/ / Harry Potter - Another Dark Lord [COMPLETED]

Harry Potter - Another Dark Lord [COMPLETED] Original

Harry Potter - Another Dark Lord [COMPLETED]

38 Capítulos 1.2M Visitas
Autor: Hiehie_

4.47 (49 valoraciones)

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A squib born child will become more than a normal wizard.

Disclaimer : I do not own Harry Potter or its characters from the franchise. That honor belongs to JK Rowling.

Cover is from www.flaticon.com


  1. Anchwer
    Anchwer Contribuido 4
  2. DaoistyhmT6N
    DaoistyhmT6N Contribuido 3
  3. xdestruct0x
    xdestruct0x Contribuido 3

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  • Calidad de escritura
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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Writing style was different but very annoying and difficult to follow the Plot. He doesn't call Mc or other Characters with their name but instead calls them by titles (Mc's titles are very frequently changed). Story is about 'clichéd childhood psychological trauma' Character in Harry Potter plot. If this was written in normal style then it would have been a above average story, for me. I really don't understand why most of the stories different from normal stories (wish fulfillment, revenge or love) will always have Mc with psychological Trauma.

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I will just put 5 stars because I really like it. And it is also interesting to watch the development of the plot from this point of view. Tired of the fact that in many Harry Potter fanfics every time mc has to babysit this silly golden trio. Especially because of their stubbornness like sheep. And the fact that mc did not get into Gryffindor or did not become the Slytherin prince is also good.

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one of the best i`ve ever read but please don`t let our mc waifu die and revive with some ****ty backslash he`s alreadys ad enouth i was silenty hoping when she said she was pregnant that they will have finaly formed a family

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One of the best Harry Potter fanfictions there is on this website. The MC has a tragic back story and most of the time a pretty good reason why he does the things he does. Updates arent every day but the chapter have a lot of words so it isnt that bad. By the way there is another fanfiction with the same name on fanfiction.net but they arent the same fanfiction. I can only hope the author doesnt dropp this. Thanks for all the hard work author.

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Being honest, I just felt like I read an info dump for the entire 17 chapters I read, there was barely any dialogue, and when there was dialogue, it was for only a brief moment. The rest of it was just the author writing to many unnecessary details into the story like changing how he addresses the same character multiple times in the same setting with different words like a wizard and then inmate. It makes the story so hard to understand and read, it really made me annoyed with the author. It felt like reading what an ******* writer thinks a good writer should write like. It just ended up making me bored as it continuously made me wait for the actual plot to come in. The author's work reminds me of 'Re: Monster' but not as good.

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The writing quality is abysmal, either English is not the author's main language, or they didn't put a lot of effort in. Many of these issues could've been adverted with basic grammar checking software or a proof reader. The story development is very hard to follow, and is held down significantly by the writing quality, if I can barely slog through a chapter then its fairly difficult to follow the overall story. The characters are very surface level, an issue with the extremely lacking dialogue, both in quantity and quality. Being a fanfic would normally help, but somehow the author fumbles the bag even with that. As for world background, it isn't that great. The novel itself is a fanfic so it has most of the work done for it, but any expansion of the world by the author, one of the main points of a fanfic, was executed poorly. Concepts are just introduced, with no real explanation, the magic system is just said to work some way with no real depth when introduced. For example: in the beginning it is alluded to that the MC uses some method to grow in magic ability, but it is hard to follow, and an explanation is stashed in a random paragraph mentioning meditation techniques or something about a couple chapters later. TL;DR This novel is mediocre, with poor writing quality, and not worth your time. The concept is interesting but executed poorly.

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Very Best, just give it a read........... ............................................................ ...mmmm................................

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i got mixed feeling with this fanfic, while its a good fanfic, the writing is a bit hard to read. i mean some part of the story is hard to understand. this ruined my reading experience. all in all this is good but can still be improved

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Very sad ............ ..................... ................... ...................... ............... ............. ...... ........... ...........

Revelar spoiler
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English is sorta wonky. Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff#fffffffffffffffffffffffffff

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👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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It was very hard to understand whose thoughts and pov we are reading from as the characters were referred to by their current titles like prisoner or orphan or green robe it gets a lot more confusing. So I think while the idea was good the execution was not that good

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the story was amazing, one of the best fanfics i have ever read

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Good Story..........................................

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Good story I truly hope more people read this

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Me encantó, espero continúes escribiendo más historias la forma en que creaste este personaje me sorprendió mucho y la forma en que fuiste desarrollandola fue estupenda.

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dark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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The text is hard to understand sometimes but wow... I don't even know what to write, I'm speechless... I can only recommend this!

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[img=empfehlen] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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LV 10 Badge

I really like this its wonderful, the protagonist is is wonderfully done in that instead of being a fool after his parents die and becomeing overly blooththirsty or become extremely light orientated he basically becomes indifferent and it works well. The fact that he still can become atached, and in a unhealthy way, is seems quite acurate because anyone being raised the way he has obviously isnt going to be the best in relationships. Also the fact that just because he became the MC thing didnt just start working out for him. The ending although anticlimatic is good and interesting. The way he effects the story is quite good as aswell as it has actual effects like the battle happening earlier that usual unlike most where that basic stuff always falls in line woth the books and only happens when it helps or hinder the MC.

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Volumen 1

  1. 1
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 1 : Squib 5 years ago
  2. 2
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 2 : Orphanage 5 years ago
  3. 3
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 3 : Poverty Life 5 years ago
  4. 4
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 4 : Mud grave 5 years ago
  5. 5
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 5 : Acceptance 5 years ago
  6. 6
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 6 : Hogwarts preparations 5 years ago
  7. 7
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 7 : Hogwarts 5 years ago
  8. 8
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 8 : Hogwarts School Days 5 years ago
  9. 9
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 9 : Hogwarts Troll 5 years ago
  10. 10
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 10 : Hogwarts Philosopher Stone 5 years ago
  11. 11
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 11 : Missed Gold Opportunity 5 years ago
  12. 12
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 12 : Return to Sweet Home 5 years ago
  13. 13
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 13 : Slytherin Heir 5 years ago
  14. 14
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 14 : Azcaban 5 years ago
  15. 15
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 15 : Fear 5 years ago
  16. 16
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 16 : Choice 5 years ago
  17. 17
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 17 : Basilisk 5 years ago
  18. 18
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 18 : Undeserved 5 years ago
  19. 19
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 19 : Way down 5 years ago
  20. 20
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 20 : Way down faster 5 years ago
  21. 21
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 21 : Opportunities 5 years ago
  22. 22
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 22 : The Past, Present and Future 5 years ago
  23. 23
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 23 : Experiences 5 years ago
  24. 24
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 24 : One Step Closer 5 years ago
  25. 25
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 25 : Conflicted Year 5 years ago
  26. 26
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 26 : Miscalculation (I) 5 years ago
  27. 27
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 27 : Miscalculation (II) 5 years ago
  28. 28
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 28 : Summer End 5 years ago
  29. 29
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 29 : The Triwizard Tournament 5 years ago
  30. 30
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 30 : Different Champions 5 years ago
  31. 31
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 31 : First Task 5 years ago
  32. 32
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 32 : Second Task 4 years ago
  33. 33
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 33 : Third Task 4 years ago
  34. 34
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 34 : Past No Return 4 years ago
  35. 35
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 35 : Brittle Life 4 years ago
  36. 36
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 36 : The beginning of the End 4 years ago
  37. 37
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 37 : Some Never Changes 4 years ago
  38. 38
    Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 38 : Others End It (Last Chapter) 4 years ago

Autor Hiehie_