out before her eyes widened and looked toward the entrance of the school car park. Her thoughts were instantly read by Edward and Edythe who looked over to me and Bella.

I, of course, knew what was about to happen and simply looked at the entrance of the car park where there was a speeding van rapidly losing control and heading towards me and my sister. Knowing this was another chance to hint at my supernatural heritage, I put one hand on the orange truck behind me before bracing myself for the impact that would be hitting my side as Edward would only protect Bella, so the back end of the van would swerve to hit me.

This was probably gonna break something.

Seeing a barely discernible blur rocket past me, I smiled seeing Edward so protective over my sister - all a brother wants is for his sister to find a man who cares for her, and Edward cared for Bella.

He put out a pale hand and pressed against the metal threatening to crush both him and Bella. Unlike what you'd think would happen, the metal crumbled against the force his hand was putting out. The momentum from the car came to an abrupt stop like it'd hit a metal pole so deeply rooted it couldn't be moved by earthly means.

Sadly for me, the back end of the car swung around with much more force because of the rotation of the car. Putting my hand out in front of me, I saw Edward looking at me in horror which quickly turned to utter confusion as he saw me push my hand against the metal of the car and despite being pushed back slightly and feeling an intense pain from my hands, arms, and chest region, the van was stopped as soon as my hand touched it.

Now, don't get me wrong, this wasn't easy to do. I'm pretty sure I'd broken both my hands and fractured some bones in my arms, along with tearing some of the muscles in my chest. But I'd still done it. It was proof that I was catching up to the Vampires and becoming a living weapon.

And the feeling of euphoria only got stronger when I remembered I wasn't anywhere near done with my phasing.

Bringing my hands back to my sides and trying my best to ignore the pain, I moved a bit closer to Edward, so it would look like he'd saved me. Though the man in question was looking at me with a weird mix of shock and horror and his eyes kept darting behind me, as if communicating with someone.

Turning around I saw Edythe looking at me with the same look of shock on her face as Edward, with a hand outstretched as if she was going to try and pull me away from the van and I knew what she was going to do:

She was planning on pulling me out of the way but had stopped when she saw the van stop in its tracks.

I tried to smile at her, to show my gratitude, but the pain was pretty bad right now and the best thing I could do was a weak grin before pretending to collapse to the ground. Looking back at Edward, I'd found that he was gone and Bella was just looking between me and my handprint that was firmly placed against both her truck and the van.

Edythe quickly got over her shock and squeezed through the gap between the van and the truck before checking my hands, her already pale face seemingly getting paler with worry when she discovered my hands were both broken. She instantly pulled out her phone and presumably called her father.

Ahh and my big actions, now Carlisle will probably figure out I'm not human. Though I'm sure I can make him keep his mouth shut. Patient-Doctor confidentiality after all~

. . .

Right now I was in a private room with Carlisle who looked at me with a smile, "Ah, Alexander, how are you? How's your dad doing?" his accent had a slight English hint to it, true to his birth in England, and his smile was pretty bright and full of compassion - the smile of a doctor, I guess.

"I'll be honest, Doc, I've got a problem," my pale face was morphed in a weak smile as I looked at Carlisle as I knew he was the only person in this hospital who could help me.

Hearing me, Carlisle's smile quickly turned into a worried frown and he got closer to me before pulling up a clipboard with what must have whatever the nurses wrote down earlier on it.

And they took so long to write that stuff down. I had to forcibly hold back my healing factor by flexing my broken hand every now and then - it hurt so much I nearly blacked out multiple times.

Seeing what was written, Carlisle nodded his head with an understanding look, "You've broken both your hands, multiple fractures on your arms and some muscle damage on your arms and chest - it's a wonder you haven't blacked out yet, Alexander," he spoke with a matter-of-fact tone before putting the clipboard away, "Okay, then, let me see your hands and I'll help set the bones before getting you off to get some splints to keep the bones in place."

Nervously chuckling a little, I looked up at Carlisle before showing him my hands, "That's the problem, Dr. Cullen - My hands have healed already."

His eyes went wide before he started poking and prodding at my fingers and the bones in my hands and the longer he did so, the wider his eyes got before finally he furrowed his brow and looked down at me, his metallic golden eyes looking much more intimidating than his adoptive children's.

"What are you?" he stopped for a second before shaking his head, "It doesn't matter. I'm sure you understand what I've got to do next, correct?"

Nodding my head, I prepared myself for what was about to happen as Carlisle grabbed a finger of mine before he pressed down with an unreal amount of force that snapped my finger like a thin twig in a few different places.

I bit down on my lip and forced myself to not yell out in pain.

This was going to be a long hospital visit.

. . .

"It's fascinating," Carlisle said as he looked at my steaming hand which had just finished healing, "But not as fascinating as how much you know about me and my family," his metallic eyes looked up at my face with an interrogating look which I ignored - Carlisle wouldn't interrogate me, he was simply too nice and compassionate.

"Well, let's just say that I've heard stories, okay? Plus, it's hard not to know you're Vampires when I got a whiff of your scent," I smirked, still a bit pale from the earlier pain, but otherwise feeling much better, "But I must ask; can you keep this a secret? I assure you I won't say anything about your family, I just can't let Bella and my dad know about my...abilities, just yet."

Carlisle only knew about my inhuman strength, healing factor, and durability. I hadn't been stupid enough to tell him I would be getting stronger than him and his Coven, even probably being able to match a Newborn in strength once my phasing was complete. But I still didn't want him spreading this news to his family or mine; I was having fun just being seen as an ordinary teen. For now at least.

He'd asked about what I was but I kept being vague about it. He'd caught on that I was some kind of Shapeshifter, purely because of the body heat, but because of my lack of wet dog scent, he didn't think I was a wolf. He was also under the impression that I was already through my phasing and I was a fully phased Shapeshifter from a different bloodline to Jacob's family.

It wouldn't hurt for him to continue thinking this for a while as well. Though I did plan to out myself at some point, purely because hiding and staying low-key are...they're just too much effort. Plus I don't want to limit myself in this world and let people walk over me.

Anyway, Carlisle smiled at me before replying, "Well, I am held under Doctor-Patient confidentiality, so I'm sure I can keep this secret. Though I won't stop, or rather I can't stop Edythe and Edward from questioning you on what they saw; they're quite curious as to how a 'human' could do what you did," he spoke with a humorous smile, as if this teen drama was amusing to such an old Vampire like him.

Sighing, I just nodded while he got to erasing any medical records about my broken hands and fractured arms - if he didn't, my dad would probably find out and I'd be bombarded with questions.

As I got out of the room with Carlisle, I saw Edythe waiting for me. She was looking off into the distance but as soon as I exited the room, her head shot to me with a look that screamed curiosity, like she wanted to know every secret I had.

Carlisle, seeing this, smirked before patting me on the shoulder, "I'll leave you two to talk. Please contact me if you have any more trouble, Alexander," and with that, he walked off, presumably to wherever my sister was.

Once he was gone, it was just me and Edythe standing in the corridor along with an awkward silence.

I decided to let her get her thoughts in order instead of saying anything and it took a few minutes before she spoke up.

"How?" she blurted out before getting closer to me and harshly whispering, "Alexander, how did you stop that van from crushing you?" she seemed to realize something as she quickly backed up away from me. But her eyes continued to bore into me, interrogating my expression and everything about my body language for any answers.

Putting on a confused expression, I tilted my head at Edythe's question, "I don't know what you're talking about, Edy? I moved out of the way of the back end of the van," I heard her grunt in annoyance at my lying but I carried on, knowing how to stop this conversation, "The bigger question is, how did your brother Edward stop the van? And how did you get to my side so quickly when you were on the other side of the parking lot?" My confused face gave way to a questioning one, completely turning the 'interrogation' around and toward Edythe.

She froze for a second and she even forgot to breathe as I saw her chest stop moving. I looked into her eyes and saw that she was in deep thought, probably thinking of how to explain what I'd saw. But I saved her the trouble by raising a hand.

"It's fine if you can't tell me, Edy. But if you can't answer me truthfully, how can you expect me to answer you truthfully? Let's just let it go, alright?" smiling at her, I saw her thinking stop as she started 'breathing' again, and her shoulders slumped a bit.

She grumbled an 'okay' back at me, looking at me with slight annoyance before the two of us walked off to where my sister was. Edythe to speak to her father, while I knew Edward was around there, and I needed to thank him for 'saving' me but more importantly to thank him for saving my sister.

The walk over there was in silence as I didn't have anything to say and Edythe was too busy thinking or trying to work out who or what I was.

I just let her think because before we knew it, we'd arrived and she mumbled goodbye before entering to wait for her dad, while I smiled and waved her off as I saw Edward waiting around the corner.

Edward stands around 6'2", and has a thin and lanky but muscular body, but you can't tell he has any muscle under his clothes, so in the end he just looks like a lanky pretty boy. He's got an angular face and he has the same hair color as Edythe who I'm beginning to think is Edward's biological sister.

Sensing my approach, Edward turned to me and looked at me with the topaz colored eyes the same as the rest of his family.

He went to speak but I put a hand out to him, to which he stiffly took and shook. Ignoring his stiffness, I smiled at him, "Thanks for saving both me and my sister, Edward," he nodded to my question, swept up in the flow of the conversation and I carried on, "Though she's gonna be pretty curious on how you stopped that van, so prepare yourself; my sister's pretty stubborn," laughing I let go of his hand and he stiffly smiled in mock confusion as he looked at me.

"What do you mean, Alex? I think you hit your head or something - you're confused and you shouldn't trust what you think you saw," he tried to convince me with a bit of desperation in his voice, to which I laughed a little.

Shaking my head in slight disbelief, I grinned at Edward, "Save it for Bella, Edward. You saw that I didn't hit my head, so you know I full well saw what you did," firmly saying this I just shrugged before leaning against the wall.

Edward scowled at me, his gold eyes flickering with thoughts on how to get himself out of this before he finally replied, "Whatever, think what you want, Alex. No one will believe you anyway," he went to walk off but my firm grip on his shoulder stopped him.

"And no one will believe you if you say I stopped the swinging back end of the van, so we're even. Just know that I truly am thankful for what you did," I stopped leaning on the wall and straightened myself up, "And don't leave, you need to talk to your dad and Bella. I'll see you around, Edward," waving behind myself, I walked off, knowing I'd see my dad at home and that I'd need to speak to Bella as well.

How 'fun'.

I didn't mind lying to Edythe and Edward - they were lying to me about being Vampires, anyway - but lying to my sister when she's just worried and curious about me and my mysteries, that's something that won't be fun for me.

. . .

"Alex! Just tell me how you did it?!" Bella whispered loudly as she leaned toward me, an accusatory look in her eyes.

This. This is what I've been dealing with for the last few hours since she came back.

Putting my hands up in the air in mock indignation, I replied to Bella, "I don't know what you're talking about sis!" I huffed as I walked back away from her and into my room, "I was right next to you and Edward, I didn't, nor could I, stop the Van from crushing me!"

She followed me before poking a finger strongly into my chest. I had to back away with each poke otherwise she'd hurt herself.

"You're lying, Alex! I saw the handprint in my truck, and I bet your hand fits perfectly in it!" her voice crept a bit higher in volume but she kept the increase to a limit after the first time dad came up and asked what we were arguing about.

Rolling my eyes, I grinned back at Bella, "And where's that handprint now? We've already checked your truck and there are no dents that look like my hands," my grin turned into a smile as I knew I'd shut her down once again.

This caused her to do a half-groan half-scream as she pulled at her hair like I was driving her insane with anger and frustration. Seeing this I felt guilt at lying and putting her through this, but I needed to build her up until she properly confronted me about it all.

Shutting my door in her face, I heard another frustrated but muffled scream come from her as her own door slammed shut.

'Now, time to learn things,' I thought as I sat down and started to absorb information like a sponge, compiling it into notes for me to go over after I finished tonight.

It was mainly languages, musical theory, sciences, and ways to make working out more efficient while getting more results - my workout and diet plan could be better and I knew it, so I decided to make it better by refining my knowledge. But I did research one sport quite a bit:


And it was all in preparation for the future.

Have I mentioned how much I love having foreknowledge?

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