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7.37% Mixed HD / Chapter 32: Chapter 1199 to Chapter 1206

Capítulo 32: Chapter 1199 to Chapter 1206

Chapter 1199: Deciding on the Solution

Every blow struck Emperor Shura and his allies in their weak spots, making them both upset and powerless. However, the emperor managed to kept his cool. He knew that he had no chance of gaining a lead in further debate with Emperor Coiling Dragon.

Both Emperor Coiling Dragon and young lord Zhen were both eloquent men. If they were allowed to continue their grandstanding, they would only end up converting more and more people. He would end up with an even greater disadvantage than he had now.

"Daoist Petalpluck, we must come to a decision. The eight hundred vassals are all here. Why don't you preside over the proceedings?" Emperor Shura turned to his more neutral fellow.

Emperor Petalpluck smiled slightly, inclining his head in turn to the Emperor Coiling Dragon and Vastsea. "Gentlemen, now is not the time for an emotional dispute. The recent chaos in Veluriyam Capital requires resolution. A nation should not be long without a leader. For the people to be satisfied and placated, we must always have a ruler at the helm."

"That's right. Anyone who tries to act up again is an enemy of the public peace. Clearly, it would be against the city's interests and improvement!" Emperor Vastsea quickly followed up with this lofty label.

Jiang Chen waved to the two friendly emperors, signaling an end to the argument. "Emperor Petalpluck is correct. A nation should not be long without a leader. I can refrain from opposing to the events today, but I must say something harsh ahead of time."

"Please do, young lord Zhen," smiled Emperor Petalpluck.

"When His Majesty Peafowl returns, the throne must be returned to him," stated Jiang Chen flatly. "Does anyone oppose this motion?"

The serene emperor pondered this a moment, then nodded. "I do not at all. Daoist Peafowl is the best ruler we've had in a long time and certainly the most suited to lead." Saying this, he turned to Emperor Shura. "What do you think, Daoist Shura?"

The man harrumphed. "If Daoist Peafowl comes back, then there's no contest. Of course the throne should be returned."

"I feel the same way," smiled Emperor Skysplitter.

Since Emperor Coiling Dragon and Void belonged on Emperor Peafowl's side in the first place, there was no reason for them to oppose, either.

"While we're at this point," Emperor Vastsea cut in suddenly. "I'd like to be upfront about something else as well. If Emperor Peafowl comes back, I hope that Sacred Peafowl Mountain will not suppress the vassals that vote for Emperor Shura today. Doing so would be taking revenge!"

Emperor Vastsea was quite sure that Emperor Peafowl would not return. He was saying this to accomplish two goals. One, to alleviate the worries of those who'd agreed to side with Emperor Shura, and two, to win free goodwill from the audience. It was essentially a clever pretense.

As expected, many vassals were reassured upon hearing his words. A current of warmth ran through their hearts. Emperor Vastsea cared a lot about their feelings, after all!

Jiang Chen saw through the tirade effortlessly. He knew that the emperor was gesturing to gain popularity. Smiling faintly, he maintained the same confident expression that he had adopted since the beginning of the meeting.

"Emperor Vastsea, you speak as if you're not acquainted with Emperor Peafowl at all. Do you not understand the type of person he is? If Emperor Peafowl was the sort of man to hold vendettas, then Emperor Shura wouldn't even be standing here to challenge him in absentia. To put it more plainly, Emperor Peafowl isn't scared of anyone who's able to rise up and surpass him.

"On the contrary, he's concerned that no one will be able to take up his mantle when he's gone. Do you think that he has any attachment to worldly power? He gained knowledge of more potent and fundamental truths about heaven and earth a long time ago. He could ascend to empyrean realm at any time. He sees things from a much higher point than everyone else. To be quite honest, you sound like you're putting him in your–I daresay much smaller–shoes."

His tranquil demeanor won him a fair bit of approval in his own right. Even those who disliked him had to admit that he was showing stellar decorum. This was a young man of considerable wit and temperament. Any other youth would be scared out of their own minds by the sole fact of having to sit beside seven titled emperors, much less be able to compete with Emperor Shura. But there was no hint of fear or nervousness in Jiang Chen.

The calmness he exhibited alone was enough to classify him as an extraordinary character. It was an old saying that the young shouldn't be bullied just for their lack of experience or resources. Many wavering vassals began to consider things anew.

A few others, previously already leaning towards Emperor Shura, were also shaken. There was an impenetrable aura of greatness on Sacred Peafowl Mountain's young lord. It was a feeling that forced every onlooker not to ignore him, and seemed to say, 'let anyone who does taste the consequences'!

Emperor Petalpluck chose this moment to chuckle. "Any move that we great emperors make will affect the grand scheme of things here in the city. Thus, I advise that all of us refrain from voting. No matter whose side we take, voting will only lay down the seeds of future strife. There is everything to lose and nothing to gain by doing so."

"What, are we titled emperors not to vote? How does that work?" Emperor Vastsea was shocked.

"Daoist Petalpluck has a very good point. The actions of we titled emperors have too much influence upon the rest. It would not do for cracks to develop between us at this juncture. If Veluriyam Capital sees civil unrest and a subsequent weakening, then we will all go down in history as criminals." Emperor Mountaincrush was clearly more than willing to abstain.

Deep down, he wanted to support Sacred Peafowl Mountain, but Emperor Shura's pressing demands had compelled him to acquiesce. Because of this, he was very conflicted. If he could abstain, then there was no longer anything to worry about.

"I have no objection to that." Upon seeing Emperor Petalpluck and Mountaincrush declare their stances, Emperor Coiling Dragon hurried to agree.

There was no reason at all for him to object. The two neutral emperors' solidarity only reinforced his statement. He had originally been anxious about their potential support for Emperor Shura, which would render young lord Zhen in a dangerous position.

Emperor Void inclined his head as well. "Daoist Petalpluck is a true voice of reason. We may have a few minor disagreements from time to time, but us titled emperors should maintain a good rapport."

Now that four titled emperors had voted on the resolution, the opinions of the three remaining emperors on Shura's side no longer mattered. The minority had to obey the majority.

"Let it be so, then. We great emperors shall refrain from voting," Emperor Shura affirmed indifferently. He had said those words unwillingly, but appearances were important to maintain. Otherwise, his intentions would be far too brazen to stomach.

"Hold on," Jiang Chen grinned.

"Hmm?" All eyes gathered on him.

The young man had turned toward Emperor Petalpluck in the interim. "I was feeling that something felt out of place, and I finally realize what it is. Why are the candidates only me and Emperor Shura? In theory, Emperor Petalpluck is the second-ranked great emperor in Veluriyam Capital. If there's only two candidates, shouldn't the second be ahead of the third?"

Everyone knew how disinterested Emperor Petalpluck was in power and fame. That was why he had been automatically ignored. The interjection from Jiang Chen, however, made it seem like something was genuinely awry. That's right! Why was the second-ranked emperor being put below the third?

Jiang Chen hadn't expected his ploy to push Emperor Petalpluck forward. He had only done so in order to cause Emperor Shura a bit of extra embarrassment, as well as douse his flames of arrogance.

Emperor Vastsea was the first to lose his cool. "Daoist Petalpluck is a sage above the problems of the world! His outstanding integrity tipped him off about Emperor Shura's wisdom and heroism. He knows when to step aside, unlike a certain ignorant youngster. It's important for people to know what their limits are!"

"Emperor Vastsea, I wonder what you were doing when you were my age?" smiled Jiang Chen serenely.

"Well said!" Emperor Coiling Dragon clapped cheerfully. "You were still living under the protection of your seniors, eh, Vastsea? My guess can't be far off the mark. What right do you have to criticize young lord Zhen? He has only been famous for a handful of years, yet he's made more contributions than you, a great emperor of over a thousand. You're very brave to talk about people's limits, hmm? I wonder where your courage comes from? Were you the one that defeated Pill King Ji Lang?"

Once again, Emperor Vastsea was at a loss for words.

"Alright, alright. Enough is enough. I can smell the gunpowder in the air already." Chuckling, Emperor Petalpluck came forward to mediate. "There's no need to argue. I'm pleased that you think so highly of this old man, young lord Zhen. However, my nature has always been a placid one. I don't have the heart needed to rule over Veluriyam Capital. I see great determination and diligence in Emperor Shura, and remarkable youthful flair in young lord Zhen. One is experienced, the other energetic. You two are the best candidates. For the sake of this city, I will stand and bear witness."

Emperor Petalpluck's announcement nipped the impending conflagration in the bud. Despite that, Emperor Shura's hatred for Jiang Chen only grew stronger. Before now, he'd mostly hated Emperor Peafowl for not passing on the throne to him. But now, ever since he'd ambushed the senior emperor, his next obstacle was this young lord Zhen!

I'll let you run amok for a few more days, kid. When I hold the reins, you'll be the first person I get rid of! The emperor gnashed his teeth internally with frustration.

Emperor Petalpluck turned to the eight hundred vassals. "Everyone, I'm sure you know why we've convened this Vassal Meeting. The waters of Veluriyam Capital are too turbulent at present. We need a proper helmsman to navigate them, a captain that can grasp the situation firmly. Even if the job opening is only temporary, we still require someone to fill it. Is the diligent Emperor Shura more suitable? Or the energetic young lord Zhen? The choice is yours. Remember, this isn't a game. Please carefully consider the question and vote in who you think is the most appropriate. Very likely, it will decide what path the city walks down."

"Why vote? We'd rather have the strongest rule. We'll pick who's stronger!" A vassal shouted from below.

"That's right, Emperor Shura is the strongest after Emperor Peafowl. Of course he should lead. Young lord Zhen? We have more than enough geniuses to go around. We can discuss him after he becomes a great emperor!" As soon as Emperor Petalpluck finished speaking, a large swathe of Shura supporters began to clamor in disagreement.

Chapter 1200: Jiang Chens Presence

Since there were supporters for Emperor Shura, there were naturally ones for Sacred Peafowl Mountain and young lord Zhen. They too joined the fray as more and more people raised their voices.

"Ridiculous! Sacred Peafowl Mountain should rule Veluriyam Capital. That's how it has been for generation after generation. Anyone from any other faction should be considered an usurper!"

"We support young lord Zhen! He's still young, but his potential and ability have both proven that he more than qualifies as the right successor!"

"I support young lord Zhen as well. He's achieved so many amazing things in so few years. We're willing to wait a hundred years for him. If that's not enough, three to five hundred more years are fine too. In the long term, Veluriyam Capital needs a genius like young lord Zhen!"

"Absolutely. Emperor Shura has proven himself most fitting in the role of a lieutenant or third-in-line. As a proper leader? I feel like he's missing presence and heart."

There was utter anarchy in the crowd. So many vassals were present that no one felt obliged to hold their tongue. The two blocs instantly engaged each other in a war of words.

With Sacred Peafowl Mountain, there was a group of fiercely loyal subjects even with Emperor Peafowl's absence. For the most part, they were composed of people who'd been raised up personally by the emperor. His favor to them could not be ignored.

Whether Emperor Peafowl was here or elsewhere, they saw Sacred Peafowl Mountain as their patron. As long as the mountain stood, their positions were safe. If it lost power, their own would go with it sooner or later. Despite Emperor Shura's intimations about withholding future retaliation, most of the vassals didn't believe a word of it. There was absolutely no cause for them to support him, no matter how many messengers he sent.

Firstly, Emperor Shura was not the most tolerant sort of individual. Secondly, Emperor Peafowl was the one who had promoted them through the ranks. Emotionally speaking, they couldn't just turn on Sacred Peafowl Mountain at the drop of a hat. Finally, nobody knew whether Emperor Peafowl had actually died or not.

He'd ruled Veluriyam Capital for three thousand years, after all. In the eyes of the city's vassals, Emperor Peafowl had long since become an invincible legend. The very thought of him succumbing so randomly was beyond incredible. Thus, even the few who were wavering slightly felt that it was no better than nourishing a viper in one's bosom if they supported Emperor Shura at this point.

Supporting Emperor Shura was unlikely to yield particularly good results for them down the line. On the off chance that Emperor Peafowl made a triumphant return, they would be condemned by both sides. They'd be the definition of ingrates and traitors then.

With any amount of consideration, it wasn't difficult to realize that they had Sacred Peafowl Mountain's mark on them already. They were destined to be in the same boat as their backer.

Betraying Sacred Peafowl Mountain was tantamount to throwing their entire future away, regardless of who won in the end. The quarreling continued. Neither faction yielded to the other.

Jiang Chen cast a detached look over the crowd. There was no shortage of Shura supporters. It seemed that he had bought more than his fair share of friends over the years. Perhaps Emperor Peafowl always knew. It was simply that he didn't care about it, given his aloof position.

Emperor Shura's cronies aside, there were plenty of Sacred Peafowl Mountain loyalists as well.

"Sacred Peafowl Mountain's three-thousand-year rule of the city is paying off. Their roots here are profoundly deep. Even though gossip is flying all over the place, there has been no large-scale defection. Living proof of Emperor Peafowl's charisma, too, I think."

It was an easy observation that many of Sacred Peafowl Mountain's original vassals clearly supported their place of allegiance. Jiang Chen was secretly pleased by this. He didn't have much of a connection with those people. If Emperor Peafowl really had fallen, it was understandable that their devotions would end with their master's departure.

But the vassals had not abandoned Sacred Peafowl Mountain. They remained quite staunch in their loyalty. Jiang Chen was touched by the gesture. He was resolved all the more to strive for the city's rule with Emperor Shura, no matter how difficult it proved in the end.

Jiang Chen was well aware that it would be a colossally strenuous task to overcome the ambitious second-in-command, given the limitation of his current position and resources. Nevertheless, he was obligated to give it his all. For these sincere supporters, if nothing else.

Ah, Your Majesty. You have really given me a hard nut to crack this time. The thought of the wise ruler brought a wry smile to Jiang Chen's face. Even in this time of trouble, he was concerned about the older man's safety.

"Quiet down, please!" Emperor Petalpluck motioned downwards with both hands. His great emperor presence filled the space, suppressing the cacophony of noise to a minimum.

"What is the meaning of this hubbub?" Emperor Petalpluck didn't usually get angry, but he was not to be ignored when he did. "The decision has already been made. You have a single chance to vote for whoever you support. Remember, you're vassals of Veluriyam Capital first and foremost. You should consider the city's well-being rather than engage in pointless argument. "No matter who wins in the end, Veluriyam Capital cannot be allowed to torn asunder. Otherwise, it would be better not to have the vote at all!"

Emperor Petalpluck put a lot of weight in his words. He gazed thoughtfully toward Emperor Shura and Jiang Chen. "I have a piece of advice for the two of you. Whether it is Sacred Peafowl Mountain or the Shura Retreat that wins, I hope that you will be mindful of the bigger picture. You must accept the results of this election; the loser should not cause trouble for the winner. Any separatism will be stamped out with great severity!"

The kindly emperor felt deeply indeed about Veluriyam Capital. His words were far harsher than was typical for him.

"Don't worry, Daoist Petalpluck," smiled Emperor Shura faintly. "I've worked diligently and without complain for countless years here in Veluriyam Capital. Have I done anything to either Daoist Peafowl or you, even though you two are ranked above me? What wrongdoing am I guilty of?

"The past is the past," retorted Emperor Petalpluck. "I want a promise for the future."

"You don't need to worry," Emperor Shura declared emotionlessly. "I did not convene this Vassal Meeting out of a desire for personal gain, but for the sake of this great city. If everyone chooses young lord Zhen over me, and if the young lord really can lead Veluriyam Capital to greater glory, then I don't mind serving as his trustworthy assistant."

There was plenty of applause at his ceremonious words. Emperors Vastsea and Skysplitter both nodded, apparently impressed by the speech. They were the first to clap.

All eyes were on Jiang Chen, clearly interested in his response. A smile as gentle as the spring breeze hung perpetually upon the young man's face.

"Emperor Peafowl has always told me that I should view problems holistically. If Sacred Peafowl Mountain no longer holds the grace of fate, then I have no objections whatsoever. Emperor Peafowl has never taught me to turn against my allies. But, I have to say this ahead of time: I will certainly investigate His Majesty's whereabouts. If his disappearance has to do with anyone in this city, I will make the person responsible pay ten times over. He will perish, and his heritage with it!" Jiang Chen smiled serenely, his eyes turning to his rival candidate. "What do you think, Emperor Shura?"

The emperor was unruffled. "Exactly what I wanted to say. I likewise hope that you have a clear conscience, young lord Zhen!"

There was a rage-fueled fire in Emperor Shura's heart. How could he not have noticed that Jiang Chen was alluding to a connection between him and Emperor Peafowl's disappearance? Though he was actually responsible for it, he was still infuriated at such a bold-faced accusation. It felt as bad as being framed. Worse, maybe. Despite being the culprit, he had to bluff a righteous appearance. It was necessary to fire back a counter-accusation.

Jiang Chen harrumphed. "I owe Emperor Peafowl a great debt of gratitude, and my conscience is as clear as a mirrored pool. There is nothing I've kept hidden from daylight. Let the heavens bear witness to your deeds as well as mine. I swear that I have never done, and will never do, anything detrimental to His Majesty or his interests. If I break this oath, let me be destroyed by divine punishment on the spot!"

Such a transparent oath rendered everyone who'd been incited by Emperor Shura's words entirely speechless. There were people that suspected Jiang Chen's origins, of course. There was even the rare rumor that he was a double agent from the demons, here to haunt Sacred Peafowl Mountain and Veluriyam Capital.

Jiang Chen had heard no shortage of them in his time. That was why he had made this oath to heaven and earth. Its weight killed off any potential malicious rumors, both past and future.

"I'd like to know whether you're brave enough to make the same kind of oath, Emperor Shura." It was a sudden interjection from Emperor Coiling Dragon, standing coolly to the side.

There was a brief, awkward silence. Emperor Petalpluck glanced at Emperor Shura, only to see Emperor Mountaincrush doing the same. In fact, all eyes had turned to Emperor Shura.

"I never make pointless oaths because of baseless rumors," Emperor Shura responded matter-of-factly. "Why would I need one if my conscience is clear?"

His words weren't as assertive as Jiang Chen's had been, but they had a legitimacy that made them difficult to criticize.

"Your conscience is clear, hmm?" Emperor Coiling Dragon snickered.

Emperor Petalpluck probed Emperor Shura with a thoughtful look. "Alright. Information about Emperor Peafowl will surface eventually, I'm sure. Now, let us begin the election of Veluriyam Capital's temporary ruler." His tone was carefully indifferent.

"What's the 'temporary' part for?" Emperor Vastsea was taken aback

"Emperor Peafowl's current whereabouts are unknown. Of course the ruler we're electing now is temporary. If he doesn't return in another decade or two, we can safely take away the 'temporary' part away then. There's nothing wrong with a transition period."

"I quite agree, Daoist Petalpluck," Emperor Void hastily concurred. "A temporary leader is all that we need. Otherwise, it will be an affront to everyone involved upon Emperor Peafowl's return."

Emperor Coiling Dragon nodded. "That's the right of it. We're only sure that Emperor Peafowl is absent without leave. Anyone that fancies full rule of the city is attempting an insurrection."

"Let it be temporary, then," said Emperor Mountaincrush. "The change has my full support."

The great emperors not allied with Shura had all spoken their minds.

Chapter 1201: The Competition Begins

Every great emperor had expressed their stance on the matter. Emperor Shura understood that a transition period was necessary, even if he was quite irritated by it. He would appear too unsightly otherwise. Moreover, he knew better than anyone that Emperor Peafowl was never returning to Veluriyam Capital. His injury was so severe that even Emperor Pillzenith had declared there was no way the man would survive.

Emperor Peafowl was undoubtedly strong, but he was far from being invincible. Even if he did somehow survive his injuries, the place he'd run to was the desolate wildlands. Could he really escape the demon race's wrath in the state he was in? That was why Emperor Shura didn't care if the power was temporary or not. It was only a matter of time before Veluriyam Capital fell into his grasp.

"Then we shall do as everyone says. This way, we can avoid being disrespectful to Daoist Peafowl." Emperor Shura wore a sanctimonious look.

Emperor Petalpluck nodded and ordered someone to prepare the jade tokens. A head count revealed that there were a total of eight hundred and twenty six vassals in Veluriyam Capital.

"We have prepared eight hundred and twenty six jade tokens to represent everyone present today. All of you will receive a jade token each. These jade tokens contain a unique mark of my own, and you need to inscribe the name of your desired temporary ruler onto them. Once the voting is complete, the great emperors will count the votes together. The one who acquires the most votes will become the temporary ruler of Veluriyam Capital. Are there any objections?"

Emperor Petalpluck waved his hand and ordered his subordinates to pass over the jade tokens into the vassals' hands.

"This is my warning to all of you: don't cheat. You must fill in your jade token with your signatures and unique mark, or render the vote invalid." Since Emperor Petalpluck was the main person in charge of the voting process, he wanted to make sure that no party could exploit holes in the voting process in their favor. The vote would be meaningless otherwise.

It didn't take long before every vassal had a jade token of their own. Individually, the tokens might not mean anything. But together, they could determine the very future of Veluriyam Capital.

Emperor Petalpluck shot a glance at Jiang Chen and Emperor Shura. "Do either of you wish to say anything?"

Emperor Shura hurriedly said, "It's fine, it's fine. I'm sure everyone is tired of our voice already. Let us get this process started already. Cultivators shouldn't fool around, right?"

It wasn't that he had nothing to say. He just couldn't beat young lord Zhen in a verbal spar no matter what. Young lord Zhen was such a silver tongued devil that the great emperor was at risk of losing supporters every time the young man spoke.

Jiang Chen smiled as he shot Emperor Shura a meaningful glance. "Emperor Shura, is it just me, or did you look a bit afraid just now? What is it? Are you afraid that I'll expose how lily-livered you are?"

Emperor Shura smiled arrogantly. "Young lord Zhen, I know you're just putting up a front! If you're afraid, I can give you a bit of leeway since you're a junior and all."

"Enough, both of you. Keep this up and those below will laugh at you." Emperor Petalpluck reminded with a frown.

Jiang Chen shrugged and fell silent. He had done everything he could in this meeting, and truthfully he didn't care what the final results might be. He had already mentally prepared himself to face the possibility of defeat.

Even if Emperor Shura really did win the election, it wasn't like Jiang Chen would be ruined in one fell stroke. At worst, he would sheath his edge and bide his time. If everything went well, Jiang Chen believed that it was absolutely possible for him become a great emperor within a hundred years.

Even if he didn't, he was confident that he could outstrip Emperor Shura in every way the moment he reached peak emperor realm. When that happened, Sacred Peafowl Mountain could easily regain control over the capital.

Currently, he was more worried about Emperor Peafowl's whereabouts. Emperor Shura's wrath and revenge didn't worry him in the slightest. He had the Nine Sparks Petalstorm Formation at Sacred Peafowl Mountain. It would take at least a couple of great emperors to break open, so no matter how powerful Emperor Shura might be, the possibility of a breach wasn't really a concern.

Jiang Chen had both a plan of attack and retreat. It was why he was able to keep as calm as he was. If there was one nagging worry in his mind, it would be Pillfire City, especially after he saw the holy emperor of Eternal Celestial Capital and Emperor Pillzenith himself here today.

Emperor Peafowl had long since seen through that Emperor Shura was a man who lacked the courage to carry out his ambitions. That was why Jiang Chen's worries deepened. If a man like Emperor Shura really was colluding with foreign enemies, it would be no different from leaving Veluriyam Capital wide open to attack.

Jiang Chen didn't want to see Emperor Peafowl's efforts and three thousand years of prosperity washed down the drain because Emperor Shura had invited the enemy into their midst.

In a way, his relaxed composure gave the four monarchs of Sacred Peafowl Mountain some more confidence. After all, they couldn't help but be a little worried. Although the young lord had recruited many helpers to his fold, such as the unanticipated Emperor Peerless, Emperor Shura had been a great emperor of Veluriyam Capital for three thousand years. He was the second most senior in the capital's history besides Emperor Peafowl. Even if he had contributed nothing to Veluriyam Capital, three thousand years of accumulated authority wasn't so easy to overcome.

The vassals holding the jade tokens all had serious looks on their faces. Both sides had been awash with emotions when they'd been hurling abuse at each other earlier, but when it actually came time to vote, the matter required serious thought. They all know what this token truly symbolized.

For a time, the atmosphere grew extremely heavy. There was an unanimous stifling presence that descended on everyone. Emperor Petalpluck didn't urge them to make a decision either.

Emperor Shura stared firmly at the vassals beneath him like a hawk, but Jiang Chen acted with relaxed indifference. He didn't try to exert more psychological pressure because he knew that Emperor Shura's efforts were pointless. The people wouldn't give him a vote just because he was glaring at them. Most of the people who were present today had likely decided who they wanted to vote for a long time ago.

If Emperor Shura wanted to play the bad guy, Jiang Chen didn't mind playing the good guy. He wouldn't be an effective bad guy anyway since he was younger than Emperor Shura, so he might as well be more generous.

A little more than an hour passed, and the jade tokens were passed onto the stage one after another. The great emperors besides Emperor Shura and Jiang Chen were helping with the collection efforts, with Emperor Vastsea and Emperor Coiling Dragon being the most eager of the lot. It was obvious that no one wanted to lose out in this situation.

Emperor Vastsea might have pretended to be friends with Emperor Petalpluck earlier, but the great emperor was quite the paranoid person. He watched Emperor Petalpluck closely throughout the process, worried that the great emperor would break impartiality.

Just the same, Emperor Coiling Dragon was worried that Emperor Petalpluck had been bought out by Emperor Shura. Although there were many signs pointing to Emperor Petalpluck not being an ally of Emperor Shura, much less a friend, it was still better to be safe than sorry.

Some time later, all eight hundred and twenty six jade tokens were collected. Emperor Petalpluck inspected every single jade token personally to ensure that none of them had been switched out, putting an end to all possibilities of cheating.

"Everyone, I guarantee that nothing is wrong with the jade tokens. Now, shall we begin calling the votes?" He looked at the other great emperors.

"Then let us begin. I'm sure that everyone is anxious to know the results." Emperor Vastsea smiled. Emperor Coiling Dragon and Emperor Void exchanged a glance with each other. They both knew that the announcement was going to go through whether they liked it or not.

Emperor Mountaincrush volunteered. "I can call the votes."

In the end, Emperor Petalpluck decided that Emperor Coiling Dragon and Emperor Vastsea would supervise himself calling out the votes. Meanwhile, Emperor Void and Emperor Skysplitter would supervise Emperor Mountaincrush tallying the votes. This way, fairness to both Sacred Peafowl Mountain and Shura Retreat was ensured.

"One vote to young lord Zhen…"

"One vote to Emperor Shura…"

The most intense moment of the process had finally arrived. Everyone beneath the stage was waiting with baited breath. Would Emperor Shura replace Sacred Peafowl Mountain and change the three-thousand-year old structure of power in Veluriyam Capital? Or would Sacred Peafowl Mountain continue to rule Veluriyam Capital with young lord Zhen as the temporary ruler?

Everyone had their own expectations and thoughts. The good news was that Emperor Petalpluck didn't report the names of the vassals. Otherwise, the atmosphere would've become even more oppressive. Even then, everyone was tense to say the least. A single spark could set the place on fire.

To Emperor Shura's annoyance, both sides shared almost an equal number of votes. Although he was a few votes ahead of young lord Zhen, they were close enough for it to be a draw.

The fact that he couldn't pull ahead of Jiang Chen irritated Emperor Shura greatly. Before this, he'd thought that his plans and the number of factions he controlled guaranteed a pleasing conclusion. He'd even managed to persuade the vassals of other great emperors and even Emperor Peafowl's to join his side.

All things considered, he should've had near to six hundred votes at least. Even if great numbers of them ultimately couldn't bear to support him and abstained, he should still have around five hundred votes. This should've been a landslide victory!Emperor Shura was right about one thing at least. A lot of people had chosen to stay neutral. However, the dream in which he achieved overwhelming victory over young lord Zhen still hadn't happened.

It made Emperor Shura very unhappy. Even Emperor Vastsea was seething on the inside. The latter was cursing inwardly about the vassals not keeping to their promise and changing their votes at the last minute. That being said, Emperor Shura was still in the lead.

Chapter 1202: An Unexpected Draw

However, the lead was small enough to be nonexistent. Four votes was next to nothing in the grand scheme of things. It was an advantage that small could disappear in an instant.

But still, there was a great deal of excitement from Sacred Peafowl Mountain's side. The four monarchs were quite appreciative of the poll's evenness. They were very clear that many of the Sacred Peafowl Mountain supporters were people who had received favors from Emperor Peafowl. A few neutral vassals filled out the remainder of their ranks, either out of adoration for Emperor Peafowl or admiration of young lord Zhen.

It took less than an hour for the eight hundredth vote to be called. The present situation deepened Emperor Shura's frown even further. Only a two-vote advantage remained for him. Two votes for young lord Zhen in a row would render everything equal. The ambitious emperor could no longer maintain his composure when it came down to the final twenty-six.

Emperor Coiling Dragon and Void were both gratified and anxious. They were gratified that young lord Zhen had remained so hot on Emperor Shura's heels, but their anxiety came from the all-important question: could he overcome the two-vote gap? Could he possibly even overtake his rival and win?

But truthfully speaking, whether young lord Zhen won or lost today no longer mattered. Sacred Peafowl Mountain was already a winner today. That a young lord under such disadvantageous circumstances was able to tie with someone as powerful as Emperor Shura… this was itself a formidable achievement!

After all, young lord Zhen had very shallow foundations in the city. His name had been known for scarcely a decade, and his position as Sacred Peafowl Mountain's young lord had only been adopted for a few. The young lord essentially had nothing to lose. Even if he lost now, he had a bright future ahead.

But if he happened to win, it would greatly embarrass Emperor Shura. After all, the emperor had spent tremendous effort on calling together this Vassal Meeting in order to clear the way for his own rise. An eleventh-hour failure would be a fully-powered, self-delivered slap to the face.

One by one, Emperor Petalpluck announced the remaining votes.

When there were only five tokens remaining, Emperor Shura's lead narrowed by yet another vote. There was now only a one vote difference. The suspense became the thickest in the final votes.

"A vote for Emperor Shura!"

The fifth-from-last vote was Emperor Shura's. This relieved his tense nerves somewhat. Good. He was leading by two votes again. If he was able to secure just two of the remaining four, he would have the election in the bag. Emperor Shura was reasonably certain of his chances there.

"A vote for young lord Zhen!" The fourth-to-last went over to Jiang Chen.

Emperor Shura felt like he'd been drenched with a bucket of ice-cold water. His just-settled mind was disturbed once more.

"A vote for Emperor Shura!" Thankfully, the third-last was his.

His lead became two votes again. There were only two votes left. Emperor Shura's eyes glittered. If just one of the last two was his, he would be the victor!

Emperor Vastsea locked onto the second-last voting token in Emperor Petalpluck's hands. He muttered under his breath, shining desire evident on his face. In that moment, he wanted Emperor Shura's name to be called more than anything else.

Unfortunately for him, the second-last vote belonged to Jiang Chen. "A vote for young lord Zhen," Emperor Petalpluck called out.

Only the final vote remained.

It was surprising that this election came down to the thinnest wire. If the last vote was Emperor Shura's, he would be declared the new ruler of Veluriyam Capital. If it was young lord Zhen's, then the election would result be a tie.

Emperor Petalpluck's arm tensed as he reached for the last jade slip. How could he not, when it decided the city's future?

Light gleamed in Emperor Shura's eyes. He stared feverishly at the object in Emperor Petalpluck's hands. If he could, he would've pounced to write his name upon it. He desired the win far too much. In that moment, he was jittery enough to forget about his resentment against those who'd agreed, but hadn't actually voted for him.

Who did the final vote belong to?

Emperor Petalpluck glanced at the jade slip. His customary smile was gone, an expression of seriousness and solemnity replacing it.

"The final vote goes to… young lord Zhen!"

Those eight words were met with thunderous cheers from Sacred Peafowl Mountain's side.

Emperor Coiling Dragon roared with laughter. "Good, good, good! It seems that Sacred Peafowl Mountain still holds a dear place in the hearts of the people. I'm sure that everyone can see now that Sacred Peafowl Mountain is the city's future!"

He was the quickest to the draw and managed to speak before everyone else.

"Coiling Dragon, you're speaking nonsense. The vote is tied. Where are you getting your absurd conclusion from?" Emperor Vastsea snarled coldly.

Emperor Coiling Dragon flashed back an easy-going smile. "Oh, isn't it obvious? Young lord Zhen has only had his position for a few years, but he's garnered such plentiful support. When he matures in just a few more years, his popularity will soar for sure. Daoist Shura, if I may be so blunt, the age of us old-timers is almost at its end. We must all pave the way for the younger generation. If I were you, I would stand aside and give the young ones your full devotion. No one can deny that young lord Zhen is Veluriyam Capital's future. Not you, not I, and not any other one of us old codgers!"

Jiang Chen hadn't realized the full extent of the emperor's eloquence before. It seemed that Emperor Coiling Dragon was giving Sacred Peafowl Mountain's defense his all. Still, he was just as stunned at the tie as everyone else. The notion of a perfectly even split between eight hundred twenty-six votes was rather ridiculous and incomprehensible.

Eighty-six votes had abstained, and half of the remaining votes went to each candidate, leading to a draw. This result elicited joy in some and sorrow in others.

Sacred Peafowl Mountain's side was mostly cheery. Evidently, they hadn't anticipated young lord Zhen's popularity to equal Emperor Shura's. Whether it was because of Emperor Peafowl's lingering greatness or conquest through the youth's own charisma, there was widespread support for young lord Zhen in Veluriyam Capital.

And this was a vote from the vassals only. If all the cultivators living in Veluriyam Capital were allowed to vote, they firmly believed that Emperor Shura would have absolutely no chance. After all, young lord Zhen's popularity was mainly concentrated in the capital. The vassals were scattered in the region's reaches, most of them a great distance away. Though young lord Zhen's fame was far-reaching, stories were far less convincing than personal experience.

Smiling faintly, Emperor Petalpluck looked toward Emperor Shura. "No one expected a tie to occur, Daoist Shura. It can only be explained as the will of heaven. What say you?"

"If that's the case, then either the great emperors or the nobility of the city must vote as well," Emperor Shura replied coolly.

"That cannot be allowed," Emperor Petalpluck shook his head. "We titled emperors and the factions beneath us should not participate in the voting process. Otherwise, the city will surely fall into chaos."

The kindly emperor was insistent on this point. As an expert from Emperor Peafowl's generation, he understood Veluriyam Capital quite well regardless of his usual placidity. If the great emperors were allowed to become involved, the conflict would be brought into the open. Two separate factions would be formed. No matter who actually won, the losing side would be beyond outraged at the winning. From that point on, cracks and an eventual split were inevitable.

Emperor Petalpluck was extremely worried about this eventuality. In actuality, he had agreed to convening the Vassal Meeting because of his fear that Veluriyam Capital's situation would spiral out of control. If the city's vassals each went their own ways because of idle suspicions, Veluriyam's integrity would no longer be whole.

"Yes, perhaps Daoist Petalpluck is right," Emperor Mountaincrush interjected suddenly. "It just might be the will of heaven. We should not carry on with our bipartisan conflict. Maybe Daoist Peafowl really is safe and sound?"

Though Mountaincrush's statements seemed to have no connection, everyone in the world of martial dao respected heaven's mysterious will. It was enough to lead the crowd down another mental path. So, Emperor Peafowl was fine? The heavens didn't want Veluriyam Capital to fall into civil unrest? Was that the reason for the tie?

Emperor Vastsea glared fiercely at Emperor Mountaincrush, clearly unsatisfied with his 'delusional explanation'. For Emperor Shura's faction, gaining control of the city was their sole object. They could not finish so poorly after such a fine start. They wouldn't settle for merely a sheepish departure. There was no stopping before they accomplished their goal.

"Everyone, isn't it a bit silly to end things so hastily here just because of a tie? It took a lot of effort for the vassals to gather. We can't send them off without a conclusion. How are we supposed to solve the city's present dilemma then? Should rumors be allowed to fly unimpeded everywhere? Veluriyam Capital needs someone in charge." Emperor Vastsea spoke with great agitation.

Emperor Coiling Dragon snickered. "Vastsea, your tone sounds like you almost want something bad to have happened to His Majesty Peafowl. Or do you know something we don't?"

This was a thinly veiled jab at his peer.

Vastsea instantly roared with fury. "Coiling Dragon, what are you trying to say? Always with the slander, hmm?!"

"One who walks the straight path does not fear crooked shadows," smiled Emperor Coiling Dragon. "Compared to young lord Zhen's forthright honestly, I've become rather suspicious about the very real possibility that the rumors are manufactured by a certain someone."

"I completely agree," nodded Emperor Void stoically. "Someone must be behind them for sure. The news of Emperor Peafowl's death is an elaborate plan, a ruse meant to stir Veluriyam Capital's pot for personal gain."

The tie filled the two emperors with renewed confidence. They knew now that the people weren't as in love with Emperor Shura as they had feared. Since that was the case, it was time to go on the offensive!

Chapter 1203: To Decide Via Martial Might?

Emperor Petalpluck's brow was deeply knotted. He was at an impasse. The two sides were becoming more and more belligerent and a fight seemed about to break out at any moment. This wasn't something that he wanted to see.

Motioning downwards with both palms, he patiently counseled both parties. "Please, friends. Your complaints against each other right now are unsubstantiated. What point is there in throwing empty words around? What Veluriyam Capital needs most right now is stability, not hostility." Emperor Petalpluck cast his gaze into the guest area. "We have so many honored guests here today. If we get into a heated argument in front of them, isn't that shameful for the entire city? We'll be the laughingstock of the Upper Eight Regions."

Emperor Petalpluck no longer cared about appearances. He exercised as much restraint as he could muster. Thankfully, his words were effective enough to noticeably defuse rising tempers on either side.

"Daoist Petalpluck is right," Emperor Vastsea nodded. "Coiling Dragon, Vastsea, your unfounded claims will only bring about embarrassment. If you're as confident as your words indicate, why don't we have a straightforward bout to decide things? In the world of martial dao, strength still reigns supreme."

A straightforward bout? Though Emperor Vastsea wasn't exactly loved, his suggestion nevertheless won the approval of many. A bout was far more interesting and attractive than an election.

"A good fight is what we need!"

"Exactly. Sacred Peafowl Mountain and Shura Retreat have always been two stalwart pillars of the city. Only a contest of strength will reveal who is stronger in the end. Why vote when a fight can decide things so much more easily and directly?"

"A fight? How do you propose they actually do it? How old is young lord Zhen and how old is Emperor Shura? The emperor should feel ashamed of himself at having to engage in such a thing."

"Heh heh, that doesn't matter. Your age doesn't matter in the world. The selection of a leader favors experience. Youth isn't an excuse. Youngsters shouldn't participate in such competitions in the first place. It's not good for young men to seek power so desperately." Though this was pure sophistry, it was delivered with perfect matter-of-factness.

Emperor Petalpluck fell silent. He pondered Emperor Shura, then glanced at Jiang Chen; he wanted to see the reactions of both parties.

For once, Emperor Shura spoke in a bold and forthright way. "I'm up for anything, anytime."

The kindly emperor turned to Sacred Peafowl Mountain's young lord. Jiang Chen glanced instead at Emperor Shura himself with a half-smile.

"Emperor Shura, I've been curious for a while to see where your courage comes from. Why are you so set on usurping the throne? You're even willing to openly fight someone thousands of years younger than you. You didn't have the courage to confront Emperor Peafowl himself for your entire life. Well, congratulations, now's your chance to take on Sacred Peafowl Mountain." The youth's mockery was relentless. "Still, no one here is a fool. You've lived a few thousand years, yet you're fighting a young cultivator who's not yet thirty. A win for you is nothing less than unfair, and a loss, nothing more than disgraceful."

"I wouldn't fight you if personal benefit was the only thing at stake," retorted Emperor Shura impassively. "My heart beats for the public good. It aches for Veluriyam Capital's future. Since you won't back down yourself, I have no other recourse but to fight. Any misunderstandings are collateral."

The public good? Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh when he heard that. He ignored the ambitious emperor entirely, inclining his head instead to Emperor Petalpluck.

"There's something I'd like to ask, sir. Have you heard of a millennia-old great emperor dueling a twenty-something cultivator? If there's any instance of that happening at all in our history before now, I have no problem obliging."

Emperor Petalpluck couldn't do much more than laugh in helplessness. Something like that was unheard of, not only in Veluriyam Capital, but the entire human domain. But Emperor Shura's cronies were uninterested in stopping until they had reached their goal. The emperor himself was tossing aside any semblance of self dignity. Such a change was difficult to deal with, presenting a painful quandary.

"Young lord Zhen, we're picking the future leader of Veluriyam Capital here," said Emperor Petalpluck with a wry smile. "I cannot favor you on account of your age alone."

Jiang Chen gave a slight nod in acknowledgment. He cast a serene gaze outward at the crowd all around.

"If there's to be a fight," he proclaimed, "let it be all all-out contest! There must be a competition of both pill and martial dao. This is a clash of Sacred Peafowl Mountain and Shura Retreat's fortunes. Only having a simple duel between Emperor Shura and I, and having that decide things would be a little frivolous. Doing things this way would only attract widespread contempt. I'm not opposed to deciding things with a competition, but I insist that it be on a grander scale between our faction's foundations. Let's make a spectacle of it!"

"Hmph, do you think that everyone has as much time to waste as you do?" Emperor Shura sneered. "The world of martial dao is ruled by might. Everything else you talked about is meaningless."

"That's why you've never been able to sit on the highest throne, Emperor Shura," Jiang Chen jeered back. "You're far too short-sighted. I can already predict that if Veluriyam Capital falls into your myopic hands, everything the city has will be lost in a hundred years."

Given the emperor's disgusting behavior, there was no reason for the young man to save his opponent any humiliation.

"Young lord Zhen," Emperor Petalpluck cut in. "What do you mean by an all-out contest?"

"Oh, it's simple enough. An attempt to measure whose fortunes are greater between Sacred Peafowl Mountain and the Shura Retreat absolutely needs an all-out contest. Only through a comprehensive competition can the two factions' strengths and foundations be compared. If martial dao is the only ruler, nothing useful will come of just one result."

Even some of the Shura vassals found Jiang Chen's explanation very convincing. A mere duel between young lord Zhen and Emperor Shura was an insult to the audience's intelligence. That a great emperor with three thousand years of renown wanted to fight a twenty-something cultivator was close to utter shameless. There was no honor in winning a fight like that. Neither would the other party's definite loss mean anything. What comparison was there to make in a match decided before it even began?

Moreover, Jiang Chen's suggestion allowed the audience an opportunity to enjoy a show. It would be a good opportunity to verify the abilities of people from both factions. A much fairer proposition, that was for sure. In comparison, Emperor Shura's adamant insistence about solely competing through martial dao was unreasonable and ignoble.

In the guest area, Sect Head Han Qianzhan of the Great Yu Skysword Sect made his loud laughter known. "As an outsider, it's not really my place to speak. Still, I wanted to point out that a potential leader of Veluriyam Capital should lead in every aspect of life. In terms of martial dao alone, I doubt any of the great emperors here would be certain of their victory over one of their fellows. In any case, those of us in sects have always believed in foundation and fortune."

"We of the Celestial Cicada Court agree with Sect Head Han's opinion," Sect Head Su Huanzhen chimed in smoothly. "Daoist Peafowl cared about fortune a great deal even many years ago. I would think that none of you here would be willing to violate his historical principles."

"Fortune is a nebulous concept," objected the lord of the Eternal Celestial Capital. "I think a decision made through martial dao is much cleaner."

Though Emperor Pillzenith was supposed to be on Emperor Shura's side, he was unexpectedly silent this time. The latter felt a mild pang of disappointment when his support didn't arrive.

The visiting great emperor kept his eyelids mostly shut, as if he had entered meditation. However, his mind remained quite active. In theory, he should have helped the one who'd invited him here. But the thought of Pill King Zhen and his mythical Pinecrane Pill stirred something inside Emperor Pillzenith. He wanted to use the chance he had today to assess the extent of Pill King Zhen's mastery over pill dao. That was why he was being silent and unsupportive of his host.

Truthfully, the only reason that Emperor Pillzenith had helped in ambushing Emperor Peafowl wasn't because he held any goodwill for the backstabbing emperor. Nor was it out of any kind of necessity. At the end of the day, he had done so for only one reason: to weaken and subdue Veluriyam Capital, and perhaps even gain control over it in the future. With Veluriyam Capital undermined, there would be even fewer factions that posed a credible threat to Pillfire City in the Upper Eight Regions.

Having heard all of the guests' opinions, Emperor Petalpluck looked at Emperor Mountaincrush. "What do you think?"

"I still think that we should be done with all of this." The other neutral emperor broke into a wry smile. "We should not disobey the will of heaven, hmm? Isn't it better to reach a happy conclusion by ending with a tie?"

What he wanted was a compromise and remain friends with both sides.

"What do you say, friends?" Emperor Petalpluck looked towards the other titled emperors.

There was no need to ask Emperor Shura's two allies. Both of them wanted martial dao to be the sole decider, considering the rest to be time-wasting novelties.

Emperors Coiling Dragon and Void walked in lockstep with Jiang Chen. They knew that regardless of young lord Zhen's talent, the gap of age and experience between him and Emperor Shura was almost impossible to bridge. Of course they supported a larger-scale competition. If pill dao and whatever else was brought out onto the table, Sacred Peafowl Mountain would have no chance of losing. Their reduction in strength from Emperor Peafowl's absence wouldn't mean nearly as much. In particular, Emperor Coiling Dragon was supremely confident in Jiang Chen's pill dao skill.

"Daoist Petalpluck, why has Sacred Peafowl Mountain been able to rule over Veluriyam Capital for three thousand years? Is it because of His Majesty Peafowl alone? Has everyone ignored Sacred Peafowl Mountain's own wealth of fortunes and resources?" Emperor Coiling Dragon's voice was steady. "Victory must be decided through a comprehensive competition. The vassals deserve to see the full extents of the two factions' abilities. Only then will they know who they should support, and thereby choose the best leader to light the city's way forward!"

"If you don't have the courage to agree to even this, Daoist Shura, how will you persuade the populace that you are a worthy leader? Even if you chance upon the throne, do you think that they will endorse you the same way they endorsed His Majesty?" asked Emperor Void coolly.

Would they?

Obviously not. If Emperor Shura won against young lord Zhen with martial strength alone, the entire world would ridicule him. Everyone knew that such a victory was close to meaningless.

"If you don't receive the undivided adoration of all, then your foundations will not be firm. Your authority on the throne will be easily shaken. If you are fit to rule, then you shall doubtless enter into it in time. Otherwise, you cannot force upon yourself something that isn't yours."

Emperor Void's advice was benevolent on the surface, but he was in fact pushing Emperor Shura into a corner. The truth was just as he had said. An unjust victory would not earn any respect from the people or the world at large. In fact, he wouldn't even obtain the support of Veluriyam Capital's own vassals.

Chapter 1204: Closing In Step-By-Step

Emperor Shura felt very conflicted.

He hated Emperor Void's advice because it was the painful truth. He swept a glance at the vassals and noticed that many seemed to agree with Emperor Void. Even the ones that supported him were keen for a comprehensive competition.

If he insisted on taking the throne through a martial competition, he might really never gain the complete trust and adoration of the citizens. The perfect ruler should be able to silence all naysayers by being multifaceted and exhibit a dominating advantage in every discipline. Otherwise, there would always be room for contention.

Emperor Peafowl was a leader who possessed those exact qualities and Emperor Shura was confident he did as well. Young lord Zhen had requested a large scale competition merely to show off his dominance in pill dao. Other than pill dao, Emperor Shura was certain that he had complete advantage over the young lord.

Emperor Petalpluck looked at Emperor Shura with an inquisitive expression. It was obvious that he agreed with Jiang Chen. This wasn't just a competition between Emperor Shura and young lord Zhen, but a measure of fortunes between Sacred Peafowl Mountain and Shura Retreat as well.

"Daoist Shura, why don't we let the vassals decide if there should be only a martial battle or a comprehensive competition?" Emperor Petalpluck suggested.

Emperor Shura swept another glance at the vassals and instantly realized that a comprehensive competition was unavoidable if the final decision was left to vote. The audience's eyes were already glittering in anticipation of an entertaining show.

If Emperor Shura insisted on having a single battle, his standing would suffer disastrously. He was already on shaky ground as the number of his supporters was on par with the young lord. If he lost any more supporters, the amount of vassals that supported him would surely decrease.

As the decision was going to be forced by a vote, he might as well make himself seem more generous and magnanimous. "Since young lord Zhen is so motivated, how can I say no? I will entertain him until the end. I only wanted to spare him from complete embarrassment." Emperor Shura smiled blandly.

Jiang Chen burst out laughing. "Spare me from complete embarrassment? Let's hope that you truly mean this, Emperor Shura, and not that you have no better option."

Of course he could tell that Emperor Shura had no other choice.

Emperor Petalpluck breathed a sigh of relief. Since both parties were willing, he could save the effort of trying to convince them. "Daoist Shura and young lord Zhen, what disciplines do you wish to include in your competition?"

Jiang Chen was very generous. "Emperor Shura can have the first choice. I'll defeat his faction in whatever discipline he's most confident in!"

The crowd was flabbergasted by those words. Such dominance! He was going to beat Shura Retreat at their own game? That would be incredibly heaven-defying! Was young lord Zhen really that well rounded at such a young age?

Emperor Vastsea hated seeing Jiang Chen strut around like this and laughed from anger. "Young lord Zhen, boasting to attract attention to yourself is truly distasteful."

Emperor Coiling Dragon was about to respond in kind with an insult, but Jiang Chen stopped him with a wave of a hand. He shot an indifferent glance at Emperor Vastsea and smiled faintly. "Emperor Vastsea, I know that you and Emperor Shura are on the same boat. Since you believe that I'm boasting, feel free to challenge me with a discipline your faction is most confident in."

Emperor Peafowl had once instructed Jiang Chen to learn about the individual emperor factions in Veluriyam Capital. After his investigation, he learned that a majority of the great emperors here were incredibly committed to martial dao. They did put in some effort to improve other disciplines, but the harvests from their labor wasn't great. Jiang Chen was actually rather unhappy with the great emperors' lackadaisical attitudes.

Every powerful faction should have talent in unique specializations. Martial dao was important, but so was pill dao, formations, talismans, traps, beast taming and other disciplines. There were unparalleled geniuses in every single discipline in the ancient times. It was the reason why the ancient age was also called the flourishing era. Various sects reached the pinnacle through the disciplines of pill dao, martial dao, formations talismans, and more.

In fact, such sects could be found in the modern age as well. A sect or faction would hold boundless potential if they were allowed to flourish in their own respective disciplines.

Pillfire City's influence was able to creep above Veluriyam Capital because they were much more open to the development of various disciplines, while setting up suitable platforms for them. Various talents and experts gradually gravitated towards the city, vastly accelerating progress. It was something which Veluriyam Capital sorely lacked.

The capital had a certain attractiveness, but it wasn't captivating enough to attract unparalleled geniuses of various disciplines due to the lack of a platform for them to continually improve. This was her greatest flaw.

Emperor Peafowl had noticed this and put forth great effort to improve pill dao. Unfortunately, the capital was simply too vast and there was only so much one man could do. He'd been hard at work all these years, but the results had been less than spectacular.

It wasn't Emperor Peafowl's limited capabilities either. Veluriyam Capital's foundation and heritage in these disciplines simply couldn't be compared to Pillfire City's. Jiang Chen wanted to use this opportunity to cast off stagnation and inject some vitality into the capital.

It was why he requested a comprehensive challenge. He wanted to have the other factions realize that there was so many more disciplines worth exploring other than martial dao, and that these disciplines could also bring them to the pinnacle. Jiang Chen had seen many powerful experts reach the apex through various disciplines in his previous life. Martial dao wasn't the only way.

Emperor Vastsea was thoroughly enraged by Jiang Chen's words. Feel free to challenge me? The young lord was clearly looking down on him!

"Fine! We shall see how much depth there really is to your cockiness!" He yelled furiously.

"In what discipline do you wish to compete?" Jiang Chen asked while looking at Emperor Shura with a cold smirk. "Emperor Shura, does he represent you?"

Emperor Shura was a little hesitant. He was worried that Emperor Vastsea would carelessly walk into Jiang Chen's trap. It'd be a waste if they lost a round for nothing.

"Why are you so hasty? The rules and scope of the competition hasn't even been set yet," he answered blandly and turned to face Emperor Petalpluck. "Daoist Petalpluck, what might you suggest for the scope of the competition?"

"You should discuss that among yourselves. If I suggest any, one might suspect me for being biased." Emperor Petalpluck refrained from giving any suggestions.

"Martial dao is naturally the most important discipline in our world. Other disciplines are only complementary. I suggest that we allocate three rounds for martial dao, one for pill dao, and one for talismans, to form a best of five competition." Emperor Shura muttered.

He suggested talismans instead of formations because he'd heard that young lord Zhen was incredibly adept in the latter. It was only logical to avoid something his opponent was good at. Pill dao however, was something he couldn't avoid. It wouldn't be illogical if he did. The crowd would think that he was afraid of young lord Zhen.

Losing a single pill dao round was fine. He could catch up in the martial dao and talisman rounds. He was quite confident in his mastery of talismans. Moreso since there were no rumors about young lord Zhen's exceptional talent in talismans.

Emperor Coiling Dragon laughed coldly before Jiang Chen could respond. "That's strange, why did you bring up only pill dao and talismans when there are multiple other disciplines? Is the art of formation making, beast taming, traps, and weapon refining unimportant?"

Jiang Chen smirked in response. "It's not often that we get to summon a vassal meeting. We should put on a show worth watching. I suggest that we let the vassals discuss, and we compete in whichever discipline they choose. It's the least we can do to thank them for making such a long and arduous journey to the capital. Also, we get to showcase the foundations of our factions in full."

Emperor Shura could hardly contain the urge to give Jiang Chen a fierce slap to the face. The young lord had been constantly currying favor with the vassals by being docile and tending to their wishes. If this went on any further, many would lean towards him. That would be extremely disadvantageous.

"Hmph! Our competition isn't child's play! If we have to compete in every single trifling discipline, we'll be going at it for who knows how long?!" Emperor Shura couldn't accept this.

Jiang Chen smiled. "Emperor Shura, the competition hasn't even begun yet. Why are you trembling in your boots already? How are you going to be the ruler of Veluriyam Capital if you're like this?"

Emperor Shura nearly snapped.

"Young lord Zhen, can I say that you're stalling for time?" Emperor Shura's voice was cold and harsh.

"Why would I?" Jiang Chen smiled blandly.

"If that isn't true, why are you being so unreasonable?" Emperor Shura's voice was suffused with a hint of anger.

"Me? Unreasonable? You summoned the Vassal Meeting, yet refuse to listen to their opinions. You've been rambling by yourself the entire time and picked subjects that best suit yourself. Don't you realize how discourteous you're being?"

Chapter 1205: Trump Cards

Emperor Shura was quite depressed. He'd always known that young lord Zhen was an annoying pest. But before convening the Vassal Meeting, he'd also been sure that the throne was as good as his without Emperor Peafowl around. All signs had pointed to it.

Someone like young lord Zhen was far too immature, regardless of how brilliant he might be. From what Emperor Shura remembered, the young lord was perhaps a bit more excellent than his favorite disciple, Li Jiancheng. But, at the end of the day, he was just another young genius. How could someone like that stand up to an emperor, much less compete with him in the Vassal Meeting?

But harsh reality lay cruelly before him. Bit by bit, young lord Zhen had fortified Sacred Peafowl Mountain's position. He was actually pressing towards Emperor Shura in a gradual advance. If the emperor made one misstep, it was quite likely that his machinations would fail entirely.

With what he's been doing so far, is he truly a master of everything? Or is he merely saying all this to play up to the vassals and put me in a bad light?

The ambitious emperor was in a bind. Though he verbally opposed the suggestion, he knew deep down that young lord Zhen's proposal was both suitable and well-received. The standstill forced Emperor Petalpluck to intercede.

"Please, you two. If we leave everything to the vassals, then there really will be no end in sight. So let me put in an impartial word. In order to decide a victory or loss between the candidates, there must be an odd number of rounds. Five, seven, nine, and so on. Only then can the result be clear-cut. Since both of you say that your factions' fortune and resourcefulness are being tested, I wouldn't recommend a one-on-one competition just between the two of you. Instead, why not pick out a few candidates from either side and compete in a variety of fields? That would be a much better display of intrinsic superiority."

The vassals showed overwhelming agreement with the kindly emperor's words.

"Absolutely. It's boring to watch a competition between two people. We need many more than that to have a good show."

"Why not send out five people from both sides? Eleven or thirteen rounds sounds pretty good. The more participation there is, the better our judgment!"

"Why do it any other way? And the more rounds, the better!" The crowd had become a circus once again. However, the vassals who raised their voices this time were mostly the ones who'd voted to abstain.

There were a fair few among Sacred Peafowl Mountain's supporters as well, since they understood that young lord Zhen's youthfulness would suffer in an even match with Emperor Shura. The more participants and rounds there were, the more it would reduce the older emperor's advantage.

Shura's supporters were understandably unenthusiastic. Their biggest asset was Emperor Shura's overwhelming superiority. If that asset's usefulness was negated, then the Shura Retreat wouldn't be able to overcome Sacred Peafowl Mountain with guaranteed reliability.

Unfortunately for them, the clamoring from the other two groups in the crowd drowned out their voices. Plus, many of his supporters had voted because of temporary or emotional reasons.

Now that there was a show to be had, they were more than happy to make some noise in support, not that they could openly express that sentiment, of course. Instead, they settled for the passive strategy of staying quiet.

Emperor Shura was cornered by the clamoring from the audience. A raging fire burned in his heart. He hadn't thought that the Vassal Meeting would come anywhere close to this point. It was supposed to have been a piece of cake, but the delicacy had blown away in a gale. The emperor felt absolutely miserable.

As he moped, his consciousness received a message from Emperor Pillzenith.

"Don't worry, Shura. Take the fight forward and feel free to add a couple extra pill dao rounds. My Pillfire City has handed you several cards already. Why not play a few of them?"

The voice was like a light in the darkness, shining on new hope to the desperate emperor. He did have a few more chips to toss into the game. He hadn't wanted to use them before now because of his natural wariness for Emperor Pillzenith. He knew as well as anyone that inviting the ruler of a rival city was like inviting wolves into one's home. It was no better than quenching thirst with poison. But now, what other recourse did he have?

How would he have gotten rid of Emperor Peafowl if he hadn't requested help from Emperor Pillzenith? Taking the throne for himself would've be a pipe dream. Today's similarly critical situation required him to use the resources that he really hadn't wanted to use.

Never mind. The emperor hardened his heart. I'll owe him a few extra favors for now. When I become strong in time, he will no longer have any power over me. He won't be able to do much to me on Veluriyam soil. If he's too uppity… then I can get rid of him too!

The emperor's thoughts became callous and ruthless. Someone simple or soft wouldn't have been able to become a great emperor in the first place, and Shura was no different. In fact, he'd had a few considerations of his own with his invitation of Emperor Pillzenith, even though it looked like he was sleeping amongst wolves.

There was the very real prospect of finding an opportunity, after things were settled, to gather up Veluriyam Capital's own titled emperors and ensure that Pillzenith wouldn't live to make a return trip. It was two birds with one stone. He would get rid of Emperor Peafowl–a most annoying obstacle–as well as the biggest threat in Pillfire City in Emperor Pillzenith. It had been little more than a daring possibility at the time.

Emperor Pillzenith was a man who no doubt had more than sufficiently prepared for the dangers of treading on enemy soil. Therefore, Emperor Shura could not elicit any suspicions in his provisional ally. It was a better idea to listen to Pillzenith's advice, then lethally strike while his guard was down.

'You don't need to worry about anything related to pill dao. Try to probe for any information about the rumored Pinecrane Pill during the pill contests. Even if you cannot find out the recipe, you must try to find out if there is a pill like that in the first place. Remember the favors you owe me! I am willing to call all of them off as long as you help me acquire the Pinecrane Pill. After that, you can consider us even."

Though Emperor Pillzenith had his machinations regarding Veluriyam Capital, it no longer posed a threat to him or his faction after Emperor Peafowl's departure. As about taking over the city, he didn't have the appetite to do so. It was an impossible project anyway, since the two were located so far apart. The most he could manage was secret control over a few elements of society. Given Emperor Shura's lack of ability and intelligence, Emperor Pillzenith didn't think subverting the city in the future would be particularly difficult.

Young lord Zhen and the Pinecrane Pill were more important goals for the present. The appearance of the Longevity Pill had caused great waves to crash through the world of pill dao. The product was nothing less than revolutionary. From the sound of it, the Pinecrane Pill was a hundred times better than the Longevity Pill. If he could get his hands on it, Pillfire City would have a monopoly over the pill market!

Emperor Shura was apprehensive about the attitude of his temporary ally. If he helped him get the Pinecrane Pill, then things would be even between them?

It sounded wonderful on the surface. He wasn't interested in owing any favors to Emperor Pillzenith, since any outstanding ones would make for excellent blackmail. If he could repay the other emperor with just the Pinecrane Pill, then that was definitely a great outcome.

But Emperor Shura had heard of the rumors around the Pinecrane Pill himself. If it was real, then it would turn the pill dao world upside down. The pill market in the human domain would be completely recast in a different image. The Pinecrane Pill was a pill that had the potential to sweep the entire market clean. No other pill could compare.

Good healing pills was hard to find in the open market. Pills that could be used by emperor and great emperor cultivators were even more rare. Single pills were often sold for outrageous sums. That was the primary reason why Pillfire City occupied most of the pill market. It had an insurmountable advantage with regard to high-end pills.

And this fabled Pinecrane Pill utterly outshone all of their high-end pills.

Even a fool knew the value of a pill that extended an emperor realm cultivator's life by a thousand years. The fact that great emperors could also benefit from it only served to raise the stakes. It was a snap judgement to decide whether healing injuries or prolonging lifespans was more valuable.

The best of the best healing pills, able to rescue people from the brink of death, were extremely difficult to find. They could not possibly be mass-produced. A single pill was a priceless treasure. If the Pinecrane Pill could be manufactured in bulk, then it was much more precious financially. A key to immense profit.

Therefore, Emperor Shura was a bit conflicted about the request. His ability to acquire the recipe aside, he wasn't sure that he was willing to simply give it up at any point. Was he supposed to allow Pillfire City to continue their reign over the world of pill dao? That wasn't something the proud emperor could accept.

Emperor Shura was an aggressive and ambitious man. He didn't want his rule of Veluriyam Capital to be immediately outdone by Pillfire City's efforts. He wasn't content with being the equivalent of a second-class serf. Simply put, such an outcome was not an eventuality that he could accept at any point.

"Daoist Pillzenith, I am afraid that the kid probably made up the rumors about the Pinecrane Pill." This was Emperor Shura's reply.

"You should investigate it regardless of veracity." Emperor Pillzenith quickly realized that Emperor Shura was probably unwilling to part with the pill, should it actually exist. "Are you reluctant to give it to me, Shura?" The displeasure in his tone was palpable.

"Daoist Pillzenith, I simply think that such a miracle pill sounds extremely unrealistic. If it's real, then it would be worth an inestimable amount of stones."

"Hmph, you should have voiced your worries about money up front. Alright, I'm willing to concede to you twenty percent of profit if it's real. What do you say?" So it was a problem of self-interest in the end.

Chapter 1206: Thirteen Rounds to Decide the Victor

Twenty percent of profits? Emperor Shura burned with fury at this. Is he fobbing off a beggar?

"Daoist Shura, if the Pinecrane Pill is real, then the profit should be an even split between us. Veluriyam Capital should fully participate in the pill's development and production. Our cities must operate with equal importance." Emperor Shura never backed down from profit. In his opinion, an even split was already tremendously advantageous for Pillfire City.

Emperor Pillzenith was furious, but the current situation did not allow him to erupt in anger. In an unusual display of acquiescence, he accepted the offer. "Let it be as you say. We shall have an even split. However, you must try as hard as you can to acquire the recipe."

It wasn't going to be easy to get one's hands on Pinecrane Pill's recipe. Emperor Shura didn't have a clue about the Longevity Pill's, much less this elusive, more wondrous variant. He couldn't show weakness however.

"Remember this, Shura. You must listen to my instructions during the pill dao battles. Test for the Pinecrane Pill's veracity first, then make an attempt to procure it," advised Emperor Pillzenith.

"Don't worry. If your method is effective, then I will follow it to the letter. You shouldn't forget though, that none of this will matter if I cannot ascend to Veluriyam Capital's throne through this gathering!" Emperor Shura was keeping the true goal of the Vassal Meeting closely in sight.

The Pinecrane Pill belonged to Sacred Peafowl Mountain, which meant that it belonged to Veluriyam Capital at the end of the day. As long as Sacred Peafowl Mountain continued to exist, he could get his hands on the pill recipe sooner or later. But if he failed to snatch up the right to rule, then Shura Retreat would still be second fiddle to Sacred Peafowl Mountain. How would he get his hands on the Pinecrane Pill then?

"Daoist Shura, we've discussed things for a bit. These five subjects are what we've decided on: martial dao, pill dao, formations, talismans, and beast taming. Do you have any other opinions?"

"What is there to compete for beast taming?" Emperor Shura asked, frowning.

"It was chosen from everyone's opinion. The preliminary version is four martial dao rounds, two pill dao rounds, and one each of talismans, formations, and beast taming. Victory shall be decided in nine rounds. Four people must step up from each faction. You and young lord Zhen are obviously mandatory participants, and you can bring two followers and one personal disciple."

"Two followers and a disciple." Mulling things over a bit, Emperor Shura was reasonably confident in his best student, Li Jiancheng. The young man excelled in every category. Though he was probably a bit less capable than young lord Zhen, he would clobber the young lord's disciple nine times out of ten. Did young lord Zhen even have any personal disciples? As for followers, Emperor Shura's three monarchs–Sun, Moon, and Star–were very even with the four monarchs of Sacred Peafowl Mountain.

"I'm fine with the rules for the lineup," answered the ambitious emperor. "Isn't two rounds for pill dao too few, though?"

There was an uproar from the crowd. Two pill dao rounds was too few? Wasn't Emperor Shura worried that young lord Zhen would defeat him with pill dao? Why had he suddenly changed so drastically?

Even Emperor Vastsea and Skysplitter were mildly astonished.

"Daoist Shura, there's only four martial dao rounds. Two rounds for pill dao doesn't sound too few in light of that, does it?" Emperor Petalpluck looked at Emperor Shura with some confusion, baffled at the hundred-eighty-degree turn.

"No, no. There should be at least three rounds. Maybe we should cancel the round for beast taming, hmm?" Emperor Shura was rather shaky on the last subject.

"Shura, there's no need to cancel beast taming. Tell them to add another round each for pill dao and talismans," messaged Pillzenith.

Having received his commands from Emperor Pillzenith, Emperor Shura changed his tune. "Actually, what if we add one pill dao round and one talisman round? Make it eleven rather than nine rounds, eh?"

"An extra round for talismans?" Emperor Petalpluck glanced at Jiang Chen uncertainly.

The young man flashed back a faint smile. "You're certainly an astute schemer, Emperor Shura. Are you perhaps good with talismans? If we're going to add extra rounds, then let's add more than that! One each for talismans, formations, and beast taming. Four martial dao, three pill dao, and two for talismans, formations, and beast taming. Thirteen in total."

Jiang Chen's sentiment garnered far more popular support. "We agree with young lord Zhen!" Many vassals shouted from beneath the stage.

"Right! The Vassal Meeting is rarely convened. Why not let us watch a few extra rounds of fascinating demonstration?"

"Thirteen sounds better. The more fights there are, the better the comparison." The vassals exhibited a marked preference for adding extra rounds. Nine rounds weren't nearly enjoyable enough. Watching thirteen would be far more fun! All eyes were on Emperor Shura, awaiting his answer to the proposition.

Feeling the collected heat from the audience's gazes, the emperor became somewhat uncertain. He silently calculated his odds.

Of the four martial dao rounds, I can take at least two. If the remaining two are between my Sun, Moon, and Star Monarchs and Sacred Peafowl Mountain's four, it shouldn't be hard to tie. If there are two tied rounds, then only results from eleven of the rounds will count. If I can win six of those eleven, then my victory will be absolutely guaranteed. If there are three pill dao rounds… those not young lord Zhen are nothing. It'll be easy to win against them. I should win at least one talisman round, and perhaps even both. That way, even if I lose all the formation and beast taming rounds, I should still have the six needed to win.

His mental estimation revealed a pretty good chance of winning. A casual appraisal showed five or six guaranteed wins. As for the two rounds each accorded to formations and beast taming, he should be able to scrape one out of those, right? Maybe even two, if he was lucky.

"If everyone thinks that it would be more enjoyable to add a few rounds, then I don't see why not!" The ambitious emperor smiled graciously. "Holding thirteen rounds is perfectly fine. Four martial dao, three pill dao, and two for talismans, formations, and beast taming.

"Though, I do have a small suggestion" he followed up with a chuckle.

"What is it?" Emperor Petalpluck inquired.

Emperor Coiling Dragon and Void looked warily towards Emperor Shura, concerned that there would be yet another last-minute change. At such an important time, each and every detail was devilishly important.

"I think that each and every round should have a time limit. Martial dao rounds, for example. If the two parties are evenly matched, then dragging on a fight would only result in injury to both. It's damaging to both the participants and public peace, and I don't see how it could possibly be beneficial for Veluriyam Capital as a whole." For once, Emperor Shura's suggestion actually sounded like a good idea.

"I'm very pleased that you've thought of that, Daoist Shura," nodded Emperor Petalpluck. "You're thinking of the bigger picture. What say you, young lord Zhen?"

Jiang Chen didn't believe that Emperor Shura had anyone's good in mind except his own. He had to be scheming about something new, even though the young man didn't know what yet.

Thankfully, he found the emperor's suggestion quite agreeable. "Alright," he feigned some difficulty. "I suppose it's better to foster mutual goodwill to a degree."

Emperor Shura was secretly overjoyed at this development. He had made the request out of very selfish reasons. His followers would be picked from the three monarchs: Sun, Moon, and Star. For the most part, Sacred Peafowl Mountain's four monarchs were their near-equals in martial dao. It was possible that a winner would be decided after an extended, grueling fight, but Emperor Shura was only interested in two tied rounds with them. Indeed, his plan hinged on the two victories that his disciple Li Jiancheng and he himself would achieve instead.

Crushing young lord Zhen would be very easy. As for Li Jiancheng's fight against Jiang Chen's personal disciple, that was even easier. What disciples did Jiang Chen have right now? He couldn't send out old men like Pill King Bu and Lu Feng out, could he?

Those two old men were not Jiang Chen's martial disciples, and neither were they part of the younger generation. Therefore, it would be illegal for them to participate in that capacity. Because there was no opposition from Jiang Chen, Emperor Petalpluck moved forward with the proceedings.

"Then let us continue. The martial dao rounds have a time limit of four hours. If no winner is declared in that time, then it shall be declared a draw. Does that sound acceptable?"

"I have no objections," Emperor Shura readily answered.

"Nor I," Jiang Chen concurred emotionlessly. Four hours? A jolt of satisfaction pulsed across his heart. He didn't know what Emperor Shura was thinking, but the four-hour limit was a wonderful advantage for him. There was no way that the current him could defeat Emperor Shura. But if all he needed to do was last four hours without losing, then he had quite a few more ideas.

Emperor Petalpluck nodded at the two parties' mutual concession. "Alright. Start picking your candidates now then. Remember, you cannot change your pick for whatever reason. Furthermore, each of them must take the stage at least once, but cannot be sent out more than once per subject. Finally, as the leaders of the two factions, the two of you must take the stage once, and only once, for each and every subject of competition."

The process of choosing three others was also a test for the two candidates. As the leaders of their respective factions, Emperor Shura and Jiang Chen had to participate five, and only five, times. The remaining eight rounds would be battled out by the three picks from each side.

"You may begin discussions about your strategies now. Remember, two followers and one personal disciple. Those are the rules, and any picks found to be breaking them will be swapped out."

The people of Sacred Peafowl Mountain gathered together, including Emperor Coiling Dragon and Void's entourages.

"Young lord, I would like to take the field!" Cloudsoar Monarch volunteered.

"If you have need of me, young lord, I will withhold nothing in the oncoming fight," matched Plumscore Monarch.

Monarch Chronobalance and Wildfox expressed similar sentiments.

Jiang Chen swept his gaze across the faces of everyone before him.

"Young lord Zhen, count this old man in." There was a sudden, unexpected voice. It was Emperor Peerless! He usually called Jiang Chen 'little brother', but 'young lord' was what he had used just now.

Everyone else looked at the emperor in surprise. They knew that Emperor Peerless was Jiang Chen's sworn brother, here to ensure his safety and lend strength. The competition required the picks to be from among followers. Emperor Peerless wasn't young lord Zhen's follower. He didn't even formally belong to Sacred Peafowl Mountain.

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